Reviews by Aaaaa


New Head-Fier
Pros: Sweet smooth sound
Cons: Expensive
First what you really want to know. Is the HD800S the HD800 with the hot peaky treble fixed? Yes. Sennheiser had the testing equipment and the engineers to take the “6 khz mod” and optimize it until they could really address the treble problems so well described by reviewers on Head-Fi and other sites. I am very sensitive to harsh sounding headphones and other gear, so I was on pins and needles waiting for the HD800S to arrive, wondering if I had blown two grand on a pair of headphones I would not enjoy listening to. After 50 hours or so of burn in, they smoothed out very nicely. I love listening to well recorded lossless and hi-res classical and jazz music, especially violin pieces. I absolutely love listening to these phones. Nuff said!
Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
Ah, so for the sake of accuracy it has to be a no. I get that it is plausible they knew of the mod, but it is equally plausible the issue was solved in another manner altogether. Regardless, if there is doubt the reviewer should remove the reference to how the Sennheiser engineers achieved the treble fix as he has no idea about that, not directly anyway.
Expensive? I think cheap, compared to HE-1000, LCD-4
There was a 6kz problem. Anax mod tried to address this problem. Sennheiser also addressed this problem. Ergo Sennheiser optimized anax mod. QED.