See Audio Bravery Anniversary Limited Edition/Angelears Exclusive Edition


500+ Head-Fier
Bravery AE, The Brave, Refined and Graceful
Pros: -
- Highly organic, natural and elegant sound
- Near neutral waveform tuning
- Superb overall coherence and cohesion
- Modest, yet detailed and highly textured Bass performances
- Transparent, rich and engaging Mids
- Slick smooth Treble transients, properly detailed
- Very premium build, packaging and wholesome accessories
- Exceedingly comfortable to wear for long hours
- Highly efficient to drive
- Scales great with more power
Cons: -
- Chin slider tend to loosen up
- NOT for BASS lovers, NOT for Bassheads
- NOT for Harman sound fans

  1. At the point of this article, my Bravery AE has undergone over 200 hours of runtime
  2. I don't do measurements, I just describe what I hear, from my own POV
  3. My preferred sound tuning, Diffused Field Neutral (Etymotic)
  4. The entirety of my impressions was done with Bravery AE stock tips (both Xelastec and Foam)
  5. Ultimately, my reviews are purely subjective and biased to my personal preference in sound
Following the success of SeeAudio Bravery in 2021, ANGELEARS has teamed up with SeeAudio to release a variant of Bravery, aptly named as Bravery AE Limited Edition. With some build changes and improvements here and there (more details on this later). It is no secret that the og Bravery was one of my favorites, an IEM that I use regularly. Alas I used it so much that I broke my og Bravery due to my own mistakes of dropping the right side unit on hard floor. Long story short, here I am reunited with a new Bravery.

The Build

For the asking price, Bravery AE sure does live up to expectations.. and more. Unboxing the Bravery AE, I was greeted with beautiful sight of a pair of blue Bravery AE accompanied with premium companion accessories.

Let's look at the cable first. Just like the og Bravery, Bravery AE comes equipped with premium custom 6N OCC Hakugei cable, tastefully finished in robust nylon twist braid. It is elegant as it is wholesome to the touch and feel. Most importantly, Bravery AE now offers modular plugs too, with all three major sizes included - 2.5 BAL, 4.4 BAL and 3.5 SE.
I can't stress enough how much I love this cable setup, black is already my staple color and the fact that it is also somewhat minimalist in appearance makes it all the more appealing. The only caveat that I would mention would be the chin slider - the nylon sleeving is a bit slippery and thus it is difficult to make the chin slider to stay put. To mitigate this issue, I simply added a small velcro ring underneath the chin slider - problem solved. (chin slider is especially crucial to secure the cable from microphonics).

Then, there's the selection of tips. Bravery AE does not cut corners with the accompanying tips options. Absolutely critical to me personally, the inclusion of Foam Tips which is what I always prefer over most silicones. Even more crucial, SeeAudio foam tips were made of high quality slow rebound composites. These are not the cheap average tips we are looking at. The foam tips felt so pliable and will deform nicely when compressed, then slowly expand as it adapt to ear canals perfectly. Comfort is top notch, once settled in, I literally forgot that I am wearing an IEM. The isolation is great too. I can barely hear ambient noises even outdoors.

Then the premium azla Xelastec. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised how good this Xelastec can be. Normally I would avoid using silicone tips, they seemingly just would not work with my ears. But Xelastec, after initial insertion, takes a bit of time for the "body heat adaptation" to form - of which later it would also disappear when the music starts. I was impressed with the sonic output too, devoid of any unsavory resonances and reverbs (especially lower frequencies).

As it is, I can totally use either the foam or Xelastec silicones. But ultimately I ended using the foam tips more - just some die hard habit of preferring the feel of soft foam - also at least to my hearing, the foam tips sounded more open and spacious (more on this on Technicalities section).

So how does Bravery AE differ from the og Bravery? for one, Bravery AE is more compact and more ergonomic. As seen in the pics below, Og Bravery is visibly larger. The internals are practically the same, but the implementation of the shells makes Bravery AE looking even more sleek. The good news, this more compact body also means improved comfort.
Perhaps the most important aspects, the change in shells design also inevitably introduce some changes with the sonic output - and I would say the subtle changes are for the good. At this scale and size, especially true for IEMs, driver housings play huge role in shaping the sound, we are talking about sound wave here after all - where the surrounding enclosure will impart how they form.

In case I haven't mentioned it yet, Bravery AE is absolutely comfortable to wear. Once settled in, I literally forgot that I had IEMs plugged to my ears. Throughout of last week for example, I was working on my DIY bike project and from the morning until late afternoon, I had music accompanying me on shuffle playlist - my Bravery AE remained plugged practically from the start until I stopped for the day - not a single element of ear fatigue that I am aware of. Simply amazing. I daresay that Bravery AE is on par with my Kinera Idun Golden on this subject, both totally usable for marathon listening for hours on end.

Equipment Used
  • Xiaomi Mi 9T
  • Sony Xperia 1 iV
  • Windows 10 with Native USB Drivers
  • USB Exclusive Mode with FLAC files
  • CEntrance DACport HD
  • Cayin RU6
  • Ovidius B1
  • 7Hz 71
  • VE Abigail 4.4
  • VE Megatron
Test Audio Playlist

Sound Impressions

SeeAudio Bravery AE is a very mild V curved IEM. Normally I am not fond of V or Harman tuning, but just like the Bravery OG, Bravery AE is among the very few that appeal to my senses. The elevation of Lows and Highs are done sensibly moderate and thoughtful - to a point that it will even entice a Diffused Field Neutral junkie like me to savor the meticulous and graceful elevation of sound curve.
Most importantly, the tonal and timbre balance of Bravery AE is highly organic - quite a pleasant surprise considering that this Bravery AE being all Balanced Armature drivers, no dynamic driver or anything else in the mix. The tuning exhibited amazing cohesion and fluidity to emit output that is realistically natural, harmonious and believable. In comparison, I would say Bravery AE is almost as organic sounding as Kinera Idun Golden, which offers even more analogue timbre among all Chi-Fi IEMs I have tested so far (only bested by the ethereally realistic Shure KSE1500).

Complementing the natural sounding tone and timbre, is the equally polished and sublime dynamic transients presentation. The vibrancy and energy emitted by Bravery AE can best be described as highly controlled, sensible and mature. The euphony level being kept well in check - imparting great balance between disciplined articulation and fun element. This is evident especially when I subject my Bravery AE to handling myriad of music genres, from the most raw Lo-Fi Black Metal to Hi-Fi complex composition of modern Jazz or Electronic music - what is evident, how deft Bravery AE at handling the variance of transient interchanges - always smooth, always fluid with finesse and grace. Even the most offensive energetic tracks sounded bearable - listening to Lo-Fi is not an easy thing to do if the listening equipment does not exhibit agility to adapt to the chaotic dynamic contents.

Dynamic range and expanse is quite respectable too. Bravery AE lives up to the expectation. While not being an outright bold performer in this aspect, Bravery AE offers sublime depth outreach - it is present yet it is moderate. I can hear proper details on both end of the sound spectrum which indicate Bravery AE being well extended with dynamic range. The theme being highly sensible and does not rub everything upfront - what I am trying to say is that, Bravery AE may not be as bold sounding or resolving as Etymotic ER4SR, but it does not mean it lacks dynamic coverage - just that the presentation is toned mildly which in turn, will allow for longevity of listening without imparting sense of loss for better depth.

Being a V curved unit, Bravery AE must be commended for being rich and highly textured with Midrange presentation. Audibly, I sensed that the staging of Mids being slightly stepped back - just enough to avoid it from being sounding recessed or distant. This is especially evident when subjected to listening to some genres like Rock/Metal which are typically mixed and mastered with recessed Mids. When listening to Jazz, Ballad and Folk music, the Mids sounded as engaging and wholesome as can be expected. It is highly transparent and neutral - I do not sense any element of coloration beyond what I regard as realistic. The tone being properly dense and organic, the attack timed correctly, imparting believable energy and vibrancy - yet it is not warm or dry, just natural and neutral.

The best part of Midrange, being a Metalhead I am absolutely loving how Electric Guitars and Percussions sounded with Bravery AE. The attack of guitar riffs are crisp, solid and commanding - yet utterly smooth edged and harmoniously polished. It does not matter E Minor or D Major, they all sounded right and realistic - engaging and addictive. As I wrote this, right this very moment I am listening to "Heavy Chains" by Loudness, legendary Japanese Heavy Metal pioneer, I had goose bumps on how articulate the stringed notes are, flowing from low octave to high pitched crescendos. Akira Takasaki, Loudness lead guitarist, the maestro guitar legend, has some of the most commanding riffs and speedplay - his guitar solo are peerless, and Bravery AE managed to keep up with the pace and energy with deft fluidity - retaining the bold crisp bite while being smooth at the same time. Totally mind blowing.

On the aspect of vocals, I would say Bravery AE is highly transparent and faithful to the intended sound. It is neither warm nor it is dry, or lean. Be it female or male, Bravery AE handles them all faithfully with great realistic texture, depth and resolution. Alison Krauss with her piercing Contralto or Mariah Carey with her Soprano-Alto, to low key deep singing of Diana Krall contralto, or chesty Baritone-Tenor of Nick Cave. They all sounded neutral and natural. Very much similar to what I am hearing from the likes of Etymotic ER2XR. There's no hint of upper Mids sibilance or Pinna getting hotter than they should be, making even the most prominent piercing vocals sounding smooth and engaging.

As for the lower frequencies, let's just clarify this upfront. Bravery AE will NOT please those liking their Bass big and commanding. From my subjective standpoint, I love Bravery AE Bass end to end. It is slightly boosted from what is regarded as neutral, but in no way being overcooked or Bassy enough for Bassheads. The overtones of Bravery AE Bass is natural, fast, tidy and borderline lean (for those loving big Bass). Which also mean, Bravery AE will absolutely be free from any risk of getting bloaty Bass performances.

The articulation of Midbass and Subbass evidently well projected. They operate respectfully within their own space, the Midbass never attempting to overshadow Subbass, nor does it attempt to subdue Lower Mids.

Midbass of Bravery AE is markedly mild, especially when compared to the likes of Dynamic Drivers equipped competitors. Impact and slam being moderate at best. Yet it has good speed and pace, accompanied by sensibly detailed texture and depth despite not being commanding with overall presence. The best part, at least for me personally, when I listened to KRAFTWERK "Radioaktivitat", Bravery AE became very lively and vibrant - rich, dense and detailed Midbass with equally crisp and lush Subbass seismic responses. Yes it does not pound my head like most Bass heavy IEMs, but it does not lack in energy and excitement. Touching on the Subbass, Bravery AE is quite respectable with how the lower extensions are handled, again it is sensibly realistic and smooth - not as bold as would be observed from Harman tuned IEMs, but by no means lacking in quality - it is just modest yet present. The dispersal of decay edge being velvety smooth and polished.

Last but not least, Bravery AE markedly offer "brighter" upper frequency performances versus the og Bravery. In contrast, I can almost say that the og AE sounded like slightly "darker". It's like comparing Sennheiser HD580 with HD600, if that makes any sense. Bravery AE offer slightly more air, sparkle and shimmer. Treble transients being very disciplined with the presentation - always smooth edged and always dispersing gracefully with the decays. I can hear proper resolution of Macro and Micro details. From the bold overtones of metal Snare drums to the most subtle of Hi-Hats, all present and audible. Again, the overall theme of moderation applies here as well, which in turn making is less likely for Bravery AE to be offensive with upper frequency output. And yet again, I would say the overall Treble tonal and timbre being realistic and natural, I don't hear any element of the overtones being plasticky or metallic. In short, Bravery AE Treble is crisp, clean edged, airy, and highly polished.

Let's start with the best part, especially when equipped with the stock foam tips, I am hearing wide open sound that is generous with headstage width and depth - perceived soundstage being expansive even for an IEM. This is a marked improvement over the og Bravery, which to my ears sounded a bit more intimate and less spacious.

The projection of soundscape is highly holographic with precise imaging and well placed spatial positioning. Effortless to track the source and layers of sound, each respecting their own space yet harmoniously intertwined regardless how complex the composition is. The cohesion between the four Balanced Armature drivers nothing short of being amazing.

When it comes to resolution and transparency, Bravery AE proved to be a competent unit. Not exactly surgically clinical when compare to the likes of Etymotic ER4SR or Shure KSE1500, but on its own I totally have no qualms about the ability of Bravery AE to project highly resolved output which offer great details and imaging. And this also means Bravery AE offer great balance between the need for analytical indulgence to musical enjoyment. I want to enjoy music, not analyze it :D

Now to my favorite part, speed. Bravery AE is an outstanding speedster. That four BAs are not just for show, they all resolves and respond admirably agile in unified cohesion to emit an output that is capable of handling the most complex of composition, or outright speedy tracks exceeding 250 BPM. Bravery AE will never be subjected to sluggishness or being muddy.


Rated at 18 Ohm and with 110db of Sensitivity, Bravery AE is freakishly efficient to drive. Paired directly to my Sony Xperia 1 iV, I will find myself glued to it for hours on end, not wanting to put them down, to be continuously immersed with my music.
Despite that, Bravery AE does exhibit great ability to scale with more powerful partners. Bravery AE sounds the best with the likes of Ovidius B1 and CEntrance DACport HD. With heightened density of dynamic texture (yet still natural) and more sense of air.
Perhaps I should clarify, I actually use Bravery AE more with my Sony Xperia 1 iV phone, direct out from the 3.5m SE. This is a testament for it being so engagingly usable - there's no sense of loss that I would be worried of. Bravery AE efficiency really is spectacular.

The only caveat I would like to note, Bravery AE does have tendency to get a bit sizzling if subjected to higher than normal volume loudness, so when paired with my obscenely powerful 4.1 Vrms of DACport HD, I will need to be mindful to crank the volume low. Even more so with 4.7 Vrms of VE Megatron, practically I need to set the volume at 02/100 and then further tune down on the player side to 30/100 otherwise the atomic power of Megatron will literally send me to the hospital with blown eardrums.

Being highly efficient, Bravery AE will also reveal floor noises on some DAC/Amps, Ovidius B1 and VE Megatron for example, yes they sounds amazing when paired with Bravery AE, but on silent passages I can audibly hear background floor noises. But really this does not bother me at all.

Final Words

At this point, it is evident how much I love this SeeAudio Bravery AE. The very fact that I am still wearing it since this morning, savoring my music non stop is a testament of how great this IEM is - at least for my subjective preferences and taste.

Bravery AE is a superbly well rounded IEM that seemingly capable of anything I thrown at it. It does not matter what genre or what level of quality the sources are, they all sounded addictively appealing to my ears. That smooth dynamic transients handling, always fluid and harmonious, yet highly technical and succinct. Bravery AE is well balanced to sound highly technical as it is engagingly musical, simply amazing.

Without reservation, I would say that Bravery AE made it to the list of my regular rotation alongside Kinera Idun Golden and Simgot EM2 Roltion. All of them quite lovable for what they are.

SeeAudio Bravery AE is available at:



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Bravery is underrated, it deserve a certain slot IMO. It’s an energetic mini Anole VX in a sense if properly paired with ear tips other than stock AZLA Xelastec Crystal
My set arriving today yay 🥰 🙃 🚀
I've just taken delivery 🚚 of the Bravery RB recently. I'm extremely unhappy with it, from the downgraded horrible cable to the shouty, peaky vocals and less quality and quantity of bass vs the OG. No serial numbers, all mention of Knowles and Sonion drivers has been dropped in the marketing materials and technical specifications, and the tuning is amateurish.

But they put the price up.

The new cable in particular is rubbish with extreme microphonics, badly behaved and just a big downgrade. Does not carry any HAKUGEI branding or even SeeAudio. The texture is unpleasant and it's kinky.

SeeAudio obviously just cashing in on the hype train, bolstering their margins on a bestseller.

The new tuning is offensive and seems to be trying to compensate for the inferior drivers.
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500+ Head-Fier
Pros: • Beautifully crafted resin shells.
• High quality modular cable for flexibility on connection to all known headphone jack in most portable audio device from 2.5mm to 4.4mm
• Inclusion of accessories are of high quality standard and quite a generous to have them in a packaging box.
• Tactile and clean bass, still has that DD-like bass quality.
• Well-texture and detailed Mids.
• Sumptuous and pleasant vocals.
• Sufficient airy treble extension.
• Good technical aspect from soundstage to timbre quality.
• Smooth treble with no hint of sibilance nor harshness.
• Organic sounding for an all-BA set.
Cons: • Definitely not for bass heads who want more deep and boomy lows.
• Occasional hint of being metallic and tinny on some few tracks that Ive tested but not that bad.(BA timbre)
• Azla Xelastic Ear tips aren’t for everyone’s ear.

"If ain't broken, don't fix it", that proverb is somehow connected to the product that I will do a review on right now. I'm talking about the See Audio Bravery Limited Edition and its supposedly stark contrast with its regular version.


I've done a review on previous See Audio Bravery before and it is still one of the defining moments to me as an IEM reviewer on how an all-BA set has an almost DD-like bass quality with good tonality and noteworthy technical aspect.

I'm actually a fan of See Audio products since I've tested the See Audio Yume and it is still one of my favourite IEMs in my current location for vocal-centric listening sessions. See Audio Bravery, the regular one has different approach as it was tuned differently with better inclusions inside of its packaging box.


If you want to check my reviews on other See Audio products, just click them below.

See Audio Bravery Limited Edition is more of a celebratory product as See Audio Bravery managed to win an award on a prestigious award-giving body in Japan for audiovisual technology excellence, VGP last summer. Due to Bravery's success and received a lot of positive feedback and acknowledgment from audio community, See Audio decided to release a variant of Bravery and it will be in limited production for only 500 pcs.

So what's the difference between the regular and the limited edition of See Audio Bravery? The first one you will noticed was the change of its housing shell, both of them still uses a medical-grade, high quality resin and the difference was the regular Bravery shell's proportion is more bulky and larger while the limited edition's newer design shell is leaner and it fit comfortably to all ear sizes as it was developed to have a better ergonomics on wearing it. Regular Bravery choice of colour is a marbled black as it was actually voted by audio community to let them choose their choice of colour and design while the Limited Edition has a gorgeous ruby red colourway to signify its status as a limited edition.


As for its transducer set-up, it is still identical to regular version as it uses the same quantity of premium all-balanced armature (BA) drivers like Knowles and Sonion. Two (2) dedicated Knowles BAs for bass, single full range tweeter BA for midrange and another tweeter BA to handle treble frequency. And also noted, that both of them have vent holes, as some All-BA sets don't benefit from it at all.


Like its regular version sister, See Audio Limited Edition uses a 2-pin connector which is my preferred connector and I'm still happy that See Audio still implemented it and they all know that a 2-pin connector is a superior and proven detachable system for ease of doing cable swapping and more durable.


About its packaging, See Audio Bravery Limited Edition contents is still similar to previous See Audio products when it comes to inclusion of accessories and we know that See Audio is known to be generous to put more accesories on their products.


Here are the following contents inside of See Audio Bravery packaging box:

  • a pair of See Audio Bravery Limited Edition IEMs
  • 3 pairs of premium Azla Xelastic Eartips of different standard sizes.
  • 3 pairs of memory foam eartips of different standard sizes.
  • a high quality 7N litz single crystal copper, coated with polyester fabric modular stock cable provided by Hakugei.(2.5mm balanced, 3.5mm and 4.4mm balanced)
  • a black circular, aluminium IEM case.
  • a black envelope contains of some product documentation like instruction manual, stickers, postal cards, contact card and extra pairs of nozzle filters.

Bonus inclusions (for pre-order only):
  • Rinko IEM acrylic stand
  • See Audio Bravery mouse pad

The Bravery Limited Edition is very versatile when it comes to driveability as it amplifies well on decent source but if it is powered via a source with good output from high quality DAC/amp will truly shine this one as it has more dynamics, volume and showing more essence of its detail quality.


As for its tonality, like my previous review on the regular Bravery, See Bravery Limited retains its "warmish-neutral" sound but there are some perceptible observations while I listen to them longer and compare it with my preceding assessment on last year's Bravery regular. From slight deviation on its sonic spectrum to distinctive improvement of technical facet between the variations of Bravery which has its different equations on how it will deliver its respective tuning, I will just leave it to the people who have tested and owned both of the Braveries on which tuning they preferred to.

Here are some of my observations regarding of its sound characteristics from its overall sound spectrum.


As my first impression on the regular Bravery, it has a very dynamic sounding bass with impact and articulation. Bravery Limited Edition retains some of its qualities but it is more tighter, accurate with good haptics.

Sub bass is definitely present in overall sound spectrum as it has a suffice depth reach as I hear some occurences of grumble whenever I play synthpop tracks with electric drums and synthesizers that gives the distinct reverb effect. Mid bass is even more authoritative as it has more texture that it gives well-bodied sound on bass instruments and low voice type. Bass kicks have a more resonant and pounding sound, while a more darker and somber reverberation gives a growl on bass guitar in a very detail manner whether it is slapping, fretless and other plucking techniques. And a lastly more guttural and rich voice of bass baritone vocals.

Due to its tighter bass, it really separates and doesn't bleed to other frequency range that I can boldly declare that it has a very clean and segmented bass.


The midrange is fairly neutral and natural with a sufficient amount of lucidity and just a tad of warmth to add some enough texture on the note weight to sound more balanced and some emphasis need to make a clearer and more dynamic sound.

Vocals quality of both of male and female are beautifully presented and well-rendered. Male vocals of different voice types are exhibited naturally with their resounding gravelly, powerful and authoritative from all of its vocal range registry either of its limits of their pitch range or just their general comfortable vocal pitch range or tessitura. Female vocals are presented in a captivating, pleasant and luscious with sufficient energy to sound more open and spacious that a soprano vocal range will be justifiably demonstrated within its pitch limit.

As for instruments, it has an organic, more accurate timbre and clarity that percussive like snare and tom drums have those penetrating, sonorous and shuffling sound, a crisp and enough sparkle on guitars, a warmer and lush tune of a piano and a lustrous and vibrant sound of a violin.

I convincingly pronounce that the mids of See Audio Bravery Limited Edition is well-done and mature enough that I can even compare it to other mid-fi level IEMs that I've tested when it comes to the quality of midrange.


Perhaps that this has a very balanced treble registry. It has very smooth transition coming from the midrange. Assuredly, It has noticeable slight peaks on upper mids and presence treble but I didn't encounter any sibilance nor instances of strident and gritty that it will ruin the overall audio frequency spectrum and gives a clean fidelity and clarity

Brilliance treble range is properly rendered on this set that it has a good amount of air as it extends well within its perceive range that it gives a shimmer and glistening on cymbals strikes and a more articulate, chicky sound on hi-hats. It has indeed a well-defined harmonics that if you pay attention on some tone quality, you'll find it in a detailed and present manner.


Its overall soundstage is well-proportionate on its perceived spatial sound field. It has an above average to adequate spacious width, a reasonable and immersive depth as I aware its discerning interval from front to rear and a sufficient height ceiling.

Imaging is a noteworthy that as I can pinpoint on locating the placement of vocalist(s) and instruments in a very accurate manner, separation has a good gap and spacing of each respective elements to be heard inside in a virtual room and a contrast of frequency profiles and character are in order and well-arranged homogeneous tone.

Coherency of its drivers are commendable that they sound very cohesive with faster transient without any signs of distortion and "out of phase" sound.

Resolution capability wise is also impressive that it has good detail retrieval and also solidify its macro dynamics ability to have a firmer and stable in general sound quality.


See Audio Bravery Regular

  • As I previously mentioned, the difference between the Limited Edition variant and the regular one was the shell size. Regular version has a more chunky built shells and a bit more hefty but it is still comfortable to wear while the Limited Edition variant was scaled down into a standard medium-size of its newly-design UIEM shell that fits well to all ear sizes and better ergonomics and intuitive shell housing for comfort.

  • Bass quality on Bravery regular is more punchy compare to a more tighter and precise on Limited Edition that gives a more cleaner bass response. The midrange of Limited Edition is a noticeable improvement over regular as it has more detail, more open sounding and even clearer on high vocal pitch range like mezzo and soprano. Limited edition is a bit smoother on its treble quality as it has cleaner and even more airy.

  • Technicality wise, See Audio Bravery regular has an average to above average soundstage width but the Limited edition is more wider and feels spacious that it has a sense of enough headroom that it has some improvements on separation and layering capability, imaging is very similar as Bravery regular is capable on that aspect. Resolution capability is a bit an improvement on Limited Edition as it has a better detail retrieval. An occasional BA timbre on Bravery regular is lessened on the Limited Edition variant which has less metallic and a more natural tonal colour.


  • Both are comparable when it comes to shell sizes, aesthetics, fitting and comfort. They have similar set-up with some implementation of premium BA drivers. Audiosense DT600 has all Knowles BAs inside while Bravery LE has a combination of Knowles and Sonion BAs on its interior. The connectors are quite different between these two. Audiosense is some sort of loyalist to MMCX connector while See Audio is using a 2-pin connector which I really favours but don't get wrong, Audiosense's MMCX are of high quality. Inclusions of accesories is a toss-up on these two. I prefer the pelican-like case of Audiosense DT600 while the more premium ear tips and modular cable of Bravery LE are even better. DT600 has included a lot of ear tips of different kinds.

  • As for tuning, they are both "neutral" but their tuning on neutrality has different paths. DT600 is more of a "balanced-neutral" with bass boost and a leaner and neutral midrange to treble frequency that makes the Bravery LE more of a slight U-shape to compare with it. Both have good quality bass that it really mimics the dynamic and deeper bass on a dynamic driver. Bravery LE is tad airier in treble on a slim margin.

  • For technical aspects, DT600 has a wider soundstage and height reach while depth is more immersive on Bravery LE. Imaging and layering are similar but separation is more noticeable on DT600. Both have impressive resolution capability on its price range.


  • It is more expensive than Bravery LE with a bass switch system and it has more BA drivers on its internal. Both implemented Sonion and Knowles BA drivers which is good. The housing shells of SA6 is larger and yet offers the same comfort level on wearing them.

  • On tonality, SA6 is more mature and even more well-defined tuning. It has reference-neutral sounding; its midrange is really superb and unmatched. It is currently the best mid centric IEM, instruments and vocal focus that I've tested in the midranger level though I still prefer the bass quality of Bravery LE as it has that quantitative edge on being more thumping and solid sounding. Dunu SA6 has even more treble air compared to Bravery LE.

  • They have very similar soundstage proportions but separation, imaging and layering is even better on SA6. Resolution capability is superior on SA6 as it has more detail retrieval and has a very translucent and clarity definition. To think that Bravery LE managed to simulate the capabilities of Dunu SA6 for at least 70%.

To end my conclusion on my assessment of See Audio Bravery Red. Is it really an improvement over its Regular version? For me at first impression was that I was very sceptical about it until I personally had it and tested it for a long listening session and compared it to my previous data on Bravery regular. It does really have some improvements on overall tonality and technicalities probably due to newer shell design which is more ergonomically logical.

To whom will I recommend See Audio Bravery Limited Edition prefer to? Certainly, I will propose this set to an even methodical and experienced listener who wants a more mature and thriving tonality with a good technical aspect.

See Audio Bravery Limited Edition is on limited release that you will be having a hard time purchasing it as it is already out of stock as of typing down this article and its value cost around $300.00/ £248.50.


PLUG TYPE: MODULAR (3.5mm,2.5mm and 4.4mm)

Some Tracks Tested: ( * = 16-bit FLAC, ** = 24-bit FLAC, *'* = MQA, '*' = DSD, *'= .WAV)

Alison Krauss -When You Say Nothing At All *

Jade Wiedlin - Blue Kiss**

Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks **

Mountain - Mississippi Queen *

Queen - Killer Queen **

Guns N' Roses - Patience *'*

Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven '*'

Sergio Mendes- Never Gonna Let You Go '*'

Pearl Jam - Daughter **

Roselia - Hidamari Rhodonite *

Assassin - Fight (To Stop The Tyranny)*

Celtic Frost- Visual Aggression *

New Order - Blue Monday *

The Corrs- What Can I do (unplugged version) *

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Child *

The Madness- Buggy Trousers *

Metallica - Motorbreath **

Mariah Carey- Always Be My Baby *

Destiny's Child - Say My Name *

Malice Mizer- Au Revoir *

Mozart - Lacrimosa *

New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Dvorak- Symphony 9 " From the New World." *

Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold (Sting cover)*

Michael Jackson - Give In To Me *

Exciter - Violence and Force *

Diana Krall - Stop This World **

Debbie Gibson - Foolish Beat *'*

Lucretia my Reflection – The Sisters of Mercy **

Suzanne Vega – Luka **


I am not affiliated to SEE AUDIO nor receive monetary incentives and financial gains as they provide me a review unit for an exchange of factual and sincere feedback from yours truly.

Once again, I would like to thank Steve Tong and Kent Alfonso for providing this review unit, I truly appreciate their generosity towards me and other reviewers.

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Always a treat reading your reviews mate. I embrace you as a brother as owners of this limited edition. 😉😎


100+ Head-Fier
A Revisited Nirvana
Pros: Gorgeous shell and color design
Modular cable inclusion (2.5mm, 3.5mm, 4.4mm)
Competent technicalities
Sensible tuning. U shaped done right
Rich and lushful sound presentation
Easy to drive yet has a lot of potential on balanced outputs
Smaller shells that will accomodate better fit than the OG Bravery
All BA setup yet organic sounding
Cons: headphone termination will be a hassle when using a phone with thick cases

Azla's included tips might not be for everyone. It worked for me but subjective for some
Ruby gem inspired Bravery


I reviewed the OG Bravery back in October, 2021. And I claimed that it was TOTL worthy for me. SeeAudio released this special anniversary limited edition, and I was compelled to get one. Surprisingly, the way I remembered how Bravery sounded to my ears back then, compared now is a bit different. Is it for the better or worst? If you want to know, pls do read on..


My opinions here are completely my own. I am NOT in any way influenced by any form of incentive. This is purely my honest, subjective impressions and experience with the gear on hand. I cannot stress more that you should take this as a grain of salt for we have different perception to sound and what we hear. I always try my best to stick with the stock accessories that come with the gear by default. You are free to try other methods such as tip rolling or cable rolling. Below are worth noting before concluding on what I say here:

  1. DAP (digital audio player, be it phone, laptop, mobile, or stationary setup)
  2. DAC or dongle or any external amp
  3. Ear Tips
  4. Cables
  5. Source of audio file be it offline FLACS or streaming services like Deezer, Apple music, Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify and the likes..
  6. Your playlist. It matters and is worth considering when reading from a reviewer's perspective. It is apparent that you get to know your favorite reviewer and what they are listening to leisurely and critically.

My reviews are more on how music sounds in my ears. The technical stuff like frequency graphs and the physics behind the tech and drivers used, I leave to other reviewers.


  • Configuration: 4BA setup
  • 2 x Knowles for the Lows, 1x Sonion for the Mids, 1 x Knowles for the Trebles
  • Impedance: 18ohms
  • Sensitivity: 110+/- 1db
  • Freq response: 20hz - 20khz



The packaging here is similar to the OG Bravery with a few upgrades. And a different approach in color. More vibrant and vivid waifu. It is an eye candy to look at especially if you are a waifu fan. Below are the inclusions.

Vivid outer box sleeve

  • Envelope with documentation, stickers, postcards, and extra filters inside.
  • Metallic case with the bunny like logo
  • A pair of Bravery iems
  • Hakugei cable. Modular type this time. A very nice upgrade.
  • 3 pairs of Azla Xelastec tips
  • 3 pairs of foam tips

Bonus inclusions: only for purchases of the Bravery Anniversary edition

Waifu mouse pad

Waifu Stand

While the inclusions are somewhat modest, all are premium grade. Especially the modular cable. If you are equipped with sources that have balanced outputs, you are in for a treat.

Now I can’t express how gorgeous this IEM looks. Though I am not a fan of red, I just can't ignore how beautiful this is designed. Let us make the photos speak for themselves.

Now let us dive into how Bravery sounds this 2nd time around…

For the entirety of this review, stock setup is used. Azla tips L in size, stock cable Hakugei, and both on single ended and balance output 2.5mm. My main source is offline flacs on the Hidizs ap80 pro.


Here is where I was surprised the most. From memory, the OG Bravery has a very substantial amount of bass. Rich, thick and heavy. As I have progressed as a reviewer since October 2021, my preference and taste leaned toward neutrality. I was expecting a bassy sound when I plugged in this new Bravery and voila!! It is not as bassy as I remembered them. The lows are tighter, snappy and have a good amount of details. SeeAudio claims that sound and tuning is somewhat the same as the OG Bravery but my ears say otherwise. Lows here are leaning to maturity and more on quality than quantity. The commendable extension to the sub is still present. Modern tracks will present a good amount of lows readily available. Classic tracks will be focused on the mid bass department that I really admire. Lows here are accurately presented with a slight bump but never overbearing and drowning. Fleetwood Mac, Toto, Stevie Wonder tracks never sounded bloated or puffed up too much on the lows. While Daft Punktracks and the likes will give you a good full bodied presentation.

Conclusively, the lows here are somewhat leaning to neutrality that mature listeners will admire. Bass heads will still be left hanging. Personally, the lows here are just right for a good thumping and at times that I am not being analytical. I did not sense any exaggeration. Good amount of texture, details and slam. If I have to hyperbole a little, the lows here are so good that you will start to doubt if there is a DD hidden inside. 2 fast BA Knowles tuned so well, that it sounds like a DD.

Sexy and gorgeous..


For those who have been following my reviews, you are in the know of my preference in terms of mids. I don't favor recessed mids and it is because I'm an instrumentalist that I want elements relevant to me, to have that sense of forwardness. And I'm glad to say Bravery did deliver my satisfaction.

Mids here are well placed. Its presence is prominent and the same can be said for its quality in sound. Vocals are very intimate and engaging while being presented naturally. It has a good sense of airness and headroom for both instruments and vocals. Bravery effortlessly presents vocals on both genders male and female.

Instruments like pianos, Rhodes, organs, when highlighted, especially on solos, are precisely placed. Upper mid range is not plagued with hotness. Distortion guitars are never exaggerated even on rock tracks. We are bordering on imaging here and we will discuss that more later on. Bravery gives an even performance on both vocals and instruments. Each respecting their own space and when it's their time to shine, it is highlighted properly.

Conclusively, mids are also Bravery’s strong point. Elements never felt out of place and never became a chore. 90% of the time mids are well executed. It is not as forward as like it's in your face yet not recessed to leave you wanting more of the elements to be heard.


Here at the top, we have good energy, airness and transparency. In terms of sibilance, I cannot remember a time that I cringed. Trebles exhibit good extension yet not being too aggressive. Macro and micro details are present and nuances will surprise you from time to time. Cymbal strikes offer good grit and bite. Brass sections are impactful and have good weight and body. Trebles never drown in comparison to other frequencies having their own space. High registers of instruments never felt lacking or too thin. Presentation of the whole treble department is crisp and transparent. Jpop tracks are somewhat mixed leaning towards bright and if you're into this kind of genre, you are in for a treat.

Conclusively, the trebles here are by far one of the best presentations I've heard. I remember saying this on another SeeAudio product which is the Yume Midnight and they share the same character. Clean, snappy, open and airy yet not aggressive to produce sibilance.


In my case, fitting here is an improvement compared to the OG Bravery, having bigger shells. The size of the shells here are just right and it will cater most ear sizes. If I remember right, I had some issues with the OG Bravery with the nozzle angle but that was gone here. The Azla Xelastec tips was used in this review and it worked for me. I have read that some individuals have a love and hate impression on these tips but as for me, I love it. 70% it gave me good sound isolation and very comfortable wear. I brought and used Bravery with me, on stage, and I perform around 3-4 hours, not continuous though, and Bravery gave comfortability of wear. Bravery will give strain-free wear for long listening sessions.


A comparison with the OG Bravery is inevitable here. For starters, there are some slight improvements here.

Sound stage is wider with the Bravery anniversary edition. Not by a huge amount but noticeable. In my review on OG Bravery, I said the stage is intimate and I put it as a con. Well now it is a pro. A good sense of head space is added and though I can enjoy both worlds of intimate and wide stage, I can safely say this is a treat.

Speed of BA is one thing that I always prefer BA setups over single DD's. Or hybrids or tribrids on that matter. Speed here is very adequate and has good direction. Your busy tracks will be executed effortlessly. Dirty Loops is an artist that favors quick and fast licks and Bravery never felt sluggish or left behind.

Separation and layering are very decent and have a good sense of space in contrast to each element. Instruments never felt cramped and bumping against each other. Everything is well placed and now we go to imaging or instrumentplacement. Which I think deserves good comment. Placement of instruments and vocals, or elements in general, is top notch. I take notice of this quickly because it is in the nature of my work. Deciphering harmonies and instruments. In a song I might be playing the piano part, strings, brasses, flutes, and many other things. And Bravery reveals all those elements effortlessly. And this is very constructive for me. By far, one of the most capable set when it comes to imaging.


Today I will compare Bravery with one of my favorite IEM. The Kinera Idun Golden. Both are technically capable but different in tuning. And of course, different price points.

  • Bravery is much more rich and lush sounding. While Idun is somewhat lean sounding.
  • Both are technically adequate and capable.
  • Sound stage is wider with Bravery.
  • Imaging is better with Bravery.
  • Idun had an edge on separation by a small margin.
  • Both offer good isolation, fitting and comfortability.
  • Idun, having a leaner sound, offers cleaner presentation and minimal possibility of frequency bleeds.
  • Bravery has more life and color in tuning. Idun can be sterile and dry at times.

Conclusively, I love both. And honestly I cannot pick one over the other. They have different approaches in sound and tuning yet are technically capable. It all boils down to sound preference or your mood. For music enjoyment I will pick Bravery over Idun. For analysis and work related purposes as a musician, I will pick Idun.

Bravery with lighting from behind


  • LG V30 hifi dac (high impedance mode)
  • Hiby Music player
  • UAPP app (USB Audio Player Pro)
  • Tidal Masters subscription
  • offline FLACS
  • Hidizs AP80 pro
  • Deezer Hifi subscription

Here are some tracks I usually listen to when reviewing:

  • That’s the way of the World by EWF
  • Africa by TOTO
  • The Girl in the Other Room by Diana Kral
  • Balmorhea album All is wild, All is Silent
  • Sila by Sud
  • Smooth Escape by D’Sound
  • Never too Much by Luther Vandross
  • P.Y.T by Michael Jackson
  • Ain’t no Sunshine by Eva Cassidy
  • Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC
  • Another one bites the Dust by Queen
  • Good times bad times by Edie Brickell
  • Alice in Wonderland by Bill Evans
  • Ain’t it Fun by Paramore
  • Redefine by Incubus
  • Far Away by Nickelback
  • Lovesong by Adele
  • Lingus by Snarky Puppy
  • Harvest for the World by Vanessa Williams
  • Love Bites by Def Leppard
  • No Such Thing by John Mayer
  • As by Stevie Wonder
  • Whip Appeal by Babyface
  • Ain’t Nobody by Chaka Khan
  • Futures by Prep
  • Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
  • Every Summertime by NIKI
  • SADE tracks
  • AC/DC tracks
  • Queen tracks

And many more… I always listen to High resolution format, being the least quality 16bit/44khz FLACS be it offline or online.


Since October 2021, I have been saving up for Bravery. And I love it too much that when they released the anniversary edition, I just had to get one. Asked my wife for a go signal and I decided to declutter some of my IEMs to afford and buy one. Special mention to Kent Alfonso for reserving one unit for me.

So, is Bravery still an end game worthy for me? YES!!! Or more accurately, a pause game entry for my collection. The changes and improvements on this edition are worthy enough for me to make the purchase. A more mature bass presentation, improvements on technicalities, and an upgraded modular cable are all big wheels to me.

So who is Bravery for?

  • Mature listeners are in for a treat. Despite leaning towards neutrality, this set is not void of being fun sounding.
  • Bass heads need to audition first before taking the leap. Bass is there but may not cater your bass cravings.
  • Treble heads. We have good extension here and a lot of detail retrieval.
  • Technical listeners, musicians, sound tech guy and even audio engineers can use this for initial or post referencing.
  • Casual listeners who love details and vocals.

If you have the OG Bravery and it suits your preference, I think there's no need to make the purchase. Unless you are a collector of limited editions, by all means make the leap. I have stated a lot of comparisons here with the OG Bravery and if you fancy a more mature Bravery, I say go for this edition. Sadly only 500 units were produced, and I wish you luck on hunting for one.

To wrap this up, this edition of Bravery proved worthy of its price tag. In tuning and technicalities and inclusions. We have a very good balance of tuning and technicalities without the expense of details, texture and timbre. I'm so satisfied that I can safely say, I will take a break from purchasing sidegrades. Moreover, my next purchase might be in the 500$ price range. Anything in the 300$ range, I could not ask for more with Bravery. Fun sounding yet analytical all in all. Ultimately, the Bravery anniversary edition has an edge over the OG, particularly if you are more of a mature listener or neutral head. Some consumers and reviewers have mixed love and hate opinions on Bravery and I respect that. As for me, I find this set captivating, amazing and a strong recommendation from me, especially to those related to my nature of work, a gigging musician.

A friendly reminder, my impressions here are completely my own, with my setup and components. Unless we have the same gadgets and setup, your mileage will and always vary. Not to mention our hearing, which is very unique to each individual. Please do take this as a grain of salt. Cheers and catch you on the next one!!

Interested and want to purchase this edition of Bravery? Afaik, it has run out of stock. There are a couple of items left, here in Philippines. And the guy you want to talk to is Kent Aldriann Alfonso. I'm sure you can arrange something with him if you are not in Asia. Look him up on Facebook. 😉


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I need this in my life. Since my OG Bravery was broken, I kept longing for that exquisite sound 😜
Beware the new, more expensive RB.

Caveat emptor.

The cable is unpleasant and a huge downgrade, no HAKUGEI or SeeAudio branding and it's just badly behaved.

The most recent marketing materials have dropped all reference to Knowles and Sonion. It's been retuned again vs the AE, to try to disguise the cheaper inferior drivers. Super shouty and sibilant, even after a lot of tip rolling. Reminiscent of the Aria 2. It's not news that ChiFi have been cutting corners (eg FiiO FH15 w/o Knowles vs FH5s, FH1s v2 vs OG with Knowles BA, Fearless Audio dropping Knowles for made in Shenzen "custom" BAs etc). Now SeeAudio has joined the club short changing their customers whilst making no mention of all the downgrades.

No serial numbers etc. Pure cashing in by SeeAudio and an insult to loyal customers.

Please be careful, and buy used if need be rather than the newer sets.