Reviews by yamurbina


New Head-Fier
Pros: Small, easy to carry, not bulky, very light, metal frame, flexible headband, sound with lots of detail, and very versatile sound. Beautiful design.
Cons: Reduced space in case, basically no accesories, headband leather may wear off, 1 button cable.
After almost a year with them. I wouldn't change them for any other headphone.
First and most importantly the sound:
When I first used this headphones, they had a annoying lack of bass. I had to push them to hear just a little bass. 
They had loud mids making snares and claps a nightmare to listen to. But after a over time bass became louder and clear and mids more pleasant to hear. Highs Have always been cristal clear.
Although they are small, they have good sound distribution. Every instrument and element of a song sounds in a very clear position in the stereo image. 
Vocals are pleasant to listen with this headphones. An example may be Adele, it feels like if you were the one singing because of how upfront the vocals are with this headphones.
And last but not least even if you don't have good ears, you will definitely hear details you've never hear before, instruments will sound clearer that you'll get surprised.
They do really well with any musical genre. If you want more bass, you can use an EQ and they will give it to you with no problems at all.
The design for me it is one of the most unique and best balanced design-quality.
Lots of friends have told me they look really cool. Even people wearing Beats keep staring at them with good eyes when I'm walking outside.
The fact that this headphones are very unlikely to get broken its a relief. 
The cons of this headphones:
Two months after I bought them the headband leather began to wear off but perhaps is because where I live is really hot, so it might had dried out and cracked.
I have to say their customer service told me they will replace it with almost no questions. Really good customer service.
There is almost no space for anything else but the headphones in the case, if you want save something else should be small.
They have no accesories but a small carabineer. LP series are cheaper and even include and extra pair of shields.
Since this are not the cheapest headphones and are designed for urban use I think a 3 button cable would be so much better.
Overall really good headphones, Amazing detailed sound, good design and quality material and a good customer service in case something happens to your headphones.
I had these before. I don't think the reviewer has a defective pair since I also experienced this. Had to give them away because I could use them.
They sound great (when pressed against my ears using my hands) but I couldn't get a proper seal. I came to the conclusion that my head was just too big for these. This might the case for the reviewer...I think. That explains for the mediocre sound he's hearing.
Getting a good seal is really important. But since the XS is really small and the clamping force is minimum (due to the headbnad being flat against the shape of the head), it only works if your head is smaller than the actual headband.
We went from eye ball shaking to spine rattling **facepalm**
Woah, Thanks for your comments and suggestions guys. 
The sound has become better everyday, more balance and punchier sound.
Jerryzm is right I had a very hard time trying to find a nice spot so they have a better seal. And sometimes i still do, but now even with no good seal they sound with bass and they don't hurt anymore. 
I feel better now, I really wanted so bad this headphones.