  1. tarnumf

    DT880 600 Ohm - need SS Amp under $500

    Hi,    This is my first thread on this forum, so please be gentle :)    I'm quite new in headphones and after couple tries I've settled to Beyerdynamic DT880 600 ohm - it's just perfect mix for me with SQ, comfort and price. Now I'm looking for a decent amp to drive it. The only one...
  2. tangential

    Neutral sounding amp <$600 USD for DT880 600 OHM

    I'm looking for a neutral sounding amp for some music tracking and mixing.  I am aware of the issues with using headphones for this purpose, but sadly, I live in an apartment with thin walls and really don't have the luxury of using studio monitors right now.   Please correct me if I'm...
  3. Bombaman

    Dt 880 600 ohm PS3 2 Channel Questions Dolby Digital

    I got my dt 880s today and tested them out on my PS3 and PSP. ( i hooked them up to my fiio e9k/e17 )   Now what i found is that:   - Playing PS3 games the Sound was ok. - Playing PSX games with the ps3, the Sound was very good. - Playing PSP, the Sound was very good.   Now i...
  4. Kodhifi

    Opinions of people who have heard DT880 comparison between 250ohm and 600ohm versions.

    I got into a discussion with someone about 701's vs 880 and was talking about how much forward the 701's bass is in comparison. Long story short they disagreed so I went and pulled the frequency graphs and sure enough my observations were true, but only comparing 250ohm 880 (what I own) to Q701...
  5. airo

    $500 iem vs $500 headphones?

    I am just wondering how will $500 iems such as the westone 4, um3x or se535 would compare with the similar priced headphones like the hd650/600, he400, or denon d5000? would iems sound better or worse? i know they are totally different but as of right now, i am very confused on what should i...
  6. Soothsayer

    Help! I need an Amp for Beyerdynamic DT880 Premium 600ohm and AKG Q701.

    I have recently bought Beyerdynamic DT880 Premium 600ohm to use for a wide range of things, from videogames to listen to IPod. I already had AKG Q701 and they are perfect except the volume matter, and the Beyers are even worse. I don't want to give some large bucks for the amp or a DAC device if...
  7. Gathero

    Wich Portable Amp for a Dt880 600Ohm ?

    Hello,   A friend will sell me soon his "new" BeyerDynamic DT880 600Ohm. Unlike him im not often at home for the moment so i need a portable amp. I know this headphone need some power to be driven properly and  I do not really know which one to take... Source : Mobile / Audio-Flac player/...
  8. Wyatt Barger

    Beyerdynamic DT 880 (600 ohm) driving help?

    Hey everyone im new to the world of audiophiles (but i am REALLY into it) and i need some help. For christmas i am getting the Audio Technica ATH M50's, FiiO E7 portable headphone amplifier, and the FiiO L9 line out cable. I also plan to buy the FiiO E9, as it my FiiO E7 will dock with it and...
  9. wolfetan44

    Looking for an amp/DAC

    I am looking for an amp/DAC and I have a budget of about, hmm. Lets just say.. $1000 would be a very nice budget, but I can definately go over, if worth it. At $1000 we have some good choices, like the WA7 and Lyr/Bifrost. But hey, go over by all means.    I'm looking for a amp/DAC that will...
  10. lurchpanda

    Question about a Claro halo's amplifier with some BD DT 880 600ohm

     Hey everyone. I was purchasing some new computer hardware, and came across word that an amplifier plus a dac provides really good sound quality for headphones. I am currently just using a claro halo to power my BeyerDynamic DT 880's 600ohm, and was wondering if i would benefit from getting an...
  11. iJeffG

    $200 to spend...Better Headphones OR Lesser Headphones AND Amplifier

    Title speaks for itself...I'm wondering how best to spend approximnately $200 for a set of full-seize Cans.   I am buying these primarily to listen to classical music run from an Oppo BD93 through an Anthem AV30 headphone outlet.  I believe the Anthem has a 100mW headphone drive circuit.  ...
  12. Wildewinds

    Noob. Want to upgrade from Senn HD580's. More bass, just as comfortable.

    I've had my Sennheiser HD 580's for years and years now. They're great, but I'm a bass head and I want some more bass. I wear these things all the time, so I need whatever I get to be just as comfortable.   Right now I run them off a Creek OBH-11 amp.   I use them for: 70% gaming, 20%...
  13. Mods12

    shure 840 upgrade

    I see a lot of good things about dt880s the 250 and 600 ohm. would it be a significant upgrade to buy a used dt880 over shure 840 I already own. I have an e10 amp
  14. mknlb50

    Recommended amps for HD650 and DT880/600?

    Hey guys. I'm planning on getting both of these headphones and choose the one that I prefer the best, but I need a good capable amp that compliments the two well enough.  At the moment I am looking to get a Schiit...
  15. CurtCorps

    Looking for Headphones with good bass impact without hurting the treble and mids.

     I'm looking to get a new pair of headphones on a budget of 300 dollars. I listen to a lot of dubstep and really any other music with a strong bass line, but at the same time I listen to a lot of classical music and classic rock. So I don't want a headphone with over powering bass. I'm...
  16. TunneLVisioN42

    General Consensus DT880 600Ω Burn In Time?

    The recent 50+ flagship review inspired me to finally check out the DT 880, in the past I owned a pair of HD 650's and liked them but ended up having to part with them, I for the time being needed something decent to tide me over so I ended up getting some ATH-AD700's, I absolutely hate the...
  17. kaneman890

    $300-$400 upgrade for ath m50? listen to a lot of metal and instrumental

    as the title says im finally looking to upgrade my m50's with something in the 3-400 dollar range.  i use a yulong u100 as my dac/amp. from the little reading that i did im more or less choosing between HD 600 or DT 880 (600ohm) although more recomendations are always welcome, shopping for all...
  18. timtoo

    Question about Dt880

    Do any one know what is different between DT880 por 600ohm and premium 600 ohm? or is it same headphone Thanks
  19. Meh

    First Tube Amp

    Hey guys, I currently use my ASUS Essence STX for both DAC and amp to listen to my music, but I've always been interested in getting a tube amp. Recently I've seen the Bravo Ocean on sale for under $100 and I'm interested in getting it as my first budget tube amp. I currently have a pair of...
  20. iJeffG

    Beyerdynamic 880 Pro vs 880 Premium - Why the $$$ difference

    I've been spending (way too many) hours going through the forum to identify the best full-size headphones for classical music...while staying under the $200 price point.   The Beyer 880's are high on the list...but there is a discrepancy I'd like to understand.  The Premium sells for almost...
  21. iJeffG

    Beyerdynamic DT880 PRO vs. DT880 Premium - Explain $$$ to me

    I've been spending (way too many) hours going through the forum to identify the best full-size headphones for classical music...while staying under the $200 price point.   The Beyer 880's are high on the list...but there is a discrepancy I'd like to understand.  The Premium sells for almost...
  22. SmettMark

    Ultrasone Signature Pro vs Beyer T70p vs Beyer T5p for rock and metal?

    I'm currently deciding between these three headphones for mainly rock and metal. A lot of people have said the T5p and the T70p sound awful for rock and metal due to the lack of bass, but I plan on EQing the bass with either an iphone or a fiio E17 amp. It seems like both beyers have an...
  23. oopeteroo

    Audio technica AD900x, Sony MDR-CD900ST, Hifiman He-400 for Kpop, Jpop, Cpop ?

    Hi! its me again :D   Iam still looking for a new headphone.   Right now iam using: Odac + build in O2 amp HD650 mp3 320kbps and flac   im listening to Jpop, Kpop, Cpop, female Ballad, female vocal music, ascustic   I had the HD598 really love this, feeling there is no...
  24. Mizicke5273

    DAC to pair with TubeMagic A1 & DT880s

    Hey all, new to the forums and high-end headphones.  I recently upgraded to my current audio setup in August and September.  Did a lot of reading on here before I decided on the A1 for my amp.  The Beyers were pretty much decided on from the start, just read so many good things about them.  I've...
  25. wizia

    What headphones for this kind of music? High budget

    After months of thinking about buying new things and then realizing it might not be worth it (I guess most people here have feeling that way sometimes). I've decided it's time to upgrade my current audio equipment.   This time I only need headphones. I plan on upgrading both DAC and amp at...