Reviews by archclan


New Head-Fier
Pros: unique aesthetic, electrostatz!, comfortable
Cons: eapads (situational) needs better, durable cable
I am very new to headphones and I have been slowly building my headphone collection, the best one i had was the sennheiser hd98 and these cans really blew that one out of the water and the other headphones i owned! the only downside for me is that i had to replace the ear pads because i have big ears and the stock earpads just hurts my ears. after using it for awhile now i can really hear the difference it made the music i listen to! the music felt more lively and not as dull like what i had before, I exclusively listen to KPOP and you know their music is very lively and these cans just enhanced that more!  it was an eye opener for sure! The pricing on it is really great because M&J really made it accessible for people with not much to spend like me hahaha. I look forward to their other headphones. One suggestion is i think it would be cool if we can change the plates on the sides with other designs I think that would make the product more pop, but thats just me.
Super review archclan! It is obvious you really like the Electrostatz. What pads did you get to replace the stock set? Are you happy with them? Thanks for taking the time to review the Mitchell & Johnson GL2 SE.