Reviews by Nhubley


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Looks great, Comfy, Wide Soundstage, Great Imaging
Cons: 6k Treble Spike, Plastic Design, No Bass Impact
I have owned this headphone for about a year now and so far so good! I have found that the HD700 is a very revealing headphone that drastically changes its sound signature from each amp//source you listen to it with.
Type of Music I listen to:
Indy, Classic Rock, Rap, R&B, Soul, House
My Current Set Up:
WA2 Modded
Arcam rDac
What I have heard with the HD700:
Set-Up 1:
Bryston BHA-1
Bryston BDA-1
General Thoughts:
I found that with this solid state the treble peaks are ever present. Really fatiguing to listen to.  
Set-Up 2:
Woo Audio WA2
Arcam rDac
General Thoughts:
The warmth from the tubes adds a bit of coloration to the sound of the HD700 which reduces the treble spikes while the Arcam rDac is very transparent and doesn't get in the way of the WA2. 
Final Thoughts:
I would not spend over $1k (CAD/USD) on the HD700. I am finding myself most of the time resorting to a EQ to make them sound more like a HD800. If you can get these bad boys on sale go for it! However, if you find yourself spending full price. You are probably better off with another headphone like the LCD-2 or the T1. 
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Makiah S
Makiah S
Nice review, short and to the point! Like the pic too 
I've had mine since 2014 boxing day. Every month I change my opinion of the headphone. When I bought it I was between the HD700, HD800 and Audezee LCD-2. I went to the store 2 days and listened to them for a couple hours each day. It was not complete silence, but the music inside the store was sort of under control. Weird enough, the HD800 was my last choice, the HD700 sounded better for me. The LCD-2 was so freaking heavy that listening to it for many hours would be a problem. Since I listen to my phones when I'm using my pc doing my usual stuff, comfort was a must. I've changed headphones in the past due to lack of comfort and not because of sound quality. So I've learned this lesson some time ago. The LCD-2 had incredible mids and bass, and it was my first time listening to planar magnetic headphones. Really nice, but at the same time too uncomfortable. When I took it out and put the HD700, oh God, it was like changing for a feather. And it was much more open. Since I do like to listen a lot to Classic Rock, Classic, among other genres that do not involve too much of bass I decided to go with it. Then I went 2 days ago to a store to get some speakers to my computer (so far I was using only the HD700 on the amp connected to the pc), and in the store they had a pair of HD800s. I said, what the heck, let me listen to it again. Now I had hundreds of hours of experience with the HD700, and oh boy, was I mistaken. The HD800 are better. This time, to make sure, since there was nobody in the store (I was there a bit early in the morning), I asked him to close the doors and stop all the music in the store. To my surprise they did it. Was I not leaving Canada right now, after spending here a year or so, I would move mountains to make the upgrade. The 700 ARE NOT bad headphones. They are simply not as good as the 800 as I thought they were when I first listened to them (they were better in my opinion back then). In the beginning the 700 were fatiguing, not so much anymore, dunno why. The Audeze's would actually make a nice complement to different types of music, but their weight is just too disturbing for long sessions. So I would probably get the 800 because of that. Comfort is a must for me, and Senns deliver it better than any other company that I know (or at least that are worth even mentioning). Long story short (with an add-on not mentioned before), like the digital signature of senns, open and bright headphones, then go with either the 600 or 800. Don't bother with the rest. The 598 might actually be woth giving a try if you're in a tight budget, but then again you'll need at least some cash for the dac/amp.


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Looks great, Place and play
I bought my RP3 for my headphone set up to enter in the world of vinyl and what a buy! Overall the rega is a very sensitive Turntable however, it awes me everytime I plug it in a play. 


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Great sounding, Large soundstage, Gets better with better tubes, Looks great
Cons: You will be tube rolling for ever!
I have owned the WA2 for about a year now. I typically listen to Alternative Rock, occasional Rap and some Blues. I am using a Arcam rDac with it and I also have a Rega RP-3 and a Project Phono Box.   

In Summary

Amazing amp best $1000 I have ever spent on my headphone set up! Works well with all sources and has loads of room for upgradeability! 