  1. Philiiiiipe

    Headphone Amp on a Budget

    Hello, I'm new here and would like some advice concerning headphone amps. I pretty much have no knowledge on the matter, all I know is that my headphones aren't performing at their full potential, and I need a headphone amp to get them there. The problem is, I'm 16 so I don't have enough money...
  2. MurderDeathKill

    Looking for AMP/DAC for a future pair of DT880s

    So I read, lurked, browsed, compared, and researched, until I decided that the DT880 (600ohm) will likely be my next upgrade.  Of course, unlike my previous headphones (ATH-AD700s, which I loved), they will need some decent amping to work.  What would make a good desktop dac/amp for $250?  The...
  3. peskypesky

    just ordered first DAC: Nuforce Icon uDAC2

    i will say that i'm skeptical that i'll notice much difference from the soundcard of my Macbook, but I am willing to give the uDAC2 a try. so many people say that DACS offer improved sound, so who am i to say its hype? i need to hear for myself. and if i don't notice an improvement, i'll return...
  4. CheekyMonkey

    Denon AH-D2000 - recommend "next step" DAC/AMP?

    Hi all   I currently have a Denon D2000 setup connected to a Nuforce Icon Mobile DAC/AMP (connected to my Macbook Pro via USB), which has provided a measurable improvement in performance. While I plan on getting wood cups and the Marklmod in the near future, I was wondering if forum members...
  5. jdubstuckopg

    I NEED A BREAKDOWN! Akg 701 vs Shure 840 vs Beyerdynamic dt 880 vs ANYTHING ELSE

    Hey Everyone,   This is my first post or blog or anything ever so I hope this works. I'm looking to buy a new set of headphones. It's kind of become my hobby lately. The only good pair I own is a pair of Shure SRH840's and a Udac2. I really like the sound and all but I think I'm looking for...
  6. Galesden

    HRT Music Streamer II price

    I am wondering if there are any other dacs that around the quality of the HRT for about $100. I will be using the dac with my computer to feed into my Audioengine A2's. I know that for a hundred bucks, it might be a stretch to get the same quality, but I was curious. If I cant get an equivalent...
  7. JellyBeanRacer

    Questions about the NuForce uDAC-2 (HP)

    I acquired this device finally as of yesterday, have put around 8 hours into it now, and I have some questions about it I was hoping other users could help me with.   - Does the stock USB cable it comes with need to be replaced, or is it sufficient? If I were to get, say, NuForce's Impulse...
  8. tas236

    Best SS Headphone/Speaker amp?

    I'm looking for a solid-state combo speaker and full-size headphone amplifier. It needs to be solid state since I'll be in college soon and I don't want to worry about tubes, etc. getting messed up. Price max is $400. Source will be Nuforce uDAC-2 but if the amp as a better integrated DAC then I...
  9. rbf1138

    Nuforce uDAC + Cute Beyond vs. Fiio E7+E9 vs. iBasso D12

    Could someone tell me the differences in ability between these three amp setups, and which would be best for use with a Macbook Pro and/or Ipod Touch LOD for use with Audioengine 5 speakers and a variety of IEM/canalphones? Thanks!   If there are other configurations I should consider...
  10. agentsim

    Better headphones or a DAC?

    Hi Gurus,   My girlfriend owns a pair of Grado SR80s which I like very much :) I'm thinking of getting myself some Grados, but I'm wondering where my money would be best spent. I'm tossing up between a pair of SR225s on their own, or SR80s with a $100-ish usb powered 24/96 capable DAC, for...
  11. shingo43

    Upgrade suggestions needed

      Primary: Laptop(APE,FLAC) -> uDac2 -> DH Labs revelation interconnects -> Headamp Gilmore Lite -> Senn HD650 Secondary Rega Planet 2000 -> cheap rca -> Headamp Gilmore Lite -> Senn HD650   I listen to almost everything except hard rock. I am looking for better sound quality with...
  12. hebrewbacon

    Getting STAX Lambda Pro's... is uDAC-2 decent as source?

    Title says it all. I'm buying my first good headphone setup - a STAX Lambda Pro with an SRM-1/MK-2 amp, and I need a DAC to go with it.  I'm tentatively planning on a uDAC-2 but am not wedded to the idea. Any insights?  $200 would be my absolute upper limit, but $70-$130 is what I'm really...
  13. ashikamlani

    Need a recommendation for a USB DAC/Amp with Line-level out

    Hi guys, I've been looking at getting a cheap USB DAC/Amp combo for my Shure SRH440s, Phonak PFE 122s and my M-Audo AV40s.   As far as I know, I need to get a DAC with a line level out so that I can use it with my active speakers. Is this correct?   I only have a max. £100 budget so not...
  14. milkb0at

    24/96 music and a 16/48 amp

    First post here.   I'm thinking about getting a Fiio E7, mainly to listen to music on my headphones on my work computer (which has a rubbish soundcard). The E7's portability with my iPod would be a nice addition.   Some of the music on my work PC is 24bit/96kHz FLAC, but the E7 is 16/48...
  15. velvet undergrd

    Request for Headphone Amp Recommendations

    Hi guys, appreciate any light you fellas might be able to shed on my dilemma. I've got a pair of Alessandro MS-1s and my unc has a pair of Sennheiser HD600s i steal from time to time. I listen to a mixture of classic rock, house and acoustic instrumental from my laptop and i've been fixing to...
  16. notoriousmatty

    Amp+Dac under 350

    Let me first say I apologize for making this post.  Ive searched for a couple of hours through countless threads but I work 70 hours a week and simply don't have the time to continue searching. I own Beyerdynamic dt880's  250ohm headphones.  Im looking for a plug and play Amp/Dac combo to use...
  17. Wirbel

    Need a DAC Recommendation (info inside)

    This could go in a few different sections, just putting it here.   I currently own a pair of Grado 225i and I have some Audioengine A5s in the mail. I'm looking for the best way to get quality sound out of both of them without breaking the bank.   My original plan was to add an Essence...
  18. game_fanatic

    Amp/DAC Suggestion; 6 to choose from, one must reign supreme! $300 budget

    Hey guys, I recently purchased the Shure SR840's, and I'm on the lookout for a dedicated headphone amp/DAC, and suffice it to say there's quite a few to choose from, but I've narrowed down my options to the following. I'm trying to keep the price under $300 including shipping and applicable...
  19. peter braun

    Is the Icon 2 enough for HD600s?

    I am considering a Nuforce Icon 2 for its flexibility as a DAC, integrated, and headphone amp. However I am concerned that the unit will not have sufficient output to drive the HD600s adequately. Has anyone used an Icon or Icon 2 with the HD600s? What were your results?
  20. WhiteCrow

    Good AMP/DAC in the $150 range   I was told this is a great DAC, and I will mainly be using this as a dac as I already have an amp. The Icon2 looks promising but its  a stereo amp would this work as a headphone...
  21. rafael999

    Fiio E7 vs HiFi-Man EF2A vs Maverick Audio TubeMagic D1 vs NuForce Icon uDAC-2 for HD650

    Hello everyone, this is my first post here and I would like to have some advice. I did some extensive reading on all of the DAC/AMP combos listed above, but I just can't get to a final decision, it seems that everyone of them has a different feature that would be more appealing than the other...
  22. VanCitySound

    Review of Shure SRH840

    Introduction   Further to my last thread I decided to purchase the 840 after listening to a number of cans at a local store.  After auditioning several cans head to head I found the Sennheiser HD 650 to have the most appealing sound to my ears but thought that the 840s were still quite...
  23. yellowFreak

    recommended DAC/pre-amp for Sennheiser 598

    Hi again   I am fairly new into audio systems. I just recently had my Sennheiser HD 558 returned to the store and I am getting it replaced but with an upgrade to 598 but it is currently out of stock so I will have to wait for a week.   I had my 558 plugged into my onboard soundcard...
  24. extrafuzzyllama

    HD595 or HD558 benefit from amp???

    hi all i am looking into buying either a HD595 or HD558 and just wondering if either would benefit from a amp   i was looking into buying a Nuforce Icon U-dac 2
  25. diodiel

    What is the best portable Amp/Dac with???...

    hello there headfi peepz!im returning my uDac2,cause i didnt think it was a big step-up from my receivers' dac... something that has rca outs or anything would be cool... my range is 150-250  or 300.. just wanted the best hehe thanks!     also i would prefer usb powered or batt? but if...