  1. TsukiNick

    Please help me find a suitable around-ear headphone

    Own: DT770, broken DT990, ATH-M50, Shure SE215 Owned: Sennheiser HD-598, Sennheiser Momentum On Ear   Amplification: Schiit Magni, Creative Sound Blaster Z, FiiO E18, various vintage receiver units   Want something preferably open, no treble spikes, better bass than the HD-598 Nothing...
  2. 0xFFFF

    USB DAC suitable for 250R Beyerdynamic DT990...

    Hi All,   I've been slowly going mad trying to find a suitable USB DAC and headphone amp for my DT990's at work. I would like to keep to a budget of $200 or less. Given the impedance, many of the built-in headphone amps I've found are not suitable. At present I'm considering getting either...
  3. DavidG58

    Headphone Mods?

    Does anybody know of a website for headphone modifications. Or does anybody have ideas on modifying AKG 701's or Beyer dynamics Dt990s.
  4. TsukiNick

    Something similar to DT990 with less treble?

    I really loved my DT990s, I really screwed up one of the drivers today though and was wondering, what is a nice comfortable headphone with good bass and clarity, but without the sharp treble of beyers.   I am going to see if I should get a new set of headphones or just replace the driver and...
  5. BrianPeppers

    Tube amp for DT990 Pro in the $100 range?

    I'm looking for a tube amp in the $100-$150 range. I'm currently using a Schiit Magni and am finding that the pairing is not very good. The bright DT990 sounds too mechanical with the Magni. I would really like something warmer. I think that with the pairing the sound is distant and recessed.The...
  6. tehsprayer

    AMP/DAC for DT 990

    Right now I am using the Fiio e10 which is fairly new and it is nice although I am getting some static issues only through my macbook air. Not sure what is up there but it works fine on my computer. It can drive my DT 990-250 well and not going past 30% volume on it (Approx 2.5/8 on volume). But...
  7. Cedmo8

    Strange Fault with DT990's

    I have a pair of beyerdynamic DT990's bought in April last year and they are brilliant however recently the right earpice has started doing something very strange, at seemingly random points when I'm using the headphones the right earpiece will start to mute, it does not do so instantly but...
  8. KingCzar

    what do i do..... m50s dt990s

    Delete wrong section 
  9. mudzi

    $200 dollar headphones for Rock, Metal and all around it.

    Hi im looking to upgrade my current ATH-M50 to some better headphones + an Fiio E10. I really want these headphones to be extremely comfortable which is why I have had an eye on the DT770/880/990 however I do not have the possibility to test these out myself I have gotten different opinions from...
  10. nirra

    Is there Headphones that will be good for all genres?

    I got recommneded Creative Live and Grado sr60i   The problem is the i listen to rock, pop and rap and the grado is not the best for rap and the creative not the best for rock   is there headphones that will be good for all genres?
  11. qkrzazzang

    Headphones for Classical music

    Hi guys. Currently I own IE80 earphones from Sennheiser. The sound quality is amazing. However, I also want to get myself a headphones for home usage, and also for my computer sound card Essence STX. What could you recommend? Budget is $500 max.
  12. calvin lin

    Recommendation for headphones <150usd. Will dt990 pro work for me?

    I have a koss ur40. While I really like the wide and open feel, I am always finding that it is lacking something.   Firstly, it lacks bass and the sound is not full, as if there isn't much weight. When the volume is increased, it simply get loud, without the weight. The sound also feels very...
  13. marshallmole

    First Impression on Little Dot MK III

    Hello, fresh mole here. :) Got my feet into this tube amp world just a few days and have some interesting feelings.    I'm very amused to find that although the LD has some slight issue it pairs with my headphones well. I noticed that for the two medium gain settings there's channel imbalance...
  14. Soulphalanx

    Broken DT990 driver fixed with solder, works, but super quiet

    Hey guys,   Need some advice with my DT990s 600ohm. One day, the left driver decided to quit on me, and I discovered that it was the extremely thin, hair-like wires that lead into the driver itself was detached from the metal tabs. I have since resoldered it and I can hear sound coming from...
  15. Uppertaker

    ATH-A900X -- beyerdynamic DT 990 pro

    Id like to know which one you think is better, both are selling for the same price, looking for a more fun oriented sound as I had neutral headphones only by now, would use it for gaming and music
  16. bonoscot

    Headphones for Flight?

    Hey people im looking into a set of headphones for my tablet/iphone for flying,can anyone recommend some that I can look into?   noise cancellation ofc Pretty loud  for movies/music/ games Hopefully look pretty good on flight and out and about/     Would appreciate it guys im stuck...
  17. andresgomes

    Going well, but im not sure

    Well, after a lot of questions that i made to you guys, i finally know what im buying: - DT990 for gaming on my ps3, soumdstage is supossed to be amazing and bass is very important in my opinion - ATHAd9000x im buying it because of vocals, wich are said to be amazing - Audioengine D1 dac and amp...
  18. derbigpr

    All headphones sound horrible to me

    Has this ever happened to you? Its been with me for the past three, four days, and its now starting to worry to put it simply...all headphones sound bad to me. I mean literally, horribly bad. I cant even force myself to listen to any of them. I don't know how this happened, one day I...
  19. dasher5000

    Best Headphone Under 300 bucks?

    Hello fellow head-fiers,what would be the best headphones under 300 bucks? I listen to rap,pop,rock,classical, well, everything. So yea, what would be a good model?
  20. Xtri

    Headphones and DAC+AMP combo for my workplace.

    Hello, I am looking for some headphone recommendations for where I work.    The headphones I have from before is LCD-2.2 and HE-500 + some BeyerDynamic DT 990s, but the 990s is a bit ****ed up at the moment so I can't use them, and I'd rather not drag along the HE-500 or LCD-2.2, they are my...
  21. epkrnftblluva

    Basshead recommendations, $200-300 budget

    Hello, new Head-fier here and just getting into all these audio info. So I recently bought Sennheiser HD518s and a Fiio E07K amp and I LOVE the music coming out of it. However, I do want more bass. I've searched through the forums + google and everyone says the HD558s and HD598s has a lot...
  22. eifersucht

    Headphones to compliment my HD598's (ie make up for lack of bass)

    I love my Sennheiser 598's but I feel for certain types of music they are lacking in bass.  I'm looking for headphones that would go well as a contrast to these headphones, with a budget of up to $300 but not a hard limit.
  23. smodtactical

    Headphones with soundstage of ad700 but also bass?

    Do such headphones exist? I'm a pc gamer but also listen to techno, jazz, classical. Looking for something that has the nice soundstage for games but also has great bass. I just picked up the superlux 668b and so far really liking them. Haven't tested in gaming yet but music is a big step up...
  24. gary ocock

    HiFiman 400 vs 500 ?????

    Help!  I have several brands of cans, HE-400, Audeze LCD2, Grado 325i, Beyerdynamic DT990 and HD 600. On any given day they all sound nice. I'm using a Little Dot MKIII with 6 sets of tubes. I still want to upgrade the cans. Is the HE-500 worth the extra $$$ over the 400?  I could live with out...
  25. slick1ru2

    Open Headphones With Ultrasone HFI-780 Bass?

    After trying to resist the headphone buying bug for a couple of eyars I broke down and bought a FiiO E10. And now, what the heck, might as well get the cans I want, something that sounds like my well broken in 780s (mod with beyerdynamic cushions). I have a pair of Grado SR80, and while the bass...