Reviews by msz87


New Head-Fier
The KZ ZSN pro ships in a standard kz box with non serrated tips, but provides a set of small medium large serrated tips, im not exactly sure if they're silicone but some polymer because they reek of something unholy.

cable : a bit underwhelming but will do the job, the memory-earpiece plastic is nice and tight around my ear with no play when tugging on the cable.

comfort : maybe just me, but they stick out more than I'd like and sometimes they end up pushing out over-time but im sure this is a case-by-case basis.

sound : this is where it loses most of the points. The sound is a combination of a U and V sound signature with the latter being at the treble. The zsn pro offers a good sensitivity for those without an amplified source. Every song sounds likes its mastered by the same engineer, yea its colored to the point of unenjoyment for myself. Isolation, Soundstage, imaging and sound extrapolation are reasonably good.
--bass : its strong, its punchy, its a bit maddening; its colored and does not provide an accurate presentation and cieling.
--mids : the low-mids are eclipsed by the bass, and the crossover of the treble, they are short in length and offer very little resolution.
--upper mids and highs : although clinically bright, they offer some nice analytical depth and texture, expect to be dissapointed with unbalance with some recordings, but overall not too problematic for me and is the highlight of the sound if anything, but note they are BRITTLE.

I see a lot of people recommending these for edm and bassy genres, I'd fair better with acoustical elements because of how butchered the low-end sounds and how emphasizing edm is with bass frequencies. But then again, the mids arent fantastic either so pick your poison.

Im giving this a low score because I cant use these given how colored they are, I'd rather use a less revealing IEM with less resolution and sound extrapolation as long as its less colored and has more mid definition. I think a lot of people can/will enjoy these for the 20 dollars, but im not one of those people, let the studio mastering engineer do his job and give us more MIDS. I may have been a BIT harsh on my review as they are pretty tolerable eqing down the bass and ever so slightly boosting lowmids, but eqing wont help this iem much. I have faith that KZ will deliver us the godsound in a budget package one day. :_)
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