Reviews by angel24


New Head-Fier
Pros: Excellent sound quality, comfortable Good quality construction and materials, long battery time.
Cons: weigh slightly
I like a good sound for my music I listen to rock , pop , ballad, techno , electronic etc. ... a little of everything to anime music . This headset then buy what you do not fill my expectations my mdr- 10r so I went to the older models like the mdr- 1rbt .

The sound quality of the mdr- 1rbt is far superior to my previous mdr- 10r the sound is warm, natural and filled with more depth and better bass feels the wider music and the highs are detailed and not bother the ear means are clear and comprehensive basses are strong and good extention (media are clear all the instruments and vocals and the bass is deep with extension without disturbing the rest of the frequencies) and took a month to use them use them more with cable and a little with the bluetooth sound quality on bluetooth is very good almost no quality change is noticed the headset receives AAC format in highest quality transmission according to paguina sony seems perfect if you're not a purist if not you will have to buy the mk2 version which is more expensive with APTX .

comfort is good feels comfortable on the ears and head can you feel something warm after a long period of use or if the day is hot, my ears with something great but I have no discomfort when wearing them , the other negative is the weight that weighs 297gr notice the time but you get used to start can be a nuisance in the neck.

The quality of construction, I have no complaints good work in the plastic used is given the top grade plastic materials that could be used feels strong and durable, the battery lasts and lasts and lasts a long time before having to charge it is a wireless monster. 30 hours
highly recommend it to anyone, it has a decent sound can use wired or wireless with a very good sound quality and they look great profesional.