  1. BravoSector

    Looking for new in ear head phones for around $30

    For the past 2 to 3 years, I've been using Sony-MDREX36V as my primary earphone for the ipod. The right ear piece gave out without warning a few minutes ago. I've been really happy with these in ears and I probably will buy the same pair as a replacement, however I'd like a second opinion from...
  2. Akella

    Nuforce NE-7M or ThinksoundTS02?

    What will be better in SQ? Sorry for opening another thread but i think i didn't asked correctly.      1. Nuforce NE-7M 2. ThinksoundTS02 3. Shure se215 4. Soundmagic pl30 5. Vsonic VS-R02PROII 6. Brainwavz m1/m2   Or something other?   I need the sound of headphones not crappy...
  3. aser

    Sennheiser hd-540 600ohms amp/dac suggestions

    Due to my living situation/noise issues, headphone listening is required past a certain time of the day. I might as well make the best of the situation, hence looking into purchasing an amp. Listening pattern runs a wide gamut, jazz, funk, soul, african, brazilian, hiphop, electronic. I do...
  4. SupErioR777

    looking for 40$ earphones

    Hello, im looking for about 40$ earphones for rock and metal music. i did a little research, and found those earphones: Xears Bullet XB120PRO MEElectronics Ai-M6 / M6 Brainwavz M1 what do you think is the best for rock/metal music? By the way, i saw that xears have many good IEM in...
  5. charliehuang7

    tried the brainwavz m1, headdirect re0 now what

    Hey guys When shopping for a new pair of IEM after getting sick of the stock ipod ones, I came across the reviews and suggestions on the board. Following the comments I bought the brainwavz m1 which i was more than satisfied. A month later, I had the chance to sell it for a good price and so I...
  6. -sandro-

    Upgrading from Sennheiser cx300 II

    Hello, I'm new here. I currently own a pair of sennheiser cx300 II which I'm very satisfied of, for the audio quality delivered compared to what I paid (£12 at amazon UK!!), I think you can't find a better deal. They have very good bass and overall quality, what bothers me a little is that ...
  7. nizarp

    Brainwavz M3 review

      Brainwavz M3 review Disclaimer: This is my first review of an IEM. This is the most expensive IEM I have tried so far, I have previously owned Brainwavz M1, Meelec M9, M6 & M11+, SoundMagic PL11 & PL30. I have been using the M3 for more than 3 months now. I mostly listen to them with my...
  8. naeropagnis

    MEElec vs. Brainwavz, Sub $50 IEM Help

    Hey guys, I am looking to make a slight upgrade from my current IEMs the SoundMagic Pl21 in a few months. I really like the Pl21 and i was very happy with them. I liked the bass which was a lot better than my old Philips IEMs and i found them to be a lot clearer than stock earphones which was...
  9. t-800

    Brainwavz M1 vs. Denon DN-HP500 vs. Grado sr60i

    So I need some new portable headphones. My price range is around $70. The big features I want are no leaking, sound good, and are portable. I listen to a wide range of music. Which one of these 3 should I get or is there something better? 
  10. Nater43

    Looking for some new IEM's

    I'm looking for a decent set of headphones in the approximately $30 price range. From reading around the forums a bit, as well as Joker, and ClieOS threads, I've found the Meelectronics M6/M9's, as well as the Brainwavz M1. Are there any other notable IEM's in this range? The use would be for my...
  11. SumLuckyGuy

    Brainwavz M1 vs ProAlpha

    Hi everyone   Just joined head-fi after a few weeks of lurking on the site, glad to be here!   I am looking into my first proper IEM setup, and looking for a sub $100 cost c/w amp   Right now mp4nation is having a pre-sale for the Brainwavz M1 and the ProAlpha, and I am unsure of...
  12. Portable Mink

    <$150 In-Ear choices

        Hi all,   I have been doing a fair bit of research lately into buying a new set to replace my Alessandro MS1’s that I’ve had for few years now. They have served me fantastically but I’m now travelling via train to work and being open ended, it just doesn’t work. I also listen...
  13. LuckyFrank

    Looking for $50-$100 IEMs suitable for walking

    Hi all,     So I've been lurking here while I learn more in my quest to replace my old iPod earbuds. I recently got a pair of Woodees Vintage earbuds, and while I was really impressed by the sound and the look of these, I ended up returning them after a week for a couple of reasons:   1...
  14. blackz88

    [HELP] What earphones to buy ~$50

    Hello   Ive had a pair of Monster Turbines, loved its bass and punchy sound Generally nice seal But after i took it to the gym, i accidently broke the wire and sent it in for repair/replacement   So im looking for a new pair of earphones ~$50 that can used in the gym Was interested...
  15. zhe90

    microphonics on Brainwavz M2??

    For those who've experienced walking around with Brainwavz M2, is the microphonics bearable? I'm coming from RE2s so I know what really bad microphonics is like. Any other suggestions for high SQ, low microphonics IEMs near M2 price point?
  16. snuffkin

    Closed portables for under a 100$

    Hi, I am looking for to improve my portable listening expirience. I initialy bought the senn's px100, and while I am very pleased with the sound, I find them absolutely useless outside - the isolation is non-existent.   That is the primary reason I got my brainwavz m1 in ears - to get...
  17. zowki

    IEM ($40-$60) that pairs well with Fiio E7

    Are there any good IEMs that pair well with the Fiio E7 in the $40-$60 price range? I listen to funk, jazz, electronic and pop music.   Edit: I am currently considering the Brainwavz M1 ($40) since I've head that it sounds great when amped. Does anyone have other suggestions?
  18. Bwqian

    Sennheiser HD438 Review

    First of all, I would like to say how informative this forum has been. Since I joined, I have purchased the Sennheiser HD438 and Brainwavz M1 as well as a FiiO E5 amp.    I've had the HD438s for 2 months now, and I feel like I'm ready to give these a noobie's review. I don't really have...
  19. pigenio

    Brainwavz M1 vs proalpha (visang r02)

    I know there are some forums around this but... I'm a 60-80's rock music listener, so what would you recommend?   I've owned sennheiser cx-300 creative ep-830   I've tried creative ep-630    right now both earphones are around $40 so..   also: I've read mp4nation's...
  20. ClieOS

    Concise Multi-IEM Comparison (FINAL UPDATE March. 1st, 2013)

    This thread is meant to be a simple comparison / reference, to make things easier for new comer to sort through dozens of IEM quickly in regard of finding the sound signature they are looking for. However, sound signature is not purely a translation of frequency response graph – and certainly...
  21. ljokerl

    Brainwavz B2 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    For the past two years Brainwavz, mp4nation’s in-house earphone brand, has been one of the names mentioned most often around Head-Fi whenever budget earphones come up, and with good reason – whether through luck or expertise, mp4nation has managed to put its name on some truly excellent products...
  22. UriAvitan

    Brainwavz pro alpha VS Brainwavz M1,,,,,which one is better?

    same price,,,,,, need it for my iphone,,,,hear all kind of music. Regards, Uri
  23. tyde165

    Just needing/wanting some general input.

    Hello everyone, I am a rather new member this will be my second post so try not to burn me to much if this is the wrong forum section to ask in. Apologies in advance if needed.   But anyways I have recently been very interested in getting a quality set of headphones. Currently i use a cheap...
  24. ljokerl

    Review: Brainwavz M1 - Taking ViSang off Steriods

    Intro   Anyone who has been following Head-Fi’s portable forum for the past few months has probably stumbled on and been confused by the ViSang R03/Mp4nation Brainwavz M2 debacle. Let me try to clear things up. First, ViSang released the R03, which I thought were a great value for money and...
  25. ziweiwu

    Ms1 vs m50. which one has more soundstage.

    Is m1 good for iphone listenning. I found m50 can be uncomfortable to sweating, how about m1 ?