Reviews by chumichael129


New Head-Fier
Pros: Clear Bass, Stylish, "Branded", Build Quality
Cons: Uncomfortable After Long Periods, Overpriced, Rigid Build
Okay, I get it, userbase just hate these headphones, and as a user, I'd like to offer my point of view to the majority and just show Monster some love.
First Off, Build:
They are simply Tanks, I have dropped them, threw them, and slammed them a couple times, and man they hold well. The Aluminum Body really gives it the Build Quality. A little Con here is the Extenders and the Rigid Build. The Extenders aren't equal on both sides and tend to slip compared to the Studios and Solos. I mean, they do stick when you pull it at a certain angle, but usually they just slip around. Second Con is that they tend to make this Cracking sound every once in a while (maybe it's just the way I handle it) but they just sound like they're about to break. I'd say they could've made the earcuffs that little better. When you put around your neck, the ear cuffs are too large, and they don't fit your ear well making it uncomfortable over time. The padding is quite nice though. People sometimes complain about the weight and the clampi-ness of the Pro's, but I'm not going to, since I love the weight and clamp on it. (Subjective)
A little thing on the cable. My cables actually broke soon after I bought it, but I think it could be my iPod since it broke altogether.
So, the style. I'm not really sure on how to grade this. I'm not wearing them outside often these days because they are just too heavy and bulky to bring around as a street-wear headphone. I mean, if you're going to bring it to a club as a DJ, then to the next club, then to the next, that's acceptable, but to walk down the street with this on your head? Nay, they don't look bad, just too bulky.
Audio Quality:
Not Bad, just not worth it here. You can get the same quality with a quarter priced head-phone. The bass (me being an EXTREMELY bassy person, I love the sound) is simply clear and impressive, just over powers if you listen to metals/rock/ or anything bass heavy music. The mid-tones are pretty clean and clear, you can hear everything as long as the bass doesn't overpower. Lastly, the high's. The high's aren't all that audible. You can hear them, but aren't as clear as the mids and lows. They are clean though.
The are worth the value IF: 
You don't handle stuff with too much care
Love Style and Branded Stuff
A DJ who needs something stylish but not poor in audio quality.
They aren't worth it though IF:
You are the BEST OWNER in the whole wide world and your devices has never dropped ever.
Don't really mind the style and dislike/don't need branded stuff.
An audiophile or just someone who REQUIRES the $400 Audio Quality.
Personal Conclusion:
I would say if you own one, sell it to a friend for 200 ~ 300 Dollars, then just get a cheaper headphone with similar/better audio quality. They really aren't worth it unless you technically attempt to destroy things. If you aren't careful, just get something of Build Quality and it's pretty much enough. THOUGH I would get it if you manage to obtain them for a much lower price,$100 ~ $200 would be a pretty good price.
Garbage sold for $430 bucks , thats why dr dre made $110 million this year...well im glad i didnt put a dime in his pocket
Funny but when I had a quick audition of these the bass to me was their weakest aspect - very boomy by my standards. Midrange was relatively clear but sounded metallic, and trble extension was pretty bad but at least there was no obvious issue with sibilance. They were not as bad as I was expecting and I can see why kids gush over them, especially if you haven't heard anything better. I have to admit I have bought equally ordinary if not worse headphones when I was starting out (Senn HD215 and Sony V700 DJ.) The marketing on these is complete joke though - have a read of the retail package if you want a good laugh.
I read the box when I was in Best Buy. People were staring at me as I mumbled "What" under my breath.