  1. 2enty3

    Can I ask for a "list" of amps in the $200-$300 range?

    More specifically, I'm just looking to weigh as many options for a new amp as possible. Of course I'm not asking anyone here to list every amp in the world in that range, but hopefully a brief list with reputable/popular amps. Tube or SS is no difference to me, since I will most likely end up...
  2. goforthepod

    Has anyone been experienced with ebay store LITTLE BEAR AUDIO? They have a cheap tube amp...

    The amp I (a noob) am referring to is this:   but there are auctions of the same amp going on every day that you can get it for just over 30 dollars.  The question is...
  3. Punchy71

    Noob question on entry level tube amplifier

      I'm a complete Audiophile noob. I was wanting to know what the lowest prices might be for an entry level tube amplifier for headphones? Also, what differentiates one tube amp from another? What should I look for and what should I avoid? Which ones sound the best and which ones sound the worst...
  4. Punchy71

    Noob needs information about Japanese and Chinese headphone tube amplifiers

      I am a noob audiophile. I was wanting to know what brands of tube headphone amplifiers are Japanese designed/engineered/made (if there are any at all) either modern or vintage commonly available here in the United States? And also what is the consensus about any of these Japanese brands?   ...
  5. Manyom7

    Reccomend headphones for gaming and music

    I have an Asus xonar dx (I know) and was looking for a pair of headphones for FPS games like bf3 and counter strike. I also want to be able to use it for music. I mainly listen to electronic music like dubstep and some rock. If you also know of a good external mic that would be awesome :D I was...
  6. dannykebab

    Just got my new DT-990 Pro's (250 ohm) but is my soundcard up to the job?

    Hey guys my main usage for these headphones is gaming, I mainly play the Arma2 zombie mod DayZ which uses the Xaudio 2 sound engine also the occasional Battlefield 3, CS: GO and the odd bit of music listening but am I really getting the best out of the dt-990s with my current soundcard the...
  7. shane67

    Advice: Upgrading from ATH-M50

    Hello everyone,   So, I am looking to purchase a new set of headphones, and I was hoping I could get some advice from the knowledgeable members of   Here are the details: Iv had the ATH-M50 headphones for 1.5 years, and I love them. They are great. A need another...
  8. sizzlinshred

    What's the best headphone amp for me to use with my M-audio 2496 soundcard?

    I just purchased Beyerdynamic D770 Pro 250 ohms, and I have the Soundcard in my PC, but I'm using a crappy 15   year old Sony Receiver to power my speakers atm, I want to get a nice desktop headphone amp to run straight from my...
  9. livngston

    Best cheap sound card with headphone amp?

    I am looking for an inexpensive sound card to amp headphones around 80 ohms.  Dolby Headphone would be a plus (for headphone surround), but I don't necessarily need Dolby Live functionality as I am not planning to hook up to surround receiver to need encoding for optical out.  Just looking to...
  10. or231

    Nedd headphones in 200-300 dollar range

    I want to buy headphones at 200-300 dollars, I hear, pop ,rock ,electronic mainly. I thought DT 990 Pro with Amplifier or AKG K550 will fit me and I want to know what you recommend.
  11. EndersShadow

    USB DAC and seperate headphone amp OR combo USB DAC headphone amp

    I have a big dilemma on my hands. I am trying to get a good nice hi-fi setup for listening to lossless audio files. Without getting into the nitty gritty, I plan to use a min-itx computer as my source of totally lossless files as a standalone unit (i.e. no networking at all). I want to send the...
  12. LoganL77

    Just picked up a new pair of Beyerdynamic DT880's and have some questions

     So I just bought the DT880's with 250ohm impedance and haven't gotten an amp or dac yet. I heard that there is a possibility of damaging them from under driving them. I'm using them on my computer right now and I can get them louder than I even need. Is there more to driving headphones than...
  13. chetanappu007

    Need help improving the sound quality of Bayerdynamic dt770 pro

    Hi guys,   I use Bayerdynamic dt770 pro 80ohm headphones with a Fiio E11 amp. I really enjoy listening to them at normal volume level but,when i increase the volume a bit high i feel that the sound coming from these headphones are somehow not very clear and the bass is not very accurate or...
  14. unaverage

    What amp for DT 990 600 ohms?

    Hey everyone. Maybe this will come off well to some of you but I am going to be giving up my Beats Studios after 3 years of use. I recently posted a complaint about bass distortion which ended up just being some dust interference but in the end, after much research, I want to upgrade. I've...
  15. Funkstar De Luxe

    MUSE 6N11 Tube Amp Problems....

    I was absolutely desperate for a headphone amp after purchasing a new soundcard which lacks a headphone out put.  Being skint, I opted for purchase a cheap Muse 6N11 / Bravo style amp from eBay.  I waited a long 3 weeks on it's arrival, and upon connecting my HD600s, I was surprisd that it...
  16. gamerfry

    Cheap amp for a fischer audio FA-011

    I recently acquired a pair of Fischer Audio FA-011's and purchased an Asus xonar dgx for a cheap dac/amp that also had dolby headphone for gaming. I'm now looking for another amp to add between my xonar and the FA-011 to improve the sound quality further. I don't want to have a standalone amp...
  17. TunneLVisioN42

    Muse 6N11 MK II

    Against my better judgement I picked up one to check out, along with a host of issues the thing just started smoking and smelling of burnt plastic, If it was possible to get one of these without its many issues it might not be a bad little amp sadly that was not the case for me, can anyone else...
  18. yifu

    MUSE Tube 6N11 Class A Headphone Amplifier

    Anyone have any experience with these? They might just be the cheapest tube amps you can find.
  19. Xaborus

    $25 Tube Amp From China..

    Has anyone reviewed these? They actually look decently built from the pictures. Could be a fun little toy xD
  20. MUSE 6N11 Class A Hybrid Tube Headphone Amplifier

    MUSE 6N11 Class A Hybrid Tube Headphone Amplifier

    Muse 6N11 is pure Class A Headphone Amplifier & Pre Amplifier with build-in hybrid MOS-FET. It doesn't have any OP amp IC inside. It can provide best audiophile performance and bbsolutely best design. That's why MUSE 6N11 headphone amplifier is different to others. That is built high grade Caps...