  1. BBuu

    Looking for Headphone ~100$ (without AMP)

    hi, i am looking for a Headphone for my IPOD without an Amp. well, most of the music that would play is Classical music but also rock. i am buying the headphone in USA so i will be happy if u could give me a website that offers the headphone i will send it to my house. any way sorry for...
  2. EvodreamerX

    Sennheisers and Ipods

    Hey guys, I'm looking to buy either the HD428 or HD448 and was wondering whether my Ipod nano (3rd gen) will be able to power them without the use of an amp?  The packaging said that they were "optimized for Ipods and Mp3 players" but I cant seem to find threads that answer my question...
  3. WhiteCrow

    DT 770 pro. Price to performance

    I'm looking into new cans for..oh i don't know a 8 months to a year down the road and was wondering how the price to performance is on the DT 770 pro-edition cans? I currently have the senn HD448 and Grado80i so i don't really mine a change in my sound preference since i went form super relaxed...
  4. ioNNNic

    Close Headphones - Roughly 100$ budget - Universal Headphone

    Hello!   I've been researching for quite some time and decided to get some advice on what is the best headphone for me.   I live in a college dorm room and would really like some decent noise isolation (but without the active noise cancelling, it can get irritating especially for...
  5. Annirak

    Closed headphones in $100-$200 range

    I'm relatively new to the hi-fi world, but the last set of ($35 Altec Lansing) headphones I bought has lasted five years, so I decided that it was time to spend a bit more on my audio and I'm looking for suggestions on headphones   I'm looking for closed headphones in the $100-$200 range...
  6. hailtheking

    help for headphones around 100$

    Hi all, I do not know much about headphones and I have been listening to a 5$ headphones till now and I want to upgrade to a decent pair of headphones My budget is around 100$, and I can stretch to at max 115$ if the phones are too good. I use them mostly at home to watch movies and...
  7. StringBoi

    HD 448, 555 or ATH-M50 for classical?

    Hello all....I've been checking this site out the past 2 days, and I'm going around in circles as to what to pick up.  Seems everyone has a different view on each of these headphones, and my head is starting to hurt =)  I have a huge classical music collection...most of it ripped at very high...
  8. sgt-gaz88

    Sennheiser HD 448, HD555 or Bose or something else?

    I am planning on purchasing a new headphone for my Ipod Touch soon. I am thinking about some headphones that friends recommended. The Sennheiser HD 448, HD555 and I have heard that Bose was a good brand as well. I am mainly going to use these headphones at home. My budget is $200...
  9. jwells

    aspiring audiophile, need some direction

    i love music and travel quite a bit for work. i am looking for a closed headphone for under 200 (closer to 100) to start with. i will be using this primarily with my ipod for traveling.   as of right now i am looking at the sennheiser hd448.   Is this a good place to start or is there a...
  10. audible

    Shure SRH440 v. Sennheiser HD448

    Experts,   Please help me come to a consensus. I have chosen these two for purchasing in a very scientific analysis of Amazon numerical scoring.    Needs: This is a gift for a friend of mine. Unamped ipod and laptop listening. Listens to pop music and R&B.    Price Range ~100 USD...
  11. Zerawind

    Budget Headphones around 150$ (Max 200$ after shipping) [Canada!]

    Hey all,   Recently looking into buying a high (enough) quality pair of headphones for around 150$ CAD. I was going to buy Sennheiser 448's from Tiger Direct but they recently put them on back order and I realized this may be an opportunity to find a more educated purchase. I scanned...
  12. Shankly

    Sennheiser HD 555 or HD 448?

    I don't know which to get! I think the 448s look much nicer than the 555s but I was looking at their specs and the 555s have higher Impedance, and up to 28000hz instead of 24000... which doesn't mean much to me but I'm guessing is better?   Which should I get?   Thanks!
  13. antifreeze

    Closed headphones

    Hi,   I'm going to buy new headphones, and I couldn't decide. I need your help.   - I will be using the headphones only to listen to music on my computer, and nothing else   - I mainly listen to rock and metal, also jazz   - Noise reduction is extremely important. So the...
  14. drummerjon

    Would the FiiO E7 and L1 be good with Sennheiser HD 448 and a Macbook Pro and iPhone 3GS?

    Hi,   As a follow up from my other thread in Headphones (full-size) (, I am planning to get some Sennheiser HD 448 headphones and a...
  15. osukaa

    Help choosing Closed Headphones

    Hi! First post here, I was reading the forum, as suggested, to look for options. But the more I read the more options I had :S. I'm looking for help, I'm looking for closed headphones, because most of the time I'm in places with lots of people, or even when I'm at a library I wouldn't like to...
  16. mcmalden

    Looking for something great 450$ max. lasting about 10 years, need your opinion!

     Edit(29/10/2010):   This threat has got hardly anything to do with portable source gear, sorry that's my mistake.   After some very good advice of some head-fiers I had an revelation of which I was hoping for so every thing below this edit is not relevant anymore. I guess it was kind...
  17. drummerjon

    I would appreciate some assistance in choosing some 'enclosed' circumaural headphones for iPhone and Macbook Pro... thanks

    Hi,   I would like to get some new headphones. I am a software developer and when I am at work, I listen to music (160 kbit OGG) using my iPhone 3GS. When I am at home, I listen to music (320 kbit OGG) using the built-in soundcard and 3.5mm output on my Macbook Pro. I would like to use the...
  18. mkmossop

    Uneducated... Please Help Me Decide Which of These Headphones to Buy

    Ok so I recently decided to buy a pair of decently good headphones ($100 - $200). I had no idea about this whole world of audiophiles and the amount of difference between headphones.   Anyway, I've read tons and tons of reviews now, and I'm totally confused as to what pair to get. I listen...
  19. theman123

    Looking for some new headphones, 50-80 is my range

    I really like the AKG's but are a little bit too expensive, but  Ido like the K99's and K77's.   What about those?  And do you have any other suggestions?   Also, are Skullcandy's and WeSC's that poor?  They look pretty good and aren't too expensive, but I hear nothing good about them.
  20. davidvanderbilt

    Audio Technica ATH-ESW9A vs ATH-ES7 vs ATH-FC700A vs Sennheiser HD448 vs Sennheiser PX200II

    I am having trouble deciding which headphones to get. I had the M50's but i returned them due to their bulkiness and making my ears feel hot and uncomfortable after a short time. I wasnt amazed with their sound quality but I didn't have an amp. I am going to get an amp probably, but I was just...
  21. takoyaki7

    Headphone Recommendation (Open, $100-$200)

    Hi,    As someone with a whole slew of IEMs and only one full-size can (Sennheiser HD 448) I am looking to upgrade my full-size set. I am really a newb when it comes to full-size though!   Price: $100-300 (can be flexible if something is really worth it)  Looking for something open to...
  22. budullewraagh

    Sennheiser HD 448 vs 280

    I'm in the market for a fine pair of headphones on the order of $100 and have been considering the Sennheiser HD 280s and 448s, but haven't been able to find either in stores to take a listen.   Judging by the technical stats, the HD280s are superior: they offer a greater frequency response...
  23. wjdav2

    M50, Senn hd448, or 25-1 II for portable use?

    Hey Everybody, Great website. I signed on a couple of weeks ago when my 3 year old Grado sr60 began to fall apart. First there was the little black cap on the post that holds the right cup on. Then the left cup came completely dislodged from the headband. I have no idea how to reconnect that...
  24. Black-Six

    Thoughts on HD 380 Pro, HD 448, and other closed cans?

    I'm looking for a set of phones for use primarily at work, but also some home use. Since I'm in a cube with neighbors near by, I'm looking at closed-back cans. I have a pair ER6i's that I use for portable audio and am not interested in using them or other IEMs since they can get uncomfortable...
  25. kappaz

    Comfort- Audio Technica ATH-M50 vs Sennheiser HD555 vs Senn 448

    I've been using crappy sharper image headphones that just broke and saw that my only other pair is Sony MDRV700, which I can't stand, so I am looking for something new.  I've narrowed it down to these three, although I still need to research the 448 more.  I've ruled out the ad700 because...