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  1. codythelucario

    Did i choose the wrong headphone? Maxwell vs HD600

    I recently sold my HD600 because the tuning on it was bad for my music tastes. The mids are very well tuned for hip hop but the hd600 was very sub-par with the sub-bass, bass, and highs (this one due to sennheiser veil) which made it disengaging. If I focused on the vocals only the hd600 was the...
  2. codythelucario

    Does anyone EQ the sub-bass of the HD600?

    In the past I didn't know what sub-bass even was so I assumed my HD600s were super dull. Now that I know what it is it still has that problem, but I just EQ'd the sub-bass and now I get more life out of them. The mid and high's, lush and smooth, with the intimate vocals. Now with sub-bass...
  3. codythelucario

    Does it make sense to be an audio purist?

    Personally, I am a purist because I buy the headphones with their sound signature. However, knowing that nothing is perfect in life, I also can see the perspective that it is impossible to be a purist because no headphone is gonna be 100% to your liking. So, does it make sense to be a purist...
  4. codythelucario

    Is sub-bass a must in modern pop ahd hip hop tracks (with EDM elements)?

    I'm looking at acquiring a dt990 pro as a sidegrsfe to my hd600. I'm kinda strapped for cash but I can make do with a dt990 EQ'd for the tracks I listened to. But for hip hop and pop is sub-bass crucial? Also does anyone use the hd600 for these tracks? I feel like the hd600s are satisfactory...
  5. codythelucario

    Falling in love, out, and back again: the HD600

    I got the HD600's approximately last year, and I loves these headphones at the store so I impulsively bought it. I've enjoyed sennheiser products, but recently I felt like I have lost my way.... I listen to a lot of rap, hip-hop, pop, electronic type music from modern times, so a lot of...
  6. codythelucario

    Headphone recommendations under $300, preferably planar magnetics. Or if possible, ways to give an oomph to my HD600 sub-bass!

    Hi! I resorted to asking on this site as my reddit account was unable to post in r/HeadphoneAdvice, which I believe I was rate limited for some reason. I have contacted the mods on that subreddit but haven't heard back, so I will ask here as this site is more specialized in audio than anywhere...
  7. codythelucario

    repost from my reddit account, but I think I fixed the HD600 sub-bass rolloff with Equalizer APO using these settings

    So basically for those wanting to resolve the sub-bass rolloff, someone from headphoneadvice and headphones subs gave me some EQ settings to play with and I'd thought I'd share my thoughts: These are my settings on Equalizer APO: Preamp: -9.3 dB Filter: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain 4 dB Q 1.1...
  8. codythelucario

    Peace APO adjustment for HD600 sub-bass rolloff... is this sufficient?

    So basically I adjusted the settings according to what I have in the second picture, and I based off my first adjustments based on the difference between the output of the hd600 before eq and the Harman target. After adjusting I seem to be getting more bass which is good, but would this be a bad...
  9. codythelucario

    hd660s2 and sub-bass?

    I've been taking a look at this since its on sale for $399.99 When I tried it out at the store it kinda lacked sub-bass but it was definitely a lot better than my hd600 by the way, I listen to modern rap so that was why i was asking for sub-bass I've also been eyeing the dt990 pro since its...
  10. codythelucario

    Listening to modern hip hop on my HD600s, and im fine with the lack of sub-bass apparently?

    I never really thought of this, but actually, compared to what I previously thought in my previous post, I am actually fine with the sub bas roll off on my HD600's? I feel weird saying this considering that these tracks rely heavily on sub-bass, but I was fine with it until recently where I felt...
  11. codythelucario

    Wondering whether I bought the wrong pair of headphones the wrong time - HD600 and sub-bass

    Lately, I found that the sub bass has been lacking. I relatively enjoy the low end on these cans, but lately I can't help but notice how bass is lacking compared to even my Momentum 4 wireless headphones. It makes modern trap/rap tracks from Future sound a bit flat. I hope I can solve this...
  12. codythelucario

    Short mini-review of HD599 and HD560s

    Today, I tried out the Best Buy HD560s and compared it to my HD599 on the spot. I used the rapcaviar playlist on spotify and "Don't Drift too Far by Elephant Revival". Methodology Listening on: Galaxy S22 Ultra, using Apple USB-C to 3.5mm headphone jack. 599s are used with AutoEQ+limiter...
  13. codythelucario

    Does anyone use AutoEQ or Oratory1990 to equalize their headphones?

    Earlier today I equalized my HD599s to Oratory's Harman curve and damn the highs were so much clearer and detailed. It opened my world on my HD599s. Before that moment I was considering selling my 599s and my B&W PX to get the 560s but after that I don't think I'm gonna do that. I also recall...
  14. codythelucario

    599 or 560s?

    Thinking of getting the 560s and selling the 599. The sound is ok on the 599 but I went to best buy and was blown away at the 560s sound signature. But, I did get the 599 for $90 on an Amazon lightning deal on October. Wonder if it's worth it, and how does it compare to the 560s and whether it...
  15. codythelucario

    Bowers and Wilkins PX - anyone long term owners have opinions on them?

    I just got the PX for my birthday two weeks ago. The sound signature was kinda muddy but I'm wondering if i gave these headphones a fair chance considering the amount of people both praising it and recommending against it. I also did end up EQing it with AutoEQ on my S22 Ultra and the Peace APO...