A tale of 3 portable amps: The ae-1, portaphile, and portacorda II review
Oct 24, 2005 at 5:35 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 26


Headphoneus Supremus: Untie!
Dec 4, 2002
Hi folks, here's a review I posted on "another network" a while ago, and I've noticed lots of questions about these amps within the last few months here, so I thought I'd post it here as well. This is a gianormous review, so I'll be posting it in parts. Pictures will come at the end.

How I review

My objective with this review is to try to let you into how my ears hear these amps. How I approached this review was to narrow it down to a select few songs, and to sit down and really listen to each, while taking notes on my findings. Notice I didn't say to jump in and start comparing. No, each headphones had to stand on its own against how I thought it should sound. I took notes for each song with each amp, then switched headphones and started again.

As this review has turned into a novel, I thought it would be easier to read if I broke it down into sections. In each section, I'm further breaking it down with headings and bullet points. There's too much here to leave it in basic paragraph form, and I know how people love to skip around.

Each separate review will be uploaded to the reviews section as well, so it will be forever easy-to-find, but I want to post this in a thread as well, in order to keep the context of the comparison, as well as to let people comment.

My beliefs

First-off, I have to say I don't believe in golden ears. I believe in paying attention to the differences, but that's more in your brain and less in your ears. Everyone's preferences are different. Don't let anyone accuse you of having cloth ears because you prefer something different. If you have a different opinion to mine, feel free to say-so! It's only when it comes to personal attacks, that it just gets silly.

I also don't believe in fast a-b'ing. meaning, to quicklly switching between gear to see if you can spot the difference. I believe that of course you will spot the more obvious differences, but I also think you miss the little nuances in the music. I prefer to listen to the music and take notes. You'll eventually start to get a feeling for what you prefer.

Lastly, I don't believe in "the best." Sure there is "the best I've heard," but there comes a level in audio where it's not so much what is best, but rather shades of what is different, and shades of what you prefer.


As these are portable amps, I decided to keep it portable. My source was a 40gb 4g iPod using a pocketdock for its line-out, and a RnBaudio sky blue mini interconnect.



If you are familiar with iPodstudio, then you probably already know my opinion about these custom in-ear monitors (IEMs). These are the closest thing to getting a live performance in your ears as your setup will be capable of producing from a compact disc. In short, if it was recorded, you will hear it.

The frustrating thing about Sensas and amps, are that the Sensas do benefit from a higher quality ouput that an amp can offer. However, they are so ultra-sensitive that many amps have problems with overdriving them too loudly, or with backround hiss, and other nice "features."

Beyerdynamic dt531 - 250ohm

The Beyerdynamic dt531's are the unsung heroes of the Beyerdynamic line. Tough to drive, but a more forgiving musical sound that competes with the hd600, all for about $100 or less. It has a slightly recessed midrange, but it's a game little headphone that will have your toes tapping. I believe its popularity ebbed and flowed, but it really only got very popular after Beyer discontinued the line.

Amps Reviewed

Headamp ae-1

This ae-1 is my own personal amp. I purchased it based on curiosity of how much better I could get from a portable amp other than the pcII. I also was looking to solve some pcII, gripes, such as scratchy volume pot and channel inbalance on certain tunes at the lower volume levels you tend to use with Sensas.

Portaphile v2^2

This amp is a demo unit sent out to me by the Portaphile builder Pappucho. It is a fully-functioning Portaphile v2^2 with the exception of the power options. It has a dc jack, but it's not in working order. Pappucho offered to send me one that was, once one came available, I am the one who told him it was no problem. So in my review, the v2^2 is only battery powered, but a purchased one will have that option.

Meier Audio Porta Corda II

I've had this amp for a few years now and it's served me well. In fact, I've had two of this amp. This was my first portable amp, but I sold it to raise some funds and replaced it with a Go-vibe. I heard a pcII at a local head-fi meet, and had to have it again. That's how much I liked this amp.

Music chosen

Music I have chosen for this review is as follows:

Outkast - Speakerboxx/The love below

No one ever chooses hiphop for reviews, do they? I chose this for its popularity, mainly. More people know how it sounds, than not.
  1. Unhappy - This is a tough song to get right. I feel that only my Corda Ha-2 can really do it. It sounds great when it's done right and horrible when it's done wrong.
  2. Prototype - This one is a single, so people should be well familiar with it. I also think it's rather a nicely done song.
  3. Behold a Lady - Like Unhappy, it's a tough one to get right.

Master and Commander OST

I realize that not a lot of people probably have this one, but it's so nicely done. Strings are also very difficult to get right.
  1. The Far Side of the World - This track begins with some great percussion. It really has everything. It wants the strings done well, it has bass, treble mids, and atmosphere.
  2. Fantasia on a Theme - This is a popular classic theme that most people should be familiar with, even if they don't realize it. It's also musical, lush, and easy to get wrong.

Radiohead - OK Computer

I chose this for its popularity. Most people should have it, and if they don't, they should get it. I also wanted to see how the amps do rock instrumentation.
  1. Airbag - There's lots going on in this song, basically.
  2. Paranoid Android - This is one of those songs most everyone should be familiar with. That, and there's lots going on.
  3. No Surprises - A personal favorite of mine from this cd, I wanted to see how clean the song could sound. It turns out it's an easy song to get right.

to be continued...
Oct 24, 2005 at 5:55 PM Post #2 of 26
Build Quality

The ae-1 is beautiful beast, in it's shiny black blushed aluminum case. Build quality is excellent, built like the proverbial tank. The only two drawbacks that I can see are silk screening and how easily the case will show scratches. That's nit-picking though.

  1. The ae-1 features a modular design, with a system board, and the little magic module plugged into it. What's in the module? That's for Justin to know and for us to only guess at. Is it upgradeable? Seems possible, but only he knows for sure.
  2. Another handy feature are the rca-outs. This gives you the option of using rca interconnects in your home setup, or mini to rca, depending on your preference. This also works as a loop out. The amp also comes with the standard portable-sized 1/8" mini line in and headphone out.
  3. The ae-1 comes with a standard gain of 10 I believe, but if you are using canalphones, in-ear monitors, or other such ultra-sensitive headphones, Justin will take away the second level of gain, giving you more control over the volume tracking.
  4. The amp also features a lithium-ion battery, for up to 120 hours of battery life. Power adapters available for 100 to 240V, but you will need an adapter plug if you life outside North America.


This amp fits nicely in a Waterfield speaker case, and is a snug fit in the front pocket of a Timbuk2 mini metro. There are three ergonomic issues I have, and they're not huge. The first being that the on/off switch is on the back. If you carry your amp in a bag pocket like I do, it would be much more simple to have access to that on/off switch if it were on the front and not the back. Secondly, I'm a leftie, so I have to carry the amp backwards. The mini-input and headphone-out are opposite of where they should be for me. Last but not least, the volume knob. It's beautiful, but there should be some kind of marking that lets you know where you are on the dial. It's always the little things. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't bring them up.

With Sensas
  1. Sound while Idle: The noise floor while idle, that is, with the power on but no music playing, is very minimal. No hissing, buzzing, or static. This holds true all the way up and down the volume dial.
  2. Volume tracking: Volume tracking in general on this amp is lovely. Nice and smooth, no scratchiness at all. It's easier to find a comfortable volume for the Sensas, but this has a lot to do with this being a low-gain version.


Outkast - Speakerboxxx/Love Below

  1. As I've stated earlier, this is one of those slightly "hot" recordings, and as such, it is a tad sibiliant, or ssssssibilant as I call it. Those s's are very hard. However, it's just at that borderline between fatigue and no fatigue. It's on the right side, on the no fatigue border.
  2. In first impressions of this amp, I had stated that I wasn't sure about the use of the word warm, and reading other reviews, I don't think I'm alone there, but I think the bass has a warm rounded feeling to it. Very musical. The mids are also ever-so-slightly forward, just enough to make vocals clear.

  1. The ae-1 lends itself well to this song with a spacious big sound to it. What do I mean? It's tough to describe. It's a feeling of lots of headroom, of listening to speakers inside your ears. The amp is also very clean between the notes.
  2. I'm also noticing that the mids are also ever-so-slightly forward, just enough to make vocals clear. This goes for the midbass as well.
  3. Overall, the sound is just smooth, and very musical. It simply sounds as the song was meant to be heard. To get improvement, I would have to add home amps to the review. :wink:

Behold a Lady
  1. Keeping in mind that I think only the HA-2 gets this one 100% correct, I'd say I'm back onto to the edge of what I would call fatigue. There's no bass depth to speak of, it's all hard-hitting treble, mids and mid-bass. However, this is a big improvement over what I'm used to hearing from this song during portable use. At least it's listenable. With my pcII, it crossed that line, but I'll get to that later.

Master & Commander OST

The Far Side of the World
  1. The first thing that greets you with this track is the tremendously huge percussion opening. There's lots of impact and the whole thing is just really expansive. By the same token, it's not within the realm of unnatural.
  2. As the percussion fades into the ambient winds, panflutes and such, you can really feel the airness. Again, a bit like speakers in your ears, which is where the Sensas excel.
  3. So where's the catch? It's in the treble. The upper strings just sound wrong, like the entire section is inside an aluminum can. The error is transient though. You have to be really listening critically to catch it. What gets messed up in the treble, is made up for in the lovely mids.
  4. Once again, the bass is simply warm and nice, not too much or too little.

Fantasia on a theme
  1. The lushness and emotion of this piece really comes through so nicely. The big spacious sound of the ae-1 really suits it. Once again though, if there is a fault, it's the treble voices. The higher strings do sound a bit like they went back into a can in a few spots, but the feeling is also once again transient.
  2. However, the ending violin solo, or cadenza or whatever you would like to call it, the treble sounds fine and natural. The amp seems to have a slight problem with more than one.

Radiohead - OK Computer

  1. This track starts out with one of those annoyances of wearing canalphones or in-ear monitors. That's right, when they mix an instrument to stay in the left or right channel. In this case, the guitar wants to stay on the left. Luckily the track fades into something more listenable.
  2. Am I starting to sound like a broken record about the warmth of the bass? Sorry guys, I can't help that. I can only report what I hear, and once again I hear a nice warm bass.
  3. The vocals are nicely forward, and it takes the mid-bass with it. I know I sound like a twice-broken record about the big sound, but it does suit Radiohead's sound. In fact, some of the effects sound almost like they're coming from outside the ear.

Paranoid Android
  1. The thing that jumps out about this track is that the vocals do sound a bit hard in spots, but on the other hand, you can really hear how the layers were built-up, in a good way. The guitars and keyboards are especially smooth, and it's very clean between notes, with a nice attack.
  2. That bigness of sound just about makes up for Radiohead sticking the guitars on the left channel towards the end, but overall, a very clean and musical listen.

No Surprises
[*]No Surprises starts with a surpise - this time the guitars are all on the right channel. Luckily it fades into something more natural.[*]The bass is warm and has a soft attack to it, a sound that seems suit the track nicely. The treble keyboards likewise sound smooth and nice. In fact, let's just say that this listen was warm, smooth, nice, and leave it at that.

With dt531's - No high gain mode
  1. Sound while Idle - Is this thing on? The ae-1 is dead quiet while idle with the dt531. I even checked that the power was still on.
  2. Volume tracking - Likewise, the volume tracking was dead quiet throughout the range of volume.


I debated whether or not to post this at all. The only reason I pulled out the dt531 was to give the Porta Corda II a fair review, and to stretch the legs of the high gain option on the Portaphile. However, the ae-1 was out, and sitting there, and I figured someone would ask how much the amp could give in low gain.

I dutifully pulled out my iMate Jam that I had been using to take notes and sat down with the music, ready to take notes for each song. I can sum it up in a nutshell. Yes, I got enough in the way of volume with the dt531's, but the sound was very thin. Every fault of the headphone now became glaring. Really only nice thing about it was the spacious sound character remained. Otherwise, the ae-1 in low gain is not suitable to drive 250ohm. Duh.

On the one hand, there will be people that reply that giving a ding against the ae-1 for this is hardly fair. I ordered the low gain version. Others will believe that if the pcII and portaphile got tested, then the ae-1 should get tested too, and the fact that it does not have user adjustable gain is a ding in itself.

I will just conclude that some people will care about user adjustable gain and others won't. My report here on how the ae-1 did with 250ohm cans is what it is, nothing more.

AE- 1 Conclusion

The ae-1 is a little amp with a big sound. If you want something that sounds like you brought your home setup with you, this amp is worth considering. It has a musical sound, and the bass tends to the warm side, with slightly forward mids. It has good connection options and awesome battery life, in a beautiful case. If this sounds like your cup of tea, you should give it a try!
Oct 24, 2005 at 6:17 PM Post #3 of 26
Build Quality

With the Portaphile, it's not so much what's on the outside, but what's on the inside that counts. It comes in a basic little Hammond case, but that's not a bad thing. Firstly, this keeps down the cost, and secondly, it keeps down the size. The back is screwed on with thumb screws, so you can more easily open it up and get to the 9v battery. If you enable all the features of this amp (more on that later), you will want some high quality 9.6v rechargeable battery. The Portaphile is averaging about 5 hours on a two year old Plainview with all features on, and in low gain mode.


This amp may not have fancy things like a custom case, or a lithium-ion battery, but open up the front panel and slide the system board out, and you will find some tiny little switches on the front of the case. Those switches control gain, the led light, and how much bandwidth is used by the buffers. Playing with these switches will increase and decrease battery life, so it's left to the user, if you don't feel like the high bandwidth mode is doing much but sucking power, then turn it off and save some power. Turning off the led can also save some power. The gain switch is the most useful for many of us. Now you can have a portable amp for Sennheiser and Sensas, which is handy to say the least. Read on to see if it works in practice.

  1. I believe I stated in my first impressions that putting a Plainview battery in was a bit a pain, but as with most of these things, it's gotten easier with use. Within a day, I was able to easily put the battery in and take it out. A negative of this could of course be loosing the thumbscrews.
  2. Otherwise, the volume knob tracks nicely, but again, for lefties, the placement of the headphone out and line in are reversed, but the distance between the mini in and out are fine. I do really like that the power switch in on the front plate for easy access.
  3. To remove the system board, you will need some tiny hex bits, and something to change dip switches. A Swiss Army Cybertool 41 does the job nicely.
  4. If I had a working dc jack, there would be a different backplate to switch to while using external power.
  5. I'll try not to get into a long debate about what "burn-in" is and if it's real or imagined, but I will say that when I got the amp it was estimated to have about 100 hours of use. I could hear great detail, but the sound was a bit otherwordly. I setup the ipod, and the amp with the Sensas and let it play for at least 5 and sometimes 10 hours a day for a week. When I came back to check the sound after a few days, things were less otherwordly and more realistic. The moral of the story? It needs a great deal of time to sound its best, as do most amps.

With Sensas - low gain
  1. Sound while idle - The noise floor while idle was minimal, no buzzing, hissing, or static.
  2. Volume tracking - The noise floor remained minimal throughout the volume range. In general it was easy to find a nice comfy volume level. The volume knob didn't move as easily as the ae-1, not to say it was difficult though. That's not a positive or a negative, some will prefer one way, and others will prefer another.


Outkast - Speakerboxxx/Love Below

  1. The portaphile wasn't too forgiving of this track. The amp has an intimate upfront nature, and is very detailed, which doesn't suit this song with the Sensas. It came off sounding harsh and ssssssibilant, although the bass had plenty of depth.

  1. Again the sound characteristic is different. I'm used to a more distant almost sci-fi-ish sound. The portaphile brings it down to a more intimate level, gives it an acoustic feeling.
  2. The vocals are ever-so-slightly hard, but otherwise the bass is very nice, with lots of depth. Overall sound quality is excellent, with a very clean, detailed sound. Nothing missing here.

Behold A lady
  1. With the opening notes of this track, I couldn't stop myself from thinking, "Oh now we're talking." Finally, a portable amp that can do this song.
  2. The upfront nature of this amp suits this song, as does its better bass presence, very detailed, very nice, lots of impact, and I can dance to it. This is the best I have heard this sound from a portable amp.

Master and Commander OST

The Far Side of the World
  1. Again, this track greeted me with lots of bass depth in the percussion, with excellent slam and impact.
  2. Also, there's a recurring theme of more intimacy. Instead of a spacious and huge fanfare, it's an upfront, detailed, and precise theme. This is likewise a very clean sound.
  3. The Portaphile handles the treble strings nicely as well, but I did feel there was some transient wonkyness with the middle voices in a couple of spots. That's my technical term for that sound-in-can sound. It is transient though. After all, I picked this track specifically because it's a tough one to get right.
  4. Again, the strings sound less like they're in a huge concert hall, and more like more intimate setting, almost chamber music. Overall, it is a very detailed and musical sound.

Fantasia on a Theme
  1. Can you guess yet what I will say? You guessed it, it's a nice intimate sound. It's still lush, but more upfront. There is also a very nice bass fullness and depth. The sound is correct, it's musical, but I don't think the intimacy suits its nature, which is strictly personal preference.

Radiohead - OK Computer

  1. There's nothing an honest amp can do with honest headphones when the mix isn't suited to the headphones. There's nothing the Portaphile can do for the guitars on the left side, and there is nothing it did do.
  2. As for the headroom, say it with me - "it's a more intimate sound." Don't blame me, I'm only reporting how the amp suits each song. It's important to remember these things though, so you know how well it suits your preferences.
  3. The vocals are very smooth, and not at all harsh, and the bass is very deep and nice. Overall, there is no lack of detail. The effects are no longer all around and outside my ears though. I do prefer a more spacious sound, but even so, I prefer this song with this amp.

Paranoid Android
  1. The track opens with a very natural guitar sound, nice and musical. Again, it is an intimate sound, but it seems to suit this track, with wonderful detail.

No Surprises
  1. This song just sounds nice with either an upfront flavor, or a more spacious flavor. Both styles seem to suit it, so there's no clear preference here. Overall it's a great listen. I just love the bass on this amp, I have to admit.

With dt531s - in High gain mode

Ok, time to get out the Cybertool 41, open up the case, get out the dip-switcher and flip on the high gain and take it for a spin.
  1. Sound while idle - The portaphile is dead quiet with the dt531. Not much more to add here.
  2. Volume tracking - Likewise, the volume tracking was smooth and there was no extra noise as I went up the dial. In general, in high gain mode, the volume hovered around the 8-10'o-clock area.


Outkast - Speakerboxxx/Love Below

  1. The bass is strong with this one, and this song needs it. The mids are still slightly recessed, but this combo is a good match for this song. The s's are still hard, but it doesn't cross over that line into sibilance.

  1. It's "dt531 intimate", but I do prefer a more spacious sound with this song, but what I miss in space, I get back in a very detailed sound with lovely bass.

Behold A lady
  1. Behold, a portable amp/headphone combo that can do this song. Absolutely in no way harsh whatsoever.

Master and Commander OST

The Far Side of the World
  1. This sound still retains the character of the Sensas, but it is no more intimate than the dt531 is itself. In short, the amp and headphone seem to suit each other, in other words, synergy. The sound is very smooth with wonderful bass depth. It's not often you hear the words detail and dt531 in the same sentence, but it was plenty detailed. This amp drives the dt531 like a full-sized amp. I've only heard better from the dt531 with the Corda HA-2.

Fantasia on a Theme
  1. Again, this follows the characteristic of the dt531 very nicely. There is a tremendous bass depth and lush strings, it's very musical, but while I prefer it, some might find the tone of the strings to be too dark in places. Keep in mind this has as much to do with the headphones as the amp.

Radiohead - OK Computer

Ok, I've tried to come up with a nice imaginative way of sounding like a broken record, but I think that it becomes tedious to read after a while, so I will sum this one up. I listened to Airbag, Paranoid Android, and No Surprises. There's no surprises here. The Portaphile/dt531 combo has great synergy, and make these songs a lovely listen. If you are lucky enough to have a set of dt531's, and are looking for a nice little amp to drive them, have a look at this amp.


The conclusion is that cost isn't everything, but personal preference is. The annoyance of needing to recharge the battery more often is repaid with the option of adjusting that power to sound quality ratio. That battery life is also repaid with awesome sound quality. If you want detail, and an upfront sound, this amp could be for you.
Oct 24, 2005 at 6:31 PM Post #4 of 26
Build Quality

The build quality is alright. The pcII isn't the most exciting-looking amp in the world in its black plastic case. but I've had this amp for years, and it's been pretty solid. It's just not as "sexy" as other amps.
One minus is the volume pot has always had static whenever you adjust it. In fact, I thought that most amps were like this until I got a go-vibe.

  1. The pcII has its own unique set of features. Firstly, it comes in a battery saving class b mode, but open it up and flip the switch and you can have class a. Likewise you can also turn the led off. The pcII can also be powered with a 24v power supply, for your more power-hungry cans such as hd650's.
  2. But wait there's more. The amp comes with a subtle crossfeed that can help those old recordings where the sound is coming in all one channel.

  1. This is yet another amp not meant to be used with a bag on the left shoulder. I'm getting used to using these amps backwards now.
  2. One issue with the amp is dc jack placement. In order to get to it, you have to remove the battery door.
  3. Another issue is turning the amp on and off. It's a positive that the power switch is built into the volume control. It's not easy to accidently turn the amp on. The bad thing is, and I'm not even sure if this is the case, but does this contribute to the channel inbalance at low volume levels problem?

With Sensas
  1. Sound while idle - The noise floor is more quiet than the headphone-out of the ipod, but it's more noisy than the Portaphile or Ae-1.
  2. Volume tracking - The noise floor while idle tends to get louder the higher up the volume dial you go. The real problem is that for many songs, I'm just too low on the volume dial and get major channel inbalance. Volume tracking isn't to my taste. The knob doesn't move so smoothly, and there's static when you do move it.


As with the ae-1 review with dt531's, I found myself in a similar situation with the pcII and Sensas. I was all ready to listen to some music and take some notes, but it quickly became apparent that in order to achieve the channel balance I had enjoyed with the Portaphile and ae-1, I would have to have the music far too loud to be safe.

In general the sound was very hard and aggressive, but they could have much to do with the loudness factor as anything else. No, I didn't listen that loudly on a daily basis, I just simply got used to the annoyance of a channel inbalance. I honestly didn't think it was that bad, just one of those annoying portable amp things.

With dt531s - in High gain mode
  1. Sound while idle - There is no noise floor with the dt531 unless you increase the volume to near max.
  2. Volume tracking - That volume pot remains scratchy, meaning there is static as you change the volume, but only when you change the volume. It is much easier to find a comfortable volume with the dt531.


Outkast - Speakerboxxx/Love Below

  1. I'm not digging this sound at all. The dt531 is normally such a forgiving headphone, but the recessed mids of this song are only made worse. The pcII/dt531 combo is also brutally honest about those hard sibilant s's. It sounds very much like it was recorded inside a can of your favorite brand of soda.

  1. This track sounds marginally better. The mids are recessed, but it's also a characteristic of the headphone. It's also a bit harsher than it needs to be. There's no sense of imaging or headroom.

Behold A lady
  1. This track was just on this side of fatigue. The pcII keeps wanting to remind me of the dt531's recessed mids, besides which I could stand to hear some more bass depth.

Master and Commander OST

The Far Side of the World
  1. The percussion here starts off a bit softly than I would like, and the strings are harder than I would like. Hmm, that's somehow reversed of what I'm used to. The sound isn't as full as it should be, and the strings don't quite sound 100% natural. Overall it's neutral, no additives or preservatives.

Fantasia on a Theme
  1. I could stand to have more of a dynamic impact. That's tough to explain, but if I were the conductor, I would ask the musicians to try that again with more authoritah, and to really mean it this time. However, the strings sound more realistic in this track. A very neutral listen.

Radiohead - OK Computer

  1. Now hear is a very nice full sound, but I could stand more bass impact. It's overall enjoyable, but also nothing special to write home about either.

Paranoid Android
  1. This track has that trademark dt531 pleasantness to it, but the vocals are, also typically dt531, slightly recessed. In general it's a comfortable and familiar sound.

No Surprises
  1. I'm starting to find this song is tough to get wrong. It's a pleasant listen, but there's nothing extra to it. Take what you will from that, it can be a good and a bad thing.


This amp is great with the ety 4s, and even the er6i, but I've found over time that the Sensas are just too sensitive. I didn't always feel that way, but I didn't realize what lower gain could do for the volume control and channel inbalance. To achieve a perfect balance with the pcII, I simply have to turn it up too high. I didn't always think so, but what can I say? I've learned from experience. Otherwise, the pcII can go from etys to Senns with seemingly little effort.

You can only buy the pcII used, but it has a newer sibling, the pcIII, that may well solve some of the problems of the pcII. For instance, the pcIII has user adjustable gain, and there's even a version that includes a USB dac. I included a review of this amp mostly as a frame of reference, and because people have asked in the forums and in PM's. I think that while it is a neutral amp, you can find more for your money nowadays.
Oct 24, 2005 at 6:45 PM Post #5 of 26


The ae-1 excels in a musical big presentation. It's almost as if it wants to sound physically bigger. It has a smooth presentation and a warm bass. I would not call it bass-shy, but there could be those that prefer more depth to their bass. I personally think it's right down the middle.


In comparison, the Portaphile seems to mostly better the ae-1 when it comes to shear detail. I don't mean that unreal hyperdetail, no, I mean the real organic kind. It's still musical, and does also handle treble sparkle better. The biggest difference is in presentation. The Portaphile is upfront and intimate.

Porta Corda II

The pcII has really taken a beating from me as of late. I still think it's a solid little amp, it's just that the portaphile and ae-1 add so much more in the way of presentation to the sound. I don't want people to get turned off of the porta corda because of this, since after all, there is a porta corda III now. Time marches on.

My preference

My preference is for the ae-1. I like that huge sound, and warm bass. However, I cannot stress enough to take your own preferences into account when deciding which amp is for you.

  1. While you already now my personal preference, it's not going to be the same for everybody. I came away from this review with a lasting respect for the Portaphile. There's no "settling" for it, it deserves to go head to head with the big boys.
  2. If you need something that's versatile, can be used with various types of headphones, is small, and is of high sound quality, consider thePortaphile.
  3. Likewise, if you want something with great treble and bass depth, with a more intimate upfront sound, consider the Portaphile.
  4. If you know what headphones you plan to use, and want something that sounds like a huge home amp in your pocket, consider the ae-1.
  5. If battery life is an issue for you, consider the ae-1.
  6. If you want a more spacious presentation and lovely mids and a warm bass, consider the ae-1.


See Plainsong's gear album for all the pictures




Oct 24, 2005 at 7:18 PM Post #7 of 26
Wow, that's a very comprehensive review, well done. BTW I was a bit astonished that someone actually knows the "Master and Commander" soundtrack - I have to agree, it's a nice piece of music and pretty atmospheric.

Oct 24, 2005 at 7:35 PM Post #9 of 26

Originally Posted by atx
Thanks for the lengthy review. Any thoughts on resolution and imaging between the AE-1 and Portaphile V2^2 ?

Thanks everyone, I've been meaning to post this here, but as you can see, it's a long one to even re-format.

atx, that's a tough question to answer since I don't have the Portaphile here to confirm or prove me wrong. I felt that the the resolution was a bit better on the portaphile, but I prefer the imaging of the ae-1. To me imaging is the whole package of how it sounds. It's soundstage, but more than that. It's the whole sense of the space and how the sound and the seperation between sounds and instruments work. (This is just so you know what I mean by imaging).

On the portaphile the better resolution may be where I get that feeling of more detail (no, it wasn't brighter, sometimes that can give a feeling of detail too). But on the portaphile you could here something, like for instance Prototype, and what was a hip-hop big spacious kind of sound turns into something that's almost acoustic. Now Prototype certainly has that element so it's not as if the Portaphile is lying, it's just a different approach. Some will like it, others won't.

I wish I had them both here to confirm or deny that.
Oct 24, 2005 at 7:37 PM Post #10 of 26

Originally Posted by MarcusH
Wow, that's a very comprehensive review, well done. BTW I was a bit astonished that someone actually knows the "Master and Commander" soundtrack - I have to agree, it's a nice piece of music and pretty atmospheric.


Yup, everyone should have that soundtrack... in HDCD no less.
Oct 24, 2005 at 7:58 PM Post #11 of 26
I'm using the pcIII and never noticed an imbalance in soundlevels. The scratching noise is still there when you fidlle with the volume knob.
Using it together with a pair of westone ES2's. So I guess Jan fixed the imbalance issue
Oct 24, 2005 at 8:22 PM Post #12 of 26

Originally Posted by arielext
I'm using the pcIII and never noticed an imbalance in soundlevels. The scratching noise is still there when you fidlle with the volume knob.
Using it together with a pair of westone ES2's. So I guess Jan fixed the imbalance issue

I'd love to try the PCIII, especially with the choice of gain. That should go a long way to fixing the inbalance issue with Sensas.
I just hope people read the part of the review where I say there's a new and improved version out that may well address the bigger issues.
Oct 24, 2005 at 8:49 PM Post #13 of 26

Originally Posted by plainsong
To me imaging is the whole package of how it sounds. It's soundstage, but more than that. It's the whole sense of the space and how the sound and the seperation between sounds and instruments work. (This is just so you know what I mean by imaging).

Thanks! Just to get our definitions in sync, here's mine:

Soundstage - spatial illusion in terms of depth and width

Imaging- instrument placement from left to right, front to back.

Detail- amount of information conveyed per instrument (e.g. piano may sound full or not full).

Resolution- the amount of detail given for a small amount of time. (e.g. the higher the resolution, the more detail you hear from each instrument per second).

IMO, this is really the most objective way to evaluate an amp-- whereas the tonal qualities of the amp (e.g. bassy, bright, dark, sibilant, etc) are more relative descriptions that's subject to the individual's sound preferences than something that's indicative of the amp's sound quality.
Oct 25, 2005 at 12:28 AM Post #15 of 26
A tip on the scratchy volume knob of the PC amps.
Every few days (or as needed) give the volume know a few quick twists
when no music is playing. This seems to clear up the scratchyness at least for awhile.

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