Simgot EA1000 "Fermat" In-Ear Monitor


New Head-Fier
SIMGOT EA1000 review of hybrid iem by ICYGENIUS 🎧
Pros: The quality and workmanship is excellent
The cable is good and does not need to be replaced
Fit and comfort are excellent
The most technical headphones I've ever listened to, it's pure madness
Very emotional and detailed sound
Very transparent and airy flow
Soundstage has excellent depth and width
Bass has insanely good control and attack
Texture processing is transparent, and bass saturation and distortion are reproduced at an excellent high level
High frequencies are quite analytical and airy and do not have sibilants
Crazy analytical, the music is literally in your possession.
Cons: For me the tone is a little bright without using a nozzle filter, use 300mesh to fix that.
Hello friends!
Today we’ll talk about new hybrid headphones from SIMGOT, the model is called EA1000 and their cost is $219!

And they come in a very attractive, well-designed medium-sized box, and on the front here in the frame there is the inscription the last theorem of Fermat!

Well, here at the back there are three frequency response graphs of headphones with different replaceable complete nozzles, the first is Target Simgot 2023 with a gold nozzle, the second red is the already familiar Target Harman 2019 with a silver nozzle and a red silicone rubber band, and the third blue is a classic Simgot Target using a silver nozzle with a black silicone rubber band, and as always, the technical characteristics are immediately indicated and 1 dynamic driver 1 and a passive radiator are responsible for the sound, and the sensitivity of the headphones is 127dB and they received 16ohm impedance!

Let's take a look at what's included!


The headphones themselves are very securely fixed here, and they look very good. Let's look at them in more detail.
They have a metal body that still collects prints, of course, but nevertheless literally attracts the eye to itself, because they really look very elegant and tasteful, and as you probably noticed there is a logo of the company Simgot on the front part, and the hidden inscription Fermat here below.


And of course they got a good and time-tested 2pin connector that is slightly recessed into the case, and on the inside of the earphone there is a marking of the right and left channels, and a metal mesh is visible, and there are also two acoustic holes, one of which is quite close to this nozzle, which can be unscrewed and changed to either of the other two.
Ergonomics and convenience!
The fit of these headphones is excellent, quite tight and they fit well to the ear, so there are no problems with sound insulation!


In the smallest box there are replaceable nozzles, one of them is gold and has a transparent elastic band, and the other is silver and has a black elastic band and spongy material inside, personally I used a complete nozzle with a red elastic band, but I pasted an additional black filter on top of it, and I'll explain later why I did it.

In the box with the inscription storage box is of course, here is a really very good and strong case inside which there is an excellent cable that received a 3.5 jack connector and 2pins for connecting to headphones,i really liked it very much.


And in the last slightly larger box, there is a very good set of ear pads that can be used without problems, and additional elastic bands for use with nozzles, and here are such large instructions.


How do these headphones sound?
Well, now friends, let's talk about the most important thing, namely the sound of this model!
And this is what their frequency response graph looks like: there is a moderate amount of bass with a good entry into the mid-range, and a smooth transition to the upper mid-range with high frequencies that received a little emphasis, and upon first listening you immediately notice detail, attacks, transients, a lot of air, and a very transparent and ultra-analytical presentation that I have not seen for a long time, and these headphones literally pull out all the nuances in the music.

Low Frequencies:
Well, let's start with an analysis of the low frequencies, where the headphones demonstrate a very precise and accurate and correct rise with a slight emphasis on the sub-bass, which has excellent weight and volume filling the space, and I was very pleased with the smooth and clearly controlled transition to mid-bass, due to which the bass is perfectly controlled and literally allows the mid frequencies to breathe and open up without interfering with them at all.
The midbass here is presented as quite dense and collected and with a very clearly defined attack and good textural elaboration, and it’s worth saying that despite the fact that this is not a basshead model, I was very pleased to listen to electronic music and hip-hop genres, where first of all you need a good and pumping low end, of course, without obvious dominance over other frequencies, as this is especially happens in basshead models.

Mid Frequencies:
Well, the mids in these headphones are literally what you need, they are very transparent and clearly focused in space, but they feel a little light, but nevertheless I would say that this is literally their calling card, there is a great airiness here that makes everything sound clear separate and detailed on overtones, there is no box effect or closed dark space,and this entire range literally breathes, and despite the fact that it is quite smooth, it did not get excessive obvious monitoring and dryness because of this, but on the contrary, everything sounds quite emotional and exciting.
But the vocal part, both male and female vocals, is presented to us as very clean and incredibly transparent and clear, and of course it’s worth saying that it’s immediately noticeable that the vocals focus attention on themselves and are brought forward along with the drum part and everything sounds literally next to you and this gives very nice immersive effect
but what I have to tell you is that the upper middle area is quite bright for me out of the box, so I used an additional filter that weakened this excessive emphasis, but for example, I can’t know exactly how it will be in your case since perhaps someone will not even have to glue a filter here and will be satisfied with such a brighter presentation, since I know for sure that there are many such fans.
High Frequencies:
Well, as for high frequencies, they have a very good and correct approach to tuning, there is also a very pronounced technicality and there is an insane bias towards analytics due to which we have excellent separation of cymbals and percussion in this range, and of course it’s worth to say that the headphones are perfect for heavy and high-speed genres that require a good dedicated attack and a small but pleasant-to-hear underscore of the cymbals and I’m glad that they don’t merge the sound into a single whole, but on the contrary, all the cymbals at the top and each long aftersound sounds very detailed and separate, that is, the images are not lost in the mix and are drawn very accurately and legibly, the analytics here are really at their best, fans of this kind of presentation they will definitely be pleased.
Stage and stereo panorama:

In Simgot Ea1000 everything is in perfect order here, the stage itself is quite wide and optimal, it does not have artificial stretch, it is exactly correct and at the same time has an excellent slope in depth, that is, the space and instruments do not feel flat, but on the contrary, they have good weight and volume , and all the images are drawn in great detail and separately from each other.
My conclusion on these headphones:
SIMGOT EA1000 turned out to be excellent attacking, detailed and incredibly technical headphones that you will definitely remember for a long time, that truly amazing new product.
Link where you can buy them!

Icygenius was with you, I will be glad if you subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch this full review on SIMGOT EA1000 !
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Thanks for another review mate, I like how you approach this case and do it in such detail.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Beautiful shells
Good ergonomics and comfort
Easily driven
3 tuning nozzles to vary along Harmanish curves
Class-leading resolution and technicalities
Fast, clean and textured bass
Transparent midrange
Great treble extension and air
Natural timbral accuracy
Cons: Dearth of eartip choices
Shells may be fingerprint or scratch magnets
Below average isolation
On some nozzles, may be bright for treble-sensitive peeps or those sensitive to upper mids
Not for bassheads

I would like to thank Simgot for providing the EA1000 Fermat.

It can be gotten here: or🎶sg-simgot-ea1000-fermat-flagship-dynamic-driver-iem (no affiliate links).

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  • Driver configuration: 10mm dynamic driver (DD) + passive radiator (PR) driver
  • Impedance: 38 Ω
  • Frequency response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz
  • Sensitivity: 127 dB/Vrms
  • Cable: 2-pin, 0.78 mm; silver-plated OFC Litz cable
  • Tested at $219.99 USD


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Other than the IEM, these are included:
- 6 pairs of silicone eartips
- 3 pairs of tuning nozzles
- Nozzle rings
- Cable
- Carrying case

For a $200ish set, the accessories are acceptable, though there is a glaring lack of eartip variety. Gear at this price bracket also may incorporate a modular cable, which is absent here.

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6 pairs of silicone tips are included (there are duplicates of S/M/L sizes). These silicone tips are pretty serviceable, though there are no foam tips.

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The tuning nozzles add versatility to the tonality, and they operate via a screw-on mechanism. We will talk more about them in the following sections. Nozzle identifier rings are also included as a nice touch, to identify the sides.

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The stock cable is a silver-plated OFC Litz cable. This is unfortunately not modular, but is very nice haptically. It is well-braided with a chin cinch, with minimal microphonics. 2-pin cables are always my preference due to horrible experiences with dodgy MMCX connectors.

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A silver leatherette case completes the accessory line-up. This case is semi-rigid, and has a magnetic clasp. The innards are soft and lined with webbing.

The rest of this review was done with the stock cable and stock silicone tips. No aftermarket accessories were used, so as not to add any confounders to the sound.


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The shells are a real looker, featuring a mirror-like metal surface, with a crystal faceplate. Build is very solid, though the shells can potentially be scratch magnets or fingerprint magnets, so do baby them.

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Weighing in at about 11 g apiece, the shells are extremely ergonomic and well fitting, with no weird protrusions on the inner aspects to poke the ears. I could wear the EA1000 for hours without discomfort.

Incorporating vents, isolation is below average. Thankfully, I did not encounter any driver flex on my pair.

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I tested the EA1000 with the following sources:
- Apple dongle
- Cayin RU7
- Fiio K11 DAC/amp
- Fiio KA13 dongle
- Hiby R3 Pro Saber 2022 DAP
- Khadas Tone Board -> Schiit Asgard 3 amp
- Questyle M15 DAC/AMP dongle
- Sony Walkman NW A-55 DAP (Walkman One WM1Z Plus v2 Mod)
- Sony Walkman NW A-55 DAP (Walkman One Neutral Mod)
- Sony Walkman NW WM1A DAP (Walkman One WM1Z Plus v2 Mod)
- Smartphone

The Fermat is easily driven even off the weakest of sources.


The EA1000's engine is a unique DD + passive radiator (PR) setup.

A second-generation dual magnetic and dual chamber 10 mm full-range dynamic driver with a 6 mm composite diaphragm is the main workhorse. Simgot advertises that it was manufactured via sputter-deposition technology, and this diaphragm is optimized to generate a high magnetic flux.

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The addition of a PR - which can be seen above on the "R" and "L" markings of the shell - is supposed to improve bass texturing and heft. Indeed, on listening, the bass is toned, with solid quality and timbre.

This IEM's selling point is the 3 tuning nozzles, which have different damping and cavity materials.

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As such, they vary the sonics along a spectrum of Harmanish tonalities, subtly affecting the upper mids and lower treble:
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Graph of the Simgot EA1000 via IEC711 coupler. 8 kHz is a coupler peak.

The black nozzle bestows the brightest tuning, with the thinnest note weight. Trebleheads will love this configuration, though it is not for the treble-sensitive. Technicalities are understandably the best with this setup.

The gold nozzle is a bit sharp at the upper mids, but the treble tails off the most thereafter. Vocalheads may appreciate this nozzle, though it may sound a bit shouty, especially at louder volumes.

The red nozzle has a more sedate upper mids peak, but has greater treble extension than the gold one. Personally, this is my favourite setup, as it banishes most of the shoutiness away, yet maintains great air and sparkle in the treble.

Do explore the various tuning nozzles on offer and see what suits your sonic palette.


The following impressions will be made with the red nozzle installed.

The EA1000 is mid-bass focused, with the bass just north of neutral. The added PR tech does seem to add some heft to this region, with decent sub-bass extension. However, it isn't a basshead IEM by any means. What the EA1000 cedes in bass quantity, it aces in quality. The bass is well-textured, with solid speed and nimbleness. There is no mid-bass bleed.

The lower midrange is a tinge depressed, but not by too much. Without any big bass encroachment, it is relatively transparent. With the red nozzles on, the upper mids sport a 9ish dB ear gain, which allows vocals to be showcased, without veering too much to shouty territory.

The Fermat's lower treble continues on from the upper mids boost, and thereafter gives great extension into the upper registers, with much air and sparkle heard. There's admittedly slight sibilance, and perhaps our treble-sensitive brethren might want to keep to the gold nozzle in place if treble zing is an issue. Trebleheads will have a field day with the EA1000's extended treble, which adds a lot of resolution to the table.

As discussed, other nozzles may be more zealous in the upper mids and treble, and I feel the red nozzles are the best midpoint of furnishing clarity, without erring to the side of fatigue. However, treble and upper mids perception varies on a few factors, such as hearing health, ear anatomy (pinna gain), eartip choices, volume played at (Fletcher Munson curve) and even sources, so YMMV.

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In keeping with its single DD roots, timbral accuracy is spot on, and there should be no complaints in this area.

Amongst the $200ish DD containing sets, the Fermat is arguably class-leading in technicalities and resolution. There's superb transients and clarity, with globs of micro-detail on tap. Imaging is very well done, and soundstage is spacious in all 3 dimensions. This aids in layering and instrument separation, and the EA1000 handles complex tracks and competing riffs with aplomb.

Despite the stellar technical chops, the EA1000 does not commit the cardinal sin of sounding sterile or analytical, which is a really tough line to balance! It is very coherent sounding, and nicely melds the 3Ts of timbre, tonality and technicalities into the soundscape.


Comparisons were made with other DD containing gear residing around the $200 USD range.

DUNU Falcon Ultra

DUNU Falcon Ultra.jpg

Graph of the DUNU Falcon Ultra via IEC711 coupler. 8 kHz is a coupler peak.

The Falcon Ultra has 2 tuning nozzles to provide a pleasant warm Harmanish tone versus a more laid-back bassier fare.

On all tuning nozzles, the EA1000 beats the Falcon Ultra in technical chops - imaging, micro-detailing, soundstage and instrument separation are ahead on the Fermat. The EA1000 also has a tighter and faster bass, with greater treble extension and sparkle.

The Falcon Ultra however, has a thicker note weight with a more relaxing treble/upper midrange. The Falcon Ultra is thus more suited for the treble-sensitive listener or for bass-lovers. Both sets are solid in timbre and are easily driven.

The Falcon Ultra comes with a nicer accessory package, with a modular cable to boot. However, it also has a mirror-like finish that may be prone to smudges and scratches.

Tanchim Oxygen

The venerable Oxygen is the $200 band single DD gatekeeper. It follows the Harman curve, though the Oxygen has more sub-bass. The Oxygen is more sedate in the upper mids/lower treble as compared to the Fermat.

Technicalities go to the EA1000, with the Oxygen lagging slightly behind in soundstage, instrument separation and micro-detailing.

The Oxygen is harder to drive, and it does not have tuning nozzles. The Oxygen is also fussy with fit, due to short stubby nozzles, and some users might need mods of aftermarket longer tips to salvage the fit.

Final Audio E5000

The E5000 is a bullet-shaped single DD which is L-shaped in tonality It has a way more massive bass, and a darker treble. The E5000 has a thicker syrupy note weight, with poorer air and treble extension.

The E5000 is a league behind in technicalities, with a more claustrophobic soundstage, and poorer micro-details and imaging.

The E5000 is one of the most difficult IEMs to drive due to a low sensitivity, and most portable sources cannot do the sonics justice - it is not a matter of volume, but if under driven, the E5000 sounds very bloated and untextured in the bass. The Fermat is a breeze to drive in comparison, with no robust amplification requirements.


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The Fermat may very well turn out to be one of the new $200 range benchmarks for a DD set. Granted, it isn't a pure single DD (due to the addition of a PR which adds to bass texturing and tone), but the EA1000 definitely keeps the strong suits of a single DD such as coherency, timbre, and a natural bass.

Where the Fermat is different - and in a positive way - from the usual single DDs, is in its class-leading technicalities. It handily outperforms the usual gatekeepers like the venerable Tanchjim Oxygen in this department. The spacious soundstage coupled with excellent resolution will bring a smile to detail-heads, with a fast and clean bass, and an airy treble. Many technical sets swerve to the extreme of being sterile or overly analytical, but the EA1000 does not suffer from this, thus preserving musicality in the sonics.

The Fermat has beautiful mirror-like shells, though do watch out for scratches or fingerprints. It is easily driven, and the addition of 3 tuning nozzles for consumers to vary the upper frequencies is invaluable. Speaking about treble, the EA1000 is perhaps not for the treble-sensitive on some nozzles, though tip-rolling or source rolling or playing with the various nozzles might help mitigate this. Foam tips would have been a great addition to tame the treble, but we sadly only have one eartip choice in the packaging.

By and large, the Fermat amalgamates the 3 Ts of tonality, timbre and technicalities into an aesthetically pleasing shell, and is a really solid contender, unless if you are basshead or highly treble-sensitive.
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@baskingshark Nice write-up!

Since you recently also reviewed the BQEYZ Wind, which of the two do you prefer (since they both sit around the same price bracket)?
Hi @codyghind thanks for your kind message.

The Wind is a bit less technical, it has a bigger soundstage and a subwoofer like sub-bass from the added BC inside. Note weight is thicker on the Wind and it is less fatiguing.

The EA1000 is more technical by far, it has 3 tuning nozzles too so versatility is increased. Though it can be a bit more fatiguing than the Wind.

Personally, I am on the treble sensitive side and prefer the Wind, but YMMV.


100+ Head-Fier
Highly resolving IEM with amazing bass texture and vast staging
Pros: Theming & attention to detail
Good accessories
10mm purple-gold SDPGD driver
Passive radiator for resonant, textured bass
Sweet, lush mids
Natural and accurate timbre
Three nozzles for different targets
Delicate ergonomics & good fit
Expansive staging without sounding artificial
Precision imaging and top-tier microdetails
Cons: I'm struggling....maybe ever-so-slightly too bright with more energetic styles
Mirror finish is a bit of a finger print magnet (but still looks beautiful)
How I review: (See Previous Reviews)
Instagram: regancipher
YouTube: regancipher
Squiglink: regancipher
Socials: Biolink

Model: Simgot EA1000
Price: $219.99 - Linsoul
Review Reference: RC114

Manufacturer Specification:
  • Brand: Simgot
  • Model: EA1000
  • Driver: Second Generation DMDC 10mm Dynamic Driver, Sputter Decomposition Purple-Gold Diaphragm, 1PR
  • IEM Weight: 10.97g
  • IEM Dimensions: 22mm (height) x 17mm (width) x 20.7mm (max depth)
  • Shell: High-polished full metal body with transparent crystal face plates
  • Impedance: 16Ω±15%(@1kHz)
  • Sensitivity: 127dB/Vrms(@1kHz)
  • Frequency Response Range: 10Hz-50kHz
  • Effective Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz
  • Connector: 0.78mm 2Pin

1 x Pair IEM
1 x Detachable High-Purity Litz-style OFC Silver Cable (no mic)
1 x User Manual
1 x Magnetic Carry Case
1 x Warranty Card
3 x Interchangeable Nozzles (three target curves)

YouTube Review:


Are SIMGOT the IEM brand of the year? It's hard to argue with an incredible run of releases throughout 2023 that has culminated in, quite possibly their piece de resistance, the EA1000.

Fermat's Last Theorem, stated in 1637, perplexed mathematicians for over three centuries. It proposed: no three positive integers a, b, and c satisfy the equation an + bn = cn for any integer value of n greater than 2. Many brilliant minds failed to prove this elusive theorem over the years until finally, in 1995, Andrew Wiles presented his (corrected proof). I was in senior school back in 1993 when he had his first stab at it, and I remember at the time my school making a seriously big deal about it - if you saw the alumni from where I went to school, you'll probably understand why, but put it this way - I doubt any of them are furiously trying to recount the details to help them review their latest set of IEM's now thirty years later!!

The EA1000 pays homage to this mathematical mystery, as SIMGOT's journey to master their own house sound (finally with a deviation away from Harman!) echoes the unwavering persistence required to prove Fermat's theorem...ish! After honing their craft with previous models like the EM2R, EA500 and EW200, SIMGOT have rounded off the year presenting the EA1000 as an encapsulation of their learnings - a beautifully crafted IEM that might just resolve the equation of <$200 = supreme audio fidelity! Wiles was knighted for his travails, and even earned the 2016 Abel Prize - I'm pretty sure SIMGOT would be happy with IEM of the year in the New Year's Honours List, and at least as far as I'm concerned, they're looking pretty damn good for it!

The EA1000 includes some pretty impressive tech. It isn't cheap - $219.99 - and you would be forgiven for being slightly taken aback at what is, on paper, a single DD arrangement. However, this is where cutting through marketing bullsh*t is essential - firstly, they've used 'SPGD Technology', a special diaphragm manufacturing process which results in a high rigidity, lightweight diaphragm coloured in purple-gold. As you'll see later, the macros bear testament to its existence at least! Secondly, DMDC, or dual-magnetic and dual-chamber driver technology is geared up to provide exceptional dynamic range and precision high-frequency performance. Finally, the 1DD plus 1PR architecture means the pairing of a single, 10mm full-range dynamic driver and a passive radiator for a more responsive full range with improved stability and driveability.

They've also chucked in replaceable nozzles, giving you three target curves:

Gold Nozzle, Gold Curve: SIMGOT-Golden 2023 Curve
Red and Steel Nozzle, Red Curve: Harman 2019 Curve (pre-fitted)
Black and Steel Nozzle, Blue Curve: SIMGOT-Classic Curve

So essentially, you've got a single DD which breaks away from the usual production process and materials. You've got a passive radiator to get more from the lower frequencies, and you've got an overall arrangement that is designed to enhance clarity and imaging, giving you a fuller, more precise sound. And to top it off, you've got three different sound profiles in the box based on your personal preference.

The EA1000, or at least the tech they've included, is over three years in the making. Was it worth the wait? Let's find out....



To unveil the true beauty of the EA1000, I suggest watching my YouTube review, because still images really don't do it justice. The shiny, 'milk tray' purple and gold outer exterior mirrors the purple-gold diaphragm technology I waxed lyrical about in the intro, and the focus on the front is very much the theme SIMGOT have applied to the release - Fermat's Last Theorem.


This theming continues as you peel back the layers of the box to reveal the array of accessories, which include six pairs of eartips, a stunning, shimmery high purity silver-plated OFC Litz-structure cable, the three detachable nozzles I mentioned in the intro and some coloured rings to denote and identify the nozzle.


The carry-case has a magnetic, flip-open lid. It's leather-look, with the SIMGOT branding on the top.


The back continues the theming with the expression 'Salute to Art and Science'. The case is a decent size, measuring 97 x 71 x 38mm.


There's plenty of space inside the case to fit the IEM, the cable, the spare tips and the spare nozzles, which come fitted into a screw plate so they won't be easily damaged if stored inside. Here you see the shimmering properties of the cable in the sunlight.


The theming continues, with the warranty card not able to escape a brush with Fermat!

Build Quality and Design


In my review of the EM6L, one of my minor quibbles was the resin design, which lacked a little curvature on the inside. With the EA1000, SIMGOT remedied both of those issues effortlessly. Despite weighing just under 11g per IEM, the EA1000 is a delicate, lightweight, beautifully designed IEM that combines a fingerprint-magnet-high polished steel body and patterned crystal glass faceplate with an elegant profile that looks as good in the ear as it does resting precariously on a railway bridge above!


On the inside, note the improved curvature, which we also saw in the EA500. This gives the EA1000 better fit and improved isolation. Here you also get your first glimpse of the passive radiator, and what the IEM looks like with the nozzle removed.


While we have the IEM open, here you see the Puple-Gold SDPGD driver in all it's glory.


Move to the outside and you'll find a slightly recessed 2-pin connection terminal and the 'Fermat' insignia. Whilst testing the sound with each of the nozzles, I got a few snaps - here is the EA1000 with the gold nozzles fitted. I enjoyed all of the sound signatures, as I'll come onto in the Audio & SS section, but whilst the gold nozzle looked the best, it wasn't my favourite of the three sound signatures sadly.

Removing and replacing the nozzles is a simple and pain-free process. The stock and black options have some black foam at the base of the filter, whereas the gold has a thin membrane with a hole in the middle. Removable nozzle mounts and filters allow endless sound fine-tuning without compromising comfort. Each earpiece contains threaded nozzle sockets, letting users swap between included targets with ease. The nozzles themselves integrate securely while permitting adjustment.


Here you get a glimpse of the fit of the EA1000. There's no pressure on the tragus at all - the line you see here is from me pulling the ear hook back. It's an extremely subtle design which doesn't protrude regardless of side or front profile. The ear hooks are quite loose - this makes them super comfy, but it impresses on you to get the fit right from your tip selection. I've tried a few different tips and so far none fit better than the stock.

The IEM measures 22mm (height) x 17mm (width) x 20.7mm (max depth) - it's noticeably leaner looking than the EM6L, but very similar in dimensions to the EA500.

Looking closely at the construction, it's very evident that no corners were cut. The metallic shells exude precision craftsmanship with their lustrous chamfered edges, and their robust but streamlined profile strikes an ideal balance between aesthetics and durability. Both the EM6L and EA1000 rank among my most comfortable IEM's, making them both ideal for long listening sessions, with the EA1000 edging it thanks to that more tailored inside profile. They aren't as bulky as many of their competitors, and the nozzle length and depth seems to be optimal for a non-invasive, fully-immersive experience.

Audio & Sound Signature


As per the intro, SIMGOT claim to have leveraged innovative driver technologies to deliver pristine audio reproduction. At the heart sits its new purple-gold sputtered diaphragm, crafted through a complex multi-layer deposition process for optimal rigidity and low mass. This enables the 10mm dynamic driver to resolve the finest details and dynamics with minimal distortion.

The diaphragm pairs with a dual-magnet motor system for enhanced control across frequencies. This dual-magnetic circuitry widens the dynamic range and transient response compared to traditional single-magnet designs. Treble reproduction sees particular improvements, providing crispness without harshness.

A rear 6mm passive radiator adds tactile bass texture and natural ambience. It resonates symbiotically with the front dynamic driver to augment low-frequency presence and dimensional realism through its added airflow interaction. The effect is addictive, highly detailed bass that is palpable yet controlled. There are no coherence issues due to the unorthodox but highly effective driver arrangement.

The three filters provide three different sound signatures, as shown here in the FR measurements above. Regardless of which filter is used, the EA1000 has a natural, accurate tone, even moreso than the EM6L, and the beauty of not using a BA. Natural tone has characterised all of SIMGOT's releases this year - even the low cost EW200 - but it hits new levels here due in no small part to the magnificent lower frequencies, masterfully facilitated by the passive rad.

The Red curve is the stock curve, based on the Harman 2019 target. Out of the box, the thing that hits you with the EA1000 is the vast, expansive soundstage that immediately places you at the centre of a disparately-assembled orchestra. The midrange on the EA1000 particularly impresses, with clarity and naturalism. Vocals dazzle with their intimacy and nuance, marrying richness with airy transparency in the upper registers. Instruments similarly feel lifelike with striking realism.

In Paul Wasabii's review I noticed he used Madonna's 'Holiday' as a reference track, and using that as an example, the cowbell, tams, shakers and other percussive elements in the intro expand before your horizon, with wah wah guitars entering from a distant point to the right with precision positioning. The wasp-style synth and bassline are lightweight but controlled and full of texture, and Madonna's vocals sound as sweet as they ever did, with her gasps perfectly evident.

Move over to 'All of Me' by John Legend and you get another glimpse of how well the midrange is handled on the EA1000. The piano intro sounds articulate - full but crisp at the same time, whilst John Legend's vocals dissipate around you with an engaging resonance at the centre. The midrange timbre is very natural - regardless of male or female vocals are clear and open with great depth. The midbass depth is dense but the bass is well controlled - there's no bleed or blur, everything is immaculately controlled.

Putting the bass through its paces with Hans Zimmer's Time showcases the impact of the passive radiator. The EA1000 isn't a bass canon, but the lower frequencies have magnificent depth and resonance. It is a thick and fast bass response that is tightly controlled - layers and layers are knitted together very smoothly and naturally. The boosted bass leaves a visceral impact without bloat or muddiness. Its outstanding texture and detail are rare among even pricier competitors.

The treble captivates with its smooth, effortless extension. Cymbals shimmer brightly without aggression. The added airiness provides a pristine top-end complement to the resonant bass, avoiding harshness or sibilance. The tightness, control and accurate decay and reverb are illustrated nicely in 'Good Times' by Chic, where you can even hear 'fingers' in the claps. Yusef Lateef's 'Bishop School' brings tambourines, horns and sweet-sounding flutes to life around you as the stage sweeps out before your very ears separating very clearly. Really incredible stuff.

The EA1000 are better served with jazz, classical, opera, and generally orchestrally-complex tracks than more energetic genres, where they can feel a little too immersive, leaving you to catch your breath a little.

Micro-details and technicalities, as you probably guessed, are top tier - especially so with the 'Red curve' filter. It's a transparent and analytical sound that still offers great dynamics. The 'Gold curve' nozzle expands the soundstage even further, but detracts a little from the depth. The sound is a bit too bright for my liking, with a cleaner, leaner and more analytical sound to it that dulls the bite of the trebles and boosts vocals. The black ring nozzle is a bit more sparkly with more energy - I can't quite decide which curve I prefer so I reserve the right to circle back to this review and edit in the future!


Once again, hats off to SIMGOT for a remarkable release that well and truly stamps their authority on the IEM market. They got pretty much everything right here, from the overall experience and accessories to the build and design, and most of all the sound signature. It's easily a five star review that remedies man of the 'areas of improvement' noted in their previous releases.

The soundstage and dynamic performance are so moreish that I haven't used anything else since I got them. They aren't for pure-bassheads and the presence of the upper mids may be a little much with the stock nozzles, but the three filter options means there's probably something for everyone here.

In the sub $200 category, there's quite a bit of competition for your hard earned dough, but the EA1000 convinces with a super-textured, airy bass, lush mids and sparkly-enough, natural trebles. Its expansive soundstage, natural timbre and excellent resolving capabilities all constitute top-tier performance, and the straightforward driveability and coherence put the icing on the cake for a well-presented, great looking, high performing IEM that cements SIMGOT's seat at the top table.

Is it my IEM of the year? So far, I think that's a resounding yes.
Last edited:
Thank you for the review.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: 10mm Purple Gold SDPGD technology driver
New 6mm passive radiator technology driver to increase bass texture and imaging
Solid metal construction, yet perfect fit and continuous air-tight placement
New Golden SIMGOT Target Curve nozzle
Black rubber ring Classic SIMGOT Target Curve nozzle
Red rubber ring 2019 Harman Target Curve nozzle
Gorgeous included Litz structure silver plated copper cable with enhanced ergonomics
Perfect sound layering
Cons: None
The New SIMGOT EA1000 Flagship IEM


You’ll have to excuse this review, that while informative, it is incredibly long. It’s just when IEMs are this good for the money and so groundbreaking in what they offer, there is no choice but to talk a lot about them. In fact even if the EA1000 was 1/4 less as good it would still get the full 5 stars from me. Yep.

SIMGOT as a company is on a roll. The two prior major releases which have amazed the community have been the EA500 and the EW200. I will get into both of them in a few.

Even though SIMGOT has been around for a while, they have never gained the popularity they have now, and it seems they are going from strength to more strength? Back in early November of 2022 I reviewed my first SIMGOT, the Roltion EM2R and I only gave it 3 stars. The issue for me was that it didn’t have enough note-weight. But more than that, the IEMs SIMGOT puts out now almost don’t even seem like they are from the same company? Improved ergonomics in fit is one reason….still with the EA1000 being 11 grams each, the sheer weight makes you wonder? The past EM2R was almost too small and too low weight. But this EA1000 is really perfect, though maybe getting better ergonomics with the supplied cable, due to the included ear-hooks?

Meaning as far as fit and comfort goes, the correct cable ergonomic movements, the weight and just how they sit inside your the nozzle length……it is actually surprising to a jaded reviewer like myself just how well these fit and stay in place? If you look there are a series of air-vents which inhabit the rear (ear-facing) area? Three vents and one giant one, something about this device being a passive radiator? There is a gold screen for it, yet all three vents never get blocked.........somehow?

The EA1000 Technology:

1) SDPGD technology
This added process uses Sputter Deposition to create a more rigid and lightweight diaphragm. In terminology, the SD stands for Sputter Deposition, and the PGD stands for Purple Gold Diaphragm.

2) DMDC Dynamic Driver
This is a dual chamber created for the driver.

3) 1DD + 1PR
This is a combination of an active 10mm driver with a 6mm passive radiator

4) The EA1000 changeable nozzle technology
Here three nozzles are included as a way to generate three specific tuning curve directions, using both stainless steel and brass materials.

SIMGOT EA1000 first impressions:

For me the addition of DD and Passive Radiator seems most important, as there really is this natural ambiance to the bass which stands out different than any IEM in this price category? There are truly added dimensions of texture and ambiance to the bass quality? They say this is the direct result of increased air-flow and that is really what it sounds like, you can hear this technology in action? For me I listened first then read about the technology later, and this was part of my first impressions, noticing how the bass was effortless and agile? But obviously there needs to be special attention to the mids and highs, yet on first listening both the mids offered a nice smooth midrange and treble offered great itemization of imaging outwards into the stage. Though prior to burn-in I noted a slight lack of low-end punch that kept the EA1000 as a recommendation to a rock or EDM listener. Though the most rewarding sentence in this introduction is the EA1000 completely changed upon 130 hours of burn-in. While it basically still had its personality, except added smoothness took place, and added bass authority which allowed for a fantastic IEM inclusion with rock and EDM. To try and put this into perspective, the EA1000 was so good right-off-the-bat........that I was still fully enamored with its abilities, and continued to find stuff it played well. But after 130 hours of burn-in really it was way more well rounded and played all genres.


The filter system:
It’s best that I briefly go over what SIMGOT is attempting to do with this new filter system. Graphic representation of what each filter does is represented on the box.

1) The new Golden SIMGOT target (brass filter system)
2) The way they came with the red rubber rings. The 2019 Harman Target, my favorite no doubt.

3) The black ring filter, SIMGOT Classic target.


I listened first to try and get a handle as to what they are up-to with the filter system. You can’t help but note the black foam on the underside of both the black and red ring filters, with the Golden brass nozzle having only a white sticker with a small hole in the center? The Golden curve is slightly more clean, less thick.

These comparisons are a way to understand an IEM due to contrasts of abilities and tone. Of the eight comparisons provided here four of them are previous SIMGOT products. I added the four SIMGOT products as a gateway to help in understanding the EA1000, especially if you already had made a SIMGOT purchase in the past. Also I added them to try and document just how far SIMGOT has progressed with the new EA1000 too. The other four products are used to kind of delineate the differences and abilities by direct side-by-side comparisons. All tests with Sony WM1A with MrWalkman’s firmware, my typical wide-bore silicone ear-tips and White Whale Cable in 4.4mm. I in no way want to be-little the included cable because it’s really nice, except it comes only as 3.5mm, yet I often referred back to the included cable, if not only to make sure I was not missing anything in 3.5mm.


Test 1:
I simply chose the IMR BC 2023 and 7Hz Legato test subjects as I thought the contrasting bass (to the EA1000) would be fun? Both the IMR BC 2023 and 7Hz Legato are considered bass cannons, and while that is true there is still a wonderful balance that the IMR BC 2023 is renowned for. Such a forward IMR midrange that has many simply smitten with the produced frequency outcome, including myself.

IMR BC 2023: $369.00
One 6mm ADLC (amorphous diamond like carbon) driver and one (size undocumented) ADLC driver:
Here we are reminded that the IMR BC 2023 isn’t really that much of a Bass Cannon after all? Its name is maybe a marketing tool? And while yes, it does designate the BC 2023 into a curiosity of listening, I can’t help but wonder if true Bass Cannon listeners will not be let down? After taking some time off from the BC 2023 what really hits me first is the warm midrange it holds, that and the a wonderful separation contained. Such imaging of elements out into the stage really, maybe due to it being 2 DDs, come across even more technical than the EA1000 hoped for. Way more money than our EA1000 and rightly so, as this style of replay has its own charm, yet probably when it comes down to it the EA1000 has a more (maybe) together timbre in the end, not as separated of imaging. The EA1000 has a slightly cohesive and natural tone, despite being overall brighter and more juiced-out up-top. Still in our testing today there is only one Bass Canon and that’s the 7Hz Legato! Still what seems like a less dampened IMR response goes ahead to provide slightly more volume at the same level, inside that volume we are gifted with a bigger stage and further-out larger imaging of elements, better crafted inside that stage. Where the EA1000 is more straightforward, the IMR is kind-of a character, in holding a darker wider positioning which promotes less brightness up-top, but creates a smoother treble all its own.

7Hz Legato: $109.00

Large 12mm Dynamic Driver with Multi-Layer Composite Diaphragm and 6mm Micro Dynamic Driver With Composite Diaphragm:

Bass focused is really the word on the street here. Even with my mid-centric WM1A and wide-bore silicone ear-tips, I can’t help but realize that this is some of the most bass I’ve ever heard from an IEM. Though if you note closely you can still hear the top-end treble balance, as they had to do something to make this style of replay digestible. In essence this treble is the magic that helps this very unorthodox tune seem to work out. Still for this replay to be enjoyed there needs to be a subtle acclimation period as typically the L shape tone will come as a surprise from any style of playback you’re accustomed to. Where here if there was any proof as to the deep bass emphasis contained deep down into the song structure, it is truly there……..all of it! Though in contrast to the EA1000 we also get some extra baggage in the form of bass bleed into the midrange. Yet to top the Legato off, or yet to bottom the Legato off……….there is added bass emphasis to somehow add pace on-top of what would be considered a deep and thoroughly displayed rendition of bass. If anything at all, it shows how our EA1000 can arrive at better well roundedness in daily use. Also we come to realize that some music simply doesn’t go so low in range, that there are albums and even whole genres of music that don’t have a need for such extremes in Hz playback. Yet there is a time and a place for what the 7Hz Legato does. It actually may end up complementary (to the EA1000) for many listeners, being the Legato playback is special and one-of-a-kind. But in contrast......the EA1000 is way, way more mid forward offering a faster yet still authoritative bass response……added to that due to the bass balance differences from the Legato, a treble that’s there as well as the boost that’s offered with the EA1000 at 14kHz.......which ends up taking the whole signature into more clarity and imaging expansion.


Test 2:
The Kiwi ears Orchestra Lite: $249.00
8 Custom BAs:
The Kiwi ears offer lean and faster itemization of sonic elements. Bass is way less visceral and slightly set back in comparison to the EA1000. Even though tuned slightly the same, the Lite’s midrange here shows a more metallic tone. Where our money here is in more EA1000 note density, more note weight from the EA1000. In fact it’s the overall weight of the signature which goes to make the EA1000 special, more special than I thought after this test was complete?

The Kiwi ears Quintet: $219.00
1 Diamond-Like Carbon 10mm (DLC) dynamic driver
2 balanced armature (BA) drivers
1 planar magnetic driver
1 piezoelectric (PZT) bone conduction driver

Bigger separation into the stage, as this is our first Hybrid today. Yep, all those different driver methodologies doing something. Just amazingly separated imaging here with the Quintet. Also the low-end is kicking its rightfully so authority! The Quintet replay today is simply amazing here? The way each element is in its own area of the stage, like each element is free to act how it wants? The EA1000 has slightly better bass, and interestingly enough bigger imaging into the stage, with more weight and size than the Quintet? This was one amazing side-by-side, as the EA1000 can keep-up in its own way with the Hybrid of the Quintet. Bigger size of midrange out into the sides, where the Quintet is grand, but lacking in note density and girth? There is a slightly faster attack and decay that comes with the Quintets top-end, yet the EA1000 has better note decay.


Test 3:
SIMGOT EA500: $79.00
10mm Dynamic Driver:
The moment of truth. While at this early point in time it’s safe to say the EA500 is more popular, as it has had more of a chance to become popular. Where the issues for some were they just didn’t find the signature as accessible as others. That once again just proves how subjective this whole business is. Where I found the bass fine, graph readers saw issues, and some simply found the midrange to be on the hot side. Where probably much of that came from (again) the lack of lows for some listeners to balance out the highs? Still in my book the EA500 can do no wrong, in fact I hear bass detail in the bass department. Also I feel the EA500 is one of the single best imaging IEMs for the money, just the technicalities it does on a regular basis. Though-out this year that fact has been confirmed and reconfirmed as the SIMGOT EA500 has been re-introduced into side-by-side tests, over and over again. Such is life when a major value is tried again and again to see if it still holds value in relation to other competitors. The first thing you notice is how the bass of the EA1000 has its own area of life, there is more of it, but also better quality as it’s defined and tailored to be dressed more for success. Combine that with a more filled out midrange of better imaging and detail, and finally the treble gets imaged further out into resolution. Hands down across the board the EA1000 is better at everything…..and even more so when they are tested back-to-back.


SIMGOT EA500 with filter nozzle system:


SIMGOT EW200: $39.99
10mm Dynamic Driver:
For many the EW200 was a success over the EA500. SIMGOT shifted gears from a EA500 2016 Harman Target to the 2019 EW200 Harman Target. For many the EW200 showcased just what 2023 was about as far as IEM value. And I have to agree, that single handedly the EW200 showed the world how much IEM was obtainable for under $40.00. For those wanting the extra low-end SIMGOT went ahead and added the goods, making many happy in the end. And that’s not to say the EW200 is any kind of Basshead IEM, because it’s not, it is well balanced, yet with more satisfying bass (for some) than the EA500. But that is also combined with a slight dip at 3.5kHz which helped to smooth things out even farther. And guess where else that 3.5kHz dip is? In fact the graph at 3.5kHz all the way to 5kHz is very similar in nature between the EA1000 and EW200. And if anyone knows that area of the Pinna Gain is very much a place where our hearing is most sensitive, meaning combine that Pinna Gain with a low-end that is similar and we have two IEMs that sound very close to the same. Though where the two IEMs start to differ is the EA1000 has about 4Hz less bass, That, and they are complete opposites at 14kHz. Where the EW200 peaks at 12kHz then again at 16kHz. Though again due to close proximity in the Pinna Gain area and similar in bass, they both offer FR signatures that are very close. The differences come with the quality of EA1000 bass technicalities that really separates the two to my ears, and the imaging in the midrange, which is noticeable better with the EA1000. Still if you were to listen to them back-to-back, they are birds of a feather.


Test 4:
SIMGOT EM6L: $109.99
1DD + 4BA Hybrid Drivers:
Laughably SIMGOT went hog wild with their Hybrid ideas here. Yep, you can study the graph here, except no way will the graph truly explain what is going on with bass extension. Sure the graph represents it, but you also have to take into account what the 4 BAs are doing to balance out what is all going on up-top. Laughably this is a Hybrid and the total opposite of what we have with the EA1000. One zigs where the other zags. But one look at that EM6L bass extension would have you believe the bass is maybe out of control, or sloppy……and that is just not the case here. The bass goes low, but it is clean and in control.

The BAs are more (slightly) metallic and not holding the density/girth (note-weight) of the EA1000’s treble or midrange, the EA1000’s bass is more refined and over-all this single DD means that while stage is nice, it doesn’t quite have the total (side-to-side) positioning of the EM6L. What we get are the (plain and simple) regularly understood methodology differences here, where the EA1000 is more cohesive and together and the EM6L more dislocated and fragmented in response. Does it make one better than the other, hmmmm I guess it would depend on what you are after? Normally I like Hybrids the best, but the way they did the EA1000 it almost doesn’t sound like a DD, it almost sounds like a Hybrid? I know I sound like I just contradicted myself, only if you're wondering what the best part of the EA1000 is, it doesn’t really sound like a single full-range DD?

In the EM6L review I go into more about the graphs and the various targets SIMGOT has focused on. And while it’s safe to say the EA500 (red nozzles filters), and EW100P were more are less focused on the 2016 Harman and the EW200 and EM6L were more in line with the 2019 Harman, still these summaries could be considered over generalizations. Still whatever Harman (2016/2019) your direction is, it does give an overall characteristic to the sound, as such these generalizations are applicable.

SIMGOT EW100P: $19.99
10mm Dynamic Driver:

This IEM didn’t get the best review from me. It’s not because of price, as I gave the 7Hz Salnotes Zero a great score, I just thought the missing low-end combined with the forward midrange was just not a good combination, plus the overall sound was boring and had no personality?

Once again there is absolutely nothing wrong with the included cable, only using these aftermarket cables enabled the use of 4.4mm balanced amplifiers which at times are better suited for playback.


ISN G4 Cable:
To tell you the truth, this is one of my absolute favorites with the EA1000 IEM. Why? Added is note-weight……..even bigger than is found naturally with the EA1000. So much of this could in-fact be partially due to favoritism, which I’m not immune to. I use this cable all this time. But what it gets you in the case of the EA1000 is separation, and a tone-down of treble. There is a resulting smoother 14kHz peak, and a more sculpted low-end, like from a blacker background. So it totally makes the sound slightly smoother yet with an added stage expansion that is totally different from the HiSenior White Whale. Where there is a lower midrange added thickness to the White Whale, where the G4 makes the lower midrange cleaner and clearer. What this gives you in the end is increased imaging into the stage, all the while a slight overall smoothness that is rarely found together with the expanded mids into the stage. I would suggest this to those that want to access 4.4mm balanced.....simply get the G4 for the EA1000!


Penon ASOS Cable:
A more natural idea of a cable response, not to say that the G4 colors the sound, except the G4 is maximizing the Graphene tone and character to the fullest extent. Where here we are enjoying a bigger more straight forward size of stage increase and evenness of demeanor. None of that drop in low-end through sculpuring and added thickness or (better yet) contrasts as found with Graphene. Big imaging size, grander stage……….of course there is no way of truly knowing as we have switched over from 3.5mm to 4.4mm.....thus a totally different amplifier in the WM1A player. Offering faster note attacks and note fall-offs into which the EA1000 has the room for, while still maintaining the overall sound signature and over-all EA1000 personality. Maybe slightly the most energetic of cable tests today?


HiSenior White Whale Cable:
Thicker, meatier than the regular cable, how much of that is the different amplifier in the Sony WM1A is debatable. A fuller lower bass than the ASOS and slightly more forward than the G4. Part of what the ISN G4 is doing is setting some lower frequencies back, into the backseat, to enhance the feeling of a darker yet more forward midrange, with more note-weight and a wider girth of expansion. Here we are more like the ASOS, except slightly thicker in the lower midrange. The ear-hooks make the White Whale a joy to use.

Included Cable:
The silver plated Litz Structure is amazing. Having all metal hardware it includes the perfect ear-hooks which are not too aggressive or weak in daily use. The way the EA1000 sits with the included cable is something to behold. Even the sound with the included cable was something that I couldn’t get enough of, always going back to check on it. Pre-burn-in the sound was great with every genre except rock and EDM, though after about 130 hours of burn-in the supplied cable with the EA1000 had a certain sound that went with all music and all file types? I was especially taken with how the included cable acted in that it could be coiled into a small form and always laid where it was told. Also there were very little microphonic properties in daily use, which I found surprisingly good. A nice touch was the all chrome hardware and gold chin-cinch.



With regular phone use:
Due to the enhanced note-weight of the EA1000 it was totally enjoyable in regular phone use. While definition and stage were not quite as dramatic as with a dedicated Audiophile DAP, the differences were small, and may not be a big deal to some. There was better perceived darkness of background with a DAP also often the phone use was 75-80% of full volume. So the AE1000 are not hard to drive but does scale up with better equipment.

Normally I would not advise jogging with such an IEM, I mean most will have TWS for sports, except fitment here is incredibly special, at least I would have no worries with these ever coming loose in public? Even the solid metal design adds to the noise occlusion, meaning you see all these vents on the back and think they would be open sounding to let outside noise in, when in fact they offer really good sound occlusion. I would even suggest jogging if you so wished, as they simply fit that good and never move out of place with the supplied cable.








Coming in at 11 grams a piece, the EA1000 is one of the heavier IEMs on the market, though lucky the form factor is also on the medium size. This accomplishes a really important aspect to ergonomics, in that most of the actual IEM weight sits inside your ears. There are no sharp edges so they simply glide into place and stay put. The outer surface is glass but somehow they fail to ever show fingerprints? So counting the glass you have four basic pieces in that the nozzles are removable for sound design. The cable plugs are ever so slightly recessed and the actual nozzle length seems just right? The passive radiator really adds to the feeling of openness and bass texture? At least this was my very first impression of how the EA1000 was different in its IEM price category. My regular go to ear-tips were fine as well as the included SIMGOT tips worked well. This is always a good thing when you can get fitment with a wide range of ear-tips, and the fact that the IEMs themselves never seem to move to where you lose the air-tight fit? Surprisingly the bare metal shell of the EA500 was a fingerprint magnet, yet here even the sides don't show smudges, and I don’t have an answer as to why? This is an IEM I never polish-up or feel the need to?


Here I will take a few albums to help describe what the SIMGOT AE1000 does.

cover copy.png


44.1 kHz - 24 bit
Here we are met with an electronic soundscape. Often music like this can be scathing or unlistenable on the wrong set-up. Here I’m using a MacBook Air hooked-up to the Shanling UA3 and have met with an enjoyable soundscape. Here even though the signal in the bass frequency department seems uneventful or even with-out consequence, in fact it is the essence that is showcasing our beautiful bass transients. That even though small in changes........the bass texture is enveloping and unique…….at 02:16 a single drum beat introduces us to the rhythm. At 02:43 a symphony of electronic effects and additives takes place. Yet at 04:00 all is back to normal again, yet there is a background of white noise that is fascinating. I chose this song because the themes it introduces are subtle and provocative. Being it would be the immersion taking place which is at the price of everything else. Just this big towering bass drone, not really going anywhere and helping us find the moment in which we are spellbound by the minimalism of it all. In fact there was a dog barking and I had to check if it was in the song, of course it was not, but it went with this style of tune! There is the use of only a single drum beat, only a one hit………yet it is complete, yet still sounding like more of a sketch than a song…..but that’s OK as I have found complete entertainment, possibly due to the transducers used?


Veins of the Planet
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

Now the previous first song makes total sense here, as it had to exist as a gateway to where we were going. Any ideas of sketches were then fully formed into life in the next song, which is really a continuation of the first song. Now instead of dogs barking I hear what sounds like water dropping? And……I’m sure this time it is in the music. This is the kind of music that will remain at the absolute minimal process and border on boring for a moment until that one part hits to make it all make sense, even to the prior song section. These are very light and inconsequential forms of sound design, yet enchanting when you can enjoy simply the tones they are reaching for. There is nothing more or nothing less, as this experience is captivating yet it is what it is.


Shield Emitter (feat. Tineidae)
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

HA, this is all starting to make more sense as the prior songs are the perfect set-up to what’s going on now. And yes, it was all totally worth it (to be) here, to be dragged along up to this point in time. And in-fact I am hearing the greatest synth-bass here even at the start……….at 00:13 hahah. This is where we were going all along. At 01:35 there is a climax of sorts, where we have entered the message of the album. At 02:34 the bass drones are provocative and entertaining to say the least. At even the 03:30 you can tell there is going to be 01:40 more minutes of this minimalism, and that’s OK, it is like the end of a day as the sun has just set over the ocean and the beginning of night approaches.

Gdanian Induction conclusion:
This was an interesting first three songs. Many times I will use instinct to try and discover how new music goes with a new IEM. I mean you normally know right off if something is working out, that there is value to be found. And the crazy part was I really didn’t become blown-away until the third song, yet it all seemed to work. The fact that this recording is absolute in the minimalism it used to drive at success. That in many ways the music had you lusting for slightly more (especially) bass and provided only just the amount needed to move the songs along, up till the third song which provided the sonics in ample amounts. Such a trick is the very opposite of too much, that they are stingy to give you what you want, which in-turn makes you want it that much more, when it all finally hits home. That in-fact the EA1000 was along for the ride, simply relying what it had (to work with) in the best of form, that when the third song hit those layers of bass and effects made for a profound and emotionally moving experience. That this minimalism has brought me back to my original audiophile roots, that it is with-in sound design that we can take a form of realization inside the beauty of an individual series of tones. Just hearing these tones come across can show us the complete imagination of creation and poised positioning to only include what is needed at the very basic level to make it work out.

The remaining 4 songs were all played using the included cable and my regular wide-bore tips with the Sony WM1A with MrWalkmans software. No EQ was used.


Lorne Balfe and Andrew Kawczynski
Grand Turismo OST
Jann’s Journey
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

Here I must admit was my favorite song upon first getting the EA1000 in my ears. And now hearing it once more allows me to partake of such a musical experience in full form. At a full length of only 02:47 this number packs a punch. Even at the very start right at 00:16 the deepness of the reverb found surrounding the drums and the fall-off into the stage makes the song fun. Though it’s the deep layered violin samples which exist at the 00:30 mark that once again begin to move the emotions. Such violin stabs are found to be transfixing in their attainment in the stage? Does listening even get any better with any other IEM? Those are the style of questions we are forced to ask ourselves. At 00:43 the sampled chorus is all I need to become enamored with this song, and it doesn’t matter how many times I hear it played back. For here the layers and the intrinsic relationship between each and every facet of this song makes my day….I’m moved? At 01:21 there are added rhythm accents which seem to show us the distance of our stage size, and inside their display I have all the stage I wish for, seemingly coming to life, these samples from the very farthest reaches of the stage. At 01:40 there is a syncopated sequence of lower bass throbs that while not the lowest I’ve ever heard, are still clean and fast……making the song for myself at this single point in time.

Lorne Balfe and Andrew Kawczynski
Grand Turismo OST
Academy Race
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

Ahh the lows at the start? Now we are getting somewhere? HAHA? What? Even at 00:14 the depth and airiness achieved is with-out competition. This, this is why we are here, and the very reason we have ear-monitors in our ears. All the work SIMGOT has accomplished to get us here at this exact place in time, the transients held with-in how the bass notes are attacking……..pure gold. If you end-up purchasing the EA1000 definitely try this music out as it’s a perfect example of just how good this IEM can be. At 00:23 just the way the lows are imaged into the stage, taking form into an element all itself. The shape, the size, the timbre……it’s all so very good, need I say perfect? Part of this comes from the layers of bass, that it is created as a layer upon layer of bass tone, and the EA1000 takes such tones apart. Such a display of texture is not able to be shown with the 7Hz Legato, it’s just not this clean and precise in the bass department for this level of extraction. At 01:01 the strings show-up to add to the instrumentation, seemingly going along and just another additive to our musical involvement. At 01:17 the chorus comes in and again I have basic chills……here. Yep, cheap thrills over at Redcarmoose Labs…………….What can I say? At 01:27 there is a threshold to how the bass interacts with the rest of the song, seemingly dropping out of frequency range, and that lowness, that extreme point of playback, we are here right in the moment with the EA1000, going places, places never thought of being a part of? Laughingly at 02:22 there doesn’t seem like there are any more sounds to throw at us, but they take this whole affair to the next level? Where in many ways the next game soundtrack (Forza Motorsport) in this series of tests is not at this epic level. Where Forza Motorsport almost doesn't have enough to exist on its own as an involving piece of music. Yet this Grand Turismo goes to the farthest place to let you know it can exist as music all by itself, becoming entertaining and moving just by sheer amount of information overload. This song ends as my favorite in testing, showing the extreme abilities of the EA1000 to go the extra mile when the music calls for it.


Kaveh Cohen, Michael Nielsen
Forza Motorsport OST

44.1 kHz - 24 bit
Such a song promotes this wildly enchanting low end, which seems to go even lower in areas. Added to that big synth embellishments which are totally fun and enveloping the ear-stage. Ahh what else do you really want that this song doesn’t provide? Huh? Even though the song is on the shorter side of songs, there is a lot to chew on, as a sound example there is nothing wrong with playing it over and over again, as so much is going on here. The warmth of the song writing, the full-on execution of recording it……perfect really.

Kaveh Cohen, Michael Nielsen
Forza Motorsport OST
Head Down

44.1 kHz - 24 bit
Taking us home on our investigation of music today is a dramatic digital soundscape offering a straight up and forward, simple display of characteristics. A simple yet complex display of theme music offering clear and precise tones which when done correctly fully show how the EA1000 acts. At 00:18 a keyboard harmony is yet simplistic and effective showing us just how the EA1000 displays tone. Here we can also judge the bass line in that it’s tight and controlled in perfect focus, yet we don’t need anything more, we don’t need anything else here. The sound is fresh, exhilarating and complete. Probably the best feature here are the layers, that while our stage is not the very biggest in the IEM world, we are gifted with incredibly precise layers which are in perfect contrast to one another. That in fact each element here has correct relationships to how the song was performed and arranged. Such display of performance focuses on the areas of contrast and the correct mix within itself. Just the fact that the reverbs are natural and vivid for how they are utilized. At 01:21 the keys again take precedence, in that this is the song’s highlight, being this is an instrumental theme song. But more than that, the keys have a specific reverberation into the mix, a fall-off that is very specific and heard for how it’s done here. It’s the balance of bass emphasis and the fact that we can hear everything in order, the way the producers want us to, I hope? In a way this music is cheesy except it serves a purpose in that it is supposed to be background music while the video game is played, so in hearing the OST, it’s really only part of the total experience. Still the style of music holds enough interest that there is a lot going on here, with the fact that new elements are continually added in. At the 02:20 mark there is a style of breakdown as to where there is both drum and bass accents. All of a sudden we can notice every part of the song structure being laid-out and layered in place. At 02:43 there is literally just bass for a moment and yet the EA1000 is showcasing just how well this section is done. At this single place the sub-bass exists all by itself for a moment and we are at one with it. But of course nothing stays the same and the song enters into full-effect once more at the 02:44 mark. This style of music performs a kind of guilty pleasure in that it’s nothing more than background music for a video game, yet so well done and so complete that it makes for a memorable listening experience when played back well.



To me, SIMGOT is one of the most successful manufacturers of the year. Why? They simply make good IEMs. And of the six different SIMGOT IEMs I’ve heard I like the EA1000 the very best. Sure it’s the most expensive model I have heard, but I also feel they have introduced new technology which has moved the sound forward into a new dimension, at least that’s my opinion when I put them in my ears. Quite simply a quality of tightness and evenness that I feel SIMGOT was going for and achieved remarkably well. Yet what is the most remarkable is the fact that anyone can purchase and obtain this sound for $219.99. The fact that there is a basic build that is exceptional, that they fit with-out moving anywhere else, and stay in one place. The fact that while slightly heavy they fit inside your ear, so the weight may be part of the key to the sound, absorbing any unwanted vibration? The fact that the extra box accessories are usable and nice at this price-bracket. The cable is truly gorgeous and was used though-out the music testing process to achieve great results. The extra nozzles are there if you choose to use them, where if anything they do actually work to dial-in the sound to various target curves. The box opening experience is very different and shows how SIMGOT is trying their very best to guarantee your satisfaction in the box opening experience. But to me most of all the important thing is the realization of a specific tone. That SIMGOT has a style of playback that is both clear and balanced, the playback asks for personal involvement. The playback draws you in possibly due to the layers and note-weight? The fact that the bass is truly unique here, really unique at any price. Offering exceptional texture and a style of airy-agileness that just won’t quit. The way the bass forms into a place in the stage simply warms my heart, and adds a thrill in my daily use. All this is slightly different sounding than out of the box, I mean the SIMGOT EA1000 changed after 130 hours of burn-in, I can’t leave that part out? To where at first they were amazing, but became so much better IEMs at playing all genres and file types after burn-in. The fact that the mids are full and accessible exists to showcase layers of detail, all coming across seemingly totally correct and never too hot. The treble is also nice being it has a charm in that there is enough sparkle and pizzaz, yet still total cohesiveness that is the hallmark of single full range playback. With-in this cohesiveness exists a fully natural and correct timbre, that again is the very reason full-range dynamic drivers are even a thing nowadays to begin with. That this level of quality is offered at $219.99 is by far one of the best audio deals of the year. That finally we are not really at a place of subjectivity here, that anyone and their Mom couldn’t help but find value here. That even if the SIMGOT EA1000 was 1/4 less as great (in sound reproduction) it would still gain my full five stars review, and that simply goes to show how over-the-top SIMGOT have taken things for 2023……….to a place previously unforeseen, into the realm of science fiction. It’s this science fiction realm made into reality that has made this review so much fun to write, that in 2023 there is a product that simply outshines the competition on every level……..that is what Head-Fi is about!


Linsoul website:
Linsoul Aliexpress Store:
Linsoul USA Amazon Store link:

I want to thank Fia Lam from SIMGOT for the EA1000 review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 3.5mm and 4.4mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 3.5mm and 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
Shanling UA3 Dongle DAC/Amplifier 3.5mm and 4.4mm
Samsung phone 3.5mm
HiBy R3 II in 4.4mm and 3.5mm

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Well, they are two different breed of fish. Where the Hype2 is going to be more bass laden and using BAs to add a clearness to midrange and treble activities, the EA1000 is more honest slightly to timbre and backs that up with slightly more note-weight. Which this comparison is tough due to the Hybrid Hype2 also providing note-weight due to tuning, it's just slightly less. Yet the Hype2 offers a bigger stage footprint for whatever that's worth. Where the cohesive layers are the money spent with the EA1000. IMO
Quick question, do the EA1000's have (at most) the same energetic treble/highs? I'm at the limit with the EA500's. Any more I'm sure I wouldn't enjoy it much. Thanks in advance
Way different in the highs than the EA500, yet much of that is also from there being more EA1000 bass. Still walking that line, but it’s more like the EW200. Smoother and more expanded and better imaged. Remember the 14kHz is way up there meaning it doesn’t have the bite that is found lower down in the Pinna Region. So while the Pinna is there, I think most will not have an issue like the EA500. Truly that’s what I think, but there are more people (at this point in time) with the EW200 that can comment on how the Pinna Region gain is there, because we are almost identical with the EA1000, really. Yes the AE1000 has an extra slight forward Pinna starting early like 2kHz but that is not as important as the main Pinna area. IMO Only the EW200 has 4kHz more bass, which affects everything, but it’s just that area is different and read the review the upper treble of the EW200 is slightly different, but Pinna Gain is almost the same.


Simgot EA1000, Passive Radiator Done Exceptional
Pros: Awesome levels of resolution at the asking price.
A passive radiator adds resonance to the bass.
Lovely vocal presentation.
Tonally beautifully.
Cons: For folks who think that this signature is bright, try small bore ear tips.
Simgot EA1000 Fermat

Video Review EA1000. Please Support!

This year has been a busy year for our friends at Simgot. Earlier this year, I think it is safe to say that the community was wow-ed by the level of detail that was on offer by the EA500.

That was followed by by cheapie offerings with the EW100 and EW200 which bottom shelf divers happy. Especially the EW200 where the tone quality is just so good. It was just full sounding which is very newbie friendly. If this is your first IEM video and looking for what to buy? Consider the EW200.

But today we are not here to talk about what Simgot has released the past year. We look to the present and future. Today we are talking about the EA1000 Fermat.

Let's just start things off with an unboxing of the EA1000 Fermat, we are greeted with a purplish box that has FERMAT’s Last Theorem printed on the front of it. This gives me PTSD from the times in school when I had to do advanced maths. I cannot do advanced math where things don’t make sense.


The top of the box does show the product name and when you flip it to the back you are greeted by not one but 3 different FR curves! Basically, the EA1000 has different nozzles for you to choose from and these are the 3 FR from the 3 nozzles.

After shaking the sleeve off, the box pops out, You then have the Fermat Last Theorem 3D Pop-Up Card Thingy which brings me back to my youth when I always wanted pop-up books but my mum thought that it was a waste of money as much of the book is taking up by pointless 3D popping up things which reduces the literary content.

Anyways, Fermat’s Last Theorem was thought to be impossible until 1995 when Andrew Wiles published something to show that it could be solved. I guess the story here is to never give up, love always wins and always eat your broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Below that you have the IEMs sitting in their own compartment. Removing the first accessory box you have some sponges and when you go treasure digging in them, you will find all the interchangeable nozzles for nozzle-changing goodness.

The longer Accessory box has 2 sets of the same ear tips good for clumsy people such as yours truly who loses things all the time. You also are given more O rings for the nozzles and also some literature.
In the last box, you will find the IEM case itself. It is magnetic and can close quite easily which is nice. Inside it is the cables of the IEM as well.
All in all, the packaging is pretty well put together especially considering the price. A pretty complete package.

Build Quality
The EA1000 comes in a mirror finish and as you know mirror finish is quite a pain in the butt to make simply because any finishing error can be easily seen. I’m happy to say that mine came in a pristine condition.

At the front of the IEM, you have a beveled glass faceplate with some pattern underneath it. I think this really makes the EA1000 look really premium.

On the back of the chassis, you will see the opening for the passive radiator near the top of the IEM. Below that is the usual raised section as seen in the EA500 where this makes the IEM so much more comfortable to use.

The nozzle here is interchangeable, but it does have the red-ringed nozzle as the default. This review will be based on it.

The EA1000 comes in an interchangeable 2-pin termination. The cable provided is a silver-plated cable OFC litz cable.

Driver-wise, the EA1000 has the second-generation dual magnet dual chambre dynamic driver that Simgot uses. The diaphragm, although no mention of what material was used, is a beautiful purple gold annoy that has superior rigidity and lightweightness.


As there are 3 nozzles in the EA1000, I will base the review on the default nozzle, the red ring nozzle. Tonally, the rest of the nozzle does change the upper frequencies somewhat but does not change the character of the IEM. There are 3 nozzles here, A Red Ring, a Black Ring, and Gold.

The Red Ring is based on the Harman 2019 curve and it is also what I feel to be the most balanced version.

The Black Ringed Nozzle is great for folks who enjoy sparkly treble with a little more energy.
The Gold Nozzle still has great treble characteristics but it isn't as sustained as the reds or blacks.

But overall, the nozzles do not change the tonal character of the IEM.

The EA1000 is a natural warm IEM. What sets it apart from others in the market with such tuning is the inclusion of the Passive radiator. I found that the inclusion of it really makes bass very resonant and very lifelike. It just augments the texture of bass making them airy, a little more diffused but more importantly very natural sounding.
The passive radiator makes a huge difference in the tone of the bass of the EA1000. The way it changes tonally with added resonance and realistic decay is simply delectable. By no way, is the bass texture of the EA1000 like that of an open item which dissipates way too quickly.

Bass is fast, with unbelievable texture and very natural decay. I would say that bass is airy sounding yet full at the same time if that makes sense.

Subbass extension is extensive on the EA1000. You get good levels of visceral bass impact that is mated nicely to a robust mid-bass offering.

These are not bass-head IEMs, but neither are they anemic. I found that Simgot has done a good job controlling the quantity of bass and increasing the resolution and more importantly texture of bass. The improvement in texture does make bass have a 3D-like rendering.

The midrange on the EA1000 has an upper midrange focus which really helps female vocals. Female vocals just sound very delicate and sweet. The resolution here is a whole level up from the EA500. There is an airiness to the tone that again coalesces well with the fundamental female tones which is exhilarating.

Male vocals are full-sounding but not overly full or grunty. It again has a very airy yet full-sounding texture which really bolsters a new dimension to listening. I really enjoy this new added subtlety to the overall tone.

Instruments that dwell in this range also is very articulate sounding. Pianos are very crisp and clear with a very high level of finesse.

I bet by now you have already guessed the character of the treble. It is effortless, smooth, and airy.

It really adds a very good level of perceived space.

But covering the basic aspects of treble, your cymbals and crashes are very well defined. Crashes especially have a delicate radiance that will disperse very naturally as well.

I do feel that the treble here is very effortless and smooth. Almost rivaling IEMS uses the Sonion EST driver that will probably cost quite a few pretty pennies more than the EA1000.

Width and Height
Simply stellar when it comes to width and height. The Simgot is class-leading at the price point when it comes to soundstage reproduction.

It just renders staging beautifully wide and tall.

Depth and positioning
It has very good depth rendering as you can easily tell how far the instruments are. Positioning again is beautiful. There is this airiness that makes positioning believable.

VS Kiwiears Quintet
I do find the Quintet to be rather similar to the EA1000 but with a different tonality.
The Quintet is another IEM with excellent resolution that is achieved with 4 different driver types. It will give you a very good resolution performance but tonally, it isn’t as consistent as the EA1000 with the beautiful airy rendition of music.

VS Tanchjim Kara
The Kara is priced just a bit cheaper than the EA1000. The Kata has quite a warm character which is quite different from the EA1000. I do feel that the EA1000 has better resolution characteristics with a nicer airy tone.

The Kara is just a very safe warm tuning that was a type of signature that was popular quite a while back. In terms of resolution, the EA1000 is ahead.

The EA1000 is an IEM that I really like. It just does so many things right with excellent levels of detail that has full bass that is resonant and airy.

It is certainly very natural sounding and I found myself grinning ear to ear when listening to them.


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Actually throw some divinus velvet tips on the ea1000 and you may just be using them for everything and send the Yanyin Canon 2 back hehe. I wanted the Canon 2 at one point, went with team simgot haha. This audio thing we're in here, it's forever haha. Once you realize there is better you want better, we're at that point. My next big move is to decide what to get at CanJam NYC. Definitely going for my first kilobuck iem or headphones. My most expensive sets are probably either this ea1000 or my chopins in iems and my focal elex in hp.
Gotcha, I got the SpinFit W1 tips which fixes the bass a bit and I just ordered the DIY kit to fix the treble. The temporary fix for now is to use the gold nozzle and take the foam from the black nozzle which kinda helped lower the treble. My next IEM will be either the Hype 4 or Monarch mk3, unsure how much of the difference is between the two.
If you didn't order yet get the monarch 3 if u have the money.