Reviews by DokDiesel


New Head-Fier
Pros: Natural bass effect, thin but tough cord, distortion-avoiding moving driver, soft cusions
Cons: Vocals are somewhat recessed, clamping pressure wears off, heavy.
I've owned these for over seven months, so I decided that a review of my experience with them so far would be good. They've met my expectations so far, and were worth the cost. 
Accessories: They come with a cloth drawstring bag for carrying. Honestly, the bag is bad. The string has no clamp, and the knot comes undone. I don't take these out of my house, so the fact that the bag is worthless doesn't matter to me. If you need to take these with you on the go, a different carrying case would be a good investment.
Looks: Skullcandy has been changing lately, and these headphones are proof of that. The styling of them is much less "in your face" and much more "I value how my music sounds" . They are big and basic. They fairly simple, with mostly straight lines and nothing all that striking about them. Even though I'm a teenager I wasn't looking for fashionable headphones, and these definitely are not fashion headphones, which is unique for Skullcandy.
Build Quality: These are made up mostly of plastic, so I wasn't sure how the durability on these would be. After having them for seven months, I can safely say these are durable. I don't treat them all that nicely, but they have no cracks, breaks, scratches, or faded parts. I wore these out in the rain a couple of times, and they are still perfectly fine. The cable they come with is also thin, but definitely not cheaply made. I've run the cable over with my chair quite a few times, and got it stuck in one of the wheels more than once. The cable is showing no signs of wear. Both ends also have a nice metal covering, preventing the cable from damage at the ends. 
Isolation: Very good. One of my friends likes these more than his Beats Studios (Monster version), because the isolation is outstanding for headphones without noise cancellation, but still deliver big on sound.
Now onto the most important part, the sound. I'm very satisfied with the way they sound. 
Lows: This is of course what these were made for. These are in every way basshead headphones, and they shine in in this category. I listen to quite a bit of EDM, mainly subgenres like drumstep, along with country (I live outside a town of 800 people, and I raise steers, so country music is still at the base of my nature) and some rock. In bass-heavy songs, these deliver a nice kick on the lows. The Sensation55 drivers, while supposed to activate at 55 Hz and below, actually activate around 65 Hz. This activation still depends on volume and slider position, so there is no set point where the activate. The slider is also a key feature that helps maintain a healthy amount of bass without gargling up too much of the mids. The Rex40 drivers deliver very good, punchy lows on their own, the the secondary drivers are the key to making these rumble on frequencies that should rumble, albeit too much sometimes. It's really like being a room with well placed subwoofer, rather than a woofer right up against your ear like the old Skullcrushers. On country and rock, as well as most other non-electronic genres, turning the bass boost off will still deliver punchy bass, but will emphasize and the other frequencies much more. 
Mids: The Crushers have some minor difficulties with the mids, at least with the bass-boost on. When the bass-boost is on, vocals are recessed and don't sound all that forward. They don't really sound muffled, but if you really want prominent vocals these arn't the headphones you want. The bass made by the Sensation55 drivers doesn't articulate quickly enough for the mids to sound their best. With the bass-boost off, the Rex40 drivers create good treble, and make the headphones much more suitable for vocal music. 
Highs: The highs arn't spectacular, but they're much better than Skullcandy's lineup is known for. They sound like highs should, clear yet not shrill. They are pleasant to listen to. They don't sound amazing, but that shouldn't be expected from basshead headphones. 
Tl:Dr sound review: Punchy bass that makes a good rumble, mids that are there but sort of an afterthought, and pleasant, fairly clear highs. 
Verdict: If you'r e a basshead, buy these. You won't regret it. Music becomes more fun to listen to, but sacrifices some clarity.
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