Reviews by Amodymous


Pros: Very realistic and large soundstage, excellent imaging, positional accuracy, lush, smooth mids, non fatiguing highs, tight bass, good all rounder.
Cons: Bass can have more thump, but good enough for a compromise between competitive and casual gaming (with a little EQ, can have more bass).
- Overall this headphone has to be the best under $200 price range. Sure, some may argue AT AD900X have more soundstage and better for gaming, but have less bass from my experience and 3D Wing isn't the most reliable for comfort. Also, ear pads were not the best for me. Furthermore, HD598 have a more immersive sound than AD900X, more bass rumble and warmth to sound, AT sounded like a tin can trying to be a subwoofer; but that's not to say the AT is also a fine pair of headphones, it just wasn't right for me. The need to not require an amp to power the HD598 was also a plus, since can power it through onboard sound with ease for those who don't want to invest too much in audio equipment. Overall, HD598 very good for movies and games and should be an investment everyone should be satisfied with. Because of these headphones, that's what got me into being an audiophile and continue to continue trend up HD line, such as 600's.
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The HD598 was my first proper "audiophile" headphone, and they served as an eye-opener for me.  For an approximately $150 headphone, they do neutral sound very well.  Even though they've been superseded by my HD700 setup, I still use them for portability when traveling and staying outside of my house  I think Sennheiser has become aware of the HD598's status and began offering a custom edition with shorter cables, and even a closed back version (HD598cs) for those who love the HD598 profile and soundshape, but need less impedance for iphones, and want a twinge more bass (and less sound leakage).  If you want to open them up a bit, their great weakspot is a very cheap cable - pales in comparison the HD6xx / HD700 series that are made in Ireland (the HD800-series are another story altogether).  A thicker cable helped my 598s get a bit more bass and clarity out of them.  
I will say though, interesting use of the HD598s for gaming.  Keep us posted on whatever mods you do to the 598s!