「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jan 17, 2017 at 7:33 AM Post #171,841 of 177,747
I went once... Never again. It was so ****ing loud I thought my ears were gonna blow. I prefer to just go to a bar and chat with friends but maybe that's just me :D

Yeah, whenever my friends go to a club I usually go with them for like 30min and come to the conclusion that I'm bored as hell, and then proceed to ditch my friends and go home.

The loudness is alright though, I went to a Melt-Banana concert about two months ago and had tinnitus for a full week (almost worth it; they had an awesome performance). I just find dancing quite boring, unless it's at a concert of a band I really like.
Jan 17, 2017 at 11:53 AM Post #171,843 of 177,747
Oh goodness, I could have gotten you 750ml of that from Japan for like $200... 

How was going to a gay bar though? XD

That's one way to look at it. 

Fair enough, you live in undergrad dorms right, so there's no alcohol allowed? Some of my friends at a uni here can actually have alcohol in their dorms, felt weird bringing a few bottles of liquor past the greeter nonetheless XD

From what I've heard, an open bottle could last you up to a year after you've opened it, so I'm pretty sure you could finish a single bottle in that amount of time, right? Lol

Ah well. I don't intend to spend a lot on alcohol again anyway. I looked through the dorm rule book and I guess alcohol is permitted, just not in excess, nor in public areas. My dorm is for graduate students only, but I'm still not super comfortable about having a bottle of whiskey in here for the next 4 months. Single-serving beer is probably the only thing I'd consider.

The gay bar/nightclub wasn't too bad; it was as I expected. Female entertainers feature scanty clothing and provocative dancing, likewise for the gay bar for males. I wasn't really phased by it since it's like admiring the ideal male human body. The dance floor was a bit too crazy for me though. There was some married gay guy who seemed to want to dance with our group and I ended up dancing with him for like 5 min; I'm not too keen on physical contact in a place like this. lol

I've never been to a bar informally before (formal being before/after Head-Fi meets), nor a nightclub or speakeasy, so it was an experience. The environment definitely isn't in my realm of comfort, so I don't intend to go to another one in the future.

Duuuuude Toshi's! That's classic teriyaki! There's one near my place and we get that like every other week. The burnt chicken parts are the best! My brother gets the chicken teriyaki yakisoba. XD

Korean-owned teriyaki places are definitely all over the place in Seattle though. Keep an eye out for those gigantic circular plates with the funky line art on it. lol

Fair enough! Yeah those rules sound pretty vague so probably best to avoid taking any chances by having "excessive" alcohol in your dorm. 
Oh lord that sounds like quite the experience, I can see how too much physical contact at a bar/club like that could get uncomfortable quite quickly, unless, ahem, you were trying to bring someone home to make lots more physical contact with them XD 
Have you ever been to a strip club? If not that too is an experience you should have at least once in your life lol.
Never as in never been to a bar even to eat bar food? :O
Good to see they picked a good place at least lol, next time I'm up in that area I'll have to go check it out! Or really any teriyaki place around here because I'm craving some after not having any for a few months. 
And yeah it's kind of hilarious how prevalent those damn plates are at every teriyaki restaurant, lol
How does it feel like to be in a gay bar? Did you go there alone? XD

We have a gay village in Montreal, went there once, saw "everything", life will never be the same again=.=

I'd never go to a nightclub alone. XD
I went with a group of classmates. After all these years of declining to go to friends' birthday parties at clubs, I decided to go this one time. One of my classmates is from India and they don't have those there, so it was new for both of us.

If you don't mind homo, then it's really not that big of a deal. It was basically just a normal nightclub-like environment with more flamboyant people and shirtless guys. There was a sex toy shop literally right next door to the venue, so it was hilarious walking through that. I think I was the most knowledgeable of the toys there. lol

Lol, that sounds like quite the adventurous night! Some people have said gay bars/clubs are the best place to pick up girls because they never expect to get hit on and there's very little competition. XD
And oh man, isn't sex shop perusing with friends the most amusing? Especially if they don't know what something is and you have to explain it!
Jan 17, 2017 at 12:13 PM Post #171,844 of 177,747
I guess bars and clubs aren't as big a thing on American universities? Most UK ones have their own student bars and nightclubs built into the student union building(s). Alcohol isn't typically served at the bars until after 9ish, though you can get food and a pint on a campus pub at any time of day.
Society events pretty much revolved around nights out on bar/pub crawls and nightclubs, at least for the societies I was a member of. Even the Chinasoc/HKsoc had night out at clubs, in addition to the more common Hot Pot night. 
I don't think there are any rules against alcohol in UK universities accommodation just as long as you aren't being a nuisance and drinking out of a value store vodka in the main lobby, then again the legal drinking age is 18, which is the same age most people go to university.
I find the loudness at bars/clubs fairly tolerable unless I get dragged into dance around the main front speakers...that's always guaranteed ringing for a few days. The difficulty in talking helps with picking up girls (or guys) though since you basically have to be mouth to ear to talk, or you drag them off to a quieter area. 
Jan 17, 2017 at 4:12 PM Post #171,845 of 177,747
  I guess bars and clubs aren't as big a thing on American universities? Most UK ones have their own student bars and nightclubs built into the student union building(s). Alcohol isn't typically served at the bars until after 9ish, though you can get food and a pint on a campus pub at any time of day.
Society events pretty much revolved around nights out on bar/pub crawls and nightclubs, at least for the societies I was a member of. Even the Chinasoc/HKsoc had night out at clubs, in addition to the more common Hot Pot night. 
I don't think there are any rules against alcohol in UK universities accommodation just as long as you aren't being a nuisance and drinking out of a value store vodka in the main lobby, then again the legal drinking age is 18, which is the same age most people go to university.
I find the loudness at bars/clubs fairly tolerable unless I get dragged into dance around the main front speakers...that's always guaranteed ringing for a few days. The difficulty in talking helps with picking up girls (or guys) though since you basically have to be mouth to ear to talk, or you drag them off to a quieter area. 

At least at the three universities I've attended, because the minimum legal drinking age is 21 here, I think there are rules against having alcohol on campus anywhere for any reason. At dorms/hostels most of them forbid alcohol, saying you can't drink or get drunk or anything, and they threaten that they can go into your room and search for alcohol, etc etc. but they hardly ever have the manpower to do that so unless you cause problems they don't really care. Actually that was the same rule in HK as well but people left beer out in the common halls and the cleaners who lived on our floors didn't give any effs.
I'm pretty sure the societies here and also drink a lot off campus, but eh I don't know for sure cuz I hardly ever participate in those. I think micey and I might not be the most shining examples of social butterflies who enjoy going out drinking/clubbing but I think on an average in American society, especially for universities, it's very popular. 
Just remember folks, always carry around protection! (Ear protection, I mean...)
Jan 17, 2017 at 5:39 PM Post #171,846 of 177,747
I went once... Never again. It was so ****ing loud I thought my ears were gonna blow. I prefer to just go to a bar and chat with friends but maybe that's just me :D

Yeah I should have brought my ER4SR. The speakers pretty dang loud.

Have you ever been to a strip club? If not that too is an experience you should have at least once in your life lol.

Never as in never been to a bar even to eat bar food? :O

Lol, that sounds like quite the adventurous night! Some people have said gay bars/clubs are the best place to pick up girls because they never expect to get hit on and there's very little competition. XD

And oh man, isn't sex shop perusing with friends the most amusing? Especially if they don't know what something is and you have to explain it!

I have not. If the nighclub scene is outside of my realm of comfort, I can't imagine a strip club being any better. I suppose there is a bucket list check mark to be checked though. : D

Only once have I been to a bar to eat food outside of Head-Fi meets (see below).

I don't think picking someone up at a gay bar/nightclub would be my ideal choice. lol

My Indian classmate was so confused as to how people can get pleasure from floggers. XXD

I guess bars and clubs aren't as big a thing on American universities? Most UK ones have their own student bars and nightclubs built into the student union building(s). Alcohol isn't typically served at the bars until after 9ish, though you can get food and a pint on a campus pub at any time of day.

Society events pretty much revolved around nights out on bar/pub crawls and nightclubs, at least for the societies I was a member of. Even the Chinasoc/HKsoc had night out at clubs, in addition to the more common Hot Pot night. 

I don't think there are any rules against alcohol in UK universities accommodation just as long as you aren't being a nuisance and drinking out of a value store vodka in the main lobby, then again the legal drinking age is 18, which is the same age most people go to university.

I find the loudness at bars/clubs fairly tolerable unless I get dragged into dance around the main front speakers...that's always guaranteed ringing for a few days. The difficulty in talking helps with picking up girls (or guys) though since you basically have to be mouth to ear to talk, or you drag them off to a quieter area. 

Ya, as Mechy said, we're not exactly the most social of folks out there. XD
They're generally pretty popular for the average folk I'd say. Like when I turned 21, I just had a nasty Qingdao with my parents at Chinese hot pot. My brother didn't even venture to try a beer when he turned 21. Nothing crazy like most people here. My family just isn't the drinking type.

I don't have very many friends who drink, and for those that do, I've declined every offer so far except one and that was during lunch hour, so no crazy stuff.
Jan 17, 2017 at 7:32 PM Post #171,847 of 177,747
Yeah, whenever my friends go to a club I usually go with them for like 30min and come to the conclusion that I'm bored as hell, and then proceed to ditch my friends and go home.

The loudness is alright though, I went to a Melt-Banana concert about two months ago and had tinnitus for a full week (almost worth it; they had an awesome performance). I just find dancing quite boring, unless it's at a concert of a band I really like.

Funny thing, I just read an article on Vice about Why Millennials Aren't into Strippers at Their Bachelor Parties. Highly recommended
Jan 17, 2017 at 9:52 PM Post #171,848 of 177,747
  Funny thing, I just read an article on Vice about Why Millennials Aren't into Strippers at Their Bachelor Parties. Highly recommended

All of my friends (including female friends) definitely prefer renting a field for a day and go paintballing. There's no post-drama, it's a good workout and people get to smack a few welts on former d-bags. Most of us have so much access to drugs, alcohol, porn and social networking that having an objective is much more fun than lazing around with a stripper.
Then again I know people who still go to bars. So. Go figure.
Jan 18, 2017 at 1:03 AM Post #171,849 of 177,747
I'd never go to a nightclub alone. XD
I went with a group of classmates. After all these years of declining to go to friends' birthday parties at clubs, I decided to go this one time. One of my classmates is from India and they don't have those there, so it was new for both of us.

If you don't mind homo, then it's really not that big of a deal. It was basically just a normal nightclub-like environment with more flamboyant people and shirtless guys. There was a sex toy shop literally right next door to the venue, so it was hilarious walking through that. I think I was the most knowledgeable of the toys there. lol

Wow, must be quite an unusual experience !
"I think I was the most knowledgeable of the toys there" (Le Lenny face
Jan 18, 2017 at 1:04 AM Post #171,850 of 177,747



First day of school. Of course I set my alarm to PM instead of AM and overslept past the orientation... ;-;

I didn't need it, but I wanted the free coffee...

Sounds official to me.
To be fair, the probability of the free coffee being of any quality worth waking up early for is likely close to nil.

Fair enough, it seems like Japanese whiskey has gotten much more expensive because of all the recent awards they've gotten. Good lord, all those numbers imply really expensive stuff to me though D:

Due to the soaring popularity of whisky, we're also coming up on aged shortages, and i read an article about specifically this with Japanese whisky (such demand was not expected when they first decided how much to age). This is leading to the rise of no age statement whisky.

Also randomly interesting is the whisky vs whiskey debate O_o

Only once have I been to a bar to eat food outside of Head-Fi meets (see below).

Grabbing some food and a few drinks at certain bars with some friends is great. Just for a change of scenery if nothing else. You don't need to go for meeting people, just works for hanging out where they have a good beer selection,etc. Maybe it's a NY thing since space is at such a premium here? Also surprised there isn't more izakaya love in this thread =p

Going to grab dinner and drinks at an izakaya with a couple of friends next Saturday. Excited for the classic Japanese bar food which isn't served at most other places.
Jan 18, 2017 at 1:50 AM Post #171,851 of 177,747
Have you ever been to a strip club? If not that too is an experience you should have at least once in your life lol.

Never as in never been to a bar even to eat bar food? :O

Lol, that sounds like quite the adventurous night! Some people have said gay bars/clubs are the best place to pick up girls because they never expect to get hit on and there's very little competition. XD

And oh man, isn't sex shop perusing with friends the most amusing? Especially if they don't know what something is and you have to explain it!

I have not. If the nighclub scene is outside of my realm of comfort, I can't imagine a strip club being any better. I suppose there is a bucket list check mark to be checked though. : D

Only once have I been to a bar to eat food outside of Head-Fi meets (see below).

I don't think picking someone up at a gay bar/nightclub would be my ideal choice. lol

My Indian classmate was so confused as to how people can get pleasure from floggers. XXD

I guess bars and clubs aren't as big a thing on American universities? Most UK ones have their own student bars and nightclubs built into the student union building(s). Alcohol isn't typically served at the bars until after 9ish, though you can get food and a pint on a campus pub at any time of day.

Society events pretty much revolved around nights out on bar/pub crawls and nightclubs, at least for the societies I was a member of. Even the Chinasoc/HKsoc had night out at clubs, in addition to the more common Hot Pot night. 

I don't think there are any rules against alcohol in UK universities accommodation just as long as you aren't being a nuisance and drinking out of a value store vodka in the main lobby, then again the legal drinking age is 18, which is the same age most people go to university.

I find the loudness at bars/clubs fairly tolerable unless I get dragged into dance around the main front speakers...that's always guaranteed ringing for a few days. The difficulty in talking helps with picking up girls (or guys) though since you basically have to be mouth to ear to talk, or you drag them off to a quieter area. 

Ya, as Mechy said, we're not exactly the most social of folks out there. XD
They're generally pretty popular for the average folk I'd say. Like when I turned 21, I just had a nasty Qingdao with my parents at Chinese hot pot. My brother didn't even venture to try a beer when he turned 21. Nothing crazy like most people here. My family just isn't the drinking type.

I don't have very many friends who drink, and for those that do, I've declined every offer so far except one and that was during lunch hour, so no crazy stuff.

LOL well I think it depends on where you're at. I'm assuming the laws in CA are relatively lax, apparently in WA though there has to be a certain distance between the "performers" and you, which is not the case in Oregon. The "performers" were definitely up in my face with areas of the body I'd had relatively limited experience to, lol. Do let me know if you wanna go any time in Portland though, that's the strip club capital of the country and I have a family friend's fiancee who is one of said "performers".
Ah, fair enough. Wow, so technically I went to more bars than you informally within 2 days of turning 21, just to eat food I hadn't ever been allowed to eat before since they were 21+ only, lol.
Also fair enough! XD 
Well, that one is a mystery to me too but to each their own...
  Funny thing, I just read an article on Vice about Why Millennials Aren't into Strippers at Their Bachelor Parties. Highly recommended

All of my friends (including female friends) definitely prefer renting a field for a day and go paintballing. There's no post-drama, it's a good workout and people get to smack a few welts on former d-bags. Most of us have so much access to drugs, alcohol, porn and social networking that having an objective is much more fun than lazing around with a stripper.
Then again I know people who still go to bars. So. Go figure.

That actually sounds like a lot of fun! Though I can see the appeal in having a stripper on your last night of "freedom", it seems like more couples are open to the idea of going to those kinds of places together after marriage so what's the point? 
Bleh, bars are so overpriced...
Jan 18, 2017 at 3:58 AM Post #171,852 of 177,747
At least at the three universities I've attended, because the minimum legal drinking age is 21 here, I think there are rules against having alcohol on campus anywhere for any reason. At dorms/hostels most of them forbid alcohol, saying you can't drink or get drunk or anything, and they threaten that they can go into your room and search for alcohol, etc etc. but they hardly ever have the manpower to do that so unless you cause problems they don't really care. Actually that was the same rule in HK as well but people left beer out in the common halls and the cleaners who lived on our floors didn't give any effs.

I'm pretty sure the societies here and also drink a lot off campus, but eh I don't know for sure cuz I hardly ever participate in those. I think micey and I might not be the most shining examples of social butterflies who enjoy going out drinking/clubbing but I think on an average in American society, especially for universities, it's very popular. 

Just remember folks, always carry around protection! (Ear protection, I mean...)

That reminds me. In my dorm in Japan we weren't allowed to drink in the common room, or be in the common room after 9. Yet I've been drinking in that common room until very late at night several times. They don't really care about their own rules.

Sounds official to me.
To be fair, the probability of the free coffee being of any quality worth waking up early for is likely close to nil.
Due to the soaring popularity of whisky, we're also coming up on aged shortages, and i read an article about specifically this with Japanese whisky (such demand was not expected when they first decided how much to age). This is leading to the rise of no age statement whisky.

Also randomly interesting is the whisky vs whiskey debate O_o
Grabbing some food and a few drinks at certain bars with some friends is great. Just for a change of scenery if nothing else. You don't need to go for meeting people, just works for hanging out where they have a good beer selection,etc. Maybe it's a NY thing since space is at such a premium here? Also surprised there isn't more izakaya love in this thread =p

Going to grab dinner and drinks at an izakaya with a couple of friends next Saturday. Excited for the classic Japanese bar food which isn't served at most other places.

Actually Japanese whisky without age statement can still be very good though. Nikka has some great no age statement whiskies that are on par in both price and value with Scottish single malts in my opinion. It's just the Japanese whiskies with age statements that are too expensive.

I rarely get food at bars -- too expensive. May depend on the country, I remember that in Japanese I would often get a dish or two at an izakaya. But back home in the Netherlands bars only have food that's far too expensive. The typical student's night out in the Netherlands starts either after dinner, or by cooking together for dinner. And here in Switzerland I've only gone to a bar two or three times. It's not that it's too expensive (it is), but more so that most of my friends are either not into drinking, live far away, or I see them almost every day at dinner. And we often have a beer or a glass of wine with dinner -- much more economical than going out for a drink. I do miss going to the bar with some friends every week as I did back home though.
Jan 18, 2017 at 3:49 PM Post #171,854 of 177,747
I can't believe I found the most accurate description of going down the audiophile abyss in Akiba'strip. MC chose a pair of Stax electrostats no less.
Anybody recognize any of these?


Jan 18, 2017 at 4:08 PM Post #171,855 of 177,747
At least at the three universities I've attended, because the minimum legal drinking age is 21 here, I think there are rules against having alcohol on campus anywhere for any reason. At dorms/hostels most of them forbid alcohol, saying you can't drink or get drunk or anything, and they threaten that they can go into your room and search for alcohol, etc etc. but they hardly ever have the manpower to do that so unless you cause problems they don't really care. Actually that was the same rule in HK as well but people left beer out in the common halls and the cleaners who lived on our floors didn't give any effs.

I'm pretty sure the societies here and also drink a lot off campus, but eh I don't know for sure cuz I hardly ever participate in those. I think micey and I might not be the most shining examples of social butterflies who enjoy going out drinking/clubbing but I think on an average in American society, especially for universities, it's very popular. 

Just remember folks, always carry around protection! (Ear protection, I mean...)

That reminds me. In my dorm in Japan we weren't allowed to drink in the common room, or be in the common room after 9. Yet I've been drinking in that common room until very late at night several times. They don't really care about their own rules.
Sounds official to me.
To be fair, the probability of the free coffee being of any quality worth waking up early for is likely close to nil.
Due to the soaring popularity of whisky, we're also coming up on aged shortages, and i read an article about specifically this with Japanese whisky (such demand was not expected when they first decided how much to age). This is leading to the rise of no age statement whisky.

Also randomly interesting is the whisky vs whiskey debate O_o
Grabbing some food and a few drinks at certain bars with some friends is great. Just for a change of scenery if nothing else. You don't need to go for meeting people, just works for hanging out where they have a good beer selection,etc. Maybe it's a NY thing since space is at such a premium here? Also surprised there isn't more izakaya love in this thread =p

Going to grab dinner and drinks at an izakaya with a couple of friends next Saturday. Excited for the classic Japanese bar food which isn't served at most other places.

Actually Japanese whisky without age statement can still be very good though. Nikka has some great no age statement whiskies that are on par in both price and value with Scottish single malts in my opinion. It's just the Japanese whiskies with age statements that are too expensive.

I rarely get food at bars -- too expensive. May depend on the country, I remember that in Japanese I would often get a dish or two at an izakaya. But back home in the Netherlands bars only have food that's far too expensive. The typical student's night out in the Netherlands starts either after dinner, or by cooking together for dinner. And here in Switzerland I've only gone to a bar two or three times. It's not that it's too expensive (it is), but more so that most of my friends are either not into drinking, live far away, or I see them almost every day at dinner. And we often have a beer or a glass of wine with dinner -- much more economical than going out for a drink. I do miss going to the bar with some friends every week as I did back home though.

I wonder if it's an Asian thing then? Or perhaps just a not-America thing since the rest of the world isn't so stuck up about alcohol as us, lol.
Still need to try that Nikka but I'm afraid after looking at the prices of it here and realizing it's over 2x the price I paid in Japan. Dammit Washington liquor laws. Actually, dammit prohibition...
Bars, at least in my home town have some excellent food at pretty affordable prices. They want you to order a lot of cheap food and then stay there and order more drinks, which are often as much as a meal if you don't catch a happy hour special. 

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