Reviews by mooshimuushi


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Highs, portability and volume control!
Cons: Comfort, Lows and Mids.
Bass: The bass on the K430 is there. Nice "uuds" and "thuds" at times but somewhat light.
Highs: The highs on these are just. . .amazing! They are clear and can go somewhat high with the volume before it pierces the ear.

Mids: The mids on these are pushed out a fair bit, which makes the highs and lows at time sound very bad. It is detailed in a way, but a little bit grainy?

Lows: Awful (compared to MS1i's). They are so muddy and crap. You can hear the lows, but it's! If you compare the lows to apple earphones than they are great!

Comfort: 2 out of 5 stars. Sorry for being mean, but they are not comfortable! After 30 minutes - 1 hour, my outer ears starts to hurt. It might be me, but it hurts! T__T

Design: Very good, love the design and that it has an integrated volume control.

Value: $40 on eBay? HECK GET IT!



100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Detailed High and Mids.
Cons: Comfort & Bass.
Note: I will be comparing these to the AKG K430.
Bass: Bassheads? Go away. These headphones can not be categorized under "For Bassheads". These MS1i's are very light yet very detailed with the bass. There are some "thuds" and "umpfs" but not to the point where your ears would vibrate even a little. The bass on these headphones (as stated before) are very detailed, you will hear the nice "uud" in worldwide musics. Overall? Detailed bass but very light.
HIGHS: The highs on these MS1's are amazingly clear (compared to the K430. The K430 are known for clear portables as well!). The highs on these MS1's will not pierce your ears if you turn the volume moderately high. The MS1's has laid back (only a little) the highs, mids and lows so that they all balance out, doing this allows the MS1's to show it's clear-ness with the highs through out many songs and genre that I listen to.
MIDS: The mids on these are (as stated before) laid back a little bit to allow the HIGHS and LOWS to show them self. The mids are very detailed and is very well balanced out.
LOWS: The lows on these are amazing, you will hear them fairly well and is somewhat detailed and not muddy compared to the K430.
Genre for these cans: Due to these cans being very well balanced out, they would fit in nearly every genre, except for those that uses a lot of bass (or moderately).
*Click* without headphones = 100% (Hearing percentage)
*Click* with headphones = 98% (Hearing percentage)
Isolation? No sir!
Comfort: I've used these for hours! 3 to 6 hours, and they don't hurt! Only until I take them off...
Design: All comes down to personal taste. I like them! :)
Value: Great. At the official website selling for $110? I'll get them! They are great and I highly recommend them for THAT price (or cheaper). But due to me being way to new to this! Don't judge only by my words!
Overall: Fantastic! 
Actually don't review the K242 until you get your amp.
I'm used to headphones like the AD900 and K702. Both have great bass IMO, just emphasis is on clarity rather than boom.
I was going to compare the MS1's to the AKG K242 HD (before i got the headphones).

But after 3 seconds of listening to the K242 HD, I was like..."not going to happen", because the akg was literally lacking an amp (from my point of view/listening).