AFUL MagicOne

General Information



PLUG TYPE: 3.5mm/4.4mm

Latest reviews


New Head-Fier
BA Magic or BA Flop?
Pros: Great tonality and timbre
Clean and impactful midbass
Both male and female vocals shine on this set
Good resolution and imaging
Beautiful translucent resin shell
Great stock cable
Great passive isolation
Cons: Power hungry - this IEM needs proper amplification to shine
Hard to get good seal with stock tips
Lackluster sub bass
MSRP is not competitive in 2024


The AFUL MagicOne has garnered a lot of attention towards the end of 2023 but does this single BA set still compete in 2024? Read on to find out.

I purchased this set of IEMs with my own money and all opinions are my own. My review is solely based on what I hear with my own two ears as this is a very subjective hobby. My ratings are also based on how I think this IEM fares against other IEMs in its price range.

My primary litmus test when it comes to audio gear is whether or not vocals and instruments sound natural/organic. Regardless if the IEM has the biggest bass or the most technical treble. If it doesn’t sound natural to my ears then it’s a red flag. SPOILER: The Aful MagicOne definitely delivers on this front.

Packaging and accessories​

Standard cardboard sleeve packaging that you see with all other IEMs around this price range but it’s what’s inside that matters. Along with the IEMs, you get six pairs of tips and one of the best stock cables I’ve handled around this price range. The cable is made with high-purity oxygen-free copper and oxygen-free copper silver plated in a 32+37 core configuration. It is well braided and has a decent amount of heft.


Build, Comfort and Fit​

I really liked the build of this IEM, from the snowy faceplate to the full translucent resin shell that puts everything on full display. Originally, I had some troubles with the fit in my right ear but once I did some tip swapping I was able to get an excellent seal in both ears (very important with this IEM). Some people have expressed discomfort from a suction effect but I did not experience this phenomenon. This IEM is vented.



Sources Used
AFUL MagicOne <- Questyle M15 <- MacMini M1 <- Apple Music Lossless

Songs played

Initial impressions (before brain burn in)
I usually like to jot down my first impressions when it comes to listening to new gear. Because whether you believe it or not, brain burn-in is a real thing.

Upon listening to the first few songs in my library, I was immediately impressed with the lush midrange and impactful bass. You won’t get a rumbling subbass from this set but the mid-bass does hit hard when you have a proper seal. Also, this single BA IEM needs Power to really shine. Once you meet the requirements, you are presented with a wonderful mid range focused set with excellent vocals and instrument clarity. The timbre and tonality AFUL produced from this single custom BA is truly amazing.

  • Clean, controlled and impactful
  • Lack of sub bass rumble
  • No mid bass bleed
  • Top tier timbre and tonality
  • Excellent presentation for both male and female vocals
  • Subtle warmth that adds some nice richness to the mids
  • Good clarity and natural sounding
  • Smooth and detailed without being sibilant
  • High hats sound extremely natural
Technicalities (Soundstage/Separation/Imaging)
  • Excellent resolution and imaging
  • Good micro-details
  • Soundstage is above average in both directions
  • Great coherency due to single driver
  • Great layering and instrument separation


Comparisons are a bit tricky as I have not listened to any other one BA sets in this price range. However, compared to other multi-BA sets I’ve listened to like the Dunu SA6, the AFUL MagicOne definitely holds its own. Yes, it doesn’t have quite the same amount of low end grunt but it definitely makes up for it in overall tonality, timbre and resolution.


The MagicOne is a great example of a proof-of-concept gone right. AFUL did a wonderful job developing this Single-BA IEM and it truly shows when you put it in your ears. The MagicOne is the IEM to reach for when you just want to listen to music without much fanfare or fatigue. You will be extremely happy with this IEM if timbre and tonality are at the top of your requirements list. Just remember that proper amplification is required to get this IEM to perform its best.
The MagicOne's single BA driver can be driven to physical clipping. In other words, the MagicOne is not an IEM to listen to at really high volume levels. What instead makes the MagicOne really special as a very relaxing or chill pill IEM is that the MagicOne has a relaxed BA sound for the bass and that the MagicOne adds a very nice ethereal nature to the sound of whatever music which you are listening to. I used to think of the Truthear Hola as a very relaxing "chill pill" IEM. Yet the MagicOne tops the Hola in this regard since the MagicOne is the first IEM which I actually fell asleep to while listening to it.


New Head-Fier
A car crash :D
Pros: -Excellent midrange for price
-Very good instrument seperation
-Resolution is fantastic for the price
-Soundstage is above average
Cons: -Can't handle power
-No bass
-Non-existent note weight
-Sounds boring for me

I bought this iem with my own money. This review is completely subjective.




Aful Magicone comes with a hard plastic carrying case, a bunch of eartips, cable and iem itself. Ok accessories for the price.


Magicone is fully made out of good quality plastic. Comes with a pretty decent cable. Carrying case is hard and feels durable.

Sound-Tonality and Technicalities

Some says this iem have a dynamic-like bass…. Are your ears have some problem!? No note weight, sounds very thin and sterile. Literally no “Real” bass in this iem. But, i have good news too! If you like analytical sound. this set is for you. Midrange have a excellent clarity for the price and treble range is just beautiful… Unique to listen to in this price range. Instrument separation, soundstage and classic,electro guitar presentation is just awesome! But… It has a major issue. This is a single BA pair of IEM’s and it can’t handle much power. This can be a problem for someone like me…



Honestly, nothing to say. If you don’t like bass, this thing has no rivals for 140 dollars in terms of sound.
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Lean deep bass, accentuated midbass, spiky treble? I'll pass, thank you very much.
Either you're a massive basshead or you didn't have tips with a good seal. The stock tips aren't very good.

The MagicOne is very seal-dependent. If you get the seal, it has adequate bass. It never will crush your eardrums with thump, but to say there's no "real bass" is ludicrous.

Narrow-bore tips will accentuate the bass. Final Audio Type E tips work great with the MagicOne.
i dont think these could be considered thin at all especially with the low mid bump, these wont satisfy a major basshead but they definitely have bump to them. also i think it is important to say these scale with power, not that they cant handle power


New Head-Fier
Aful MagicOne - Take That SCIENCE!
Pros: Bold and a Breakthrough Design
Versatile across Music Genres
Benefits Musicality
Energetic Dynamics
Good quality Accessories
Cons: Ear Discomfort - Suction Effect
Challenging Insertion and Alignment
Lean SubBass
Below Average Details & Layering for the Price
Today I bring you the MagicOne, Aful's dramatic release that got many tongues going. This IEM is a science novel put into practice, aiming for a new breakthrough by maxing out a single BA driver's potencial into a full frequency range, whilst shocking the world in the meanwhile.

I don't find it a warm design, rather a neutral tune with some light boosts on bass, upper mids and treble, almost resembling a soft W-shape (in between U and W shape). I find it versatile across music genres but it has its quirks, especially regarding the IEM insertion, which I suspect is what caused the online controversy.

This set was sent to me by Headfi for my honest review, of wish I honor and thank for the opportunity, and I shall be as transparent as I've always thrived to be.

Onwards to what has brought you here.


Fitting and Comfort

This time I'm moving this factor up in priority given how important it is having this IEM set well accommodated in your ear canal.

The MagicOne full experience totally relies on achieving the correct nozzle positioning considering your own ear canal anatomy.

It doesn't rely on deeper insertion but if there is a loss of seal or a nozzle misalignment you start losing access to the full frequency range and it will sound wrong.

The unvented nature of the MagicOne is a challenge to be overcome that adds another level of difficulty, and I reckon this is where people's opinions start diverging. Upon placing the IEMs on you can immediately feel a suction effect that might resemble the pressure build up of a driver flex. For pressure sensitive people this can be quite discomfortable to endure.

To minimize this I always started by decompressing my ears by yawning and thrusting my jaw sideways during it, and then I would insert the set while having my mouth open.
To then correct the nozzle alignment I have to furtherly push the IEM inwards into the ear canal, applying force in the IEM shell's lower third zone (where the shell is pointier, its apex). This final touch proved essential for me to be able to fully grasp the MagicOne's capabilities.

Besides this I'd recommend you on tip rolling, picking ear tips that have a more rugged surface for better traction, so that the IEM stays secure after you find its placement's sweet spot.

The practical end result of all these fitting and comfort hassles is that you may only be able to enjoy this set in a very comfortable non-moving position. For me, laying down with my head slightly tilted back (like at the dentist) yielded the best results. And only then could I finally enjoy and review The MagicOne.

Exercising with this IEM on is not doable, at least for me, performing inconsistently and often having to adjust its positioning inside the ear.

Sub Bass

Lightweight in nature but tidy.

I do miss some more rumble gargling and body on bass lines - on Basses, Double Basses and Synth Basses.
The sub is very short lived, decaying faster than expected, which promotes this feeling of tidiness.

I found myself trying to insert the IEM deeper trying to find a bit more sub, but that's a personal take.

Although lean, it is omnipresent, never shying away when tracks get busier, and you can trust the sub to perform when you expect it to.


Impressive given the driver type.

I've never heard a full BA IEM, and ever since the beginning of my ChiFi quest I have been conditioned to DD's being responsible for the sub and midbass.
This subconscious prejudice against BA timbre on Bass lowered my expectations, just then to be blown away by it.

Hear me out, it isn't the most tactile nor snappy midbass, it doesn't even indulge the occasional saturday night basshead, but it sounds natural and just enough intense to become dynamic and lively.

Kickdrum slamming is average and this is where I think it may sound like a "BA".

The sub/midbass ratio is 35/65 I would say, and it sounds timbre correct to me. This means accurate bass response, with some light coloring.

This splash of bass boost brings the MagicOne out of Flathead territory, benefiting dynamics whilst offering a versatile performance across many music genres.

Lower Mids

Moderately dipped, the main setback of this set in my opinion, but I can understand it is a must in order to avoid midbass mudiness and have a tuning cohesion glue at the "middle" of the frequency range. We're talking of a single driver unit here.

Guitars, pianos played around middle C and some synth pads are a bit pushed back, and when they do they become lacking in texture. When the mix benefits these instruments, they are presented at full resolution, appearing a tad more detailed.

Percussion elements (toms, congas) are not shined upon but perform naturally and their dynamics are evident, having their part on the overall musicality factor that is a perk of the MagicOne.

On older recordings that tend to have weaker bass and treble performances when compared to the mids, they sound extra hollow given the dip in this region.

Upper Mids

Balanced, not shouty, comfortable and very well polished.

Higher pitch register pianos, pads, synth and guitar leads come forward in presentation, becoming more evident of its details.

Snares and claps are snappy but not peaky, not making me squint my eyes when very transient rich ones come by, like some rimshots on R&B music are.

This area can sometimes get congested when too many frequency overlapping instruments are at play, but that comes down to a technicality aspect.

It is pinna gain safe (I'm extra sensitive to it).


Crisp on attacks, a bit slower on decay, but overall sounds natural.

It is non offensive while retaining brightness, so I would say it is safe for treble sensitive people, but it is not by default a tame treble.

Hi-hats are texturized and don't amalgamate into noise. They can sometimes feel intense but I haven't had them distorting. Other metal percussion instruments have that good ringing sound to them.

Trumpets and Violins are textured, intense and they don't pierce, nor distort when played hard.



Wider than taller, spacious and slightly holographic when properly inserted. The soundstage is highly affected by the nozzle alignment with the ear canal. When you get it right, it performs slightly above its price bracket.


Not a technical set, rather musical by prioritizing dynamics.

Not strong in details at the bass and lower mids ranges, but way more revealing at the upper mids and treble.

Instrument separation and layering is acceptable and actually impressive for a single BA, however might be underwhelming when compared to hybrids of the same price range.

Harder to Drive (needs amp power).

Design and Aesthetics

The tubing work really squeezes the driver potencial turning it into a design quality statement. It achieves the intended purpose of a breakthrough/novelty IEM that vigorously stamps the seal of quality engineering all over Aful's name. If a listener can spend the time, money and effort getting to understand and use MagicOne properly, I think they are in for an unique experience.

I personally enjoy the shell and how it looks - the transparent shell allows the driver and tubing visualization which are the main selling point of the MagicOne. The decorative triangles can make it look cheaper than it actually is (girlfriend's opinion).

Cable and Accessories

The circular metal case is very welcomed, being rigid and big enough to store the IEM, cable and even a dongle.

The included cable is of above average quality and looks for its price range.


Final Words

I can understand the divergence of opinion between listeners, considering the non-vented suction effect and nozzle misalignment upon insertion, that may be a deterrent of a full experience.
Overcoming these, the listening experience is unique and paradigm shifting, reassuring Aful's dominance in the IEM's market.

It is still a novelty IEM, somewhat exotic in design but with a more versatile and fresh sound signature.

I think this is a must have for collectors and a sneak peek into future Aful iterations, and I will definitely be revisiting this IEM to check how it sustains the test of time.

I must congratulate Aful for their bold design move and courage.

Thank you for reading this,
Miguel Esteves



1000+ Head-Fier
I just got my mitts on these yesterday. Early days, but I'm super impressed.

Coherent, musical, balanced. Nothing offensive in sound signature. Nothing screaming "LOOK AT ME!" like the exaggerated dynamics of the EA500 LM that I tested last week. That IEM felt like a tech demo for driver technology, but it wasn't very cohesive or musical. The MagicOne is VERY musical.

One potential negative: The MagicOne is a bit of a beast to drive. You're not running this thing off an Apple dongle. I have my Atom+ amp set to the same volume and gain level with the MagicOne as I do my 300-ohm HD 6XX, for comparison.


1000+ Head-Fier
I’m still gobsmacked at how much I like these. They check damn near every box I want, at $110 (Amazon sale).

For those who also own the MagicOne, what’s the next logical step from this to a ceiling of around $300, with a similar, neutral-warm, very musical sound signature?


Headphoneus Supremus
I’m still gobsmacked at how much I like these. They check damn near every box I want, at $110 (Amazon sale).

For those who also own the MagicOne, what’s the next logical step from this to a ceiling of around $300, with a similar, neutral-warm, very musical sound signature?

The next upgrade for a warm neutral signature in MidFI territory would be the Penon Fan 2. Similar thick note weight and smooth top end, though Fan 2 is easier to drive. However, the Fan 2 has a long nozzle, which gives a lot of consumers fit issues (most of us have to use a smaller size eartip to compensate).

The Fan 2 is frequently at 50% off if you subscribe to Penon's newsletter, which makes it quite a good deal (don't get it at full price!)

Or if you would prefer, upgrading straight to TOTL for a similar warm neutral profile in the sony M9. I bought a set second hand at $500 USD (had to sell some gear away to fund this). The M9 has superb timbre, excellent imaging and is very smooth.

But from MagicOne -> Penon Fan 2 -> Sony M9, there are mega diminishing returns. Maybe 10% or at most 20% or so improvement each rung but you pay much more going up the ladder.


500+ Head-Fier
The next upgrade for a warm neutral signature in MidFI territory would be the Penon Fan 2. Similar thick note weight and smooth top end, though Fan 2 is easier to drive. However, the Fan 2 has a long nozzle, which gives a lot of consumers fit issues (most of us have to use a smaller size eartip to compensate).

The Fan 2 is frequently at 50% off if you subscribe to Penon's newsletter, which makes it quite a good deal (don't get it at full price!)

Or if you would prefer, upgrading straight to TOTL for a similar warm neutral profile in the sony M9. I bought a set second hand at $500 USD (had to sell some gear away to fund this). The M9 has superb timbre, excellent imaging and is very smooth.

But from MagicOne -> Penon Fan 2 -> Sony M9, there are mega diminishing returns. Maybe 10% or at most 20% or so improvement each rung but you pay much more going up the ladder.
I had the Fan 2 previously and it is excellent. Not sure how they compare since I never owned them and the Magicone at the same time but I do regret selling the Fan 2 lol


1000+ Head-Fier
Thanks, fellas. Yep, the Fan 2 and Serial definitely are on my radar. Eager to try my first Penon.

But hot damn, I LOVE the MagicOne. Recently tested the EA500 LM, Galileo and Crinacle Zero Red, and none worked for me. EA500 LM provided more of a V-shaped tech display than a cohesive musical signature, the Galileo lacked extension in treble and bass and had slightly shouty upper mids, and the Crin Zero Reds didn't fit me.


500+ Head-Fier
Thanks, fellas. Yep, the Fan 2 and Serial definitely are on my radar. Eager to try my first Penon.

But hot damn, I LOVE the MagicOne. Recently tested the EA500 LM, Galileo and Crinacle Zero Red, and none worked for me. EA500 LM provided more of a V-shaped tech display than a cohesive musical signature, the Galileo lacked extension in treble and bass and had slightly shouty upper mids, and the Crin Zero Reds didn't fit me.
I was pretty disappointed by the Serial myself. It sounded congested and not really musical like most of the review impressions say but to each their own. Everyone has different ears. I think the MagicOne is leaps and bounds better and cheaper to boot.


500+ Head-Fier
Thanks, fellas. Yep, the Fan 2 and Serial definitely are on my radar. Eager to try my first Penon.

But hot damn, I LOVE the MagicOne. Recently tested the EA500 LM, Galileo and Crinacle Zero Red, and none worked for me. EA500 LM provided more of a V-shaped tech display than a cohesive musical signature, the Galileo lacked extension in treble and bass and had slightly shouty upper mids, and the Crin Zero Reds didn't fit me.
100% I am in agreement with you regarding the MagicOne. This is a set that I cannot help but reach for.


Headphoneus Supremus
The MagicOne really scale well with more powerful amp. I have listened mine using wired and wireless connection. With the latter, I have KZ AZ09pro, Fiio UTWS5 and recently ifi go pod. The KZ has the least amount of power of them all and while it can still drive the MagicOne, but the sound is not optimal especially with the bass.
With utws5, the bass is fuller, but I have to basically turn the volume on the utws5 like 90% and 100% on my PC. So there is not much headroom there. With the go pod, I have to turned down the volume on my PC to 50-60% and even that is a bit louder than utws5.