LG Electronics HSS-F420B Quadbeat Wired Stereo Headset - Retail Packaging - Black


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Hi-resolution; no sibilance; good imaging
Cons: Little bass; narrow frequency range; tricky to plug; overload at high volume; no pressure port
Nuff said. Rather enjoyable but definitely not your one and only IEM merely because of narrow frequency range and voids in lower frequencies. Good one to fall asleep in. Sweet lullaby.
Characteristics (subjective, 10 max):
Resolution: .............................8.2
Transparency: ........................6
Frequency range: ..................4.5
Balance (5 means equal):
High relative to mid: ................6.5
Low relative to mid: ................3
Frequency accentuation brakedown:
Bass is more: ........................low
Mids are more: ......................high
Highs are more: ......................low
Qualitative characteristics:
Bass tightness.......................7
Highs smoothness.................8.5