「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:51 PM Post #142,186 of 177,747
Predeliction away from gratuitous fanservice? Cross Ange is your ticket 

I'll check it out!
@miceblue oh snap! Forgive me; I forgot we were at the meet. I have trouble remembering everyone's usernames.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:58 PM Post #142,187 of 177,747
  Watching This one atm, @ EP05 , hope it will get more exciting ;3 there is a certain thing in my mind that i hope the writer will do, i hope he will @_@, 
will post more once i finish it XD  ( in case someone here at least saw it)

What show is this? don't think I've seen it before.

@Yuri Kuma 01
The execution of this show really reminds me of Mawaru Penguindrum.
Not sure if deep or just plain sh.it. Why not both?
OST is not half bad.
Character's eyes reminds me of Madoka.

BUT GAWD!!!! I CANNOT STAND YURI. The title doesn't lie....
man, this schiit is is so wrong on so many motherf**** levels yo.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:59 PM Post #142,188 of 177,747
I'll check it out!

 oh snap! Forgive me; I forgot we were at the meet. I have trouble remembering everyone's usernames.

Don't do it, it's a trap!
Ok not really cuz winky face and all, but I really thought someone would have called me out on that one!

The fan service is of a different type than creepy normal and is so part of the show that it almost disappears, but it isn't artistic. Satirical maybe, artistic no.

Feel free to give it 12 episodes and see if you can get past it though. There's a real show beneath all that partial nudity.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:59 PM Post #142,189 of 177,747
  @Absolute Duo 01
*drool............ slurp* Duhuhu~~
Currently suffering from acute moe overdose.
Just what I needed after 5 hrs of programming work.
I totally did not expect this, ready to give a 10/10 for the series just because of the main heroine.
I'm your "typical otaku", deal with it.
The "ja" and "nein" sounds out of place when mixed with Japanese but w/e.

Confirms me in my decision to never ever touch this show.
Much obliged.
  Gonna try watching Yuri Kuma just because it looked so ridiculous.....

It sounds like the most dumb thing ever, but I'll give it a try since it has the Kunihiko Ikuhara bonus.
Jan 5, 2015 at 4:02 PM Post #142,191 of 177,747
Don't do it, it's a trap!
Ok not really cuz winky face and all, but I really thought someone would have called me out on that one!

The fan service is of a different type than creepy normal and is so part of the show that it almost disappears, but it isn't artistic. Satirical maybe, artistic no.

Feel free to give it 12 episodes and see if you can get past it though. There's a real show beneath all that partial nudity.

I figured as much – I wonder how their usage will compare to other anime.
Jan 5, 2015 at 4:05 PM Post #142,192 of 177,747
What show is this? don't think I've seen it before.

  Ao Haru Ride I believe. I liked it.

yup as he said :p  hey Akiroz not sure if you are into shoujo that much, for me i saw the one that i posted about few days ago because its was comedy to the max XD

still if the best shoujo for me (hope we get season 2 seriously ) is Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun , i loved it, oh and stay away from Vampire Knight  hehehe

Jan 5, 2015 at 4:06 PM Post #142,193 of 177,747
  I figured as much – I wonder how their usage will compare to other anime.

Let's see if you can make it past the anal rape violation in episode 1. A lot of people were really mad about it. Including me.
Jan 5, 2015 at 4:16 PM Post #142,195 of 177,747
Well after the first few episodes it got better. I only stuck with it because of my OCD.

OCD and ADHS? How does that work together?
You should pay him a visit.

Jan 5, 2015 at 4:19 PM Post #142,196 of 177,747
Watching This one atm, @ EP05 , hope it will get more exciting ;3 there is a certain thing in my mind that i hope the writer will do, i hope he will @_@, 

will post more once i finish it XD  ( in case someone here at least saw it)

Good show. I think I finished it... Maybe one episode to go... I forgot :frowning2:

I figured as much – I wonder how their usage will compare to other anime.

At first, borderline disgusting, but after a while, you realize how ingrained into the show it is that you almost don't notice it.

Let's see if you can make it past the anal rape violation in episode 1. A lot of people were really mad about it. Including me.

Spoiler? :p

Ok, explain how that is not realistic though. I personally like how the show doesn't sugar coat stuff.
Jan 5, 2015 at 4:23 PM Post #142,197 of 177,747
I still have no idea what 2chan is....let alone 4chan. I only know of 4chan and that it's the underworld of the internet.
I think that can apply for a lot of things though. Sex scandals aren't exactly a super-duper rare thing to happen. XD

Lol yea, but this case a little more interesting than the standard boss sleeps with secretary, no?

Yes, but is it more interesting than this?

*shake my head* that is just so wrong on so many levels. :/

 oh snap! Forgive me; I forgot we were at the meet. I have trouble remembering everyone's usernames.

Yeah no worries. It's hard for me to keep track of who is who as well, hahaha.
Jan 5, 2015 at 4:24 PM Post #142,198 of 177,747
  OCD and ADHS? How does that work together?
You should pay him a visit.

I'm a very weird person, there's no denying it. I'm odd because I am kinda extreme in the sense that I either laze through things or stubbornly accomplish whatever I set out to do.  I kinda drift around doing whatever I want getting distracted by whatever I want whether I want to get distracted or not. But if I start something most of the time it irritates the hell out of me if I don't finish it. I also get rather annoyed when I notice niks and other imperfections on my gear. I kinda have two speeds either zero or 100% there's quite literally no in between for me. My brain is wired weirdly...
It's the main reason why I don't participate in gear tours.
Jan 5, 2015 at 4:35 PM Post #142,200 of 177,747
The demo Oppo PM-1s finally made their way to my desk. Been listening to them for a few hours now. Much much darker sound signature than the HE560. Plenty of low-end great head stage, one of the best I've heard; but so far not really a fan. The 560s fit my AKG-esque preferences more. These remind me of LCD2s, great for metal and probably a lot of electronic. Just not quite to my tastes is all. Definately easier to drive than the 560s, don't have to turn the amp up near as much.


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