  1. Student_Driver

    Headroom Cosmic - Dump or Keep

    Have been reading this Forum for several months considering my upgrade path. Have a HeadRoom Cosmic (circa 2002) and am wondering whether it is worth keeping and adding a portable DAC or whether the Amps currently offered have better quality? When I consider my home system, I'd not trade my...
  2. mralexosborn

    Best portable music player for $200?

    My Droid headphone jack is slowly falling apart so I am in need of an MP3/FLAC player. It needs to be FLAC capable. I would like the best SQ possible. The cheaper the better. I will only be using IEM's with it (I think).
  3. Y

    Cowon S9+SM3 OR Hifiman HM-602+RE262... Which will sound better?

    OK, I have been lurking around the forums enough and now I have to make a final decision: Cowon S9 + Earsonics SM3 vs the Hifiman HM-602 + RE262   Well, as far as I have seen, there is a grand total of zero person outside of Hifiman who have even seen the 262(I may be wrong), and I shouldn't...
  4. JimBob1971

    Portable gear for JH16s : Cowon J3 v iPhone 4 w/wo LOD

    Hi,   I've ordered a set of JH16s, and was wondering how to improve my portable setup (which is really only an iPhone 4!).   I can't afford the HiFiMan (and don't really consider it portable) so was considering the Cowon J3 over my iPhone (with lossless music)   1) Will the Cowon...
  5. Darkflame

    Hifiman 801 USB DAC vs Portable USB DACs

    Hey guys, this is my first post in Head-fi, but like many other first time posters I've been lurking around here for months now. When I first heard of the new Hifiman it seemed like the answer to my prayers. Since I am a college student, I am not near a "home rig" most of the time, so i wanted...
  6. Youthanasia

    Two new high end players Little Dot DP_I and HiFiMAN HM-602!

    Hello,   So it seems there are two players coming on September:     HiFiMAN HM-602 (retail 450$):   http://head-direct.com/products.php?k=hm-602 http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/504567/hm-602-portable-music-preorder#post_6814838   D/A Chip: TDA1543 LPF Op-amp: OP275...
  7. Tidus

    JH3A - How will you feed it?

    Hello,   I now have Hifiman and i want JH3A but i cant afford it. So i must sell Hifiman. Can people that plan or had buy JH3A give us idea how will feed JH3A?Or give us any idea. Can i use only JH3A system feed form computer by coaxial cable?   thanks for all tips
  8. gimmethatbeatfool

    DAP that can drive a 64 ohm or 80 ohm can (sin amp) to their full potential?

    I have a Zune and a Clip +, and I feel that they are a little underpowered when it comes to supplying some of my higher impedance cans with energy. Most noticeable is the lack of bass, even in some of my more bass heavy phones.   Rather than buy a new headphone, I would rather buy a new DAP...
  9. Goku

    Audiophile/best sounding mp3 players out to date...post here!!!!

    What's the best sounding mp3 players you know of. I have a Samsung P3 which has an impressive DSN 3.0 engine in it. I'm running out of music space and am thinking about getting a Zune HD. BUT, I do not know about the sound quality. That's what I mostly care about. 
  10. CSIR

    HiFiMAN 602: Talk about your initial impressions and specs

    HM-602 Size: 104mm*62mm*27mm or 4.09*2.44*1.02inch Portable music player with USB DAC DAC: TDA1543 NOS DAC   Mini Instruction Manual:     Down arrow = next track - holding it down will scan forward through track Up arrow = reset track/previous track - as above but backwards...
  11. warp08

    Review: HiFiMAN HM-602 vs. HM-801 Comparison (56K Warning)

      Background   After a long wait, the production version of the long-awaited HiFiMAN HM-602 (specs) has finally arrived.  The delay has been associated with a much more elaborate preproduction testing phase and for the first time for Head-Direct, Fang has decided to release a first batch...
  12. HiFiMAN 602

    HiFiMAN 602

    Portable music player with USB DAC and the little brother to the HM-801.