  1. silvernoy

    looking for new DAP.

    apple ipod touch 4g 32gb or cowon j3 32gb would be better? would be looking to get second hand ones.    currently using the yamaha-eph100 and creative aurvana live!   thanks in advance! :)
  2. Poetic

    Sansa Clip + vs Zune HD

    Im looking to upgrade my Zune HD to a better sound quality DAP, I was looking at the Sansa Clip +. Do you think this would  be a better sound quality upgrade? I don't care for anything fancy like a 1080p screen or camera or any of that rubish. Im going to be using the Sansa Clip + with the Fiio...
  3. 18scsc

    Portable Setup for 400$ or less?

    After about 2 months of lurking around this site I decided to finally make an account to ask you far more experienced audiophiles some advice.  I am looking to buy my first serious portable rig with a budget of about 300-400$. Before this the best stuff I had was the Senn PC360 gaming headset...
  4. brad90y

    What are the best earphones that have amazing clarity (instead of just great bass)?

    I'm looking for some earphones, preferably OEMs and not the ones that go into your ear canal (IEMs?). I'm not a big fan of bass, I prefer the clarity in music.     My preferred music is Classic rock, country sometimes. I prefer listening to clear voices like this(...
  5. ohiojosh78

    Best budget closed cans for Sansa clip+ unamped?

    I was looking at the Audio Technica M50 or Koss Pro DJ100. What else is there sub $120 range for best performance, cost aside? I am NOT looking for best bang for the buck just best performance on the widest variety of music. These will be 100% music only and probably play a lot of music like...
  6. ohiojosh78

    Is this a good start?

    Just ordered 4 items to start off my head-fi experience 1. Sennheiser HD 598 2. SanDisk Clip+ 3. FIIO E6 4. Audio Technica ATH - M50 LE Silver I am hoping this will be a good start. What do you guys/gals think? PS, I know I may not have needed the E6 for the 2 headphones but I had a $50 gift...
  7. olear

    Query: are there SQ differences between ipod nano vs ipod touch and Clip+ ?

    Anyone have impressions and hear differences between 7th generation ipod nano and 4th generation ipod touch and/or Clip+ ?
  8. Amsterdan

    Shure 535 source

    Hi all i have recently bought some shure 535 reds ,my first decent earphones and would also like to upgrade my source ( iPhone 4) I am new to to the forum and would like any recommendations for something to pair with the 535s my budget is around £200 I have ordered a baldur mk2 if that helps any...
  9. emoosemaster

    High capacity players?

    My music collection has grown to ~130 gb and is too large for most portable sources.  I am looking for a player that can at least the majority of my collection.  What options do I have?  I currently have a Cowon X7 and am completely unsatisfied with it.  I've also had bad experiences with ipod...
  10. olear

    Why does my RB Clip+ continue to freeze?

    How can I fix this?   When I press the left button and the one button at the same time to retrieve the original firmware, the Clip+ doesn't freeze.   Any help is appreciated.   BTW, those who have a Fuze (not the Fuze+), is the only difference between the Fuze and the Clip+ is the...
  11. Bradsnake412

    MP3 Player Help

    Hey everyone im looking for a good MP3 player that is cheap my budget for one is $50.00 and under here is an australian store that sell MP3 players im leaning towards a $20.00 Philips RaGa thanks for anyhelp.
  12. DGriff0400

    J3 still kicking?

    hey im new to head-fi and i want a nice portable set-up.considering getting the z2 or the a5 which seem ok.but is the j3 still kicking?
  13. Khangero

    Have Fiio e17 - Looking for non-phone portable source to go with

    I've spent about an hour digging around the forums here for an answer to this issue but so far I haven't had any success so I've decided to stop lurking, create an account and post.    I have an iPhone 4S with a line out dock (LOD) and a FiiO e17 and I'm enjoying the combination. But I'm...
  14. jhelsas

    Portable Audio Recorder mainly for lectures

    Hello guys,       I was searching for a audio recorder for using mainly in lectures and conferences, but that I could also use, but it's not priority, to record music pratice sections. My budget was something near US$ 200 but could stretch up to US$ 300 if it's realy worth it.       What...
  15. olear

    Which Sony 32gb?

    Looking for an upgrade from a Clip+ and one that is in English and hopefully sold in the states or in the UK.   A SQ that is at least as good and neutral as the Clip is my main interest.   Thank You
  16. Questionscoming

    How do i protect my Mp3's headphone jack??

    I just purchased the ath m50's, and plugged them into my sansa clip +.  walked around for a bit while listening to music, and the jack is already screwy.  If i move it a certain way, the M50's left ear will stop playing music.  I then tried listening with another pair of headphones and verified...
  17. metllicamilitia

    Quick help please (been out of the loop, another what to get, sorry)

    Well, about 6 months ago or so, my parents old dogs ate my SA6's. I was pretty upset, so I checked the Sleek site and noticed the SA6R's and the SA7's. A quick look at SoundEarphones showed the SA6R's. So I spent some money I shouldn't have and bought them. It's been so long since I've truly...
  18. Anaxilus

    Clip+ Rock'd or 6G Nano LO

    Like the title says.  Which would you pick or prefer and why?
  19. TheRH

    What is the output level of the Sansa Clip+?

    Hello,    I have a Sony Walkman NWZ-E344, and the output is 5mw. What is the output level of the Sansa Clip+?   Thanks, RH
  20. ofiveo

    cheap/affordable mp3 player? (around 80$, but less if used)

    Hey, anyone have any suggestions? I use to use my Xperia X10, but got rid of that today for a Blackberry 9700. I need a dedicated music player now. If anyone wants to recommend, or maybe even sell me their used one, I'd be glad to take it of their hands. I'm in Toronto if local.   Anyways...
  21. h1a8

    Problem with the Clip+

    My clip+ headphone jack is loose I think. Sometimes the music will only play out of one ear (the right one) and I will have to push the headphone in tighter (or maneuver it around) just to get sound from both sides. 1. Is there a quick fix for this? For example, is there something I can buy...
  22. ext23

    help my girlfriend choose a new player

    ok, it should be noted that even though this is an audiophile forum, my girlfriend is NOT an audiophile and has no idea about electronics/bitrates/hifi stuff. so audio quality is not an issue for her. it is, however, an issue for me, as i won't be able to stand by and just let her drop loads of...
  23. bassophile

    Sansa clip earphones impedence?

    Or, if you don't know their impedance - how loud do they play for a given volume versus the stock apple earbuds out of a dap?   Cheers!!
  24. JosephKim

    Clip+ Bricked After Rockbox

    A friend of mine has a 4gb clip+ that he somehow bricked. He cant remember what he did lol. I told him Id take a look at it. Any advise or links to how to fix? Thanks.
  25. David58117

    Anything like Sansa Clip+ but with AM radio?

    Is there anything like the Sansa clip+ (small, plays flash memory cards, portable for workouts) that has an AM radio too?  I don't want something that requires wifi or anything, just something I can take on walks and listen to talk radio on.  Any ideas? 