Reviews by SawItComing


New Head-Fier
Pros: Heavy and punchy bass, good build quality for the driver housing, flat cable.
Cons: Highs are very thin, mids are a little shallow and dark sounding, sound signature might not suit majority of listeners
Before I begin with my review of the Beyerdynamic XP1, all of the below are solely what I’ve managed to get out of the IEM, I suggest to try it out or read some other people’s review to get a clearer picture of the IEM, as my opinions are not absolute and other ears might have listened differently. 
Sound: First of all, this IEM is one of the three IEM that Beyerdynamic released for the Asia IEM market, the XP1, 2 and 3. The XP1 being the bassiest of the two. Since the backstory have been explained, as said XP1 is the heavy bass edition, hence the bass is as expected, heavy, punchy and tight, bass heads will rejoice. Now to the crucial part, highs are paper thin, the IEM struggles a little on instrumental songs ( Piano mainly ) the bass is so heavy that it actually covers up the highs and the mids unexpectedly filtered, on vocals it sounds like there’s a layer of low pass filter on it, a little subtle but to my ears it’s very obvious. Hence, this is the breaking point that separates this IEM from “ This is for everyone but it’s more punchy on the lows “ to “ This IEM is only catered for people who love EDM and nothing else “ because if you are into vocals but you are trying to find an IEM with a little bit more bass (  I suggest the XP2 ). With that said, if you’re a bass head or IEM lover that just want that bass to hit you on the face, then the XP1 is for you, its pounding bass will cater your need.
Soundstage: Thru my ears, this IEM have a narrow soundstage more like just one straight line “l”
What’s in the box: IEM, suede carrying pouch, dual flanged and standard S, M, L silicone tips and airline adapter.
Verdict: Because to say that this earphone sucks is really just downright not respecting it, so I will give this IEM two results, one for what it's made and cater for, one for general listening,
For what it's design for, which is to cater bassheads, this IEM does a very good job at it, pounding bass and it's less define mids really doesn't affect your EDM listening experience. Hence a 5/5 for this section.
For general all purpose listening: This IEM is really not for you, if you are into pop songs or jazz or maybe just instrumental ( Piano, maybe? ) this is IEM is not for you, because of it's thin highs and it's a little more to the dark and muddy side mids. 3/5 
Happy Listening.


New Head-Fier
Pros: Reasonable price for a detachable cable IEM, good sound quality, comfy, can sleep with it due to its negative profile fit
Cons: Highs are a little lacking, IEM nozzle looks fragile,cable’s although good but not as good as the clear cables from Shure
Before I begin with my review of the Shure SE215, all of the belows are solely what I’ve managed to get out of the SE215, I suggest to give it a try or read some other people’s review to get a clearer picture of the IEM, as my opinions are not absolute and other ears might have listened differently 

Sound: Mids are good on the SE215 but not the best, vocals sounds great, clear and crisp, highs are thin ( I notice a slight muddiness on the highs * maybe it’s just me ) the lows although it’s considered to be bass oriented, but I can’t really feel that this earphone is anywhere bassy, although I have to say that the bass that the SE215 are clear and sounds like a live session than those night club type of bass ‘ XP 1 kinda bass ‘ many people actually misunderstand that. It’s safe to say that the bass the SE215 produces is a clear bass and not “bassy” bass. 
Soundstage: More of “V” shape staging, not extremely wide not too narrow.
What’s in the box: IEM and cable, Soft carrying pouch, foam and silicone tips.
Verdict: The SE215 is no doubt a good IEM, reasonable pricing for an IEM that uses detectable cable, tho the highs can use a little extension but at the end of the day it's a 4/5
Happy listening :)
Can you do some comparisons?


New Head-Fier
Pros: Amazing sound ( Mids and Lows are amazing ), Olive tips works wonders on isolation, nice packaging, superb build quality, customizing frequency respon
Cons: Price ( but the performance kinda makes up for it ) , design ( doesn’t give out that $999.00 feel, can’t really show off in public, just saying ) * Th
Before I begin with my review of the Shure SE846, all of the below are solely what I’ve managed to get out of the IEM, I suggest to give it a try or read some other people’s review to get a clearer picture of the IEM, as my opinions are not absolute and other ears might have listened differently 

Build: Durable build, you can actually feel that this IEM can take quite a beating but then who doesn’t take care of its flagship IEM like a baby right? Its comfortable wearing these IEMs, the shape of the SE846 sits perfectly on my ears. Although, the olive tips, after wearing a long period of time, kinda hurts my ears, due to the constant expanding of the foams. Metal nozzles are great, least if your Olives breaks, your nozzle still stays. The cables are durable ( least from the looks of it ) but if the stock cable somehow malfunctions, there’s a second cable that comes together with the SE846 ( 64” and 46” ) also it comes with a variety of ear tips ( olives, triple flanged, standard silicone and yellow foam ) , airline and 1/4" adapter and a volume control, packaged into an amazing, prestigious looking box.
Sound quality: Amazing sound, the SE846 nails the mids and lows, jazz songs sound great, with the True Subwoofer that the low-pass filter gives, you can actually hear the strings of the bass being plucked than just the usual splashy bass sound. Highs however, is quite there, but it’s not as good as what Final Audio’s IEMs can produce. Well nothing is perfect, so I can look pass that, not a big issue. Also the audio  fidelity that this earphone produces when I connect it on my Centrance DACport is just amazing, listeing to Celine Dion 's Power of Love on DSD format is just mesmerising.
Soundstage:The SE846's soundstage is more or less a "V" shaped soundstage, not exactly wide and not narrow either.
True Subwoofer: Remember me saying that this IEM is quite EQ dependent? Yes, it is, if you fully utilize the low-pass filter, on no EQ done, the IEM’s mids and highs are there like it supposed to, but the lows, you can feel that the True Subwoofer is there but it can’t really pump out that punchy low bass/sub bass, ( Jayz’s Tom Ford is the best way to test this IEM’s Highs,Mids and Lows )  listening to Jayz’s Tomford on my Sony ZX1 without any equalization, the bass sounds “weak” and in metaphor, like a caged beast, you know that the True Subwoofer is some crazy **** on the SE846 but it’s not revealing itself. Therefore I tweaked the EQ “ Clear Bass for the Sony ZX1 “ Listened to Jayz’s Tomford again, the bass is so so much more defined, solid and going strong ( EDMs sounds amazing on the SE846 with the EQ ), tight, defined bass, even listening to Jazz is different with the EQ on. The sub bass is amazing, but on super low bass, you might be able to hear subtle crackle sounds ( Happened when I listened to Jayz’s ****withmeyouknowIgotit ) I guess the True Subwoofer have its limits, but other than that, it’s amazing.
Interchangeable Filters: It comes with a bright ( white ) neutral ( blue ) and warm ( black ) filters for you to change the frequency response to your liking. The neutral filter, as said is neutral and how the SE846 suppose to sound like, the bright filter, once installed, the mids and highs are very defined, vocals are clearer and the warm filter makes the mids and highs sounds a little dimmer, just slight not too much. So far I'm using the neutral filter as it suits my listening.
Verdict : The SE846 is indeed an amazing IEM, well done Shure, on developing this amazing IEM.
PS :  I would like to compliment Jaben Malaysia for their amazing customer service, by far the best audio hardware store that I've visited in Malaysia so far, good store mood, great customer service and people are just as enthusiastic as I am on audio products.
SE846 Link :
Happy Listening :) 