Reviews by SleathX1


Pros: Insane sound and sturdy build quality for the price. Comfortable most of the time.
Cons: Non-removable HUGE cable. Less-than-great bass if you listen through your phone or iPod. That's about it.
For about $55-60, you can't get better headphone quality. The sound quality isn't the best ever, but for the price it is near unbeatable. The highs (4K and above) are crisp and clear. Great quality highs, and they're not too loud and overpowering. But the upper midrange (1K or 2K) sounds a bit muffled and muddy. The midrange (guitar and low vocals) are okay, but not impressive. To my suprise, the bass as advertised is pretty punchy. They are correct when they say that it's smooth and satisfying, but not too forced. HOWEVER, this is when I have them plugged up to my computer's audio, which has an onboard amp. Through an iPhone, they are lacking. You will require an amp if you want the smooth bass at a reasonable volume through your phone or iPod. 
The cable is something like 10 or 12 feet long, which is entirely too long if you listen on the go, but can easily be solved with a ziptie or a twistie-tie. Also, where the cable connects to the body is kind of awkward because it sticks out. But other than the cable and the bass, these are great for $55-60.
I think that's pretty much it! They're great if you want a cheap set of close-to audiophile quality cans. They do need a little kick if you are a bass head, but that's about their only downside, other than the awkward cable.