Reviews by ashbeowulf


Pros: Great bass, clear highs, extremely comfortable. Beautiful. Long cord
Cons: Long cord can be a handful when trying to use it with a portable device
I purchased these from a fellow head-fier a week ago, and just got these in today. I got home at 3:30PM eastern time, and it's now 8:30 and apart from grabbing a quick dinner upstairs, these headphones have been glued to my head all day. I'd like to think I can give a fairly good review of what I've experienced so far.
Firstly, ergonomics: These headphones are comfortable as all hell. Coming from a pair of Grado SR80i's, comfort is a huge issue in the forefront of my mind. Whereas the Grados with stock pads would tire me out after maybe an hour of listening, these have nearly no clamping effect, and the pads sit comfortably like a big pillow against the sides of my head. Very comfortable. I notice very little sweating effect, either, which I was really concerned about with the fake leather pads. The long cable that comes with these headphones is both a boon and an issue at times. It's great for sitting down listening to my record player, which is about 5-feet away from my computer desk. Gives me plenty of room to not have to worry about accidentally yanking the plug out or damaging something. However, it also feels like I'm going to be rolling over it with my desk chair sometimes.
As for aesthetics: these headphones are sleek. The fake leather headband and pads are sleek and refined, coupled with brushed-metal accents on the headphone band and the great wooden cups. These look like 400 dollars well spent, which I would not be able to say if I had bought the Grado 325i's, for example.
Next, I'd like to talk about what I've experienced so far with sound quality:
So far, I've listened to quite a wide variety of genres in the short time that I've owned these, and I think it's given me a well-rounded opinion of what music they are good for and what music they aren't so great at. I'd like to say up front that I don't feel like any of the music I listened to has sounded "bad" on these headphones. There were a few that did sound like they fit better when listened through the Grado sr80i's that I used as comparison.
The first thing I listened to was Glitch Mob's "Drink the Sea" album on vinyl. Quite to my surprise, the bass I experienced wasn't as overpowering as many people claimed it was on these cans. I found it to be mellow, but present, and very accurate. The highs were also very forward and clear. The highs were as clear as on my Grados. Contrary to what some found, I thought the mids didn't sound "recessed" but more that they sounded that way as a natural effect of creating a "rounder" listening experience. I felt like each sound was represented as it should have been in a natural setting.
Next up was "Rumours" on vinyl, by Fleetwood Mac. I can't begin to say how much this album blew me away on these. You can hear every nuance in Lindsey Buckingham's guitar playing. You can hear every strum and every finger slide, and it comes through so richly and warmly that I just feel like I'm hearing every note for the first time. Stevie Nick's voice sounds amazing and really shows off the treble on these headphones beautifully.
I listened to Prodigy, and found the bass very accurate and very booming. Will have to try some more later.
I read in a review somewhere that these cans aren't good at classical music, but I'm listening to Mozart's Requiem through my hisoundaudio Rocoo P right now and I find the sound to be very rich and detailed. The sound stage is excellent and the bass really enhances everything in a way that the Grados could never accomplish. Hearing the cellos and basses to the bottom of their ranges really enhances the feeling of "being there."
My experience with headphones is limited, and I'm by far no expert on the subject, but I find these headphones to give a very rich experience. The only genre I found them to be just "okay" for was listening to punk. I'll have to give this further investigation, but at first glance I seemed to prefer the Grados for their clarifying effect on punk vocals and the fast-paced attack of everything.
Personally, these were absolutely worth the price. Hopefully others will find this helpful and since they are now discontinued, prices will help bring more into the fold of these excellent headphones.
Been using these for about 3 weeks now. They are great. Comfort is amazing; I wear them between 4-6 hours straight daily without any discomfort. No heat/sweat issues. The sound quality is still amazing. I tried putting on my pair of Grado SR80i's and they just couldn't hold a candle to these. I felt like I was putting a toy on my head. Every genre I've listened to through these has sounded great. I've started listening to music almost constantly since buying these. Really an extra joy to life :)


Pros: Cheap, clear, great sound stage, long sturdy wire
Cons: Not comfortable over long periods, aesthetically not amazing
I've had these headphones for about a week and a half now, and all I can say is wow. These have doubled or tripled my amount of time spent listening to music. I came from a pair of Klipsch Image Ones, and the Grados blow them out of the water in nearly every respect. My first thoughts on unboxing were the nice long, thick sturdy cable that comes with these. At first I thought it would be too long, but when wearing the phones, it's just the right length that I don't trip on it, but it's still able to reach my amp/phono combo.
Let me say, I'm not exactly an audiophile, but these headphones have definitely got me moving on that course. Coming from the Klipsches where the bass was sometimes very muddy and had a tendency to ruin other frequency ranges, these feel extremely accurate. I hear sounds in songs that I never heard before, despite repeat listenings. My current source is a Technics SL-BD22 turntable connected to a Technics SU-G75 amp. Just recently got into the vinyl scene, but I can say that these headphones accurately represent music across such a wide spectrum of genres. The majority of what I listen to is punk music, so I'd say that the most distinct thing I notice about that is the clarity of the vocals and especially the hi-hats and cymbals are very clear and crisp. Phil Collins and Elton John both sounded great through these as well. The sound stage on these is very robust, and I feel a huge difference from the closed environment of the Klipsch headphones. Definitely never going back to closed headphones again.
One thing that I have to say about these phones, is that if you listen to a lot of dubstep or Skrillex or similar artists, these headphones may be bass lacking for your tastes. As I'm writing this review, I'm listening to Glitch Mob's "Drink the Sea" album. The mids and highs are extremely accurate, and the bass is accurate as well but it's just not the boom that you really need for this type of music. For everything else though, including other techno artists, I've found the bass to be more than adequate for my needs. Was listening to Discovery by Daft Punk yesterday and can't remember the last time I've heard it sound so good.
Another complaint I have is that I can't listen to these for more than maybe 3 hours at a time without discomfort. If I take them off for an hour, though, I can go right back to listening without any issues. Should also note I wear glasses and this seems to affect this also.
I'm a poor guy in my mid-20s, so for me, these headphones absolutely cannot be beat for the price. I'd say anyone looking for headphones in the 100 and under price range, don't even bat an eye, grab these Grados in a second. I'm EXTREMELY pleased with my purchase and would do it again in a heartbeat.
I find the build quality to be quite sturdy, although very minimalistic and suited to one purpose: delivering amazing sound. The discomfort is really only on my ears. I feel no pressure on my head at all, but the ridges on my ears start hurting after awhile. Waiting on a Millet amp that I bought from a fellow head-fier and a Rocoo P DAP, so those should fit nicely with the grados :)
hi, ashbeowulf, i noticed you had the klipsche image one, as do i, and thinking of returning them for the Grado sr80i. I am reading so many positive reviews about them but im not sure if they will have enough bass for me. I am into all genres of music, however, i prefer house / techno/, stuff with deep bass. I dont need anything TOO overpowering (The klipsche can be pretty overpowering at times), but i NEED the bass to just be there. How is the bass on the grados? Is it lacking alot or is it just right? Can i get away with enjoying house with them? Thanks
To answer my own question, now that i received my grados in the mail....YES THEY ARE PERFECT FOR HOUSE MUSIC...the bass is awsome! ...with some amp power however......thanks for nothing fellow hi-fags!