  1. tybritton5

    Beyerdynamic T1 Audio Amp set up

    I have a pair of T1s on the way, and have a Music Fidelity A5 CD player. I am wondering what further audio devices I should buy: I have an offer on an A5 Amp, but am hesitant to buy it before I am sure that I need it. I was also considering buying the Beyer A1 headphone amp. Can I simply...
  2. benjamind2012

    Will DACPort be able to drive Beyerdynamic T1s to a reasonable level?

    I've got a DACPort, and a decent quality notebook (Clevo). I wanted to know if the DACPort will be able to drive the T1 to a reasonable level. I don't want ear throbbing volumes, but a decent reference volume is enough.   Will the bass response suffer? I believe the bass response is determined...
  3. bowmanonesky

    what does everyone think of this combo with the beyerdynamic t1

    Audio gd dac-1 Woo Audio WA2 amp   with the Beyerdynamic t1   I posted out a earlier thread asking what dac and amp would work best with the t1 and i think i have decided on this combo. I am...
  4. jbeard

    DAC for Bottlehead Crack and Beyerdynamic T1's - help me narrow my options

    I have a Bottlehead Crack that I am about to update with the speedball option.  I currently run the tubes it came with fed from a MacBook Pro through an HRT Music Streamer II.  It sounds great, but I have noticed it sounds better when it is fed through my Logitech Squeezebox Touch which has me...
  5. Bloodflowerz

    Headphone and Amplifier Synergy - The best pairings....

    Hello All   I thought it may be beneficial to have a thread dedicated to the best full size headphone and desktop amp pairings. It can be either open or closed back.   An amplifier can have quite some impact on the final sound signature of a headphone. It would great to have a list of...
  6. SpitxFire22

    Beyerdynamic T1 or the Sennheiser HD600?

    I have a budget of about $1,000 and am looking to upgrade my headgear.  My current set up is the ATH-M50's with my Fiio E11 amplifier plugged into my ipod classic or my laptop.  Two headphones that I've been looking at are the Sennheiser HD600 and the Beyerdynamic T1 headphones.  I've seen...
  7. fryzie

    Would you keep the Beyerdynamic Tesla T1 or Sennheiser HD 650 or Both?

    So I've just starting getting into good music and recently I purchased 2 headphones Beyerdynamic Tesla T1 and Sennheiser HD 650. Basically got both at crazy prices. Beyerdynamic for 575 EURO and Sennheiser for 220 EURO which I don't think you will be able to find for cheaper. Basically the one I...
  8. MrMobius

    Amp(s) to drive Beyerdynamic T1s?

    Hi  I am looking at buying a pair of Beyerdynamic T1 600ohms and was wondering if anyone has any thoughts re whether my amps will drive them adequately.  I have a Leckerton UHA6S MK2, and also an Alo Pan Am.  Also, is it worth having them re-wired by Alo?
  9. fictional

    Setup with Beyerdynamic T1

    I am about to get my high end Beyerdynamic T1 but what else would I need? I heard WA2 matches very well with T1. Would I need a DOC if I am listening music via computer? I heard I will need a source before my amp. Any suggestion would be nice.
  10. ematthews

    Grado PS500 are better than the Beyer T1's

    As the title says the Grado's are better.. I have had both now for a few weeks and listened to them on a few different amps and source material.. I thought the Beyer's were going to e it for me but the Grado's are just more full, have a bigger sound and just hit hard in the bass. Guitars of...
  11. Nightspore68

    Grado RS1i / Beyerdynamic T1 / Audeze LCD-2 comparison

    Yesterday I received these three headphones as demos from The Cable Company. I thought I should post my initial impressions.   RS1i - crisp, very detailed, possibly favors the upper end, but very nice so far. Also very efficient (loud for given volume setting).   T1 - These are hard to...
  12. HeadphonesCom

    [REVIEW] Beyerdynamic T1

    A SUPREME FLAGSHIP The Tesla Series T1 was the first headphone to introduce Beyerdynamic’s patented Tesla driver design.  As of 2012, it is still my favorite headphone to incorporate this driver design.  It is without a doubt, one of the best headphones on the market today and a contender for...
  13. fictional

    Setup with Beyerdynamic T1

    Moved.  Please delete this post moderator.
  14. Me x3

    Xonar Essence STX & Beyerdynamic T1

    Can you tell me if it is possible to drive Beyerdynamics T1 quite well using an Asus Xonar Essence STX? Many Thanks. Best luck!
  15. trippinonprozac

    Best budget amp for T1's?

    I have done a fair bit of reading on here of late and I see that the general consensus is that the T1's pair very well with tube amps such as the WA2 and WA6SE etc. I have never owned a tube amp before and was looking at decent SS pairings including the Corda Concerto.   My question is -...
  16. dolor

    DAC/AMP suggestion for the Beyerdynamic T1?

    I've been using my T1 together with my nuforce icon hdp for a while now, but I think its time for an update.   I've been thinking about purchasing the Musical Fidelity M1 HPA headphone amp which I've read does pretty well on its own included DAC and I might buy an external DAC for it later...
  17. spakhnyuk

    Thinking of using a Scarlett 2i4 | Focusrite as a DAC with a Schiit Audio Lyr headphone amp to run my Beyerdynamic T1's... And recommendations against it?

    I happen to have a Scarlett 2i4 | Focusrite sound card that can be used as a DAC.    I was wondering if that's an okay to use. Haven't really seen anybody else use a sound card for a DAC   I'm planning to purchase the Schiit Audio Lyr to use with my Beyerdynamic T1's.. Right now I'm just...
  18. angelo898

    does it get any better than the beyerdynamic t5p?

    hi everyone, i have been pondering on some headphones. and i want to look into some high end headphones that can be driven out of basically anything, preferably a closed can. i remember the beyer t5ps being pretty ******* good. is there any non iem that can fight this?
  19. Mattjh90

    Good headphones to pair with tube amps

    I'm pretty new to the whole audio obsession but nonetheless I am very curious about all the stuff. I have seen some post about tube amps and their benefits over solid state but I am curious as to what headphones pair well with tube amps and why they don't drive all headphones like they should?
  20. alwaysec

    Do i need a step-down transformer for Beyer A1??

    since i bought T1, i have been looking for a good SS amp. currently, A1 is sold at Amazon for just over USD700 (under AUD700).    the problem is the US version seems to use 110-120v, while the main in Australia is 240v. I am not sure if i have to buy a transformer or not?   i cant find...
  21. alwaysec

    amp for T1 and HD650

    sorry new here. if i do something wrong, pls let me know :P   i own T1 and HD650, am looking for an amp and dac which will match both pretty well.    currently, i have a tiny and lovely Fiio E17. it is mainly for my iems, but does help a lot to power hd650.    i asked the same...
  22. ematthews

    Cans for Progressive rock to Ambient rock

    Most of my time I am rocking out to groups like Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, God is an Astronaut. On the flip side I listen to what some call Post modern type Ambient music for the likes of Lanterna... I have tried AKG Q701 and was almost perfect. What happened was the bass was not there and...
  23. IV10K

    A1/T1 And CEntrance DACmini

    Hello, I've packed my self with A1/T1 And DACmini. How to drive? DACMini-> RCA Out ->A1 -> Headphone? Thanks
  24. funkydandy

    King of kings

    I want to say "Oh-my-God... it sounds... I have no words" when I close my eyes and press play button. I would like to buy a new headphones (and headphones amplifier) wich makes me feel like I've been wasting my time with my actual Bose...   My music equipment is: Cambridge Audio azur...
  25. BananaOoyoo

    Upgrade from HD-595?

    Hi! Long time reader here looking for a new pair of headphones.   Price: $500 (or slightly higher)   Music: Anything and Everything! (Electronic, Kpop, Dubstep, Rock, Classical, Rap, etc.) (Ratatat - Loud Pipes)...