Reviews by leoscarax


New Head-Fier
Normal packaging (cardboard box, plastic insert, small bag for accessories). Instruction manual is included. Delivered very promptly by Amazon as part of their Prime service.
Build Quality
This is where I was very pleasantly surprised. These earphones are very well made. The cable is relatively thick and is the flat type, but is perfectly flexible and comfortable when worn around the back of the neck.
Isolation / Microphonics
External noise is isolated well, as is to be expected with in-ear devices, and during use I did not notice any microphonic noise produced when the cable rubs on clothing. These would be suitable for use while walking / running or in the gym, and would isolate sufficiently to use in public transport.
The cable on these earphones goes over the back of the head. The benefit of this is that the cable can be kept away from the face, and it also provides greater stability. The earphones are less likely to fall out of the ears as a result. The silicone tips provided are of good quality, and provided you use the correct size for your ears these are just as comfortable as other models. 
Sound Quality
These earphones are slightly bass-heavy, however it is well controlled, and the mids and highs do not suffer as a result. The upper midrange is strong, and there is good clarity especially with vocals. The top end is also good, with no sibilance or harshness that I could detect. These earphones go quite loud, and there is some distortion at higher levels, however, these levels are at the extremely loud end of the scale and most users will not go that high. Overall, for the asking price, these have very good sound quality in my opinion.
Battery Life
These came pre-charged, and when I drained them and re-charged they took roughly 2 hours to charge, and ran for roughly 5 hours at a moderate volume level.
Connection to both IOS and Android devices was easy and spoken status reports are given to indicate connection / pairing status etc. They remained connected and I experienced no drop-outs or interference during use.
I got a pair of HMDX Bluetooth IEMs at Home Depot for $20, tried them out and was so impressed that I bought two more.  A little bass-heavy, but good extension of the treble and certainly good enough for wireless music listening while working or for watching TV or movies on the treadmill.  Let's hope this sudden proliferation of decent sounding low-price devices continues!