Reviews by Irick


New Head-Fier
Pros: Price, Size, USB Powered, Sturdy as a rock, Sounds great.
Cons: A little tinny at the upper volume, probably a side effect of being driven off a v5 source.
I often make the off color joke that, when i look for audio equipment i want something sturdy enough to club a baby seal to death (in self defense, of course) and still keep on kicking out music as good as the day i bought it. This little box gives me absolutely no qualms about my readiness to combat the droves of radiation mutated seal offspring vulnerable only to audio equipment we will surely face in the dystopian future that awaits us all. The enclosure is made of a very sturdy material i assume is some aluminum alloy held together by some easily removed screws in case maintanance becomes nessisary, the output contacts are all very secure and there is absolutely no looseness in the volume control knob.
In terms of portability this little DAC simply can't be beat. At about three inches tall and an inch wide it could easily slip into a pocket along with a small USB-B cord. It is nice to be able to carry it around just for some in flight listening and the like, though i would not scoff at someone using it as a main DAC.
The sound is absolutely amazing through the headphones i tested it with, mainly Grado SR60s and MDR-V6s. The only complaint i have is the sound became slightly tinny when driving heavier impodence sets and cranking up the volume over about 75%. But at sub $150, i'm not sure if i can really expect it to do any more.
Overall a great little DAC, besting even some 300$ dacs i've seen. I can whole heartedly recommend this for someone getting into higher end audio.