  1. kevin00147


    hi guys. im a newbie to the forum and would like to get some help finding a new pair of headphones. i prefer over the ear and around 100. i liked the monster beats solo until i read how terrible the build was. and after the reviews you guys wrote i steered clear of them.   i listen to a...
  2. SammyH

    Cowon J3, iPhone 4 and HTC Desire

    Apologies for the rather strange (and possibly off-topic) thread title, but please bear with me.   Up until now I've used my iPhone 3G as my portable source. However now that my contract with my provider has run out, its upgrade time!   Now I've given myself these 3 possible options:  ...
  3. 1audioz

    HTC Desire SQ

    Having owned the aforementioned product for a few weeks now; I'd like to post some thoughts on it based on my experience with the Cowon D2+.   So far, I haven't really gotten around to buying a micro SD bigger than the stock 2GB in the box, but I've put some tracks (Ogg q5 and 320k mp3) on...
  4. Baroninkjet

    New HTC One M8 audio review

    Personally, I take GSMarena with a grain of salt, but FWIW...   Notably, they did not show iPhone in the comparison. 
  5. nealjp

    Hissing headphones

    Hi, I bought a HTC Desire the other week and have noticed a problem with hissing earphones (UE 700). This happens even when the volume is zero. The headphones don't hiss on my mp3 player or on my laptop or on my other phone. So I assumed it's the phone   So I plugged my Grado SR60i...
  6. aj-kun

    htc magic now with flac support

    htc magic now has flac support for those of you that own one. if you flash your htc magic with cyanogen mod 3.9.3 or higher you will beable to play flac audio. this should also work for a t-mobile g1 CyanogenMod - Stability is our fifth concern (EXPERIMENTAL) [UPDATED 8/4 - v3.9.7] -...
  7. dBs

    HTC Evo Sound Quality

    It's a long shot but I figure I would find out if anyone has any impressions of the HTC Evo's sound quality.   I currently have a 16GB 3GS, but AT&T needs to go, especially with the new restrictions they are about to implement. Never mind that the Evo is looking to be head and shoulders...