Reviews by ScreenKiller


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: good soundstage very nice good fitting iem.
Cons: build quality decent
Own them for a while now really love them!
bought a couple comply foam tips which are more comfortable then the stock ones.
the stock ones are decent i liked the triple flang ones but comply foam tips are simply better.
their soundstage amazes me still a benchmark for me when comparing to other iem/ciems.
they are very neutral warm sounding iem's bass is off course less powerful then dynamic driven iem.
flat cable do reduce tangling which is really good.
afther a while the golding rings just popped off and couldn't be popped back so I cut them out.
the extension cable broke after a while,  i contacted TKD and they wouldn't provide any help and they said i had to contact my reseller.
but since i lost my receipt my local reseller didn't want to help me.
great sound quality : warm , good sound stage missing bass.
build quality poor/decent.