
1000+ Head-Fier
Pros: Balanced, engaging sound
Battery Life
App for Sound, Button and Firmware Customization
Build Quality
Easy to use 3rd party tips
Cons: The double tap only interaction is inconsistent and uncomfortable
The included tips are so-so
Jeet Air Plus

These are not well known but I ran into them and asked JEET to see if they would be interested in sending me a sample and so they did.

There aren't many Qualcomm 30** Single BA USB-C options out there so I was excited to receive these.

I think they punch quite above their weight in sound and build quality, given that they are only $55 and come with Qualcomm 30** chip with AptX / AAC and seamless mono support. The interface is a bit quirky but I'll get to that in a bit.

They are one of the rare sub $100 earbuds that have an accompanying mobile app with sound and feature customization, as well as feature updates.


They have single balanced armature drivers that deliver a mid-centric, even keeled sound that did well with all genres that I threw at it (after setting to 'pure audio' mode in the app) They remind me some of Kbear F1 and Audiosense T180. Again being BAs,they are not going to have slamming sub-bass (There is a DBB option to compensate), but what they have is plenty and is rather controlled, which is very welcome in a TWS in this price range.

In 'Pure Audio' mode (equalizer modes are not described in the app so I do not know what they are precisely doing), they are detailed, with good extension on both ends, and present a surprisingly wide soundstage. Mids are slightly forward with good body to vocals both high and low.

Don't except Etymotic level detail (most of that extension gets compressed in wireless anyhow) or the slam of a large driver and you will not be disappointed.

The 'default' mode rolls off the highs a bit, veiling things slightly. Perhaps the 'pure audio' is a slight U or a DPS of that effect but I found it to be the most balanced and pleasant of the options. It also includes a Dynamic Bass (DBB) mode for the bassheads out there.

Once I got a good seal, I found that I enjoy them quite a bit. They were not lacking significantly in any measure as they played through disparate playlists covering punk, classical, jazz and experimental electronica.

There is a slight hiss when the amp is engaged (half a second after/before playback and during) that I did not notice very often during listening. It is less than the only other TWS I currently have and.


Their shape is a bit unique with a gentle protrusion on the inside of the buds that as far as I can tell, is supposed to fit in the anti-helix. The tips extend onto the body, covering all the parts that touch your ear except for the area with the contacts. I found the included tips to be a little too thin-walled to provide a good seal and so decapitated them to be able to tip roll. Thankfully the buds have long, wide stems that make tip rolling very easy (see pictures below). I settled on Final E tips.


I haven't seen this before, but while they are described as 'touch'(unless they fixed it per my suggestion) controlled, they actually have an accelerometer in them that detects sharp raps on the housing. They only react to double 'tapping' and so you have one action possibility for each side. You can even flick your ear and it will register it as an action. While the idea is sound, it is uncomfortable to hit something in your ear, and I wasn't able to get it to work that consistently.

Once you update the firmware, you can change the sensitivity and what action you want on each side. I found the lightest setting to be still a bit uncomfortable. I asked if they were planning to add more interaction options, but unless there was something lost in translation, the engineers said that the hardware is limited to double-tapping

Build / Case

They have a faceted face with a microphone hole and a gunmetal ring around it that is pretty subtle. They don't protrude much from my ears so people usually don't notice that I have them on. The case lid follows the faceted gloss design with the rest of it matte plastic. The case is a really nice size/shape that is easy to pocket with the usb-c connector on the bottom.

The other thing that is rather advanced for a $55 bud is that the case itself handles the sync. interaction with the earbuds linking as soon as you flip the lid up, switching to mono seamlessly if you only end up lifting one up. Putting the lid back on the buds once they are in disconnects them. There is also a sync button on the case that you need to use if you want to connect to a new device after disconnecting from a previously connected device.

The ad claims 35 Hour playtime total with 10 hours on the buds alone. I have yet to test that claim but have not had them die on me yet. There isn't a multi-led battery status on the case but you can see them on your synced device, and the case offers a color based low-battery notice once you are near depletion.

The microphone is very clear with or without background noise (Qualcomm 30** has noise cancellation built in). I don't have many TWSs but I found it to better than review samples I have listened to. It doesn't have that underwater quality often present in TWS earphones.

Random Notes
While the volume was pretty normal on the phone, connecting to OSX they seemed extremely loud (can't go past one dot in volume without discomfort). Not sure why this is. Will test with other versions of OSX.
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