Reviews by dankthropod


New Head-Fier
Good performer, poor tuning.
Pros: Impressive build quality!
Good cable.
Good for Rock and Metal.
Good isolation
Not harsh nor silbant
Cons: Mainstream tuning
Dark, and lack of sparkle in treble
Recessed vocals
A bit muddy sometimes.
1. Take my opinion as a grain of salt, it may vary from yours.
2. I may be wrong
3. I have not tried all the headphones/iems/speakers/dacs/amps/daps in the world.

To be honest this was a kind of blind purchase for me. For you guys to better understand my review, I will explain my music preference and the songs that I used to carry out this review. I enjoy pop-rock from the 70s and 80s mostly, classical music, and classic and experimental jazz. As you can see, vocals are important for me, and a punchy and fast bass for jazz is almost a must.

  • Thriller - Michael Jackson
    Very vocal heavy. I love the parts were the eerie voice talks, it really makes some mid-centric headphones shine. Here with the KBEAR diamond I find they were very recessed and lacked the forwardness I was looking for. In fact, they sounded dead, thin and boring, ruining the excitement of such a song.
  • Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
    The bass line from this song is stuck in my head. These IEMs really bring it out, and with the fast driver it uses, It's a pleasure to listen to. That said, the vocals, once again were very recessed. Christie McVie voice sounded thin and difficult to hear over the bass and crashes. Here is were some muddiness starts to slip through the cracks.
  • In My Room - Jacob Collier
    My favourite part about this song is how wide it sounds and how well mastered it is. It was not bad in this IEM, but I would prefer headphones every day.
  • Hip to be square - Huey Lewis and The News
    Same problems that the other 70s and 80s songs from this list.

The build quality was fantastic out of the box. It is true that the glass parts are fingerprint magnets, but it isn't very noticeable from afar. They look very elegant on your ears, and the cable was top quality. There is nothing to mod out of the box.

WARNING: The right driver did sound less out of the box, but thankfully it went away. Don't be scared if it happens, it took like a week to fix.

As you can see from the songs list, my problems are mostly with the tuning of this IEM. It is so sad they ruined how it sounds even though it was a good performer. It blends in with most mediocre and mainstream IEMs, and not what I was looking for:

Ah the bass, it is something this IEM handles great. It's fast, punchy, detailed, and exciting. Yet there is one big letdown, the amount of it. There is simply too much. Way too much. It ruins the mids, and speak about the devil:

For all of you newbies reading this, the mids is where most of the music lives. Everything except the bass, kickdrum and cymbals. Sadly this is were this IEM performs worst. Vocals were recessed and thin, some instruments were muddy because of the mid-bass boost. It was hollow, not rich at all. I guess it would sound good to the mainstream and maybe that is what KBEAR were trying to target, but I would use my arias all day before using this due to the mids. And it was squashed between the bass and the

They lacked resolution and detail. Even though there was a lot of treble, there was no sparkle. It just sounded... lifeless. I mean it was there, but not what I was expecting from an IEM.

It's kind of hit or miss, the may be up your alley or a disappointment. For me, it was the latter. But let me remind you again. This is my opinion, and I am a dumbass. So on that note, goodbye.
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I was lucky enough to get one after Kbear discontinued this model.

Stock tuning is generic v-shape, nothing that will hold your attention for more than 30 seconds.

Do like the bass on these tho, I use these with Wavelet, retuned mine to sound like the Sennheiser IE600 which has much better tonality than this.

These still lack technicalities, but that is to be expected from a budget single DD IEM.


New Head-Fier
Fantastic desktop headamp at that pricepoint
Pros: Price
Powerful beast (Can drive my hungriest cans, the he400se, perfectly)
Clear sound
Cons: Somewhat lacking in richness, but nothing bothersome for that price-point.
1. Take my opinion as a grain of salt, it may vary from yours.
2. I may be wrong
3. I have not tried all the amps in the world.

I tested this amplifier as it was meant to be tested, accompanied by its sibling, the topping e30 DAC. This pairing makes a quite pleasing stack, that complement each other quite nicely. This item was bought for 110 euros, so I will be comparing it to other amplifiers at that price-point. In total, the full combo cost me 220 euros. But does being affordable means making too many compromises? Let’s dig into this review and find out.

The amp and dac both look very well built. They are made of aluminium and have a very premium finish. The front is covered in some acrylic glass that looks very modern and exclusive. Impressive overall.

In the front you can see two switches, a 6.35 mm jack, and a volume knob Did I mention that for 110 euros you have the luxury of using it as a preamp, and an amp? Sadly both outputs cannot be used at the same time, but it is still very neat. You can select this using the first switch. Using the second switch, you can select the gain mode, +9db, 0db or -9db. Using headphones I like to keep mine at 0 or 9db, but -9 is pretty useful for extremely sensitive headphones, like some iems. In the back, we can see a pair of RCA inputs and another pair of RCA outputs.

The topping L30 uses amplifier modules found in topping's flagship amplifier, the A90. This amp can easily drive low impedance headphones. Output impedance on headphone out is less than 0.1 Ohm. In preamp mode, output impedance is as low as 20 Ohm.

The maximum power output is 3.5 W @ 16 Ohm, which is pretty good for our budget L30. Although in practice I achieved less, since realistically average DACs can only output 2W of power. But this is more than enough to drive many different cans.

I'm relatively knew to the audio space so I'm not especially good at describing how something sounds, although I'll try my best.

The sound is clean but a little bit too analytical for my taste. The bass is fast. It's deep and starts and stops at the correct time. It can sound punchy and exciting if it requires so. Dynamics are something this amp excels at small and large scale changes feel so rich and natural.

I will give this amp the highest honour I can bestow, and that is keeping it and using it as my daily driver. This amp has surprised me a lot, and in a nice way. It is amazing for its price, and I hope more people can join this really cool hobby thanks to amazing brands like topping and schiit putting out stuff like this.
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