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  • Users: xlEnt
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  1. xlEnt

    Sony MDR-1A - Sony's latest update on the 1R

    how do these compare to the DT-770 Pro 250 ohm   Ill probably be using it mainly hooked up to a laptop of some sort, mainly at work.   i use earbuds while walking about so portability is not all that important, but comfort and sound quality/fun sound signature is important.
  2. xlEnt

    Desktop Amp AudioEngine Topping TP21 vs TP41 vs AudioEngineer N22

    c100b nothing fancy just have them sitting around w/o a desktop amp   figure i could use a an amp for the grado 325i too
  3. xlEnt

    Desktop Amp AudioEngine Topping TP21 vs TP41 vs AudioEngineer N22

    Hi i'm looking for an all in one desktop amp.   currently i have an emu 0404 usb plugged into my mac as a dac (usb, should i use optical instead?) im looking to buy an amp to feed my grado 325i and some Energy Book shelf speakers (C100B) would anyone recommend any of these amps   Topping...
  4. xlEnt

    Gym headphones NOT IEM

    are those recommendation from experience? when looking into the porta pros, they don't appear to be headphones that would stay on your head while you're running/being active   and the sporta pros apparently don't sound nearly as good as the porta pros..   the dt235&jvc has400 look...
  5. xlEnt

    Gym headphones NOT IEM

    Looking for some decent headphones that can be used at the gym   can't be IEM's as my ears are sensitive and the sweat being pushed into my ear is the reason i'm now looking for non IEM   was considering the px100, but they've gone up in price the last time i checked, and even then i...
  6. xlEnt

    Sunset Rubdown - Dragonslayer

    most excellent album.
  7. xlEnt

    The Sennheiser HD 800: The First Listen, The First Review

    wallet: DO NOT WANT! quiet you.
  8. xlEnt

    The Sennheiser HD580 Impressions Thread

    so bought a pair of grado sr-60's and really listened to them for the first time... thank goodness i still have my HD580's! grado's arent terrible but i guess 4 years of hearing all the hoopla about them i really do appreciate my HD580's that much more.
  9. xlEnt

    Yuin PK-1 Donut cushions?

    Where can they be had.. all of my prior ones have been torn due to regular wear and tear and id like to order a few of them.. hopefully at a good price I was at radio shack earlier and the regular cushions are like 5 bucks for a pack of four or 1.25 per and i figure i could of bought cheap...
  10. xlEnt

    Looking For Some New Indie Bands

    broken west is care free fun
  11. xlEnt

    MLB 08 playoff thread

    Angels Cubs WOrld series 08! as long as its not red sox and dodgers though i'll be content. just bought two ALCS tickets today game 1 and game 7! hope we get the homefield advantage.
  12. xlEnt


    very cool i prefer it to the one released w/ itunes however, the only main gripe i have with it is neither the iTunes 8 or magnetosphere support multi monitor still.. it keeps me amused
  13. xlEnt

    Newb looking for some info on Vintage Recievers/Cheap Speaker Option

    Hello head-fiers I plan to go flea market/thrift store shopping for a relatively cheap speaker option for my Desktop this weekend. I was going to go pick up my chaintech av-710 from a friend and from what i recall the line out on the sound card is mad decent. I'm trying to fund a relatively...
  14. xlEnt

    What other music forums do you read? forum is pretty amazing
  15. xlEnt

    Ipod Classic static/crackling at certain tones

    Quote: Originally Posted by bigshot All iPods will pause or skip if the buffer overflows. You're probably trying to play tracks that are larger than the built in RAM. Use AAC instead of lossless and that problem with go away. See ya Steve like i said i didnt have this problem...
  16. xlEnt

    Ipod Classic static/crackling at certain tones

    i dont know about certain tones but my 160gig class sometimes pauses/skips on certain tracks randomly. I can't renact the situation even if i tried to w/ the same tracks at the same moment. Did not have this problem w/ the 5g =\ kind of discerning but i kind of knew i was getting myself into for...
  17. xlEnt

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part X]

    Quote: Originally Posted by DJGeorgeT not really silly if you care about sound quality not a joke but it did go way over your head i mean i care about sound quality but i mean apparently every--, well most, have drawn a line where functionality and ease line has been drawn...
  18. xlEnt

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part X]

    am i wrong to think some of these rigs are downright silly or is this some weird tongue in cheek joke thing thats totally gone over my head?
  19. xlEnt

    Want to try my hand at making music.

    i'd like to try this too tho i'm more interested in trying to make remix mashups or whatever. what would be a good source to get samples etc? thanks i'll be keeping an eye on this thread
  20. xlEnt

    iPod Touch or Classic?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Sparky191 Its a pity about the remote. While I like the touch interface, I personally find buttons are better for where I use my portables. In the office and commuting. thats what help me decide, while the touch is really cool its kind of just a...
  21. xlEnt

    Female Jazz & R&B Suggestions Please.

    kind of acid jazz/nu jazz or whatever (i dont really know but theres definatly a electronic influence) try: Little Dragon or Belleruche
  22. xlEnt

    My 32GB Flash IPod Mini

    what's the battery life?
  23. xlEnt

    Vampire Weekend

  24. xlEnt

    How difficult would it be to replace a 1/8th female headphone port on my amp?

    I've never soldered anything.. ever .. I dont even own a soldering iron. But i've always been really curious about making an amp/recabling my headphones so how should I approach my broken amp? The headphone port cracked and the slightest touch seems to change the sound so i'm assuming its not...
  25. xlEnt

    READ THIS: Serious flaws in ipod classic

    Quote: Originally Posted by Spektrograf It may just be an issue of setup differences. My 4G iPod (click-wheel) LO sounds dramatically better through SM3v3 > HD580's than my 160GB Classic. I keep trying to convince myself that it isn't so, but it is... and there's no getting around it...