Reviews by headphonereview


New Head-Fier
Pros: Lightweight, Neutral, Balanced, Stylish
Cons: Cheap build quality, Flat/unexciting sound, Low sensitivity, Narrow ear pads
I'll give a quick overview of my thoughts on the 449's here, but if you want a full review, you can check out a complete breakdown here:
HD 449 Review
My quick thoughts on the HD 449 is that it has a decent sound in that it's tonally accurate as it has a very neutral sound.  The bass, midrange and treble are all well balanced throughout the volume range but overall the sound just lacks that level of detail that gets you tapping your feet and nodding your head.  The one huge plus of the HD 449's is they are super lightweight.  You'll barely notice these things on your head.  To get more detailed information check out the review above, and for more headphone reviews check out my main site:
Headphone Reviews
-Amazing Mids( RIP ATH-M50)
-Great soundstage for a closed back at this price (where you at ATH-M50?)
-Very Balanced sound
-Comfort and sound signature match for long listening sessions (Grado and ATH-M50?) (though this one is faster than the HD 448 and more agressive)
I disagree on the "amazing mids" - while they are definitely not recessed like the M50's (slightly recessed) - they definitely don't have the resolution or the detail the M50's have (I had both and did SEVERAL back to backs).
- Soundstage was good, but I felt the M50's were about on par
- Yes, very balanced sound
- Comfort - no question (if your ears are small enough, which mine are). Grado's - no question, some of the most uncomfy headphones out there. M50's heavier and hotter.
M50 on par with soundstage ? have you tested it with games and movies? m50 has the narrowest sound stage at this price point


New Head-Fier
Pros: Accurate Bass, Lush Midrange, Comfort, Build Quality, Nice Soundstage
Cons: Treble Lacks Some Detail
I reviewed the 32 ohm version of the DT990 Premium Open headphones and I have to tell you it was a joy.  
I'll touch on the major points here but if you want to see my full video review or read my written review, you can head over to the link below....
Briefly, here's what I loved about the DT990 Premiums.  First, they might be the most comfortable set of headphones I've ever put on my head - yes, even better than the T1's or Beyerdynamic's other high end sets! The build quality is incredible and the midrange is probably the best you can get on a set of headphones in the $300's.  The prices seem to be all over the board when you look around on Amazon - the best deals seem to be on the 250 ohm versions and that's probably what I'd go for anyways considering even the 32 ohm version really needs an amp to bring out its full potential.  The bass is detailed and slightly boosted over normal, and really the only weak spot is the treble - it's good, but it doesn't have the ability to reproduce the finest levels of detail that I've grown accustomed to (even in cheaper headphones such as the ATH-M50's).  
Definitely stop by and check out my full review at:
And while you're at it, swing by and visit my YouTube channel at:
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Thanks man - I try and go into the beef of what a headphone or amp has to offer because there's so much on the market it's hard to figure out what to spend your money on!
Ha ha, so true! So many choices so little money. :p
I own DT990 Pro 250 Ohm and I don't find treble resolution on them lacking at all. In fact, I consider treble reproduction to be a strength of this headphone - the quantity is a little out of proportion with the rest of the spectrum, but the quality is top notch and I do hear all the fine details in the high frequencies really well. Not sure what's up with your setup, but there's no way M50 can even approach DT990 in resolution in the highs or elsewhere. I owned M50 for a while and treble was not very good on them - it was bright, but unnatural sounding with a very apparent "metallic" tone to it, and detail wasn't anything to write home about. DT990 is far more delicate, resolving and natural, and it should be, considering that it is an open back headphone that costs quite a bit more than M50.


New Head-Fier
Pros: individual bass/treble adjustments,charge and play,DAC,optical input,digital analog input,usb input,charge bypass,beautiful display
Cons: bass eq isn't as good as e11,digital volume controls
I just wanted to touch on the basics with the pros and cons listed here and give it the ratings it deserves.  Briefly I will say that this thing is an absolute bargain for what it can do and the build quality is absolutely superb.  It's one of those products that you're happy you purchased.  The only weak spot I've found in this device is the bass EQ.  I prefer the bass EQ on the E11 over the E17 as it has more of a natural curve to it where the E17 seems to be a bit more abrupt.  Even with that, this is still an outstanding amplifier.  To get all my thoughts, check out my written and video reviews here:
Good review, ive seen you on youtube with that nice background with the sleeping dogs lol
LOL - yeah, they're the real stars of the show. Thanks for the compliment. I need to port more of the reviews over here - I think I just get lazy with updating all the places (including my own website!).
lol yeah you should post more reviews here and post links to your youtube reviews


New Head-Fier
Pros: rechargeable battery, great bass boost, plenty of power, outstanding price/performance ratio,rotary volume
Cons: can't charge and play, cover is a little thin,doesn't come with LOD cable
For a complete in-depth review you can hit my page where I've gone over this in detail.  I just wanted to list the pros and cons above and leave my feedback here with the star ratings so it can be added to everyone else's opinions.  For the record though, I don't think there's a better price/performance portable headphone amplifier on the market.  Just a crazy good value for a rich and powerful sounding amplifier.
No question - the E11 is heads and tails better than the E6. I've not done a full writeup of the E6 as of yet but it's really not even close. The bass is controlled and also the boost doesn't leak into the midrange on EQ 1. EQ 2 bleeds into the mids just a tad and in some cases is too much for some headphones to handle. But, there's no question that the E11 is a superior amp. Is it worth 2x the price? In my opinion yes.
ok, do you still require to turn on graphical equalizer in your music apps with iPhones or any software equalizer when listening with this device ?
I don't use any EQ other than what's on the E11 when it's plugged in - partly because the headphones I use don't really require any EQ'ing and occasionally I just want a nice bass boost and the E11 provides all that I want!