Fischer Audio FA-003Ti

General Information

Closed over-ear headphones.

Latest reviews


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Neutral sound signature. Tight, fast and well controlled bass. Clear mids. Smooth treble. Good instrument separation.
Cons: Wearing comfort. Only 3m cable included. Not foldable.
Owning the FA-003Ti about 9 months they have grown on me. First their uncoloured sound signature seemed to me a little bit uninspiring. Then in comparison to some other headphones, especially "fun sounding" ones, I realized that their accurate sound reproduction is what I'm really looking for. The neutral champ title is well deserved. The only reservation is their strong clamping force (can be cured by stretching them) and overall comfort level might be better. A shorter cable for mobile use also would be welcome (a Brainwavz 1,2m replacement cable fits perfectly).
Stongly commended.
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I own these, one of my favorites but they get no respect here
Fischer Audio products are being reviewed here, but I agree that FA-003Ti deserve more public exposure.


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