Reviews by fauxfauxb


New Head-Fier
Pros: Bass is just right, great clarity, comfortable fit, media buttons work well, attractive design, excellent build quality, good tip selection,
Cons: Comply foam tips not included, upper mids a bit lacking,
Recently went about trying to find myself an IEM that I liked the sound of and tested out both the Shure SE215 & sennheiser momentum in ear before getting the RHA's. IMO the momentum was too bass heavy, the shure sounded quite good but doesnt look as nice, is more difficult to put on, less comfortable, and can be more sibilant when you push it to higher volumes. The RHA's are exactly what I wanted in an IEM and sound fairly balanced with a bit of a lean towards the bassy end of the scale depending on your choice of ear tip. 
The slight increase in price of these over the 215's is worth it in my eyes because of the shures downfalls I listed above. If you are looking for an IEM in this price range I think its going to be very hard to beat these. These steel buds are definitely a steal. 9/10
*Note: Price is in CAD
I agree, the clarity and sub bass quality is outstanding, at any price, let alone what these sell for. My only problem is getting and maintaining a comfortable complete seal as iI have narrow ear canals and one is smaller than the others.  I will say had a driver basically rupture and separate from the housing.  It was still within Amazon's 30 day return window so I just exchanged them.  I love the detail and the solid foundation the sub bass presents.  Hearing some stories of driver flex and mine failing has me a little concerned but I've got the three year replacement warranty. Just wish the nozzles were a little narrower.  Interesting you find upper mids lacking cause they seem very neutral with maybe a slight emphasis to me.
I am leaning towards the RHA 750i, one question which is not related to the sound performance  is how comfortable are these to wear for long periods of time and how does the mic perform. I spend 75% of my waking hours on conference calls , iphone 6 and rest on EDM .
I was actively thinking about the Bose Soundtrue  but after listening to them in the Best Buy and the warm bass am leaning towards the RHA  even though I have heard good things about the bose comfort for wearing. 
Shure 215 have heard great things about it, but one concern is that it is aging technology. Should I invest in it ?