Moondrop Space Travel


New Head-Fier
Moondrop Space Travel – "Well, but it's $25..."
Pros: Surprisingly solid tuning at this price range! Very fun and enjoyable.
Bass has decent impact and does have any notable bleed.
Mids are still quite decent and I can't expect much more at this price range.
Treble is controlled and does not get hot with additional volume.
ANC is surprisingly fine and competent enough to deal with fan noise.
Fit is decent enough on my end and I can keep them in my ears for a couple hours.
Cons: Volume stepping is a little weird on my phone, making fine-tuning loudness a little awkward.
Touch areas are very, very sensitive - to adjust the fit, try pinching them on the stem sides.
The Moondrop Link app is very poor and needs much more work.
Technicalities are below average - staging is not very impressive and imaging can feel vague.

The alternative title for this review was far less appropriate.


It's been a while since I reviewed anything, let alone something that actually interests me in some regard. However, in my recent deep space bargain bin exploratory mission I have tripped upon the Space Travels (purchased for $24.99 from SHENZHENAUDIO) and I must say, they're a fine companion to explore the (audio) space with, especially considering they're priced this low. I did not expect much - after all, outside a couple exceptions, the TWS market is often limited to major brands like Samsung, Sony and Apple. Moondrop's previous TWS forays have also been quite inconsistent - the Sparks were very solid outside a couple quirks, the Alice was baffling and the Nekocakes were just fine. Let me make this immediately clear; these completely invalidate the existence of the Nekocakes. What is the point of buying something that's $15 more expensive and behaves essentially the same, unless you want a custom motif? And, well, a lid? Yes, I haven't bothered listing that as a con. I may be lazy - but also, that's something I'll get into a bit later. Let's dive right into it, and feel free to hear me out why I think the Space Travels are both a solid listen and a buy at $25.



As might be expected, the packaging is very spartan at this range, reminiscent of some budget Tripowin models, perhaps even Moondrop's own Chu. You get a box wrapped in plastic with a small illustration of the expected anime girl on the back. There is really no glamour in opening this box - which is what I prefer until we get to a higher price point, anyway. Peel off the plastic film and there is a thin foil waiting under to be flipped over, and then you get access to the case itself.


After you pull out the plastic sheet, you can pull out the case including the TWS. The small Space Travel box under the case contains the short USB charging cable (type A to type C termination) and that's basically it. The additional eartips are all crammed in one tiny plastic baggie - not a fan, but I'll let it slide. You also get the usual QC check, a small sheet of paper with a full-color illustration of a cartoon lady, and then a bunch of paperwork. Overall, the package is very small and there is not much to complain about. Of course, a lid would be nice. It would cost barely a dollar, but perhaps Moondrop wanted to make something cool here. It does look unique and I think that much can't be denied.

Closer examination and ergonomics


As you can see in the image above, I purchased the "black" finish instead of the usual white. I think it looks way more rad - the orange plastic is very much reminiscent of those old Lego see-through bricks that I went thru in my youth. The USB-C port is at the bottom of the case - I would have preferred that it be placed at the back, but ah well, no point crying over it. The buds themselves have a decently long stem - slightly longer than the AirPods Pro. The buds are slid in and out the case on the stem, making pulling them out a little awkward at first, but you learn quick. The charging connectors for the buds are on the bottom of the stems. I haven't noticed any issues with the buds themselves moving around in the case or anything else like that. They stay rather secure, even if the lack of a lid isn't very convincing in this regard. If you feel insecure about this, Moondrop has a case for the Space Travels as well. Speaking of insecure, the touch area on the stems is very big, if not maybe the entire stem. Accidental taps are pretty likely if you try and adjust the fit in your ears - I would personally recommend that you grab the stem by its sides (or top and bottom) and adjust that way to prevent accidental pauses or mode-switching.


The fit is also AirPods-reminiscent. The nozzle itself is an oval shape. I gotta make this clear and say that my ears just suck. I can't really fit larger nozzles in my ears, but I can cram pretty large shells in my concha. So it was a very pleasant surprise when I realized these fit me very well. Of course, your mileage may vary - but for my accursed ears, this is a pretty good remedy. They can stay in my ears for almost the whole battery life duration, and I've been pleasantly surprised to find out that they stayed in my ears during a good night's sleep. The eartips themselves aren't anything groundbreaking, however, and if you happen to have something like Omni tips, they're worth trying out in this case.

Sound performance

The Space Travels were connected to my phone (running Lineage 20) and my laptop (a poor 7-year old Asus ROG). I have only noticed one case of drop-out and not another since. If you're planning to watch any fast-paced videos or plan to game with them, enable "game mode" by tapping on the stem four times. The delay is still kind of perceptible, but it's notably better and I'd say very much servicable for that use-case. As is the case for most TWS, the microphone performance is not very good.


I've mentioned it before, but these are fun. Not very bassy, unless you turn on the Basshead preset in the Moondrop Link app. Can I just--okay, yeah, sure, I'll be brief.

A brief mention of the Moondrop Link app

This app sucks? Really bad? I personally haven't encountered stability issues, but I know plenty people who have had frequent freezes, crashes and the like. Not to mention the app wants a lot of permissions. It is not something that makes me feel comfortable, so I promptly denied all the permissions and uninstalled the app once I realized that with the Space Travels, there isn't actually a lot you can do within the app. You can basically really just change the audio profiles (Reference, Basshead and Monitor) and then the touch controls. Navigating the app is slow, you wait a lot and it's just not very pleasing in general. Anyway, back to..

The bass

As mentioned, it's quite fun, especially on the Reference and Basshead settings. I personally use Reference and will for the remainder of this review. The impact is decent enough, giving you a little bit of that desired thump and the amount is quite solid without feeling overpowering, albeit it's getting there. I cannot really complain about the bass quality, especially at this price range and considering this is a true wireless set. I am quite pleased. Of course, it can be better - the Truthear Zero comes to mind - but in terms of TWS, you're gonna have to pay up a lot more to get better bass. Playtime is Over by Le Matos has this start with a vibrating, not-that-subtle bass hit that feels almost just right.

Bass rating: 75/100 (B)


Not really much to actually mention here. I haven't noticed any honk, or anything outright lacking. There is really nothing to comment on here, just that the mids have good enough body, don't feel recessed in any way and are just done well. The Right Stuff by Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds felt fine, if not particularly satisfying.

Mids rating: 70/100 (B-)


I usually like treble done in a fashion that makes the IEM sound mildly warm - neutral with a little bit of warmth is how I would put it. The Space Travels don't do that, but they're still pretty good. Cranking the volume didn't make me feel the treble suddenly got hot or peaky, and I'm left quite satisfied. There's a decent amount of detail, too - for example, The Cross by Makeup and Vanity Set felt cool. Granted, not a ton of treble in that track. But the fact nothing felt out of place was great. Sbírka zvadlejch růží by Wanastowi Vjecy has guitar plucking being heard pretty well and the electric guitar sounds solid too. Not much to complain about here.

Treble rating: 75/100 (B)


This is where the Space Travel stumbles. Technical chops were never particularly good on TWS sets, excluding a couple, but the Space Travels really just aren't technically capable. I would say you'd be getting slightly better performance out of a Wan'er or Hola - that is to say, the Space Travels aren't poor, but they're definitely below average in this regard. Imaging is a little vague and some of the tones can have the impression of being smothered. Let's Groove by Earth, Wind & Fire just lacks some of that detail and expansive feeling that a good IEM, headphone or speaker provide. The background instruments blend a little together, unfortunately.

Technicalities rating: 65/100 (C)


These will remain my beater TWS for the foreseeable future. Moondrop has made an excellent TWS here and I hope this trend sticks around for them. The Golden Ages have so far gotten a lukewarm reception from my friends, which does not instill me with confidence, but they don't look bad. I hope I'll get an opportunity to review them in the future.

This is absolutely a B+ IEM, especially considering the TWS capability and the fact the noise cancelling isn't bad at all. There's a little self-noise in it, but it's decent overall. This really is a good buy at 25 dollars.

Overall rating: 80/100 (B+)
Concluding notes: The Space Travel is a surprisingly well tuned TWS pair marred only by the poor application support and mediocre technical ability.

Keep rating: 8/10
These are worth keeping. The price is a bargain, they keep sounding good and if they break, well, it's $25.
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New Head-Fier
Not interesting.
Pros: -Really good tune for the price
-Ok build quality
-Soundstage feels wide
-Anc and transparency mode is fantastic for 25 dollars
Cons: -Below average resolution
-Really bad volume level
-Basic packaging
-bad imaging
-Sometimes feels dark
-Instruments sound lifeless

bought this iem with my own money. This review is completely subjective.



Space travel comes with eartips and a usb c cable. Basic accessories. Nothing to talk about.


Space travel is completely made out of plastic…. But plastic quality is good for price.

Sound-Tonality and Technicalities

Space Travel comes with a basic V shaped sound signature. Really good tune for 25 bucks… But dynamics are bad and bass is slow. Resolution is just….. acceptable. (but bad for me) Space travel have a really good, wide soundstage for the price. It sounds completely fine for the price but we have a unacceptable thing for the price, and it’s the volume level. Volume level is so low that i don’t want to use this tws :frowning2:



A pair of boring tws. Not much to talk about. Good for 25 dollars but honestly… Why buying this!? Man… just go get a IEM for 25 dollars and enjoy the sound quality. This thing is a unnecessary item.


New Head-Fier
Moondrop Space Travel offers incredible value for money
Pros: Incredible cheap at $24
ANC and Transparency ( normally not available at this price point)
Mobile App for configuration
3 excellent sounding Profiles (Basshead especially is good)
Cons: ANC mode is ok but not great
Microphone was a bit poor
Case is open by design so might gather dust - Moondrop offer a separate case now
Treble is just average at this price point (if it was an IEM - still very good for a TWS)

Moondrop Space Travel Review​

Moondrop continues to explore different segments of the audio market. A few months ago they launched their super bargain priced TWS, the Moondrop Space Travel. While I was recently reviewing the Moondrop Golden Ages I felt I should buy the Space Travel for comparison and now having experienced the Space Travel for a few weeks I think it is time for a short review to give my impressions.

This TWS model seems to be a direct target the ultra budget-conscious audio consumer who still seeks quality sound and usability but values features like ANC. While it lacks some of the high-end features of its more expensive sibling, the Golden Ages TWS, lets see what the Space Travel TWS provides the budget conscious consumer for its price point of $24.

Retail Box and Packaging​

Unboxing the Moondrop Space Travel TWS, the packaging is straightforward yet functional. I decided to buy the ‘black’ / Dark colour as I thought it looked pretty cool compared to the white version:

The back of the box provides the impressive specification of this device:

Box contents:

  • Space Travel TWS earbuds
  • Charging case
  • USB-C charging cable
  • A set of standard silicone eartips (S, M, L)

The earbuds are designed with a familiar aesthetic with an oval shape but similar to the Golden Ages you can use your own custom ear-tips, though unlike the Golden Ages I decided to use the larger size that comes with the Space Travel. For measurements presented later, I ended up using the small tips as they got a more accurate seal in my 711 ‘Clone’ coupler without ‘popping out’.

Here is a short video of how gorgeous the Space Travel looks:


Comfort and Fit​

The ergonomic design of the Space Travel earbuds provides a secure and comfortable fit for most ear sizes even with my larger ear canals I found them very comfortable and lightweight.
They are designed to work for people with small ear canals, but because they can fix third party ear tips, some people will prefer using some Comply foam or SpinFit earips to provide optimum comfort and a good seal. In fact, getting a good seal for the ANC is vital as but for me the larger eartips that come with it were sufficient for casual use and provide a decent seal against ambient noise.

Design and Practicality​

The Space Travel TWS earbuds offer a compact and super lightweight form factor. They are easy to handle, and the touch controls are responsive, though they offer limited customization compared to the higher-end models ANC TWS sets. The charging case is sturdy but attracts fingerprints and because of its open design will gather dust over time. Moondrop now sell a separate case to hold the Space Travel, and it might be an idea to buy this separate case depending on how you plan to use the Space Travel.

Sound Quality​

At its core, the Moondrop Space Travel TWS focuses on delivering a respectable sound quality that exceeds expectations at this price point. While not as good as the Golden Ages, Moondrop did a great job in creating a TWS set with a good frequency and a few interesting alternative sound profiles at this price point. In fact, having tried many similar priced TWS sets from Amazon the Space Travel is unique at this price point by having both good sound and features like ANC.


The bass especially using the Basshead profile is surprisingly well-rounded and controlled, without the overwhelming boominess that cheaper earbuds often exhibit. The Reference profiles though lacks the depth and texture of the more sophisticated the Golden Ages which was my preference of sound profile on the Golden Ages. But the Space Travel is more than adequate for everyday listening and better than most cheaper IEM in this price range.


The midrange is clear and present, providing a warm and enjoyable listening experience. Vocals come through naturally, though some complex tracks might not have the separation and clarity that more expensive earbuds offer.


Treble performance is modest and tends to be smoother, avoiding the harshness that can come with lower-quality audio devices. It lacks some sparkle and detail, but for casual listeners, this won’t be a major drawback.

Soundstage and Imaging​

The soundstage is somewhat confined, typical for budget TWS devices especially without high-res bluetooth codec support like LDAC. Imaging is decent, with reasonable instrument placement within the stereo field, making it suitable for most genres of music.

Features and Functionality​

What is exceptional about the Space Travel at this price point it that it has extensive and useful features like touch controls and multiple sound profiles and all this can be configured using the Moodrop Link Application.

Moondrop Link Application​

Currently only the Android version of the Moondrop link application works, though I believe an updated version the IOS Application will be released soon.

Here are a few screenshots to illustrate how it works:

Once paired you see the Space Travel on the home screen of the application:


You have much less configuration than with the Golden Ages, but you can select one of the 3 sound profiles:


And you can configure how the touch controls work on each earbud:


Overall, at this price point it’s amazing to have both a companion application but also one that allows some DSP configuration.


Equipped with Bluetooth 5.3, the Space Travel TWS supports basic codecs such as SBC and AAC ensuring decent audio performance and compatibility with most smartphones. Understandable at this price point it lacks LDAC or Aptx. The pairing process is straightforward, and the connection remains stable within the typical 10-meter range as per the specification on the back of the box.

Battery Life​

The earbuds themselves provided me with about 3 to 4 hours of playback and in my testing the case easily topped up the space travel earbuds so I never got near to running out of battery. The total battery life is up to 16 hours so more than enough for a long trip. Charging times are good, with the earbuds taking about 1 hour and the case about 1.5 hours to fully recharge.

Microphone and Call Quality​

The microphone quality is adequate for calls in quiet environments, but it struggles to suppress background noise in busier settings. This might not satisfy users who need to make calls frequently while out and about. I found the microphone poor on both the Golden Ages and on the Space Travel and I guess it is something for Moondrop to improve on future models.

ANC and Transparency​

I find it amazing the Space Travel has ANC capability at this price point, but you should not expect it to be the quality of Bose or Apple. I found it good on a recent plane trip, once I got good seal, but it was not great when out walking near a busy road as it had a tendency to break the seal easily due to the walking movement. I found the transparency mode worked pretty good but as with the Golden Ages I suspect the one microphone is tuned for far field so works well in transparency but not so much for conference calls.


These measurements where taken with my 711 ‘Clone’ coupler using REW:

Frequency Response​

You can see the 3 profiles graphed here relative to Harman. The Basshead profile is the closest, and it was my preferred profile while listening to the Space Travel, but all three profiles are great especially at this price point:
frequency response.jpeg

While I preferred the ‘Reference’ Profile on the Golden Ages it seemed a bit muted with the Space Travel. The better quality ‘planar’ drivers in the Golden Ages obviously help with the overall sound quality.


The Space travel shows very little distortion even at pretty loud volumes:
L Space Travel Monitor - distortion.jpg

Some comparisons​

Because it is unique at this price point it is hard to do proper comparisons but here are a few wired IEMs with similar sound signature showing that you really are getting a great experience for very little money with the Space Travel. I think Moondrop have done a great job with both the Chu II DSP and the Space Travel in providing an almost reference level of sound at such a low price point.

This is rare even for wired IEMs at this price point.
graph-29 Medium.jpeg


I gave the Space Travel a pragmatic score of 5, for its price it is unmatched both in sound quality and features. If you have a little more money to spent, buy the Golden Ages for its better tuning and LDAC support but Moondrop have done an incredible job with the Space Travel providing a good TWS at a rock bottom price of $24.


The Moondrop Space Travel TWS is an impressive entry into the budget TWS market. It offers a sound quality and comfort that are rare at this price point, though it understandably cuts corners in features and build quality. If you are new to the world of TWS earbuds or need a secondary, cost-effective pair, the Moondrop Space Travel could be an excellent choice.

However, for those accustomed to higher-end features, such as advanced ANC, wide codec support, and robust build quality, looking towards more premium offerings would be advisable.


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New Head-Fier
£25 budget killer?
Pros: - Cheap
- Bluetooth 5.3 Support
- 55ms Game Mode
- ANC + Transparency Mode
- Good tuning
- TWS with a wide range of tip support
- Comfortable shape and light
- Aesthetically pleasing design
Cons: - Build Quality
- Case Quality and design
- Lack of multi-device support
- Touch Controls are laggy
- Bass can be underwhelming
- Battery Life
- Charging Speed

Moondrop Space Travel (My First Review)
Moondrops first sub $30 TWS, perhaps a hard hitter?

The unboxing experience of the space travels is what you come to expect from a budget release, basic box with a small amount of accessories. the design of the box is nice however due to the materials used, the plastic shell looks foggy and does kinda take away from the experience although thats just a small nitpick. unfortunately due to the case being somewhat loose, the buds shook loose and turned on the case which can quite substanically drain battery over time.


In the box you get the basics
- Short Type C cable (A male to C Male)
- selection of tips
- documentation
-the case and buds

The standard tips i found rather uncomfortable and easily slipped out my ear, theres S - M - L sizes and theyre a oval shape as opposed to the normal circle tips though this doesnt stop you from using aftermarket tips

Fit and Finish
The fit on these are inoffensive and with foam tips i found it to be pleasant, the lightness played a nice part in it and they can be worn over long periods aslong as the battery allows you to.

the case quality is nicely polished apart from the glaring issues of the buds sometimes falling out, however on my unit i did find the clear part to be particularly greasy and slick even after using a cloth to clean it. However i wish i could say the same for the buds, the quality on my unit was quite absurd and a surprise on how they passed QC with sharp seams on the buds in which when adjusting these for comfort partially cut my ear, no idea if this was a one off however it has made me a bit cautious about recommending these to others, for obvious reasons i wont be posting a picture of the sharp seam with blood however you can see below the seam quality and the glue quality isnt amazing, a chat to amazon and they didnt seem bothered about it and wanted to resell the product after i returned them which the associate told me quite bluntly. however i have added some additional glue to the seam and sanded it down with fine sandpaper so all is fine..


Sound Quality

To put it simply, for how much these cost, the sound is impeccable aslong as you aint a basshead like me.
i have been using these with a Pixel 6 (using AAC) and my personal plexamp server using FLACs & also spotify. the sound profile didnt wow me at first however when i started using these more they started to sound well tuned and although they dont get loud, they are quite spacious. the bass response isnt incredible even with the "basshead" eq profile on moondrops link app. which i found actually dulled everything including bass. speaking of which...

Moondrops Link 2.0 App

Moondrops new and improved app. its lackluster simply, some parts of the app are still in chinese, and in the UK atleast, the app can only be downloaded via an apk on moondrops website. which is not secure to say the least especially with the amount of permissions it asks for. the features inside the app are extremely lacking with no way to change ANC or transparency.

Other Tidbits

one of the main annoyances i have is the lack of being able to pair with multiple devices or a easy way to disconnect from one device and switch to another. these use bluetooth 5.3 which as far as im aware, switching and multiple devices is present.

moondrop took inspiration from apple and the charging port is on the bottom of the case

touch controls have a solid second between pressing and it registering

battery life is pretty fubar and charging speeds are quite fubar too with them taking about 90mins from empty to full (the buds in the case) and i found myself recharging these multiple times within a day for use on my pc.

ANC and Transparency modes are present however ANC doesnt do a whole lot and transparency has alot of white noise.

No IPX rating which even at this price point can be found (see ankers lineup)

No wireless charging, a small annoyance however other options have this present and it wouldve been a nice addition given where the charge port is.

Short Conclusion

Good for price, dont expect amazing things outside of the sound quality as do come across as half baked especially in some areas. Decent for desktop use and phone use, good tuning especially for budget however build quality definitely screams budget.


New Head-Fier
Moondrop Space Travel – Straight to the Moon
Pros: Really affordable
Build quality and materials are good
Fancy charging case
4 sets of tips
Mild V – shape
ANC works pretty well
Good tonality
Crazy app support with EQ
Nice Bass
Game mode for low latency
3 different modes: Normal/ANC/Transparency
Customized prompt voices (anime girl voice)
Cons: Tricky charging case
Not the best tips
Battery life (average for the price)
Just AAC and SBC (no APTX)
No IPX certification


Moondrop space travel 1

Moondrop provided me with a review sample of Moondrop Space Travel, for which I am grateful!

I’m going to be as objective as possible, and being a common audio enthusiast, I will use simple words in this review.

I will highlight what I liked and what I didn’t without any fear.

This is an extremely affordable TWS, and for anyone interested in purchasing it, I hope my review will help them with their choice.

So I’m not going to use super-technical words to review it, but I will do my best to describe it.

My review won’t be the most technical you will find online, but I hope you like it.

Moondrop Space Travel Tech Specs:​

  • Bluetooth version: 5.3
  • Supported protocols: A2DP/AVRCP/HFP/HSP/SBC/AAC
  • Charging port: Type-C
  • Working distance: 10m (barrier-free open environment)
  • Support systems: Bluetooth devices and mobile phones
  • Earphone charging time: About 1 Hour
  • Charging time of charging case: about 1.5 Hours
  • Earphone battery capacity: 3.7V/37mAh
  • Battery capacity of charging case: 3.7V/380mAh
  • Battery life of earphone: About 4 Hours
  • Battery life of charging case: About 12 Hours

More information here: Moondrop Official Site

Moondrop Space Travel Packaging:​

The packaging is simple, space-saving to keep costs as low as possible, but completely perfect for the product category, indeed proportionally better than many other products.

Moondrop space travel fornt
Front box
Moondrop space travel back
Back Box
Moondrop space travel  plants
Moondrop space travel  umboxing
Tips + cable
Unboxing 2
Inside we find the TWS, manuals, warranty, and some accessories:

  • 4 pairs of tips with an oval shape
  • Standard Type C Charging cable
  • Manual and warranty
As mentioned before, the tips are different, but you can easily use the classic ones.

Moondrop Space Travel Design/Build Quality:​

The design, considering the cost, is decidedly interesting. Especially the transparent-looking charging case. We can see the magnets that hold the TWS while charging, but in terms of comfort, it is not the most comfortable case.


Removing the TWS from the case is not always quick and immediate (sometimes they risk slipping from your hands, and dirt from your pocket penetrates everywhere, making everything impractical). As for the design of the TWS, it is very standard, as you can see from my detailed photos. The shell is made of slightly rough or frosted plastic of good quality for the price.

Voice Prompts:​

What surprised me the most was hearing that the voice prompts were customized with the voice of an anime girl (Mitsuki Yuki’s voice). Much more expensive products have the classic robotic voice of a Bluetooth connection.

Moondrop Space Travel Built-in Technology & App:​

They don’t have any particular technology; in fact, I would say they are quite basic. Unfortunately, they only support AAC and SBC codecs; there are no better or superior formats, but we have Bluetooth 5.3 with low latency.

The stability of the connection is absolute; I have never experienced interruptions or drops in bitrate.

The implementation of the Moondrop LINK app helps overall to have a tune for every need. In the application, we can choose between 3 preset tunings:

  • Reference (my favorite)
  • Bassheads
  • Monitor

Moondrop Space Travel Fit and Comfort:​

The Moondrop Space Travel is extremely light and comfortable due to its classic design. The oval nozzle, having quite normal dimensions, adapts to different tips, guaranteeing greater comfort compared to other TWS, which make it really hard to change the tips.

Functionality and Features:​

The ANC mode really works perfectly, definitely better than I would have expected on an entry-level product.

By holding down one of the two headphones for a few seconds, you switch from one mode to the other.

  • In Transparency mode, you will hear a “Hey.”
  • ANC mode to hear a “Shh”
  • ANC mode off (classic), you will hear an “Umm”

I must admit that despite the differences in the different modes, the sound does not suffer from as many differences in quality as I had experienced, for example, on the HiFiman Svanar Wireless. On Moondrop Space Travel, the ANC mode even seems better implemented.

Gestures for Calls and Music:​

The external part of the TWS is touch-sensitive, so you can perform most operations without touching the phone. All gestures are customizable, as with the app it is possible to assign the task to be performed to each gesture.

  • Answer call: Single press
  • End call: While in a call, long press for 2 seconds
  • Reject call: Press and hold either earbud for 3 seconds
  • Voice assistant: Press 3 times on the right earbud
  • Game/music mode: Press three times on the right earbud with app open on the smartphone.
  • To Play/Pause: Touch the right or left earbud to pause the track, and touch it again to continue playing.
  • To rewind to the previous track With earbuds in operation, double-click the right earbud or left earbud.
  • To Skip to the Next Track With earbuds in operation, triple-click the right earbud or left earbud.

Initial sound impressions:​

The latest TWS I reviewed are Hifiman Svanar Wireless, which are definitely very expensive TWS, but I must say that the transition was not as traumatic as I would have imagined! By now, the quality of TWS has grown significantly.

Obviously, the sound quality is superior on the Hifiman, but if we consider the cost of the Moondrop Space Travel, the quality/price ratio is absolutely in their favor. They’re cheap, you don’t feel guilty mishandling them, they sound really good, and they have app support.

Equipment used for testing above:​


  • Redmi Note 7
  • Poco M4 Pro
  • Hotwav Pad 8


  • Amazon Music UHD 24bit 96khz

I’m not listing all the tracks because there are too many, but the Space Travel is pretty versatile in all genres.

  • Raven – Kelela
  • Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish
  • Energie – Schrotthagen
  • Ultimate Headphone Demonstration disc – Dr. Chesky’s
  • Miramundo – MiraMundo

The original tips were more than good, but I wanted to test the Nicehck 07, and I must say that they seal out external noise better.

Moondrop Space Travel Sound impressions:​

First of all, I start by saying that they are V-shaped, natural, and quite warm. The low frequencies are really good for my taste, but sometimes they lack a bit of body. But for the price, they are truly amazing! You can’t ask for more, and above all, if they aren’t enough, you can put them on the Bassheads preset, but my advice is to change thetips,s and you will have more bass.

The mids are slightly recessed, and the voices are slightly light and without silkiness but still pleasant. The high frequencies are harmless and the details are very good; you can perceive a bit of airiness and sparkles.

In summary, for 25 USD, we have a fairly consistent pair of TWS with good resolution and soundstage, very good separation, and a reasonably precise image.

Fast (and probably no sense) Comparison:​

I do not have many TWS, and the ones I do have are not up to par with these, so comparing them to the Hifiman Svanar Wireless is pointless.

Vs Tronsmart Onyx Neo

Tronsmart Onyx

They are the oldest and cheapest set I own. They support APTX, so they are theoretically superior. I have always liked their sound quality; they are V-shaped, and the bass is much more powerful and present. There is no app to change EQ or gestures. Very basic, but I still use them today. For comfort and sound quality, I prefer Moondrop Space Travel.

VS 1More Triple Driver BT E1001BT


I will not compare their designs because they are completely different. Above all, for a 2018 product, the packaging is outstanding; the box is super premium and packed with quality tips and accessories. Excellent product representation. If I think I only paid 20 USD during the sales (Retail price over 100 USD), They are two different technical solutions, but this got LDAC. 1More has a decidedly warmer sound, full of deep bass, fairly natural mids but more recesses, and decidedly soft highs, different throughout but still extremely pleasant. Despite the triple driver (1DD + 2BA), we are on another level of definition, image, and soundstage. We don’t have different modes and no touch controls; we have all physical keys.

Vs Hifiman Svanar Wireless


If we start with the cost of 499 USD, it doesn’t even make sense to compare them, but since I’m crazy, I’ll tell you my opinion anyway. TWS should be designed to be listened to without worry while walking, running, or being transported to your destination. Personally, carrying such an expensive TWS with me is an extra worry. If we consider that the quality gap in the end is not so absurd, I find these Moondrop Travel Space much more sensible. No problems with codes with unstable transmissions; app support; low cost.


In conclusion, Moondrop, with its Space Travel, has nailed the winning formula.


They are entry-level TWS, but they are well built and designed. The charging case is the only real problem in terms of “design” and practicality in everyday use. Their sound can satisfy practically anyone, as they adapt well to every musical genre. Costing so little, they give you exactly that sense of freedom and carefreeness that a similar product should convey to you! With 500 USD TWS, I miss this sense of freedom! What if they fall to the floor? Panic! If you are looking for TWS to spend little on, these are the ones that currently represent an excellent choice; just the personalized command voice is worth their $25.
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100+ Head-Fier
25€ well spent!
Pros: Decent performance in general for the price, with 3 options of tuning and ANC...
Cons: Only SBC and AAC codecs available, not the best at anything in particular...

Recently I reviewed the iFi Go Link and said that they were the best Bluetooth portable source I had heard but they cost around 400€. Today I am looking at something that is completely at the other extreme of the price range, coming in at around 25€.

I already said that I am not a huge fan of TWS but I had heard good things about the Moondrop Space Travel and decided to purchase a set to see if they are just another set of TWS IEMs that work for others but just don’t work for me.

Well, I am glad I did pick them up!

As I purchased these IEMs, there are no companies asking for me to share links. I purchased them from Shenzen Audio but they are also available on Linsoul, AliExpress and probably a few other sites also.



It has been a while since I reviewed anything from Moondrop. Funnily enough, I think that the last set was actually the Nekocake, a set of TWS IEMs that are very similar to these, or rather these are very similar to the Nekocake.

I didn’t mind the Nekocake but, as soon as the review was over, I gave them to a family member that was looking for some TWS IEMs. This is a positive thing because if I thought they were terrible, I would have never given them to her, but on the other hand, if I thought they were great, I would have probably kept them.

Now, before I continue, this review is not going to say that the Space Travel are the best TWS IEMs in the world because they aren’t, yet I have found myself reaching for them a lot and enjoying using them, these will probably stick around in my bag for the foreseeable future.

I definitely think they are worthy of a review, even if it is a brief one (famous last words, as it is never brief by the time I get to the end of it!).

So, let me share my experience with the Space Travel and why I think that, for 25€, these little IEMs are a great buy.



You really can’t get simpler than the presentation of the Moondrop Space Travel. They arrive inside their charging case, in a clear plastic cover (I can’t bring myself to call it a box) with a space in the bottom for the charging cable, a couple of extra sets of tips and the usual manual/docs.

That is it, not much to review here.


Build and aesthetics…

The IEMs themselves are identical to the Nekocake, which is basically just another one of those “Apple Airpods Inspired” designs (not to say copy). This time the cat logo has been replaced with some simple yellow and grey design, with “Space Travel” written on one side.

What has changed is the charging case. Where the Nekocake came with a white case with a flip up lid, the Space Travel use clear plastic with no lid at all. I know that this is something that people have complained about but in my use case, I actually don’t mind it. The IEM case has lived in my bag since I got them (except for removing it to charge) and it fits great in one of the little front pockets. I just unzip the pocket and grab the IEMs and just drop them back in when I have finished.

I understand that this is not something that works for everybody but I’m sure there will be some kind of silicone cover available soon enough and, in case you have the Nekocake, it seems they also fit and work in the Nekocake case.

My only personal complaint is something that I find over and over again with TWS charging cases, the USB-C charging port is on the bottom, meaning you have to lay the case down to charge it. This is a minor gripe but I would still prefer to see the charging port on the back of the case.



The touch controls on the stems of the IEMs are responsive and seem to work well. A simple touch on either side will play or pause the music (or answer/end a call), a double tap on the left is previous track and on the right is next track, with a triple being to summon the assistant.

The Space Travel also have three different modes which you can cycle through by pressing and holding the left or right IEM for 1 second. The modes are Normal, Transparency and Active Noise Cancelling. Rather than a voice telling you what mode you are in, a chinese girl makes a sound, which is “Ummm” for normal, “Shhhh” for ANC and “Heh!” for transparency mode. It’s certainly something original.

Bluetooth pairing mode is entered by holding both sides for 3 seconds and is very quick to both pair and to reconnect each time, although only SBC and AAC codecs are available. Moondrop states 4 hours playback with the IEMs fully charged, with an additional 12 hours available with the use of the case (which takes around an hour to fully recharge the IEMs).

Things are obviously not perfect and I would have liked to have seen LDAC and of course, my pet peeve, volume control on the IEMs. But for 25€, I really can’t bring myself to complain.



As mentioned in functionality, the Space Travel have three modes, Normal, Transparency and ANC. Due to the way the ANC is implemented (the location of the mics) I have not been able to measure the frequency response but when comparing Normal & Transparency, the response is identical (except for the extra background noise of course) and I can’t hear any difference in response with ANC on, so the mode does not influence the frequency response of the IEMs.

While on the subject of ANC, it is fairly decent. It is not the best ANC I have used but the noise reduction is useful. I haven’t travelled with them yet (i.e: I haven’t flown) but with the A/C drone in my office it is effective.

There is also an app that can be installed (at least on Android, I don’t have any iOS devices) and allows the user to select between three different tunings. The app is far from great but once the tuning is selected, it saves to the IEMs, so you can pick it and then not worry about the app.

The three tunings are “Reference”, “Monitor” and “Basshead”. Here is a graph of the three in comparison to my personal preference target for reference as always:


After spending some time trying each of the tunings, I found that I preferred the “Reference” tuning and that is what I have been using since then.

Now, don’t expect these IEMs to be amazing, they are not the best in terms of audiophile performance, yet they still have a very enjoyable performance.

To be totally honest, I haven’t really sat down to have a dedicated in depth listening session with the Space Travel. Usually, when I review something, I spend time with it and then sit down with my list of test tracks to have a focused listen where I pinpoint certain responses to certain tracks. In this case, all I have done is use the Space Travel as and when I wanted to, without really focusing on minute details.

This may make this review null and void for some people but, in my opinion, these IEMs are not really something that I would expect people to choose for dissecting music. These are more of a set to have handy, being able to grab them at any time, without having to worry about them too much. And in those terms, they perform really well.

The “Reference” sound signature has a bit of a boost in the lower ranges, which does a nice job of keeping things smooth but clear, with a boost around the 2.5 to 3kHz mark that works to give things presence. Add those to a very neutral mid range and a decent extension in the upper ranges, and you have a very pleasurable set of IEMs for easy listening.

Not once, in the various weeks that I have been using these IEMs, have I felt that they sounded awful. I haven’t found myself focusing on them and thinking, “damn, that sounds bad on these”, they just played music as I went about my daily routines. And I really think that is the strong point of these IEMs.

They have a pleasurable sound signature, with decent enough detail and performance that is more than satisfactory for 25€. They even have decent sound stage for a set of IEMs.



I know I haven’t gone into depth on the sound of these IEMs, which sort of defeats the purpose of reviewing a set of IEMs, but honestly, they are a decent sounding set of TWS for a very cheap price.

I wouldn’t recommend these to someone who is looking for specific strong point in IEMs, in other words, I wouldn’t put them as the “best bass” or “most detailed” or anything like that. I would simply put them as a 25€ set of TWS that provide a good and enjoyable experience.

And before the question gets asked, yes, I prefer them to the Nekocake which are twice the price. In fact, as someone who really doesn´t like TWS IEMs all that much, I think these are the set that I have spent most time listening to and intend to keep on doing so. They are certainly one of the few sets that I have reviewed as most of the budget TWS sets that come my way end up getting a couple of hours listening and then either returned or thrown in a drawer never to see a battery charger ever again.

As always, this review is avalable in Spanish both on my blog ( and on YouTube (
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Do these have any sort of static noise or buzz when nothing is playing?
I'm currently using soundpeats life, but the static noise when nothing is playing on the side bluetooth is connected to makes it annoying and irritating to just use the ANC with nothing playing.
I haven't noticed any but then I don't usually wear them without music playing.


New Head-Fier
Moondrop Space Travel Review | The $25 Entry-level TWS to Beat!
Pros: Unique case design
Well-balanced bass response
Very inoffensive and safe treble
Midrange, for the most part, has a balanced tonality
Usable ANC and transparency mode
Pretty good battery life.
Basshead and Monitor Presets are a welcome addition.
Cons: Case design is form-over-function
Slight upper-mid glare that affects vocals to be slightly shouty depending on how the songs are mixed
Slightly lacking in overall technical capability compared to the $20 price bracket
Moondrop Link is lacking in control (can't control ANC or Transparency via software)
Here's a video version

Ok. $25 USD for a pair of TWS IEMs is honestly a steal for me. When I saw the price for the first time, I simply just blind-bought them straight from SHENZHENAUDIO because I really wanted to recommend something that's wireless and cheap, but also still really solid for the price in terms of its sound quality and features. You all know the feeling when your friends see a well-performing TWS, but it costs way more than what they're willing to buy. Anyway, now that I've been using the TWS for at least a month now, I think that's a good time for me to review this TWS.

Build, Design, and Comfort
Space Travel.jpg

I do like the design of the Space Travel. It has this clear shell that shows the buds in view, and the more boxy design adds a futuristic feel to its aesthetic. For the picture-takers, this set would look cool. The problem is that the design is form-over-function. First, there's no lid to cover the TWS so if you're worried about dust or water coming inside the buds, you might as well consider getting the Nekocake case with the Space Travel. I personally don't find this a huge issue since I don't use my pockets since I basically have PTSD from my old phone getting stolen. Second, because it's clear plastic, it is susceptible to scratches. So if you want to keep the Space Travel looking pristine, I recommend taking more steps. On one hand, I don't care too much, but on the other hand, it's full of scratches.

Lastly, for comfort, it fits pretty well to my ears. I only use them with the stock tips, and I don't think they would easily fall off of my ears. Walked around the city and in a convention, and they feel pretty light and comfortable enough to get by.

Software Impressions (ANC and Transparency)
In a nutshell, the ANC and transparency modes are usable. Don't expect these to blow out the software from Apple or Samsung. With that said, it is very usable. I think that ANC reduces enough volume and transparency gives enough sense of awareness to your surroundings. Battery life is good enough. In my use-case, I find myself to frequently put the buds back in the case for various reasons. Because of that, it lasts for a while before needing to charge them. But if you use them on a long ride, that's when you'll notice the 4 hours of battery life. I would also say that the Moondrop Link app is a bit barebones. It would be nice if I can also control ANC and Transparency mode via software instead of holding the sides of the buds themeselves.

Subjective Sound (Listening Impressions)
After using the Space Travel for a while, I do think that:
  • The signature is well-balanced overall.
  • Bass and lower mids are on the leaner side but otherwise not overly boosted; pretty much controlled.
  • Treble is tilted towards relaxed tuning; resulting in the lack of sibilance when it comes to cymbal prominence.
  • Midrange is kept nearly intact to what I think sounds neutral.
  • Midrange tonality has a slight glare, which is more apparent in female vocals, causing them to sometimes sound slightly shouty. Some instruments are also slightly too in-your-face, however I find vocals to be more obvious to have this issue.
  • Technical performance is average to slightly below average.
  • Bass lacks in the sense of authority, altho still pretty competent in the $20 tiers.
  • Smeared and grainy detail retrieval which results in lackluster detail, maybe even compared to the $20 tiers.
  • Staging performance is expected; pretty closed in stage with 3-blob imaging. Very elliptical without having the sense of projection beyond my ears.
  • Due to lacking in texture, instrumental timbre doesn't seem to stand out, although I think it performs well.
Objective Sound (Frequency Response Analysis)
Here is my graphtool. I publish graphs measured with a clone IEC60318-4 (IEC711) coupler I bought from Sounds Good Store in AliExpress.

Reference Preset
Space Travel compared to what I perceive as neutral

  • The increase in 2 kHz to 3 kHz is probably causing the slight glare I'm hearing since I never heard this glare in cymbals, which is supported by a relatively relaxed treble from 6 kHz to 10 kHz.
  • Bass and treble are slightly lean and relaxed, respectively, as I said in my listening impressions.

Basshead Preset

  • Boosts the bass by 3dB starting from 200Hz. Desirable for more bass-focused tracks while keeping lower mids away from muddiness.
  • Treble slightly boosted (actually to a level that I would like) to balance the bass lift.
  • The upper-mid glare is still there, but it doesn't become as obvious due to the boosts on both ends.
  • Still more on the neutral side for bassheads.
Monitor Preset

  • The 2 kHz to 3 kHz increase is now tamed down. It makes the midrange tonality one of the best I've ever heard at its price range.
  • However, the bass is lacking, making this profile very vocal-centric and boring to listen to.
Because of that, I recommend adding a bass shelf to the Monitor preset. I use a 5dB Low Shelf filter with a Q value of 0.5 starting at 105 Hz.
To the Moondrop Chu:

  • Space Travel's treble is safer, while Chu can come across as spicy.
  • Space Travel is slightly warmer in the lower mids, while Chu is very lean.
  • Better vocal timbre for Chu when compared to Reference Preset. With Monitor Preset, Space Travel beats the Chu in my opinion in terms of vocal timbre.
  • Better resolution and transients for Chu, but comes across as metallic in timbre as a result. Space Travel sounds smoother and more natural.

To the QKZ HBB:

  • Better treble for Space Travel. QKZ HBB comes across as too blunt or too relaxed. I already find Space Travel treble to be pretty relaxed.
  • QKZ HBB for my tastes is too warm or thick. Space Travel is cleaner in that regard.
  • QKZ HBB is more basshead-focused.
  • Better bass dynamics for QKZ HBB, although as a result it is very loose. Still a preference thing, but I prioritize a more forward vocal presentation.
To the Nekocake and Buds2:
  • I don't have either of them...
  • pls don't ask.
Let's Wrap This Up
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If you can't buy the Galaxy Buds2, or you just want a cheap TWS IEMs, the Moondrop Space Travel is a very solid option. At its price of $25, I can't really give any complaints unless I start to judge without considering its value. Pretty solid tuning, with technical performance that most people won't complain about except for people who are into audio gear. This is one of the best sidegrades for the wired $20 bracket.


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New Head-Fier
Moondrop Space Travel: Amazing Sound, Affordable Price, Wireless.
Pros: Affordable
Decent build quality
Comes with ANC and Transparency mode
ANC mode is very pleasant
Multiple tuning options (from Moondrop LINK)
Amazing tonality (on all tuning options)
Well controlled bass
Clean, natural midrange
Engaging, forward female vocals
Treble is smooth and inoffensive yet not too dark
Decent treble extension and air
Decent technicalities
Cons: Moondrop LINK is very barebone
Big, bulky shell, fit may be not for all (Subjective)
ANC and Transparency mode is a little underwhelming
Hard to insert and retrieve the earbuds into the case at first
No cover on top of the case
Unclear indications from voice prompts for ANC/Transparency modes
Doesn't show battery of case in Moondrop LINK
Doesn't support Hi-Res Bluetooth codecs like LDAC (Nitpick)
Average battery life (Nitpick)
Average call quality (Nitpick)
  • Huge thanks to SHENZHENAUDIO for providing the opportunity for me to review the Moondrop Space Travel. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way.


  • $24.99


  • Samsung Galaxy S21 (AAC)
Ear tips
  • Acoustune AET07
  • Comes with a decent amount of accessories
    • Space Travel.
      • Attached to 1 pair of silicone ear tips (M sized)
    • Charging cable
    • Decent selection of ear tips.
      • 3 pairs of silicone tips (S, M, L)

Build Quality

  • Plasticky, lightweight shell with matte finish but doesn't feel too cheap.
  • Nozzle is oval shaped, while it being shorter than usual IEMs but managed to fit my AET07 very well.
  • Fit is decent for me. Not the deepest fit due to its rather large body but comfortable enough to wear it through the whole day.



  • Bluetooth connection was maintained quite well throughout my listening sessions, there were hardly anytime when the connection is cut off while using it.
  • Latency
    • I did not encounter any latency issues when watching videos, the sound syncs with the video decently.
    • However, it is definitely not the best, as it can be a tiny bit sluggish but I do not think it is noticeable enough for casual video watching, but I can't say the same for gaming or a more serious movie watching session.

Battery Life
  • When listening with 70-80% volume with ANC turned on, it can last me almost 4 hours.
  • This is fine if you're not a particularly heavy user, but it definitely isn't the strong point of this TWS.
  • The case holds an extra 12 hours as stated but I never actually used them to the full extent.

App Support

  • Moondrop Link is really ... barebone and unrefined.
  • Only allows customization for touch controls and tuning options.
  • Doesn't show more information like which mode (ANC/Transparency) I'm currently on, or battery.

Call Quality

  • Call quality is acceptable, but there are occasions when the other party mentioned that my voice is a little boomy and unclear, just happened once or twice throughout 5-6 meeting sessions (approx. 1 hour per session)

ANC/Transparency Modes

  • ANC
    • Unable to choose the amount or level of ANC
    • Does cancel the surrounding sound but not much, stuff like construction noises next door will still get through even with ANC turned on.
    • There is also almost no pressurized feeling from the ANC, unlike stronger ANC buds like Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 which feels uncomfortable with ANC turned on.
  • Transparency
    • Unable to choose the amount or level of Transparency
    • Able to hear surrounding sound but also doesn't sound too clear.
    • If you want to listen to something important, I would still suggest taking them off to listen more clearly.

  • Neutral to mild V-shaped.
  • I have used both 3 tuning options for a fair amount of time.
    • Basshead: Changes the signature to a mild V shaped signature, most balanced option to me. Even at this setting, the bass is not totally overpowering everything else, but the impact and quantity is slightly increased overall. However, the quantity still doesn't fulfill bass heads' requirement in my opinion.
    • Reference: Somewhat neutral with a little bit of bass boost. Bass is more subtle but still packs a decent punch.
    • Monitor: More of a neutral signature. Midrange and treble is significantly more pronounced in this mode. Personally, I find this mode to be more vocal centric.
  • The comments below will be based on the "Reference" option.

  • Quite balanced between the sub bass and mid bass,
  • Rumbles and slam are present but a little subtle, and not very impactful or deep.
  • However, the bass is actually surprisingly decently defined and textured especially for the price.
  • Speed is decent enough to keep up with most busy tracks, and decay is on the faster side.
  • Quantity is not much but sufficient if you're not a bass head, and it is very well controlled.
  • Midrange is clean, not recessed, and comes with a touch of warmth.
  • Male vocals are slightly lacking in body, sounds a little thin but not overly distant.
  • Female vocals on the other hand, is quite forward and energetic, perhaps may be borderline shouty to some but not to me.
  • Instruments and timbre are quite natural, with the lower end being slightly thin.
  • Overall note weight and density on the thinner side.
  • Treble is quite relaxed but have a touch of sparkle to not sound too dark.
  • Overall, there are minimal harshness and peaks, it is quite smooth
  • Treble extension is also decent which adds a little airiness to it, which is quite surprising for a product in this range.
  • Details in the treble are decently revealing for a product in this price range.



  • Resolution and detail retrieval are decent. Nothing outstanding but doesn't fall too short either.

  • Soundstage is quite decent for the price, width is alright but lacking a little in terms of depth which is acceptable.

  • Imaging and accuracy is decent enough for me to tell instruments placements apart.
  • Separation and layering is decent too.
  • There are decent separation and layering most of the time, but will still sound slightly congested when tracks start to get busy.


  • As a conclusion, if you want a affordable TWS with sound quality being the utmost priority, I can wholeheartedly recommend the Moondrop Space Travel if you don't need more advanced features other than ANC and Transparency modes.
  • Each and every preset EQ configuration in the app are excellent in its own way and will cater towards different target audience for sure.
  • Although I listed many things out in the Cons section, those are more like a nitpick or subjective opinion, which are easily forgivable for a product in this price range.
  • However, if you're looking for something more, especially in terms of features and refinement, I suggest looking for something else.


Thanks for reading!
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100+ Head-Fier
Moondrop Space Travel Review - A Solid Performer
Pros: Balanced Sound
Customisable via Moondrop Link App (Touch Control, EQ)
High price performance ratio
Cons: Short battery life on a single charge (nitpicking)
irrelevant voice prompt for ANC/Transparency mode and game mode

Moondrop is no stranger when it comes to the audio community. Most of their releases are hits rather than misses, being priced affordably, does not mean they skimp on the sound quality. Let’s take a look and see if it’s holding up against other similarly priced TWS.
The packaging is pretty straight forward, nothing to expect at this price point.
A transparent box consists of the IEM, eartips. The whole earbud is made out of plastic and there are no sharp edges or any protrusion that causes discomfort. Despite it’s fully plastic,it doesn’t look cheap and it’s light, I've worn them for several hours during my meeting and there’s no discomfort throughout the period. The charging case’s design is very appealing in my opinion, the transparent look does make it look premium. In terms of ergonomics when attempting to remove the TWS from the charging case, it does take a little bit of effort when your finger is dry.

  • Bluetooth version: 5.3
  • Supported protocols: A2DP/AVRCP/HFP/HSP/SBC/AAC
  • Charging port: Type-C
  • Working distance: 10m (barrier-free open environment)
  • Support system: Bluetooth devices and mobile phones
  • Earphone charging time: About 1 Hour
  • Charging time of charging case: about 1.5 Hours
  • Earphone battery capacity: 3.7V/37mAh
  • Battery capacity of charging case: 3.7V/380mAh
  • Battery life of earphone: About 4 Hours
  • Battery life of charging case: About 12 Hours
Connection Test and Latency
  • Placing my phone on my dining table in my living room, i walked to my balcony with a thick wall in between and there’s no disconnection nor any distortion, connection remained rock solid stable
  • As for gaming, the delay is very noticeable, but then again, this TWS is not meant/marketed for gamers in mind.
  • Watching Netflix with it on my iPad, there isn’t any delay as well,the audio and video is pretty much in sync. No noticeable delay
Battery Life Test
  • I would say the battery life is not bad nor exceptional, good enough to last you through the day if you are a heavy user, as the case hold an additional of 12 hours approximately
  • Single usage is more or less the same as claimed by Moondrop which is 4 hours +- depending on your volume level, during the time of testing, i am playing it at about 40% of volume level which is loud enough to me
ANC Test
If i were to rate the ANC performance, In comparison with AirPod Pro, i’m giving the AirPod Pro a 8/10 and Space Travel at 5/10. This is to be expected as the ANC performance for Space Travel is definitely not on par with the high tiered TWS that offers a better ANC performance.
This is to be expected and I am not nitpicking especially at this asking price. The ANC does work, however it doesn’t cancel out most of the noise, EG, my mechanical keyboard typing sound, Keys jingling sound. It does cancel out the road noise when i am driving. When I'm out in a busy restaurant, it’s not dead silent, but it does cancel out some noise in order for me to listen to the music at average listening volume without having to crank up the volume.

My review is solely based on what I hear via my equipment and I never consider my reviews to be objective in any way rather a subjective approach. Do take into consideration that everyone’s ear anatomy is not the same, so the psychoacoustics perception might be different as well, but i believe it will not stray too far

Sound Impression (Reference Preset)
Space Travel’s default tuning is more on the “fun” side of the spectrum. Slightly elevated low and high without recessing the vocal. You can change the tuning of Space Travel by downloading the LINK app from Apple’s app store if you are using iOS or Google Playstore if you’re using Android. Sort of like an EQ

*This evaluation is done using the Reference preset via the Moondrop LINK App


  • Sub bass rumble can be felt and heard during EDM track such as Ping Pong by Armin
  • Bass quantity and quality is good enough (You can always change to a different preset if you feel like having more “Boom”)
  • Bass response is neither fast nor slow to a point where it got too boomy
  • Typical Harman kind of bass response when using the Reference Preset
  • The mid range is not too forward nor recessed
  • Vocal positioning is slightly recessed for male and a little bit forward for female
  • Male vocal is slightly thin sounding where as female vocal sounds a little bit more full
  • Good enough detail at this spectrum of frequency
  • Treble is smooth and non sibilant nor fatiguing
  • Good enough detail retrieval
  • Average resolution
  • Good amount of air and presence for the asking price
Soundstage and Imaging
  • Soundstage is pretty much in your head, not too narrow or wide
  • Imaging is alright as the instruments can be pinpointed correctly
Comparison with NekoCake
  • In terms of sound, NekoCake sounds a little bit more cooler compared to Space Travel, it is slightly warmer to my ears, hence i perceived it as having slightly more body compared to NekoCake
  • NekoCake is a little forward sounding and have smaller soundstage compared to Space Travel
  • The rest of the features doesn’t change much in terms of ANC performance and Transparency mode, bluetooth version is currently 5.3 on the Space Travel while NekoCake is 5.0
Final Thoughts
Throughout the week that i’ve been using Space Travel, I find them to be very comfortable overall and soundwise, they offer a good price performance ratio, the stock eartips offer a good enough seal for me, Overall I find them to offer a balanced performance with a good price performance ratio considering the specifications of the earbuds. At this asking price, It is very easy to recommend it to anyone who is looking for a budget TWS right now. I see no reason why I shouldn't recommend it.

An easy 4.5/5 judging from the value and performance it offers.


*I received the unit in exchange for my honest opinion from ShenZhenAudio. The link attached is not affiliated and i don’t earn a single cent even if you decide to purchase it

Moondrop SpaceTravel - Non affiliated
What eartips did you use on the photo?
Is it the Azla Vivid by any chance?


New Head-Fier
Moondrop Space Travel - A Cheaper Nekocake?
Pros: Great fit and connectivity
Handful of features
Sounds extremely balanced and natural
Decent technicalities
Cons: Bass can sound a bit muddy at times
Lacks a tad of clarity and resolution


Space Travel is the latest budget TWS from Moondrop, it only costs around 25 bucks, which is an absolute steal for what you will be getting. However, it’s certainly not the best when it comes to packaging and the overall unboxing experience. But it doesn’t even bother me a bit, because I’m buying this for the sound alone, and it certainly doesn’t disappoint.

And most importantly, it fits perfectly in my ears, meaning that I don’t have to bother switching the stock tips to third-party ones. Also, it was a seamless experience to connect this thing to my iPhone 11 through Bluetooth, it’s just so easy. The connection is also pretty stable in most cases.

If you want to see my ranking list, you can access it here:


I’ll focus this review on the sound of the TWS itself, and I won’t go deeper into the features that it offers. All I can say is that the ANC mode is not a gimmick and it works decently well. When I turn it on. it eliminates the sounds of the loud fan that I have in my room. On the other hand, the transparency mode is almost useless, I’d prefer not to have this mode at all. It just adds a considerable amount of noise floor, and it doesn’t help me to listen to the outside noise better than the normal mode. As for the low latency mode, I haven’t tried it at all since I don’t game with TWS, so I can’t really say much if it really works or not.

Sound Quality​


Going on to the sound, Space Travel is what I would consider to be warm sounding, leaning towards the low-frequency side of things, but what’s amazing is that it doesn’t sacrifice the rest of the soundscape. It still sounds extremely balanced and natural without the bass being too overwhelming.

Starting from the bass, it is quite impactful with a lot of thumps and slams, especially in bass-heavy songs. It has great bass rumble and a pretty decent texture to it. But the good thing is, it doesn’t bleed into the mids most of the time. if not at all.

That aside, I don’t think the bass is thick and impactful enough to satisfy bass heads, at least on the default preset. But there’s actually a workaround if you think the bass is not enough, because you can always change the EQ preset on the Moondrop Link App from Reference to Basshead.

However, this type of bass doesn’t really fit my preferences. It doesn’t mean that the bass is bad, it’s just I’d prefer a deeper and tighter bass for my IEM and TWS. The bass on the Space Travel is more of a thick and thumpy kind of bass, it is not that tight and deep. It can come as slow at times, which is not suitable for rock and metal track that needs a fast bass.

To be honest, I think the vocals are where Space Travel really excels. It sounds extremely balanced, whether it is the male or female vocals. Also, it sounds very smooth without sacrificing the overall clearness and energy of the vocal. Male vocals sound thick as they should be, and female vocals sound sweet and heavenly. Not to mention, the overall mids sound natural without any hint of sibilants and shoutiness. I’m in love with the vocal presentation of this TWS, and I’m all for it.

Of course, the good things don’t end there, because the treble also sounds very well with any type of song. It has a decent treble extension, and it gets airy enough when the cymbal hits. Most importantly, the treble still sounds natural and fatigue-free. There are no hints of sibilants at all that I can literally sleep with this thing on my ear.

As for the technicality, I think that it’s fairly decent for its price range. Obviously, it can’t beat wired IEMs at the same price or even below such as the Chu and Tanya, but for a TWS, it is good enough that I don’t even bother about it. The separation and layer are enough for busy tracks such as Wagakkiband. The overall soundstage is not that holographic and wide, but the imaging is enough for me to know where the instruments are coming from. The clarity and resolution are good enough, but not as clear as the aforementioned IEMs or even the famous Nekocake.

Comparison (vs. Nekocake)​


Even though the Nekocake is twice the price of the Space Travel, I do think that the Space Travel has a more polished and mature tonal than the Nekocake.

As for the bass, I’d choose the Nekocake slightly over the Space Travel, because the bass on the Nekocake sounds more well-controlled and cleaner. Space Travel sounds muddier and more congested in comparison, but only by a small margin.

For the rest of the frequency, however, I’d prefer Space Travel all day. The vocals sound more lively and energetic but without being shouty. The Nekocake can sound too smooth at times, and the female vocals can’t reach that high due to the dip around 3kHz, resulting in more lifeless and less energetic upper vocals.

Space Travel is also a clear winner when it comes to treble performance. It is more extended and sounds more airy than the Nekocake, especially when I listen to songs that have a lot of cymbal crashes.

As for the technicality, I feel like they’re both on the same level, but the Nekocake has the edge when it comes to overall clarity and resolution, but the rest is almost identical.


All in all, I genuinely think that Moondrop Space Travel is the best bang for the buck when it comes to TWS. For $25, you will be getting a lot of useful features such as ANC and Transparency mode. And if you want to game on this thing, there is a low latency feature for that. Tonal-wise, you will get a balanced and natural tonal that is an allrounder, versatile for any type of track. The technicality also doesn't disappoint either, considering its price range. I'd recommend Moondrop Space Travel for those of you who want to get a taste of Nekocake's sound but at a cheaper price.
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Thank you for the review . It’s very helpfull, as $25 can be a decent amount, if they end up in a drawer.