Reviews by Rankiz


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Extremly good soundstage(You'll hear every tiny detail), airy and clear, balanced bass.
Cons: COULD have little more bass, but up to your own taste.
For the price of 75 USD I think they're really worth every buck. The soundstage is huge(I dare say, as good as, or better than my Sennheiser HD 595's soundstage). The sound is crispy and airy just the way I like it. It have some bass, but less bass than for example Sennheiser hd 595. It could have more bass for bass-heavy genres, but then again it would not be that balanced. A earphone can not have both supreme soundstage and in additon extremly punchy deep bass. Re-zero have very good soundstage, crispy and airy soundsignature and decent bass. If you would like a pair of earphones with more bass, be ready to sacrifice some of the soundstage and/or experience another soundsignature.