Reviews by Neotelos


New Head-Fier
Pros: Neutral mids, amazing clear lows, great highs! Great soundstage for such a small driver!
Cons: Where do I begin...they fall out, they don't fit, cord's too short, insane microphonics...never before have I heard my own heartbeat while resting.
You can read tons of reviews actually discussing the audio aspects of this set, I'll just stick to saying the lows are unforgivably clear and they have a great soundstage for IEM's.  They sound amazing!
Anyways, I mainly came to knock these down a peg - be sure these are for you before you buy!  I never realized how bad a high-end IEM could be for me personally.  I've loved my IEM's in the past, even enjoyed some cheap Senn's more than these.
 - Horrible microphonics!  Just breathing sends scratching sounds right into my ears!
 - Short cord, can't be wrapped behind ears. (Can't detach and replace either!)
 - Heavy inline cord connector, makes microphonics worse.  I can hear my resting heartbeat, never had this issue with prior IEM's!
 - They don't fit...HOW!?  It's a struggle to get them in my ears and all they do is constantly fall out!  Never had this issue before, even other Senn's weren't this level of bad!
I really don't understand, is everyone nearly deaf and blasting these into their ears while sitting still? (No offense; these are rated all so well by many with such excruciating flaws!)
These might be for you - they do sound amazing, but I just can't stand the flaws.
Sounds is better than 95 percent of other IEMs. Admit that :wink: 
it seems that sennheiser skip the ergonomics for their flagship What! what are they thinking.
Dobrescu George
Dobrescu George
Microphonics can be canceled by using the microphonics absorber that is made out of plastic-rubber and is found above the split. Works like a charm.