  1. redwarrior191

    IEMs for low volume listening with great subbass presence under $150??

    hey all, i am looking for a pair of iem wich has great subbass presence. I currently have a pair of hd598 and i find that the bass is lacking for certain songs. So I would like to buy IEM which could give me a different presentation and has great low end extension. I've done my research and...
  2. eatmarkers

    What pair of headphones to buy for the gym? PX100,Grado,VMODA,Koss,etc no budget issues

     I listen to a lot of music and wish to have a quality headphone for working out whether it be running on the treadmill or lifting weights. My workout list goes from house,rap,metal. I was thinking of Sennheiser PX-100, Grado SR80i, V-MODA crossfade, Koss KSC75 (might as well buy as they are...
  3. roanmy

    Denon AH-C710 or Ultimate Ears700?

    I had originally decided to go for the Panasonic RP-HJE900, however as it turns out it's a real hassle getting a hold of them from/in Norway, and given the extra warranty rights I'm given by buying the buds here (not to mention ease to deal with stores if something should be wrong), I've decided...
  4. LJH01

    UE700's or HF5's?

    Hello All, After reading way to much about these silly things I think I have narrowed my choice down to either the UE700's or the Etymotic HF5's and looking for some input.   A little History, my first pair of IEM's were the REO's and I am still listening to them and enjoy for the most...
  5. mogumagnus

    Mid-High end iem upgrade from re0

    Hey guys, my re0's cable seemed to have screwed up leaving me with a hollow, tin can interior sound. I'm looking for a gd upgrade, seeking re0's clarity with bit more bass and lusher mids. I'm placing more emphasis on gd mids this time around for my guitar-based/vocal tunes, Not very adverse to...
  6. pinoyman


    hey everyone! i have this long review in my views regarding the pannys. i got the earphones today...in me. and they are just as amazing as my ue700! but in a different way. they are colored for me. there's a lot of echo...air moving...and vibrating inside...something heavy... not...
  7. saffron

    What's your take on the average cost of these earphones?

    Hi guys/girls, just wanted to know the average price of these IEMs in your opinion   Ultimate Ears 700 Monster Turbines Q-jays     thanks in advance!
  8. zainprox

    Is it worth reshelling and adding a bass driver to a UE700?

    As the title says, is it worth reshelling and adding a bass driver to a ue700? I have tested the earphones in a shop, but i found that the bass in the earphones were a little weak. I was wondering if it is worth reshelling and adding a bass driver to it as a friend of mine told me that it may...
  9. NoNoise

    Is my friend damaged Ultimate Ear 700 fixable?

    I recently gave a friend a Ultimate Ear 700, but it got damaged. I know nothing about soldering or fixing earphones. I was wondering if you guys think this is fixable or not. If it is fixable does anyone know how to fix it or point me to someone that does? I will pay labor cost if it doesn't...
  10. BrianMendoza

    Westone UM3x Review + Comparisons.

    I just received my Westone UM3x's this week and all I can say is, "Wow". I also own the Shure se530's and Ultimate Ear triple.fi 10's and I really enjoyed both but I couldn't help but note the flaws in both IEM's. It's no news to anyone who's been on this fourm, "se530's do great in the mids...
  11. jburn244

    Full Size Over-Ears with comparable sound to UE700s

    Hi folks,   For months I have been using my Ultimate Ears UE700s, with much pleasure. I love the sound of these earbuds, extremely clear, detailed, and the bass has come in nicely after many hours of use.   Recently I have gotten the itch to purchase a new pair of full-sized cans. From...
  12. twiz 8

    I am going to buy some IEM"S what should i get (UNDER $200)

      Hi all i am going to get some new IEM's, having a hard and clean hitting bass is important to me, comfort is also something that these need to achieve. I am upgrading from the s4 i will not spend more than 200. i am considering DBA-02, triplefi10 i have heard compfort can be an issue but they...
  13. K2e2vin

    Sweat-proofing PortaPro cushions

    I love these Koss PortaPro headphones, but since I use it for workouts it gets exposed to a lot of sweat.  I haven't had problems with sweat interfering with the drivers/sound(unlike my MEE M6, UE 700s and SF5v2), but the cushions just suck up all the sweat and gets soaked.  I try to wring them...
  14. eclein

    UE 700's- one of the most underated IEM's I've ever heard.

    I recently received as my part in a trade a newish pair of UE700's (Ultimate Ears) and I'm amazed these don't get more attention. First- the bass, its there its just not thumping, car jumping, ears bleeding thick with no definition- its part of the overall sound and for this head-fi'er presented...
  15. DougofTheAbaci

    Expensive universal IEMs or cheaper custom IEMs?

    I currently have a pair of UE700's and am thinking of upgrading in the relative future. One question that's sort of caught me is whether to go with a high-end universal-fit IEM or spend about the same, maybe a bit more, for a low-end custom-fit IEM.   For example, the Shure SE535's will run...
  16. wehungthedj

    Blown-Out UE700's?/suitable replacements?

    Hey guys, totally new here after lurking for a long time.   Last year during Logitech's takeover of UE, they had that giant sale on the Facebook page and I snagged a pair of UE700s for 70 bucks or so, and loved them. But recently, when pushed past about 80-85% on both an iPhone4 and an iPod...
  17. hved999

    Best In Ear Headphones for $200-$325???

    Hey guys, I bought the UE 700's about a year and half ago. I loved their clarity and treble response, but they were really lacking bass. I was thinking it may be a time for an upgrade. I was going to sell my UE 700's (let me know if you are interested. I broke them just before the warranty...
  18. grook

    RE0 or UE700 to replace UE SuperFi 5?

    Hi guys Currently have a pair of UE SuperFi 5's and while I quite like the sound they make I find them quite uncomfortable and very hard to get a good fit. I have to push them in quite hard to get a good seal and they seem to fall out all the time while walking, constantly have to push them...
  19. newscane

    Replacing UE SuperFi 3 Studios: UE SF5 or UE700?

    I bought a set of UE SuperFi Studio 3s about 4 years ago.  I've been very happy with them, but over the last 6 months, the cable connection for the left earphone has become very loose.  I tried the right cable in the left earphone, and it's still loose... so it's not a cable problem, it's an...
  20. Stylus

    Looking for an upgrade from HD555's

    Hi, i've had HD555's for about a year now. I did the foam mod a few months ago. My source is an Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro soundcard. I'm now looking to upgrade.   I have a budget of up to $400 USD. I listen to mostly soundtracks, ambient, nu-jazz, drum & bass and alternative rock...
  21. david8090

    The final choice.

    Hi all,   When I started my first thread I was total confused by the huge offer in IEMs. Now I finaly have 3 great IEMs left to choose from.   Fisher DBA 02 Hifiman RE 262 Ultimate ears 700 Brainwavz B2   I red this two reviews (one, two) that shows the RE 262  and the DBA 02...
  22. NoNoise

    Noise Isolation earphones

    Hi, I'm new to this website.   Can someone recommend me some earphones that offer the best noise isolation with audio quality as second priority.   I have a pair of UE 700s. They work great, but I was wondering if there are other earphones out there that have better noise isolation.  ...
  23. prem

    Shure SE315

    Hello All,   I am wondering if the new Shure SE315 is much of an improvement over the 310s. From the features and specifications, there seems to be lots of changes from the previous version in terms of looks.   I like the fact that the have got rid of the modular cable. It added a lot of...
  24. monotonik4c

    replacement for UE700 ??

    hello, this is my first thread although i got a lot of help from here thanx~ :) i am using UE700 for almost an year and cable just peeled off.... so i'm looking for replacement for ue700. for sound, i really liked ue700. i usually listen to jazz, pop, electro, classics.. pretty much...
  25. DCofficehack

    IEM for Classical, with a $150 budget

    I've been reading lots of threads, and as usual, my head is spinning. Too many options, but with little clarity as to where to go next.  I have a good idea of what to buy below $100 and what to buy if I could go above $150 (the ER-4 seems to get high marks for classical).  But what's in between...