A bit of advice please....
May 28, 2010 at 1:58 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Previously known as Sinth.
Apr 13, 2009
Hi all,
I am currently using Senn`s IE8`s. Very nice IEM with my Denon C751 tips underneath the large IE8 version (cracking seal for my large ear canals).
I am pretty frugal with this technology but these forums which I think most of you will admit gets the wallet twitching. Infact not exactly that but striving for the best you can hear at an affordable and justifiable price.
I have kept myself away from these forums since I bought the IE8`s for obvious reasons, thread upon thread with appreciation and the temptation just to buy them.
It`s not that I can`t afford to buy iem`s it`s justifying them.
Now a couple of questions... (because I have obviously/stupidly and in a way want to hear better? than I do at the moment.
Q1. In my sig you will see what I use to power my IE8`s, would a better amp improve what I hear with these?
Q2. Have read alot of hype with the Monster Turbine pro "coppers"(reviews based on a comp), would I be throwing money away buy buying these or are they a league above my IE8`s?
Q3. Also have seen rave reviews of the Ortofon eq7`s which look more like the Klipsch X10`s which I stupidly sold here.
As I said I do have the money to upgrade if that is the way to see it with the IE8`s  but within reason and can be justified. I am not one for constantly buying/selling.
I am sitting here with a pair of Audeo Pfe`s which I haven`t rammed the for sale forum with.
I am pretty much looking for a: different league b: keep them and amp them with this....
May 28, 2010 at 2:19 PM Post #2 of 16
In regards to the Copper's alot will depend on what you like the most with the IE8. If sound-stage is the most important factor the IE8 have a wider sound stage but not as deep a soundstage in my opinion. If you like the mid-bass of the IE8 you may find this lacking in the Copper, if on the other hand you find the mid-bass too much or feel it colors the sound of the IE8 you will love the Copper. If your wishing for a lot more detail and sparkle the Copper is definitely an improvement over the IE8, the midrange is also slightly more forward in my opinion as compared to the IE8 which I felt was slightly recessed.
For me I switched from the IE8 to the Copper's and have been very happy with the change in sound. I also recently recieved a pair of Visang R03/MP4Nation M2 IEM's which fill in the need for the warm sound I liked for some genre's and just sometimes liked to hear with the IE8, they are not as nice as the IE8 but fullfill that want, when I have it. If you can afford to keep the IE8 and get the Copper as an alternative you might find they offer a nice change of sound when you want something different. If your looking for just one IEM to fill all your needs though it comes down to whether you want something alot more neutral and detailed or if you like a warm rich slightly laid back sound for your music.
May 28, 2010 at 2:46 PM Post #3 of 16

In regards to the Copper's alot will depend on what you like the most with the IE8. If sound-stage is the most important factor the IE8 have a wider sound stage but not as deep a soundstage in my opinion. If you like the mid-bass of the IE8 you may find this lacking in the Copper, if on the other hand you find the mid-bass too much or feel it colors the sound of the IE8 you will love the Copper. If your wishing for a lot more detail and sparkle the Copper is definitely an improvement over the IE8, the midrange is also slightly more forward in my opinion as compared to the IE8 which I felt was slightly recessed.
For me I switched from the IE8 to the Copper's and have been very happy with the change in sound. I also recently recieved a pair of Visang R03/MP4Nation M2 IEM's which fill in the need for the warm sound I liked for some genre's and just sometimes liked to hear with the IE8, they are not as nice as the IE8 but fullfill that want, when I have it. If you can afford to keep the IE8 and get the Copper as an alternative you might find they offer a nice change of sound when you want something different. If your looking for just one IEM to fill all your needs though it comes down to whether you want something alot more neutral and detailed or if you like a warm rich slightly laid back sound for your music.

Firstly thankyou dweaver.
Hmm. interesting comment with a cheap iem but price doesn`t mean a thing when you are after "the sound you are after".
Yes I can and will keep the IE8`s. How wierd is the change of sig with the mcpc`s then? I like the bang the IE8`s offer, have them at mid on the dial (3?) and also put bass boost on my fiio with some tracks. This may me seem like a bass head but like the way the fiio also bumps the mids. I can almost see you cringe at the mid bass hump being humped on the IE8`s but works for me.
This is my dilemma, would I be very let down with soundstage and a "thump" which sounds good to me?
I am nearly totally ecleptic, trance to classical, do not like heavy metal/jazz.
Listened to "chasing sheep" by Michael Nyman last night about 6 times in a row because it sounded lovely. (modern classical)
Is that a case for "Well mate you seem to hear what you want to hear" (which it nearly is but lacks the shine that I think it could).?
May 28, 2010 at 3:14 PM Post #4 of 16
The change is quite dramatic in the treble and midrange detail. The bass is trimmed but still very impactfull. I hate to say it but it's a bit of a crapshoot whether you would like the alternative sound or not. Personally I like the added detail and sparkle and in my case don't miss the midbass hump too much (but do have my alternative for when I do).
BTW my cheaper alternative IEM has a boosted midrange in comparison to the IE8 and Copper actually so if you like what your Fiio does with the bass boost in the midrange you might be surpised with the M2.
May 28, 2010 at 3:29 PM Post #5 of 16
I am now none the wiser lol
I just wanted you to tell me "yes" grab the coppers or you are cool with the IE8`s, but now telling me cheaper m2`s are better?
May 28, 2010 at 3:42 PM Post #6 of 16
It just depend on whether you have the juice or not to keep buying earphones. I bought the FX-700 not long after the IE8. Much better. As for the differences, it'd be too long to put here. Perhaps you can check out threads regarding the FX/Monster earphones. I have not heard the Monster Copper, but I did listen to the Miles Davis at length. Miles Davis has better clarity, and a bass that extends lower and hits harder. Now that's without EQ, and with the bass knob on min. To me IE8 only sound great if I set the knob to max, while giving it a big cut at around 100Hz-200Hz, and boosting the treble a bit. Well, now I have sold it and do not feel regretful at all. As great as it is, imaging, timbre, transparency, speed, etc, none of those on IE8 surpasses the FX. The only thing on IE8 is the huge soundstage, that has only width but not much depth.
May 28, 2010 at 3:47 PM Post #7 of 16

It just depend on whether you have the juice or not to keep buying earphones. I bought the FX-700 not long after the IE8. Much better. As for the differences, it'd be too long to put here. Perhaps you can check out threads regarding the FX/Monster earphones. I have not heard the Monster Copper, but I did listen to the Miles Davis at length. Miles Davis has better clarity, and a bass that extends lower and hits harder. Now that's without EQ, and with the bass knob on min. To me IE8 only sound great if I set the knob to max, while giving it a big cut at around 100Hz-200Hz, and boosting the treble a bit. Well, now I have sold it and do not feel regretful at all. As great as it is, imaging, timbre, transparency, speed, etc, none of those on IE8 surpasses the FX. The only thing on IE8 is the huge soundstage, that has only width but not much depth.

Thanks for the reply mate, I did state in my post that there is thread upon thread of appreciation of phone after phone.
I just want to know whether parting with £200 is worthy whilst I have the IE8`s.
May 29, 2010 at 2:07 AM Post #8 of 16
Sorry for the confusion. I am not saying the M2 are better than the IE8 or the Copper's I was just saying that if you like the elevated midrange you get when using your Fiio amp with bass boost on you might be pleasantly surpised at the sound of the M2. But the M2 does not have the detail of either the IE8 or the Copper, it's just a really fun easy to listen to IEM thats worth it's relatively low price tag.
I was only hesitant to recommend the Copper based on your comments about what you like in the IE8. Personally I think if your going to keep the IE8, the Copper might be a great fit as it will offer a significanty different sound to the IE8 and if the Fiio helps boost the midrange and you like that on the IE8 I suspect it will have a similar effect on the Copper giving you even more possible sound options. So I would say they would be worth getting and pretty easy to sell if you don't like their sound.
May 29, 2010 at 5:13 AM Post #9 of 16
Thanks very much, I will look to obtain these in the near future then.
May 29, 2010 at 5:58 AM Post #10 of 16
If you really like bass the w3's would suit you. I've seen brand new sealed boxes on ebay for 325 dollars. I am a bass addict and the w3's have a great bass capability. They can handle alot of bass and still keep it sounding clean and under control. They kick some azz.
May 29, 2010 at 10:06 AM Post #11 of 16

If you really like bass the w3's would suit you. I've seen brand new sealed boxes on ebay for 325 dollars. I am a bass addict and the w3's have a great bass capability. They can handle alot of bass and still keep it sounding clean and under control. They kick some azz.

Have you heard Monster Copper/Gold/Miles Davis/IE8/DDM/FX-700?
May 29, 2010 at 11:25 AM Post #12 of 16
I think the OP would make a mistake if he buys anything that sounds to much like what he owns. In light of him keeping the IE8 he should get something as good as or better than them but different. Plus the Copper definitely has slot of bass it's just very controlled.
May 31, 2010 at 6:43 AM Post #14 of 16
Thanks for your reply guys. I have had a strange change of heart. Firstly I have ordered Tony`s Pa2v2 amp out of curiosity and decent comments from here. From what I have read it does alter the sound somewhat compared to the fiio e5 I have which only seems to when the bass boost is on, mids to me.
This is the strangest part, I am also now keen on Shures SRH750`s! Yip cans. That way I could have the best of both worlds, at home and on the go. Also thinking maybe better value for money rather than buying the coppers which I may not hit me the way I want them to.
The Shures seem to get excellent praise.
Am I losing the plot?
May 31, 2010 at 7:58 AM Post #15 of 16
Actually I have a fullsize set of cans along with my IEM's plus a nice little amp, so no I don't think your losing the plot :). See how your amp changes your sound and go from there. Be carefull in the fullsize forum, many of the headphones there can require more expensive amps to sound right, not sure if that Shure model your mentioning is one or not but you might want to check to make sure.

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