  1. Ballista

    JVC HARX700

    Hey, I'm searching for headphones under $50. So far, I got http://www.amazon.com/JVC-HARX700-High-Grade-Full-Size-Headphone/dp/B0013OWPV4]JVC HARX700[/url], would you recommend these headphones? I want headphones that are glasses-friendly and are good for rock/rap/dubstep music (good bass)...
  2. Cu Chulainn

    Help with new cans ~£50

    Hey,   I'm on the lookout for a new set of 'phones for gaming and music use. I have a budget of approximately £50 and don't want to go much over it.   Suggestions I received so far include the Shure SHR240s, JVC HA-RX700s, and the Sennheisers HD448s.   Are there any others I should...
  3. Ballista

    Best Headphones <$50

    Hi, I'm looking for full-sized headphones under $50 dollars. I don't have any specific preferences other than that the headphones are glasses-friendly. I was thinking KSC 75 but not sure. So what are your suggestions? Thanks.
  4. GeneralSmirnoff

    It's been many months and I still can't decide on a pair, help?

    So it's been many months since I returned my Sony MDR-7506 headphone since they sounded very flat and I still can't decide on a good pair of headphones.   I have decided to lower my budget since I'm short on money but I still want to make a worthy investment. My budget is now around $50. I...
  5. headfi1234

    Best full sized headphones under US 50 but lightweight.

    Hello all!   Im basically an engineering college student who uses his headphones every day, at least 7 hours per day while doing homework and other things.    I need some suggestions as to what the best sound quality headphone could be under 50 bucks.   Ive looked into the harx700...
  6. Euphonium

    New to headphones, what to buy

    I'm VERY new to the world of headphones. The only ones I've ever used are apple ear buds. So I'd like some help to find the right headphones for me.   I want a pair of headphones around 50 bucks. A little over is fine but I prefer closer to 50 or under. Bass is very important to me. As is...
  7. InfiniteZr0

    Harx-700 or Harx-900, that is the question.

    Hi guys. I'm looking to buy headphones mainly for gaming, listen to music casually and watching movies at home. (My brother is buying another TV for the basement, so if he's using it, I'll be using the headphones when I'm doing what I'm doing) I've decided that the JVC HARX model line is the...
  8. i_don't_know

    Case for JVC HA-RX700?

    Just trying to keep them safe at home. And keep the wire under control. I'm not looking to spend a lot of money. Also, keep in mind there's that wiggly tube thing at the bottom of the left earcup that keeps the wire going downward. I don't want that to break or really have any pressure on...
  9. moogleslam

    Best $50 Closed Gaming Headset?

      Ugh, just when I thought my many hours spent researching headphones had reached its conclusion with my decision to buy a set of JVC HA-RX700, I get stupidly addicted to F1 2010 (and soon to be F1 2011 which I plan to play online), and I learn that it has VOIP, so now I need a headset instead...
  10. SpaceKake

    Help with can selection

      So i need new cans, as an upgrade from my current HD 201's i listen to Djent, Psyc rock, D'n'B and Prog, so i want great bass, but i want great clarity at the same time ive got $70 Aud and managed to find MDR-V6's, HD448, HD 428, Harx700, MDR-XB500/700's Computer Card, Ipod, possibly...
  11. Duff-Guy

    Cheap, easy to drive headphones.

    Right so my baby brother wants to get headphones to use with his Nintendo DS; they need to be Circumaural, easy to drive and preferably comfortable. He's only looking to spend up to £20 ($32) and he's only 8 so he's definitely not an audiophile :p     Any suggestions are appreciated, cheers.
  12. mak2675

    JVC HA-M750 vs MDR-V6 vs (maybe) HA-RX700

      Hello head-fi community,   I am a have been creeping around these forums for a while and decided to join in with my first thread. I am not exactly an audiophile exactly. Net yet anyway,   I have both the JVC ha-m750 and mdr-v6 on the way to being delivered to me and can only open...
  13. SpaceKake

    Been pondering for days.

    So I currently have just a pair of HD 201's ( for comparison) I listen to Electronic, psyc, rock, dubstep, and djent i've found a few on ebay, but i cant decide between them, so i came here i want clarity, but i also want nice bass, and i dont know which to choose Harx700, K 44's, K...
  14. ScarySquirrel

    Looking for Headphones

    Welcome, fellow headphone wearer.   My headphones keep breaking.   What kind of over-ear headphones will get me the best durability? My budget is $100, but I would, of course, prefer a serviceable product below $50. From what I have read and worn, Bose, Skullcandy, Zalman...
  15. shniernan

    JVC HARX500 vs HARX700 vs HARX900?

    Hello oncemore, Head-fi. As I was browsing a different brand of cans today (JVC), I found this line extremely similar to that of the Sennheiser HD201,202,203 line. I heard many people debate on the use of bass in this new trio also. So, my question is... what are the pros and cons of these? I...
  16. danisimo

    Shure SRH440 vs JVC HARX700

    which is best?
  17. danisimo

    best out of all these

    Can someone recommend me something really good out of all these headphones on sale on the link below. I am interested in headphones and not in earbud.I would like to pay max $50 but would like to hear your recommendation still for anything above my budget...
  18. tnecniv

    Audiophile Newbie, Being very picky with headphones!

    Hey guys, I've been creeping the boards for the last few days researching and I can't just figure out what I want to buy. I'm not a crazy audiophile but I do appreciate good sound.   I am looking for some headphones/sets that I can use for mainly skype/ventrilo, games, and music (indie rock...
  19. yllanos

    I think I'm going for Philips SHL8800/28

    Hi.   I'm on the market for some Headphones.  Think I've decided myself for some Philips SHL8800/28.     Has anybody any feedback on these?   Uses for headphones: Part 1: playing on my Casio WK-500 keyboard Part 2: half time gaming and half time listening music on my PC (Creative...
  20. Vinny77

    new Ear Pads for Audi-technica ATH-A500

    I need to earpads for my ATH-A500 and would like to know where to get them. I would like the A900 earpads instead if possible as they seem to last much longer. So where can I get them.
  21. dorsia

    The best headphones for hardcore / help in narrowing down a list of potential candidates

    Another newbie looking for headphone advice; I apologize for making a new thread instead of posting in the "buying headphones" thread but I figured this has enough specifics and details to warrant a separate thread...plus it seems like this would just get lost in the sea of replies if posted...
  22. stephancho

    Headphones for Friends/Family?

    What's a good introduction headphone for friends and family still using iBuds and Skullcandy? We all have some of these friends/ family members. To sway them, looks and price are important. What should I use?
  23. Tacoboy

    Best over ear headphones for around $25-$30, for an Iphone?

    My sister needs some headphones for her Iphone (music), I gave her some used CALs (Creative Aurvana live), but it seems some previous owner had gotten perfume or cologne on them which she is allergic to, so I would like to replace them with some headphones in the $25-$30 range, any ideas?  
  24. sevan1028

    Need help choosing sub-$50 headphones!

    So I am in the market for some new headphones. I think I have narrowed the search down to these three cans (HD202 vs HARX700 vs ATH-M30), but if someone has another suggestion for a good sub-$50 pair that will work too.   I really don't know too much about headphones, so I figured I would...
  25. blackishsheep

    looking for full sized, under $60 for loads of different uses

    hi guys, I am new so feel free to ignore my stupidity.   I am a recent convert to full sized headphones. I stupidly punctured my eardrum, and I have no idea how before you ask - the doctor figures as I have had continuing hearing loss in it since I was a child that its simply thin and what...