Reviews by Onthecoast


New Head-Fier
Pros: Build quality.Attention to detail.Aesthetics.Accessories.Sound balance.Price.
Cons: Deeper tip insertion required.Audio control buttons need to be more responsive.Case should be rigid.
I had to finally put my Shure E4Cs to rest and have been on the search for months to find a replacement.
I like sub bass and a balanced sound and value build quality. My Shures were built tough but they lacked top end and a little weak on bass. They also had no player control or mic.
I've never had to deeply insert tips with headphones due to the shape of my ear canals so when I got the MA750's I took the same approach.
I went through the range of tips 4 or 5 times trying to find a set that would work. None did - I got the typical issues caused by lack of fit.
No bass and lots of uncontrolled highs - really unpleasant.
I was ready to send them back despite being very impressed with the build quality and design.
I spoke to the supplier about returning them and they suggested one more effort with the small double flange tips suggesting I do the ear lift and insert technique to get them deeper.
WOW - what a difference.
Tremendous range, tight bass and good sub bass on my bass test tracks. Middle slightly pulled back which I like and sweet highs with none of the high distortion I was getting.
They are so quick to use now, very comfortable and can't fault the sound. 
The minor issues I have with them apart from the deeper tip insertion below - mostly for RHA's interest .....
The audio control buttons need to have a better click feel. They are responsive but could have a better click feel to them.
The neck cinch needs to be above the audio control unit (can't cinch up tight to neck).
The case needs to be more rigid and have a spacer in it to offer crush protection.
Not sure the jack 'spring' device used for strain relief  is necessary, already seeing some separation on the coils.
The shirt clip will eventually damage the cord - I've seen better ways to attach the clip than used by the MA750s.
The single tip silicon ear buds are damn hard to get on but the double flange ones are too easy and have come off once or twice in ear.
The internal plastic packaging really lets them down and in fact, the plastic used to wrap the cables had damaged the cables slightly due to sharp edges of the plastic.