Smoking in Pubs/Bars Yes or No?
Feb 25, 2006 at 10:48 PM Post #16 of 192

Originally Posted by PinkFloyd
Do you realise 90% of the prison population are there through "alcohol" related crimes. Alcohol is dangerous, a drunken man could walk up to you and stab you... should we ban drinking in public places just incase? Similarly, smoking is dangerous to you (you claim) if you walk into a pub, why go in then? Why not go elsewhere, maybe a dedicated non smoking pub? I'm all for that but an outright ban, across the board on smoking?? No way is that fair.

thats why those who serve drinks can be get in trouble if they serve drinks to someone who does something like that

when you smoke your not only increasing your risk of health issues but to those also around you
why should i suffer because of your stupid addiction
Feb 25, 2006 at 10:49 PM Post #17 of 192
Man, I wish we could have TIO back.


Do you realise 90% of the prison population are there through "alcohol" related crimes. Alcohol is dangerous, a drunken man could walk up to you and stab you... should we ban drinking in public places just incase?

It is not the case that my every encounter/exposure to a someone who's had a beer will result in the slow erosion of my health. But that's not the case with cigarette smoke.
Feb 25, 2006 at 10:51 PM Post #18 of 192

Originally Posted by Echo_
why should i suffer because of your stupid addiction

Why should I have to suffer whining twits like you when I go into a pub for a drink (water) and a smoke? I go into a mans pub to be with real men not carping, whining girl's blouses. Ban whining non smokers from pubs, send them over the road to the ladies tearoom!
Feb 25, 2006 at 10:53 PM Post #19 of 192

Originally Posted by markl
It is not the case that my every encounter/exposure to a someone who's had a beer will result in the slow erosion of my health. But that's not the case with cigarette smoke.

All the best rock concerts ever have been held in smoke filled joints, you mean to tell me you'd even ban smoking at a gig? I just can't believe this. And, by the way, you're slowly eroding from the day you're born then you die whether you ingest my fumes along the way or not..... you will die eventually, try banning death! What next are you going to complain about, the fumes that come out of car exhausts? or maybe you drive a car? What about aftershave, why not ban that as well... my god the smell may offend some people... ban it!
Feb 25, 2006 at 11:00 PM Post #20 of 192
Oh man, I luv me a cold pint and fag. I couldn't imagine the two not going together. Then again, that is my socialization. The two vices could exist a world apart with a generation of socialization.

However, I like to mix vices so here is a vote yes!
Feb 25, 2006 at 11:00 PM Post #22 of 192
Heh, it won't be long now til teacher stops our fun.


you mean to tell me you'd even ban smoking at a gig?

You're too late, you can't smoke at any shows in California. I think it's probably the same at most concert halls across thge country, maybe others can chime in.


Why should I have to suffer whining twits like you when I go into a pub for a drink (water) and a smoke? I go into a mans pub to be with real men not carping, whining girl's blouses.

Yup, lung cancer and emphysema are very macho indeed.
Feb 25, 2006 at 11:06 PM Post #23 of 192

Originally Posted by markl

You're too late, you can't smoke at any shows in California.

I've got no intention of ever visiting California, I can buy raisins in my local supermarket, why the hell would I want to fly all the way to California on a non smoking aircraft..... god that would be like torture.
Feb 25, 2006 at 11:09 PM Post #25 of 192
We love to attend the local comedy club, but they allow smoking in there so we don't go as often as I like.

While there, my eyes burn and I'm choking and coughing most of the time.
My my clothes smell horrible and have to be washed immediately once I get home. That smell even invades my car seats (thank God for Fabreeze).

And you guys breathe this stuff on purpose?

If it's your right to smoke, I guess it's my right to walk around with a fresh turd in my pants. You won't mind if I sit next to you do you?
Feb 25, 2006 at 11:15 PM Post #27 of 192

While there, my eyes burn and I'm choking and coughing most of the time.

You're supposed to be "laughing" in a comedy club and you people who cough at shows really GET ON MY NERVES!!! Take your damned coughing and moaning outside!! There's nothing worse than some pain in the neck coughing his guts all over the place when you're trying to listen to the "entertainer"
Feb 25, 2006 at 11:18 PM Post #28 of 192

Originally Posted by xUKHCx
That is mainly water vapour

WRONG! It's the chimney on top of my house, we have been forced to smoke indoors and have to vent the fumes somehow. Jesus, you expect us to choke??
Feb 25, 2006 at 11:18 PM Post #29 of 192
I vote

Yes-disgusting habit

It is without the scope of the government's power to regulate such things. If there was enough demand for no smoking bars, there would be no-smoking bars competing with smoking bars. If you can't find an establishment that caters to your desires, then either find somewhere else to go, or do without. That's life.

Smoking is disgusting. I hate smoke. Government regulation of people is disgusting, and I hate it worse.

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