General Information

  • Tin Audio
  • Driver unit: 10mm dynamic + Knowles BA
  • Frequency response: 10–40,000 Hz
  • Sensitivity: 95 dB +/- 3dB
  • Impedance: 16 ohms
  • Plug: ⅛ in (3.5 mm) carbon
  • Cable: 4.1 ft (1.25 m) 5N 8-core OFC-plated silver
  • Interface: MMCX



Latest reviews

Dobrescu George

Reviewer: AudiophileHeaven
Pros: + Nice sparkle and detail for the sound
+ Great Comfort
+ Good price / performance ratio
+ Full metallic IEM
Cons: - Not a rich package
- Not for those who are afraid of treble
Tin T3 (70 USD)

Purchase Link (Linsoul):

Purchase Link (Amazon):

Purchase Link (Aliexpress):

Tin T3 has been really raved about, and even I made a Youtube Video Review, where I praised them a lot, and told you to get a pair, because they are awesome.

And indeed they are, the first fully metallic IEM from this review compilation, and man, I love that. The MMCX connectors, cable, and even quality of the sound are what the recent Chi-Fi has been. Indeed, Chi-Fi became something else entirely recently, with much better build quality, sonic quality, and sometimes even beats major brands, but which have been trying to save some on build quality and on sound, Chifi companies showing off, and even competing who can do the best sounding, best build thing, for the lowest price.

Youtube video:

The package of Tin T3 is pretty interesting. You do not get a carrying case with this one, sadly, but you do get a really rich selection of tips. So many tips, that you will find one that is comfortable, and one that will fit your ears. Well, to be more explicit, there are two sets of silicone tips, and one pair of foam tips, but still, for the 70 USD price point, that is amazing.

The cable of the T3 also feels amazing, and although it is a bit tangle-prone, it is the highest quality cable in this entire review. Best overall build and sonic quality, despite the T3 not being the most pricy IEM from this entire list.

There is no microphonic noise with this cable, and with T3 this is actually an important thing, because while most of the other IEMs in this review are made to be worn only over-the-ear, T3 is made to be worn both straight-down and over-the-ear. With high-quality MMCX connectors as well, you have what I could call a really well built IEM. The build and comfort is very similar to Tin T2 PRO, and overall, both are nicely-fitting IEMS.

The driving factor is fair, T3 can take some EQ if you want to, and you should be aware that they are not very good at isolating you from the outside noise, and are rather mediocre, with about 15 dB of passive noise isolation. With a little vent at the back, to take care of driver flex, you will get no driver flex, and no void either, but you will not have the best isolation either.

To describe T3, I would use the words Balanced, V/U-Shaped, Clear, Dynamic and Punchy. This is the interesting part about them, because for 70 USD, they are proper value, they have not only the nice build, but also a pretty darn good sound, with clarity that could easily compete if they were 200 USD. Of course, that is not the point of ChiFi, and I'm always happy when the market takes a turn to make better quality available for cheaper, as in the end it helps the users the most if the companies keep doing this.

The bass tends to be a bit shy, especially if you're coming from bass-heavy IEMs, as most entires in the entry-level price range are. The bass can satisfy an audiophile and a music lover easily, but may not be enough to satisfy a basshead, who may want to take a look at something like BGVP DMG more. But for a quick and healthy bass presentation, T3 is really great.

When it comes to the midrange, you start to understand why so many reviewers have been giving Tin HIFI a thumbs-up. They have such a clear, sparkly dynamic and punchy presentation, that when hearing them, you would think you're listening to a far more expensive IEM. This being said, the midrange, at least to my ears, has been very balanced and natural, maybe a bit bright, and prone to sibilance, and to harshness, but it was never too forward. In fact the treble is even more forward, and this makes the whole sound sparkly, clean and fun.

The treble of T3 is sparkly, clean, crisp and detailed. This is interesting, because as you've probably noticed from this longer review, I have been calling out a few IEMS for not having a great amount of clarity and detail, but Tin T3, this one is to be called out for being awesome, not for having too little detail and clarity. Still recommended and still awesome.
Dobrescu George
Dobrescu George
@hydroid - I think the pairing will be perfect, especially if you prefer neutral - bright signatures!
Thanks a lot George..cheers
Dobrescu George
Dobrescu George


Pros: Spacious soundstage
Instrument separation
Overall clarity
Cons: Overly bright and lean
Vocal sibilance
Tangle prone cable

Tin Audio opted for a proven formula with a full aluminum body feels solid and sturdy. The cable is different this time around with preshaped ear-hooks that fit around your ears. Other than that it’s still braided, quite soft and very prone to tangling. I’d prefer a classical no-hook cable as we had on T2 but that’s really a matter of preference. Detachable cable means you can change the default one with any MMCX connector cable you like.

It’s a very personal thing, but achieving a good and secure fit was quite easy for me. That’s great because the last thing you want with such lean sounding headphones is to lose even more bass because of a bad fit. Luckily, there’s a lot of different eartips, including foam ones, provided in the box.

Tin Audio T3 03.jpg


Overall clarity and precision I liked about T2 is present in this model too. Already great instrument separation became even better. Bass is once again very well behaved, fast and precise, but on a leaner side. That means T3 is definitely not meant for bass-heads. And even if you’re not one of those I couldn’t blame you for wishing just a bit more grunt and weight in the bass region. Going past the bass line, T3 definitely sounds even more spacious than T2 and there’s more air around the instruments. Unfortunately, the upper midrange is even more pronounced this time and vocals tend to sizzle at you most of the time as sibilance is quite common. Now, join that with lean bass and midbass and we get the overall sound signature that is even brighter this time. For me, that gets tiring very quickly and I’m forced to use EQ to help me tame those sizzling sss, hhh… buy reducing some higher midrange and highs level ( -3 dB at 7-10 kHz). While at it, I also added some more bass (~ 2 dB below 250 Hz) to make things just a touch more pleasurable.

I can imagine this type of sound signature working fine with warm and dark sounding sources (DAC/AMP). In that case, the source and T3 could balance each other out. That’s purely theoretical thought, as I didn’t have such a DAC/AMP at hand to confirm the theory. Talking about sources, T3 is not hard to drive. It can work quite fine even with a good smartphone but will sound a bit fuller and more energetic with a decent DAC like Sonata HD, Dragonfly Black or Fever DAC.

Tin Audio T3 04.jpg


I was a fan of T2s. Those were on the analytical side of things too, but cheaper and definitely not as bright sounding. Now, T3 did improve on some things like imaging, spatial organization, and overall clarity. But going this bright, sharp, and analytical is not something I can enjoy or easily recommend to others.

. . .

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Headphoneus Supremus
Reviewer at Headfonics
Pros: Build.
Cool box.
Sound is better than T2 Pro
Cons: NO CASE.
Not the sound everyone will want, still lacks depth.
Too many choices at this price.
TinHiFi T3: What the T2 Pro should have been…$69.

Linsoul Audio:


I will state this right up front. The T3 is what the T2 Pro should have been. While the T2 was pretty good, but nothing special; the T2 Pro was better. I will note that right away. But the T3 bests the T2 Pro in every way in my opinion. There…I said it.

Word to Chi-Fi operators: INCLUDE A CASE!!! PLEASE!!!


Tin Audio/TinHiFi:

Driver unit: 10mm dynamic + Knowles BA
Frequency response: 10–40,000 Hz
Sensitivity: 95 dB +/- 3dB
Impedance: 16 ohms
Plug: ⅛ in (3.5 mm) carbon
Cable: 4.1 ft (1.25 m) 5N 8-core OFC-plated silver
Interface: MMCX

In the Box:

IEM (in foam insert, top of box cut with window. Gives you that “look at me,” feeling)
OFC Silver-plated/copper cable, wound intro a square. Really cool, actually. Pliable.
Two sets of white foam tips.
Four sets of silicon-three red w/ S/M/L. One blue in M/
Instruction sheet.


Gear used/compared:

All prices in USD, unless noted otherwise

MEE Audio M6 Pro G2 ($49)

KZ BA10 ($81)

Meze Neo11 ($59)

Thebit Opus #2

Shanling M5s

Shanling M3s

Aune M1s

MacBook Pro/iFi Pro iDSD

Burson Fun


Songs used:

Too bloody many to list all, but you want songs, so there you go:

Coldplay-All I Can think About Is You
Coldplay-A Message
Coldplay-White Shadows
Dona Onete-Sonos de Adolescente
Los Lonely Boys- Heaven (en Espanol)
twenty one pilots-Trees
twenty one pilots-Car Radio
twenty one pilots-Heathens
Damian Marley-Everybody Wants To Be Somebody
Damian Marley-So A Child May Follow
Damian Marley-The Struggle Discontinues
Ziggy Marley-Lighthouse
Ziggy Marely-See Dem Fake Leaders
Mark Knopfler-Laughs And Jokes And Drinks And Smokes
Santana w/ Mana- Corazon Espinado

The new twenty one pilots album, Trench


Opening exactly the same as the two previous iterations of the T-series, one opens the blue cardboard much like a book. Pretty cool, actually. But this time, there is a cutout on top so one may view the detached IEM’s nestled softly in a foam insert. With the soft gray color of the T3, you could almost imagine there is a sleeping tike inside…almost.

Under the foam insert lies the cable, neatly tucked into a blanket, err bag, as well as the six sets of tips. That’s it. No case. PuLEEZ include a case!!! This aspect still seems to be hit or miss, and I’d prefer a HIT. OK, enough about that.



It’s a light gray IEM, shaped like a bolt with a handle. Oh, and a cable. There seems to be a push with some IEM makers pushing for the bullet-shape lately and it could very well have started with Tin (this latest round). I don’t mind this shape at all, as it is comfortable and easy to use. Except I do have a hard time keeping the cable over ear. To utilize this as a bud, simply switch sides with the cable. Then wear it down. I prefer it up, and twist the MMCX cable inwards, like pushing the frame of a pair of glasses against your head. Don’t expect to do the Rumba, though. I do like the cable, but wish there was some shrink plastic on it, or a weight like some have. Meh, that’s OK.

Finish is top notch (as all iterations have been), with a good mix of polished and burnished surfaces. All those pieces fit together as one would expect. Near-perfectly. I won’t mention some much higher priced IEM’s, which do not have the same build quality of the TinHiFi. Nicely done.

The cable itself is soft and supple. Tangle free as well. Wound perfectly, there is a chrome jack with faux silver carbon face plating. Overall, the T3 looks the part, and I do like the look, feel and fit. With a bit of a lip on the nozzle, one need not worry about the tip coming off as well. A welcome feature and one we see more and more. Plus, the nozzle is not overly large, so long sessions can be had. No complaints.


Sound intro:

When one receives an item, first and foremost you check to make sure all is good. You then test the sound and try as you might not to, first impressions can be had. I fall for it as well. Here, I was coming off some more expensive IEM’s, so I tried extra hard not to make a judgement. We are human after all and it can be hard. So, I had my saltine cracker (see wine testing) UM Mentor V3’s to cleanse my palette then listened. I immediately recognized that the T3 was better than the T2 and T2 Pro. To me in pretty much every way. That is how I came up with the title. After two minutes, I had it. And I stick by it.

There is a dearth of options at the $50-75usd price, so of course TinHiFi muddies it more with the T3. Squeezing into this overly crowded house can be tough. You almost need a pass or a protector bigger than the bouncer at the door. The history and acclaim of the T-iterations was enough to muscle in the door and take their rightly place at the bar. There are some very good models at this point such as the KZ AS10, Shozy Hibiki iterations and the CCA C10. Tough competition and all have their following. All of the above have differing approaches from the single dynamic driver of the Hibiki to the multi-balance armatures of the others. The T3 is a true hybrid, though with a single 10mm DD and a single Knowles BA. So, you can quickly see how companies approach this tight mid-fi market.


More sound…

So, listed above I mention that the T3 is better than the two previous iterations. To me it is. Better control of the bass, more defined midrange, and a treble that while is a bit sibilant, is not too grating for me. Vocals can bite a bit, but not enough to encumber you with too many problems. I did find the sound a wee bit troublesome, but not enough to warrant me throwing the IEM to the floor. TinHiFi is headed in the right direction, generally. But not fast enough for me. I do wish they would jump up several levels and produce a wonderful mid-fi IEM. THIS would be something to behold. And my bet is that it would be good.



TinHiFi T3 ($69) v BQEYZ BQ3 ($69):

Lifted from the BQ3 review: As I have previously stated, the T3 is what the T2 Pro should have been. And the T2 Pro is what the T2 should have been. Of the three, I like the T3 the best. It has the most rounded sound of the three. The T2 was clear and concise but left any semblance of a bass sound at the station. The T2 Pro helped alleviate this somewhat, but not completely and in my mind at the expense of that clarity. The T3 melds the best, with a solid bass (not as much quantity as the BQ3 or C16), that gives a hint of rumble. And that is running through the Burson Fun with the warmer V6 Vivid OpAmp. So, it is still a little light.

But there is good sound and good clarity again. Mids sound a bit held back. I hate to use the word veiled, because that would inadequately describe the signature. Held back is a good analogy. For the price it presents good value and would be a competent alternative to the BQ3. Just do not expect the level of bass presence that the BQ3 has.

TinHiFi T3 ($69) v KZ BA10 ($81)/KZ AS10 ($70):

Clarity rules here. But at the cost of bass. Compared to the T3 it is essentially non-existent. Not there, nope. The best thing the BA10 has going is that the sound is pretty clear. I included it here, to show how far Chi-Fi has come in just two short years. For less money now, you can get a better overall IEM in my opinion.

I included both, for the BA10 was supposed to replace the AS10 as the “flagship.” Well to me, the AS10 is a better match to my sound takes, and better suited against the T3. With bass that is untamed and unwieldly there is no hesitance there. None. Deep reach, but not controlled. There is a lack of sibilance up top, though. That is why I prefer it to the BA10. Vocals can be somewhat lost in the mid mix, but this is one of the few mid-priced Chi-Fi entries in which I can raise the volume without bother. Another positive.

TinHiFi T3 ($69) v Meze Neo11 ($59):

I really like the Neo11. It is an outstanding value at the sub-$75 price point, and the “flaw” against it that might hinder a purchase was the microphonics of the cable. Other than that, it is quite good. Bass on par with the T3, better vocals, and a delicious reach up top in the treble range. Quite tasty.

That said, in many ways the T3 matches the Neo11. With slightly more bass, you feel more with the T3. Vocals are not on par, and the mids slightly muddled compared to the Neo11. Up top, there is no strain either. Fit is a bit worse on the T3 due to its shape. The cable is better, though. Gorgeous at which to look, and no microphonics at all. So, in this regard, I’d almost consider the T3/Neo11 a wash. Both are more than worth a look.

TinHiFi T3 ($69) v TinHiFi T2 Pro ($59):

This is a tough one. I really liked the T2 Pro as an upgrade to the T2 (which I liked as well). Going back to back, I get a bit better spatial awareness from the T2P. Almost holographic-like in nature, the mids are slightly more forward. There is also a bit more up top, which bothers me a bit. It’s not bad at lower volumes but raise the volume and it can a bit tedious after a while. Female vocals tend to suffer the most. This is less of a problem on the T3. That said, I still can’t turn either up to levels at which I would like to jam out. So, the T3 is a step forward in my mind.



So, this is the third iteration of the venerable T-series. And I can say that with each they tend to get better. The T2 was marveled as an affordable well-built Chi-fi with good sound. The T2 Pro added a bit of clarity and a bit more bass. This iteration, the T3 expands upon that further. Better control than the other two, with quicker bass decay, which to me aids in a solid succinct sound, which goes a bit away from the Chi-Fi norm…that too much sparkly top end. And I for one am glad.

Is this the best at the sub-$75 IEM price? Well, that is up to you to decide, for in my ears, and my ears alone it is a definite step forward for TinHiFi and I appreciate that tinkering. Now, if they would add a bit more bass, it could possibly be called the top five at this range (not that it isn’t in my mind), but again that is for you to decide.

Thanks again to Lillian and Linsoul for continued faith in this feeble old mind and ears. I do appreciate it.




Just picked these up: late to the party albeit.

Really like them actually. Excellent detail/price. Very fast throughout the spectrum; very tight bass; very dry, notably. Like this tuning, although there is the odd peak/trough. Even more keen to try one of their planars now, probably the P1+. Built like tanks as well, apart from the MMCX connectors, I suppose.
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