Reviews by Pumelman8


Pros: Solid Build quality, nice cable
Cons: Constant faults, sound quality for the price.
After reading many positive reviews of these headphones I was ready to purchase these in a heartbeat. When they arrived at my door I was very impressed by the packaging; high quality, professional and neat. When I first hooked these up to my iPod i was pretty impressed by the sound quality of these IEM's.
However, after about a week ago I found that these headphones had severely diminished in sound quality and sounded like they were underwater. I then realised that it must be a loose connection. 
I then took advantage of the warranty available with the shop I purchased these from, and I sent them back feeling a little down that these didn't last very long. 
I week after sending them back I received a brand new pair and hoped that this time I would be as impressed with these IEM's as other reviewers have been.
Sadly, this was not the case. When putting these in the ears they clicked and popped which didn't feel good in the first place. Then when I played music into these they continued popping!
I decided that that was to be the end of my turbine escapade and returned them for a full refund.
I then went to Richer sounds (a UK Hifi store) and purchased a pair of grado sr80i's for half the price of the turbine pro copper's and they sounded miles better than my old pair of turbines. 
A year on and I have had no regrets in returning these IEM's and have never thought about trying them again, I'll stick with my grado's.
Curious where you purchased these.  The Monster Turbines as well the Sennheisers are notorious for fakes and will sound like what you described. 
Makiah S
Makiah S